50 research outputs found

    Dual-drive LiNbO_3 interferometric Mach-Zehnder architecture with extended linear regime for high peak-to-average OFDM-based communication systems

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    A dual-drive LiNbO3 architecture modulator with chirp management is proposed and developed offering SFDR > 25 dB in a 1.4 V bias excursion compared to only 0.5 V bias excursion in a conventional Mach-Zehnder electro-optical modulator (MZ-EOM). The architecture effectively extends the linear regime and enables the optical transmission of wireless systems employing orthogonal division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation such as ultra-wide band (UWB) which require high linearity over a broad frequency range due to their high peak-to-average power ratio (PARP). Radio-over-fiber UWB transmission in a passive optical network is experimentally demonstrated employing this technique, exhibiting an enhancement of 2.2 dB in EVM after 57 km SSMF when the dual-drive developed modulator is employed. © 2011 Optical Society of America

    Optical techniques for broadband in-building networks

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    Optical fibres, which can easily handle any bandwidth demand, have been rolled out to more than 32 million consumer’s homes and professional buildings worldwide up to 2010. The basic technological and economical challenges of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) has been solved. The current FTTH technology can now providing baseband Gbit Ethernet and high definition TV services to the gates of homes. Thus, the bottleneck for delivery of broadband services to the end users is shifting from the access network to the in-building network. In the meantime, the need for high-capacity transmission between devices inside the building, e.g. between desktop PC and data services, are also rapidly increase. How to bring high bandwidth to the mobile terminals such as laptops, PDAs or cell phones as well as to the fixed terminals such as desktop PCs and HDTV equipment in an all-in-one network infrastructure is a challenge we are facing. Building on the flexibility of the wireless access networks and the latent vast bandwidth of a fibre infrastructure, radio-over-fibre (RoF) techniques have been proposed as a cost-effective solution to the future integrated broadband services in in-building networks. This thesis investigates techniques to deliver high data rate wireless services via in-building networks: high capacity RoF links employing optical frequency multiplication (OFM) and sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) techniques, with single- or multi-carrier signal formats. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) format is investigated for the RoF transmission system, particularly with regard to the optical system nonlinearity. For low-cost short-range optical backbone networks, RoF transmission over large-core diameter plastic optical fibre (POF) links has been studied, including the transmission of the WiMedia-compliant multiband OFDM UWB signal over bandwidth-limited large-core POF as well as a full-duplex bi-directional UWB transmission over POF. In order to improve the functionalities for delivery of wireless services of in-building networks, techniques to introduce flexibility into the network architecture and to create dynamic capacity allocation have been investigated. By employing optical switching techniques based on optical semiconductor amplifiers (SOA), an optically routed RoF system has been studied. The dynamic capacity allocation is addressed by investigating one-dimensional and two-dimensional routing using electrical SCM and optical wavelengths. In addition, next to RoF networking, this thesis explores techniques for wired delivery of baseband high capacity services over POF links by employing a multi-level signal modulation format, in particular discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation. Transmission of 10 Gbit/s data over 1 mm core diameter PMMA POF links is demonstrated, as a competitor to more expensive fibre solutions such as silica single and multimode fibre. A record transmission rate of more than 40 Gbit/s is presented for POF whose core diameter is comparable with silica multimode fibre. Finally, from the network perspective, the convergence of wired and wireless multi-standard services into a single fibre-based infrastructure has been studied. Techniques have been designed and demonstrated for in-building networks, which can convey both high capacity baseband services and broadband radio frequency (RF) services over a POF backbone link. The multi-standard RoF signals carry different wireless services at different radio frequencies and with different bandwidths, including WiFi, WiMax, UMTS and UWB. System setups to carry them together over the same multimode optical fibre based network have been designed and experimentally shown. All the concepts, designs and system experiments presented in this thesis underline the strong potential of multimode (silica and plastic) optical fibre techniques for the delivery of broadband services to wired and wireless devices in in-building networks, in order to extend to the end user the benefits of the broadband FTTH networks which are being installed and deployed worldwide

    Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico"

