29 research outputs found

    An Enhanced fall detection system with GSM and GPS Technology

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    Fall-related accident and injury are a standout among the most widely recognized motivations to reason for death and hospitalization among elderly. Falls among older people become a major problem facing hospitals and nursing homes. An enhanced fall detection system is proposed for elderly person monitoring that is based on-body sensor. Various fall-detection solutions have been previously proposed to create a reliable surveillance system for elderly people with high requirements on accuracy. In this paper, an enhanced fall detection system is proposed for elderly person monitoring that is based on smart sensors worn on the body and operating through long distance as well as consumer home networks. The principle behind this work is the detection of changes in the motion and position using the sensor which tracks the acceleration changes in three orthogonal directions. By using MEM's accelerometer sensor is used for determining exact angle of an elderly person with the help of signal magnitude vector (SMV). When the fall is detected the GPS locates the exact fall location and GSM modem is used to transmit the message to the mobile phone of caretakers/relatives of the fallen subjects at that time also send their latitude and longitude value by using GPS. This alert message helps to provide immediate assistance and treatment

    Development of a Real-Time, Simple and High-Accuracy Fall Detection System for Elderly Using 3-DOF Accelerometers

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    © 2018, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Falls represent a major problem for the elderly people aged 60 or above. There are many monitoring systems which are currently available to detect the fall. However, there is a great need to propose a system which is of optimal effectiveness. In this paper, we propose to develop a low-cost fall detection system to precisely detect an event when an elderly person accidentally falls. The fall detection algorithm compares the acceleration with lower fall threshold and upper fall threshold values to accurately detect a fall event. The post-fall recognition module is the combination of posture recognition and vertical velocity estimation that has been added to our proposed method to enhance the performance and accuracy. In case of a fall, our device will transmit the location information to the contacts instantly via SMS and voice call. A smartphone application will ensure that the notifications are delivered to the elderly person’s relatives so that medical attention can be provided with minimal delay. The system was tested by volunteers and achieved 100% sensitivity and accuracy. This was confirmed by testing with public datasets and it also achieved the same percentage in sensitivity and accuracy as in our recorded datasets

    Personalized fall detection monitoring system based on learning from the user movements

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    Personalized fall detection system is shown to provide added and more benefits compare to the current fall detection system. The personalized model can also be applied to anything where one class of data is hard to gather. The results show that adapting to the user needs, improve the overall accuracy of the system. Future work includes detection of the smartphone on the user so that the user can place the system anywhere on the body and make sure it detects. Even though the accuracy is not 100% the proof of concept of personalization can be used to achieve greater accuracy. The concept of personalization used in this paper can also be extended to other research in the medical field or where data is hard to come by for a particular class. More research into the feature extraction and feature selection module should be investigated. For the feature selection module, more research into selecting features based on one class data

    Context aware adaptable approach for fall detection bases on Smart textile

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    Fall detection is very important to provide adequate interventions for aging people in risk situations. Existing techniques focus on detecting falls using wearable or ambient sensors. However, they do not consider fall orientations. In this paper, we present our novel fall detection system based on smart textiles and machine learning techniques. Using a non-linear support vector machine, we determine the fall orientation which will be helpful to study the impact of a fall according to its orientation. Additionally, we classify falls based on their orientations among 11 classes (moving upstairs, moving downstairs, walking, running, standing, fall forward, fall backward, fall right, fall left, lying, sitting). Results show the reliability of the proposed approach for falls detection (98% of accuracy, 97.5% of sensitivity and 98.5% specificity) and also for fall orientation (98.5% of accuracy)

    Internet of Things Enabled Technologies for Behaviour Analytics in Elderly Person Care: A Survey

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    The advances in sensor technology over recent years has provided new ways for researchers to monitor the elderly in uncontrolled environments. Sensors have become smaller, cheaper and can be worn on the body, potentially creating a network of sensors. Smart phones are also more common in the average household and can also provide some behavioural analysis due to the built in sensors. As a result of this, researchers are able to monitor behaviours in a more natural setting, which can lead to more useful data. This is important for those that may be suffering from mental illness as it allows for continuous, non-invasive monitoring in order to diagnose symptoms from different behaviours. However there are various challenges that need to be addressed ranging from issues with sensors to the involvement of human factors. It is vital that these challenges are taken into consideration along with the major behavioural symptoms that can appear in an Elderly Person. For a person suffering with Dementia, the application of sensor technologies can improve the quality of life of the person and also monitor the progress of the disease through behavioural analysis. This paper will consider the behaviours that can be associated with dementia and how these behaviours can be monitored through sensor technology. We will also provide an insight into some sensors and algorithms gathered through survey in order to provide advantages and disadvantages of these technologies as well as to present any challenges that may face future research