8 research outputs found


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    The paper presents results of preliminary research of analysis of signals recorded for open and closed kinematic chain in one volunteer with chon-dromalacia in both knees. The preliminary research was conducted in order to establish the accuracy of the proposed method and will be used for for-mulating further research areas. The aim of the paper is to show how FFT, recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) can help in bioacoustic signals analysis

    Knee Joint Vibration Signal Analysis with Matching Pursuit Decomposition and Dynamic Weighted Classifier Fusion

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    Analysis of knee joint vibration (VAG) signals can provide quantitative indices for detection of knee joint pathology at an early stage. In addition to the statistical features developed in the related previous studies, we extracted two separable features, that is, the number of atoms derived from the wavelet matching pursuit decomposition and the number of significant signal turns detected with the fixed threshold in the time domain. To perform a better classification over the data set of 89 VAG signals, we applied a novel classifier fusion system based on the dynamic weighted fusion (DWF) method to ameliorate the classification performance. For comparison, a single leastsquares support vector machine (LS-SVM) and the Bagging ensemble were used for the classification task as well. The results in terms of overall accuracy in percentage and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve obtained with the DWF-based classifier fusion method reached 88.76% and 0.9515, respectively, which demonstrated the effectiveness and superiority of the DWF method with two distinct features for the VAG signal analysis

    Acoustic Monitoring of Joint Health

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    The joints of the human body, especially the knees, are continually exposed to varying loads as a person goes about their day. These loads may contribute to damage to tissues including cartilage and the development of degenerative medical conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA). The most commonly used method currently for classifying the severity of knee OA is the Kellgren and Lawrence system, whereby a grade (a KL score) from 0 to 4 is determined based on the radiographic evidence. However, radiography cannot directly depict cartilage damage, and there is low inter-observer precision with this method. As such, there has been a significant activity to find non-invasive and radiation-free methods to quantify OA, in order to facilitate the diagnosis and the appropriate course of medical action and to validate the development of therapies in a research or clinical setting. A number of different teams have noted that variation in knee joint sounds during different loading conditions may be indicative of structural changes within the knee potentially linked to OA. Here we will review the use of acoustic methods, such as acoustic Emission (AE) and vibroarthrography (VAG), developed for the monitoring of knee OA, with a focus on the issues surrounding data collection and analysis

    Quantifying the Effects of Knee Joint Biomechanics on Acoustical Emissions

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    The knee is one of the most injured body parts, causing 18 million patients to be seen in clinics every year. Because the knee is a weight-bearing joint, it is prone to pathologies such as osteoarthritis and ligamentous injuries. Existing technologies for monitoring knee health can provide accurate assessment and diagnosis for acute injuries. However, they are mainly confined to clinical or laboratory settings only, time-consuming, expensive, and not well-suited for longitudinal monitoring. Developing a novel technology for joint health assessment beyond the clinic can further provide insights on the rehabilitation process and quantitative usage of the knee joint. To better understand the underlying properties and fundamentals of joint sounds, this research will investigate the relationship between the changes in the knee joint structure (i.e. structural damage and joint contact force) and the JAEs while developing novel techniques for analyzing these sounds. We envision that the possibility of quantifying joint structure and joint load usage from these acoustic sensors would advance the potential of JAE as the next biomarker of joint health that can be captured with wearable technology. First, we developed a novel processing technique for JAEs that quantify on the structural change of the knee from injured athletes and human lower-limb cadaver models. Second, we quantified whether JAEs can detect the increase in the mechanical stress on the knee joint using an unsupervised graph mining algorithm. Lastly, we quantified the directional bias of the load distribution between medial and lateral compartment using JAEs. Understanding and monitoring the quantitative usage of knee loads in daily activities can broaden the implications for longitudinal joint health monitoring.Ph.D

    Dynamics, Electromyography and Vibroarthrography as Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tools: Investigation of the Patellofemoral Joint

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    The knee joint plays an essential role in the human musculoskeletal system. It has evolved to withstand extreme loading conditions, while providing almost frictionless joint movement. However, its performance may be disrupted by disease, anatomical deformities, soft tissue imbalance or injury. Knee disorders are often puzzling, and accurate diagnosis may be challenging. Current evaluation approach is usually limited to a detailed interview with the patient, careful physical examination and radiographic imaging. The X-ray screening may reveal bone degeneration, but does not carry sufficient information of the soft tissue conditions. More advanced imaging tools such as MRI or CT are available, but expensive, time consuming and can be used only under static conditions. Moreover, due to limited resolution the radiographic techniques cannot reveal early stage arthritis. The arthroscopy is often the only reliable option, however due to its semi-invasive nature, it cannot be considered as a practical diagnostic tool. Therefore, the motivation for this work was to combine three scientific methods to provide a comprehensive, non-invasive evaluation tool bringing insight into the in vivo, dynamic conditions of the knee joint and articular cartilage degeneration. Electromyography and inverse dynamics were employed to independently determine the forces present in several muscles spanning the knee joint. Though both methods have certain limitations, the current work demonstrates how the use of these two methods concurrently enhances the biomechanical analysis of the knee joint conditions, especially the performance of the extensor mechanism. The kinetic analysis was performed for 12 TKA, 4 healthy individuals in advanced age and 4 young subjects. Several differences in the knee biomechanics were found between the three groups, identifying age-related and post-operative decrease in the extensor mechanism efficiency, explaining the increased effort of performing everyday activities experienced by the elderly and TKA subjects. The concept of using accelerometers to assess the cartilage degeneration has been proven based on a group of 23 subjects with non-symptomatic knees and 52 patients suffering from knee arthritis. Very high success (96.2%) of pattern classification obtained in this work clearly demonstrates that vibroarthrography is a promising, non-invasive and low-cost technique offering screening capabilities

    Advanced analyses of physiological signals and their role in Neonatal Intensive Care

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    Preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) face an array of life-threatening diseases requiring procedures such as resuscitation and invasive monitoring, and other risks related to exposure to the hospital environment, all of which may have lifelong implications. This thesis examined a range of applications for advanced signal analyses in the NICU, from identifying of physiological patterns associated with neonatal outcomes, to evaluating the impact of certain treatments on physiological variability. Firstly, the thesis examined the potential to identify infants at risk of developing intraventricular haemorrhage, often interrelated with factors leading to preterm birth, mechanical ventilation, hypoxia and prolonged apnoeas. This thesis then characterised the cardiovascular impact of caffeine therapy which is often administered to prevent and treat apnoea of prematurity, finding greater pulse pressure variability and enhanced responsiveness of the autonomic nervous system. Cerebral autoregulation maintains cerebral blood flow despite fluctuations in arterial blood pressure and is an important consideration for preterm infants who are especially vulnerable to brain injury. Using various time and frequency domain correlation techniques, the thesis found acute changes in cerebral autoregulation of preterm infants following caffeine therapy. Nutrition in early life may also affect neurodevelopment and morbidity in later life. This thesis developed models for identifying malnutrition risk using anthropometry and near-infrared interactance features. This thesis has presented a range of ways in which advanced analyses including time series analysis, feature selection and model development can be applied to neonatal intensive care. There is a clear role for such analyses in early detection of clinical outcomes, characterising the effects of relevant treatments or pathologies and identifying infants at risk of later morbidity