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    En los últimos años ha habido un gran aumento en el despliegue de redes de acceso ópticas de fibra hasta el hogar (FTTH, del inglés fibre-to-the home). FTTH es una solución flexible, una tecnología de acceso de futuro que permite proporcionar tasas de datos del orden de Gbit/s por ususario. Diversos estudios indican que FTTH se convertirá en la diferencia clave entre los operadores más importantes. Además, FTTH es la única tecnolotgía capaz de crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos de aplicaciones de alta velocidad, como por ejemple entretenimiento de alta definición (vído y juegos de alta definición...) Dede el punto de vista del operador, una de las vientajas importantes que proporciona FTTH es que permite una mayor eficiencia operativa en coparción con otras tecnologías de acceso, principalmente por la reducción de costes de mantenimiento y de operación. Además, FTTH reduce los requisitos de los equipos de las centrales. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como ojetivo extender estas ventajas más allá del concepto FTTH mediante la integración de la red óptica de distribución desplegada dentro del hogar así como el enlace radio final de corto o medio alcance inalámbrico. Esto proporciona una arquitctura de red FFTH integrada de extremo a extremo. De este modo, los beneficios de la reducción de costes operativos y mayor eficiencia se extienden hasta el usuario final de la red. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone una arqutectura de acceso integrada óptica-radio basada en la multiplexación por división ortogonal de fecuencia (OFDM, del inglés orthogonal frequency división multiplexing) para proporcionar diferentes servicios al usuario como Internet, teléfono/voz, televisión de lata definición, conexión inalámbrica y seguridad en el hogar. Las señales OFDM se utilizan en muchos estándares inalámbricos como las señales de banda ultraancha (UWB, del inglés ultra-wide band), WiMAX, LTE, WLAN, DVB-T o DAB. Estos formatos aprovechan las características intrínsecas de la modulación OFDM como su mayor inmunidad ante desvanecimiento multi-camino. Esta tesis incluye la propuesta y la demostración experimental de la transmisión simultánea y bi-direccional de señales OFDM multi-estándar en radio-sobre-fibra proporcionando servicios triple-play basados en OFDM como UWB para televisión de alta definición, WiMAX para datos de Internet, y LTE para el servicio telefónico.Morant Perez, M. (2012). Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico" [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15076Palanci

    Enabling Technologies for Distribution of Broadband Radio over Fiber

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    RÉSUMÉ La radio sur fibre (RoF) a été considérée comme une technologie prometteuse qui concurrencera de manière indisputable comme solution viable pour la distribution des systèmes de communication sans fil à bande large actuels et futurs. La technologie RoF emploie la modulation d'onde sous-porteuse (SCM) pour moduler la lumière par un signal RF, qui à son tour sera transmise par la fibre. Malheureusement, la transmission du signal RF sur la fibre est sujette à un certain nombre de défauts. Ces défauts incluent le faible rendement de la conversion optique en électrique, à la dispersion chromatique de la fibre, et à la non-linéarité de l’émetteur optique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des technologies de pointe pour la radio sur fibre à large bande. Les conceptions proposées devraient adresser la déformation non linéaire induite par l'émetteur optique, combattre le problème de l’affaiblissement de la puissance optique induit par la dispersion chromatique de la fibre, et améliorer l'efficacité de modulation optique au petit signal sans augmenter de manière significative le cout et la complexité du système RoF. Pour le signal RF à large bande, nous considérons le signal à bande ultra large utilisant le multiplexage par répartition orthogonale de la fréquence (ULB MB-MROF), qui a été proposé comme solution pour le réseau de secteur personnel sans fil d’IEEE 802.15.3a (WPAN). D'abord, la performance de la transmission de l'ULB MB-MROF par la fibre est étudiée en considérant l'impact de modulation et démodulation optique. L'analyse théorique de l'effet de la dispersion de la fibre, de la réponse de l'émetteur optique et du récepteur optique sur la performance du système est effectuée en considérant la distorsion de la phase et de l'amplitude. Des expériences sont réalisées pour vérifier notre analyse théorique et une bonne concordance est obtenue. Il est constaté que l'index de modulation RF de ~4% est optimum pour l'émetteur optique avec le modulateur de Mach-Zehnder, et le récepteur optique avec la réponse de Tchebychev-II est le meilleur pour l'ULB MB-MROF sur fibre. Aussi, la performance de la transmission sans fil est limitée par la sensibilité du récepteur ULB MB-MROF. Il est aussi trouvé qu’une haute puissance optique reçue est exigée pour la transmission du signal de l'ULB MB-MROF sur fibre.----------ABSTRACT Radio over fiber (RoF) has been considered as a very promising technology that will indisputably compete as a viable solution for the distribution of current and future broadband wireless communication systems such as IEEE 802.15.3a WPAN using Multiband-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Ultra-Wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) signal. The RoF technology makes use of subcarrier modulation (SCM) to modulate an RF signal on light, which in turn will be transmitted by optical fiber. Unfortunately, the transmission of RF signal over fiber is subject to a number of impairments. These impairments include: low optical to electrical conversion efficiency, fiber chromatic dispersion, and nonlinearity of the optical front end, etc.. The objective of this thesis is to develop enabling technologies for broadband RoF systems. The proposed design platforms and techniques should address nonlinear distortion induced by the optical transmitter; combat optical power fading issue induced by the chromatic dispersion; and improve modulation efficiency of the optical small-signal modulation without significantly adding excessive expense and complexity to the RoF system. First of all, the performance of MB-OFDM UWB wireless over fiber transmission system is investigated considering optical modulation and demodulation aspects. Theoretical analysis of the effects of fiber chromatic dispersion, relative intensity noise (RIN), optical transmitter and optical receiver response on system performance is carried out considering amplitude and phase distortion. Experiments are conducted, which have verified our theoretical analysis and a good agreement is obtained. It is found that low RF modulation index (4%) for optical transmitter with Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), and optical receiver with Chebyshev-II response is the best for MB-OFDM UWB over fiber. The wireless transmission performance is limited by the UWB receiver sensitivity. Moreover, a high received optical power is required for transmission of MB-OFDM UWB signal over fiber. It is also found that the parameters like laser output power, laser linewidth and fiber dispersion that control RIN, will critically affect the overall performance of a UWB over fiber system

