115 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Steganografi pada Citra dengan Metode Blowfish dan Sequential Colour Cycle

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, membuat sebuah perjalanan data melalui internet menjadi tidak aman. Untuk menjaga keamanan sebuah data tersebut, dibuatlah sebuah teknik pengamanan data menggunakan kriptografi. Namun, pengamanan dengan kriptografi masih membuat pihak ketiga menjadi curiga karena Perubahan data masih terlihat. Untuk itu dilakukanlah kombinasi kriptografi dengan steganografi. Pada penelitian ini, algoritma kriptografi yang digunakan adalah algoritma Blowfish. Informasi yang telah dienkripsi dengan menggunakan algoritma Blowfish tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam media gambar dengan algoritma Steganografi, dalam hal ini algoritma steganografi yang digunakan adalah Sequential Colour Cycle. Kombinasi algoritma Blowfish dan Sequential Colour Cycle ini dapat memberikan peningkatan kualitas pengamanan pada suatu media gambar, sehingga informasi yang terdapat di dalam media gambar tidak diketahui oleh orang yang tidak di inginkan

    Image security system using hybrid cryptosystem

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    This work presents and describes a novel method to hide messages in images in a hybrid manner, as steganography is combined with quantum cryptography. Through stimulating and implementing this hybrid approach, the least significant bit (LSB) substitution is employed for hiding secret messages within cover images that consist of three bands (Red, Green and Blue), after which the output is encrypted using quantum one-time pad encryption. The models are illustrated explicitly and tested. In addition, the test analysis uses a steganalysis tool called StegExpose to detect LSB steganography in images. The experimental results proved that the image hiding is reliably secure and undetectable, and hence the proposed new hybrid model provides a sufficient security level as well as we have tested the proposed system using robust state-of- the-art steganalysis techniques and found the low payload threshold maintained in the proposed system produces a high margin of communication security safety. No payload files were detected (0% detections), despite each file containing the entire content of the information as embedded text

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Steganografi pada Citra dengan Metode Blowfish dan Sequential Colour Cycle

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, membuat sebuah perjalanan data melalui internet menjadi tidak aman. Untuk menjaga keamanan sebuah data tersebut, dibuatlah sebuah teknik pengamanan data menggunakan kriptografi. Namun, pengamanan dengan kriptografi masih membuat pihak ketiga menjadi curiga karena perubahan data masih terlihat. Untuk itu dilakukanlah kombinasi kriptografi dengan steganografi. Pada penelitian ini, algoritma kriptografi yang digunakan adalah algoritma Blowfish. Informasi yang telah dienkripsi dengan menggunakan algoritma Blowfish tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam media gambar dengan algoritma Steganografi, dalam hal ini algoritma steganografi yang digunakan adalah Sequential Colour Cycle. Kombinasi algoritma Blowfish dan Sequential Colour Cycle ini dapat memberikan peningkatan kualitas pengamanan pada suatu media gambar, sehingga informasi yang terdapat di dalam media gambar tidak diketahui oleh orang yang tidak di inginkan

    A review and open issues of multifarious image steganography techniques in spatial domain

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    Nowadays, information hiding is becoming a helpful technique and fetch more attention due fast growth of using internet, it is applied for sending secret information by using different techniques. Steganography is one of major important technique in information hiding. Steganography is science of concealing the secure information within a carrier object to provide the secure communication though the internet, so that no one can recognize and detect it’s except the sender & receiver. In steganography, many various carrier formats can be used such as an image, video, protocol, audio. The digital image is most popular used as a carrier file due its frequency on internet. There are many techniques variable for image steganography, each has own strong and weak points. In this study, we conducted a review of image steganography in spatial domain to explore the term image steganography by reviewing, collecting, synthesizing and analyze the challenges of different studies which related to this area published from 2014 to 2017. The aims of this review is provides an overview of image steganography and comparison between approved studies are discussed according to the pixel selection, payload capacity and embedding algorithm to open important research issues in the future works and obtain a robust method

    Multi-algorithmic Cryptography using Deterministic Chaos with Applications to Mobile Communications

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    In this extended paper, we present an overview of the principal issues associated with cryptography, providing historically significant examples for illustrative purposes as part of a short tutorial for readers that are not familiar with the subject matter. This is used to introduce the role that nonlinear dynamics and chaos play in the design of encryption engines which utilize different types of Iteration Function Systems (IFS). The design of such encryption engines requires that they conform to the principles associated with diffusion and confusion for generating ciphers that are of a maximum entropy type. For this reason, the role of confusion and diffusion in cryptography is discussed giving a design guide to the construction of ciphers that are based on the use of IFS. We then present the background and operating framework associated with a new product - CrypsticTM - which is based on the application of multi-algorithmic IFS to design encryption engines mounted on a USB memory stick using both disinformation and obfuscation to ‘hide’ a forensically inert application. The protocols and procedures associated with the use of this product are also briefly discussed