    Distributed multi-hop reservation scheme for wireless personal area ultra-wideband networks

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    Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is a promising technology for multimedia applications in wireless personal area networks (WPANs) that supports very high data rates with lower power transmission for short range communication. The limitation of coverage radius of UWB network necessitates for multihop transmissions. Unfortunately, as the number of hops increases, the quality of service (QoS) degrades rapidly in multihop network. The main goal of this research is to develop and enhance multihop transmission that ensures QoS of real time traffic through the proposed distributed multihop reservation (DMR) scheme. The DMR scheme consists of two modules; distributed multihop reservation protocol (DMRP) and path selection. DMRP incorporates resource reservation, routing and connection setup that are extended on the existing WiMedia Media Access Control protocol (MAC). On the other hand, the path selection determines the optimal path that makes up the multihop route. The path selection selects nodes based on the highest Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR). The performance of DMR scheme has been verified based on the performance of the video traffic transmission. The main metrics of QoS are measured in terms of Peak Signal- to- Noise ratio (PSNR), End-to-End (E2E) delay, and throughput. The results show that DMRP compared to Multiple Resources Reservation Scheme (MRRS) in six (6) hops transmission has enhanced the average PSNR by 16.5%, reduced the average E2E delay by 14.9% and has increased the throughput by 11.1%. The DMR scheme which is the inclusion of path selection in DMRP has been compared to Link Quality Multihop Relay (LQMR). DMR scheme has improved the video quality transmission by 17.5%, reduced the average E2E delay by 18.6% and enhanced the average throughput by 20.3%. The QoS of six (6) hops transmission employing DMR scheme is almost sustained compared to two hops transmission with the QoS experiencing only slight degradation of about 2.0%. This is a considerable achievement as it is well known that as the number of hops increases the QoS in multihop transmission degrades very rapidly. Thus DMR scheme has shown to significantly improve the performance of real time traffic on UWB multihop network. In general, DMR can be applied to any WPAN network that exploit multihop transmission

    System design and validation of multi-band OFDM wireless communications with multiple antennas

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    A digital polar transmitter for multi-band OFDM Ultra-WideBand

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    Linear power amplifiers used to implement the Ultra-Wideband standard must be backed off from optimum power efficiency to meet the standard specifications and the power efficiency suffers. The problem of low efficiency can be mitigated by polar modulation. Digital polar architectures have been employed on numerous wireless standards like GSM, EDGE, and WLAN, where the fractional bandwidths achieved are only about 1%, and the power levels achieved are often in the vicinity of 20 dBm. Can the architecture be employed on wireless standards with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements and yet achieve good power efficiency? To answer these question, this thesis studies the application of a digital polar transmitter architecture with parallel amplifier stages for UWB. The concept of the digital transmitter is motivated and inspired by three factors. First, unrelenting advances in the CMOS technology in deep-submicron process and the prevalence of low-cost Digital Signal processing have resulted in the realization of higher level of integration using digitally intensive approaches. Furthermore, the architecture is an evolution of polar modulation, which is known for high power efficiency in other wireless applications. Finally, the architecture is operated as a digital-to-analog converter which circumvents the use of converters in conventional transmitters. Modeling and simulation of the system architecture is performed on the Agilent Advanced Design System Ptolemy simulation platform. First, by studying the envelope signal, we found that envelope clipping results in a reduction in the peak-to-average power ratio which in turn improves the error vector magnitude performance (figure of merit for the study). In addition, we have demonstrated that a resolution of three bits suffices for the digital polar transmitter when envelope clipping is performed. Next, this thesis covers a theoretical derivation for the estimate of the error vector magnitude based on the resolution, quantization and phase noise errors. An analysis on the process variations - which result in gain and delay mismatches - for a digital transmitter architecture with four bits ensues. The above studies allow RF designers to estimate the number of bits required and the amount of distortion that can be tolerated in the system. Next, a study on the circuit implementation was conducted. A DPA that comprises 7 parallel RF amplifiers driven by a constant RF phase-modulated signal and 7 cascode transistors (individually connected in series with the bottom amplifiers) digitally controlled by a 3-bit digitized envelope signal to reconstruct the UWB signal at the output. Through the use of NFET models from the IBM 130-nm technology, our simulation reveals that our DPA is able to achieve an EVM of - 22 dB. The DPA simulations have been performed at 3.432 GHz centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 528 MHz, which translates to a fractional bandwidth of 15.4%. Drain efficiencies of 13.2/19.5/21.0% have been obtained while delivering -1.9/2.5/5.5 dBm of output power and consuming 5/9/17 mW of power. In addition, we performed a yield analysis on the digital polar amplifier, based on unit-weighted and binary-weighted architecture, when gain variations are introduced in all the individual stages. The dynamic element matching method is also introduced for the unit-weighted digital polar transmitter. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that when the gain of the amplifiers are allowed to vary at a mean of 1 with a standard deviation of 0.2, the binary-weighted architecture obtained a yield of 79%, while the yields of the unit-weighted architectures are in the neighbourhood of 95%. Moreover, the dynamic element matching technique demonstrates an improvement in the yield by approximately 3%. Finally, a hardware implementation for this architecture based on software-defined arbitrary waveform generators is studied. In this section, we demonstrate that the error vector magnitude results obtained with a four-stage binary-weighted digital polar transmitter under ideal combining conditions fulfill the European Computer Manufacturers Association requirements. The proposed experimental setup, believed to be the first ever attempted, confirm the feasibility of a digital polar transmitter architecture for Ultra-Wideband. In addition, we propose a number of power combining techniques suitable for the hardware implementation. Spatial power combining, in particular, shows a high potential for the digital polar transmitter architecture. The above studies demonstrate the feasibility of the digital polar architecture with good power efficiency for a wideband wireless standard with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements

    Improved Ultra Wideband Communication System through Adaptive Modulation and Spatial Diversity

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    PhDAdvances in Multimedia communications have shown the need for high data rate wireless links over short distances. This is to enhance flexibility, accessibility, portability and mobility of devices in home and enterprise environment thereby making users more productive. In 2004, the WiMedia group proposed the Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Ultra Wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) system with a target of delivering data rate of 480Mbps over 3 metres. However, by now no existing commercial UWB product can meet this proposed specification. The project aims to investigate the reason why UWB technology has failed to realise its potential by carrying out detailed analysis and to seek ways of solving the technical problems. Detailed system analyses were carried out on the UWB technology using a commercial UWB product and a MB-OFDM UWB Evaluation kit. UWB channel measurements of different scenarios were carried out in order to characterise both time varying and time invariant channels. The scenarios are the realistic environments where UWB devices are operating with human subjects in various movement patterns. It gives insight into the effects of human object blocking on the MB-OFDM system performance and estimates an acceptable feedback rate in a UWB time varying channel when implementing an adaptive modulation. The adaptive modulation was proposed and implemented in the MB-OFDM system model to demonstrate the improved Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. Modulating bits are varied across the sub-channels depending on the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Sub-channels experiencing severe fading employ lower or no bit-loading while sub-channels with little or no fading utilise higher bit-loading to maintain a constant system data rate. Spatial diversity was employed to exploit different properties of the radio channel to improve performance. Good diversity gain of two receiving diversity systems using maximal ratio combining and antenna selection techniques is demonstrated in the measurements with the different antenna orientations. An antenna selection circuit is designed and implemented working together with AT90CAP9 UWB Evaluation kit, verifying an improved performance of the UWB system in an indoor environment. The maximal ratio combining technique is also implemented and demonstrated to give a better system performance on a test bed after post-processing

    Transmit antenna subset selection with power balancing for high data rate MIMO-OFDM UWB systems

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    This paper proposes per-subcarrier transmit antenna subset selection with power balancing for MIMO-OFDM UWB systems to simultaneously improve the system error performance and increase data rates. The deployment of the per-subcarrier antenna subset selection may result in a power unbalance across antennas, which could cause power amplifiers (PAs) to operate in their non-linear regions. To overcome this disadvantage, we formulate a linear optimization problem for the optimal allocation of data subcarriers under a constraint that all antennas have the same number of assigned data symbols. This optimization problem could be applied to systems with an arbitrary number of multiplexed data streams, antennas, and with different selection criteria. The efficacy of the proposed allocation scheme from the PA linearity perspective is validated by analyzing the distribution of the peak amplitude of timedomain signals. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms the system without a balancing constraint