    User acceptance of systems for archiving and securing degree certificates and related documents.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Changing economic circumstances have led to the investigation of alternative solutions to economic problems. This has had an impact on communities who see academic qualifications as a solution to securing employment. With the increase in job opportunities requiring suitable qualifications, an increase in ‘qualification competition’ has occurred. This has resulted in academic qualifications being seen as a ‘key’ to securing employment. Unfortunately, such a perception has caused many individuals to pursue opportunities using ‘quick fix’ solutions and acquiring academic qualifications through breaches of security around these qualifications. Higher Education is one of the many sectors that is battling with security issues of this type. In South Africa alone, for the past few years, there has been a considerable increase in cases of persons who have been found to have faked either their senior certificates or university degrees, including doctorates. This is becoming a growing concern as it taints the image of the higher education sector in South Africa, and places at risk international relationshipsin higher education and beyond that the country has enjoyed over many years. Many education sectors are based on security systems in which the basic data of a person’s name and surname, for example, are retained when they graduateand the qualification they have legitimately received is recorded. This data is used when a re-print of a certificate is required. Though this method has been working well for some time, it has developed major flaws, in line with the sophistication of information and communications technology in general. This applies especially to the ability to edit e-versions of a certificate using image processing software. Thus, proper verification of the data captured in an e-version or hardcopy of a certificate (when reprinted, for example), represents an increasing risk, and, in some cases, results in a breach of security. Furthermore, some individuals have found ways to e-edit and print their own certificates, which look effectively identical to the authenticated certificates. While the emerging trend in various sectors is to store all data using the appropriate technology tools as a security measure for protecting information, organizations are becoming exposed to cybercrimes. As a result, data security has increasingly become a cause for concern. What is most disturbing, is that computer security breaches have increased, and in many cases, shown to be the result of ‘insider misuse and abuse’ of the information security measures established by an organization. It is for this reason that the current study and the work reported in this thesis has been undertaken and involves a focus on understanding what causes users to accept and follow an organization’s information systems security measures. The study is informed by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), as a framework to explore securing and archiving academic transcripts at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The results showed that the intention of the UKZN staff to use the system positively, relates to their performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. The use of UTAUT in a mixed methods study within an academic environment assesses the existing measures of securing and archiving academic transcripts and identifies various weaknesses in the current system. Based on the findings of the study, the steganographic method is demonstrated and suggested as an improved method of securing and archiving academic certificates at UKZN. The original contribution is an in-depth study at UKZN that answered the user acceptance research questions and demonstrated the practical application of the steganographic method in securing and archiving data

    An improved randomization of a multi-blocking jpeg based steganographic system.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.Steganography is classified as the art of hiding information. In a digital context, this refers to our ability to hide secret messages within innocent digital cover data. The digital domain offers many opportunities for possible cover mediums, such as cloud based hiding (saving secret information within the internet and its structure), image based hiding, video and audio based hiding, text based documents as well as the potential of hiding within any set of compressed data. This dissertation focuses on the image based domain and investigates currently available image based steganographic techniques. After a review of the history of the field, and a detailed survey of currently available JPEG based steganographic systems, the thesis focuses on the systems currently considered to be secure and introduces mechanisms that have been developed to detect them. The dissertation presents a newly developed system that is designed to counter act the current weakness in the YASS JPEG based steganographic system. By introducing two new levels of randomization to the embedding process, the proposed system offers security benefits over YASS. The introduction of randomization to the B‐block sizes as well as the E‐block sizes used in the embedding process aids in increasing security and the potential for new, larger E‐block sizes also aids in providing an increased set of candidate coefficients to be used for embedding. The dissertation also introduces a new embedding scheme which focuses on hiding in medium frequency coefficients. By hiding in these medium frequency coefficients, we allow for more aggressive embedding without risking more visual distortion but trade this off with a risk of higher error rates due to compression losses. Finally, the dissertation presents simulation aimed at testing the proposed system performance compared to other JPEG based steganographic systems with similar embedding properties. We show that the new system achieves an embedding capacity of 1.6, which represents round a 7 times improvement over YASS. We also show that the new system, although introducing more bits in error per B‐block, successfully allows for the embedding of up to 2 bits per B‐block more than YASS at a similar error rate per B‐block. We conclude the results by demonstrating the new systems ability to resist detection both through human observation, via a survey, as well as resist computer aided analysis

    Esteganografía en imágenes y sus aplicaciones en videojuegos

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    Muchos videojuegos en línea dependen de puntuaciones, estadísticas, logros y otros tipos de datos para su ecosistema de clasificación, que suele estar generado por la propia comunidad de jugadores. Los jugadores pueden obtener capturas de pantalla del videojuego en el que han conseguido una buena puntuación. Estas capturas de pantalla sirven como reconocimiento. Sin embargo, existe el peligro de que puedan ser manipuladas o creadas artificialmente (sin haber obtenido la puntuación indicada). Una opción para evitar o al menos mitigar este problema de fraude, consiste en insertar metainformación en la imagen de tal forma que no sea visible a simple vista pero que pueda obtenerse mediante herramientas adecuadas. Esta es precisamente la base de la esteganografía, esconder información en una imagen modificando su composición interna. Por medio de este proceso, podremos dotar a los videojuegos online que puedan depender de la verificación visual del logro de un jugador una capa más de confirmación de la información contenida. A través de este sistema, además del nivel de seguridad que añade, ofrecemos la posibilidad de depender únicamente de las propias imágenes para la generación de tablas de clasificación en línea, utilizando puramente los datos contenidos en ellas. De esta forma podemos, al mismo tiempo, resolver el problema del posible fraude de puntuaciones y facilitar la generación de las tablas clasificatorias. Este proyecto tiene como objetivos principales investigar y testear algoritmos de esteganografía y encriptado para la ocultación de la información, y desarrollar una solución viable para las posibles tablas clasificatorias en línea aprovechando el resultado del proceso

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others