27 research outputs found

    Advanced System on a Chip Design Based on Controllable-Polarity FETs (invited paper)

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    Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) with on-line controllable-polarity are promising candidates to support next generation System-on-Chip (SoC). Thanks to their enhanced functionality, controllable-polarity FETs enable a superior design of critical components in a SoC, such as processing units and memories, while also providing native solutions to control power consumption. In this paper, we present the efficient design of a SoC core with controllable-polarity FET. Processing units are speeded-up at the datapath level, as arithmetic operations require fewer physical resources than in standard CMOS. Power consumption is decreased via embedded power-gating techniques and tunable high-performance/low-power devices operation. Memory cells are made smaller by merging the access interface with the storage circuitry. We foresee the advantages deriving from these techniques, by evaluating their impact on the design of SoC for a contemporary telecommunication application. Using a 22-nm vertically-stacked silicon nanowire technology, a coarse-grain evaluation at the block level estimates a delay and power reduction of 20% and 19% respectively, at a cost of a moderate area overhead of 15%, with respect to a state-of-art FinFET technology


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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that are connected through the Internet to exchange the data for intelligent applications. Though IoT devices provide several advantages to improve the quality of life, they also present challenges related to security. The security issues related to IoT devices include leakage of information through Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side channel attacks, authentication, piracy, etc. DPA is a type of side-channel attack where the attacker monitors the power consumption of the device to guess the secret key stored in it. There are several countermeasures to overcome DPA attacks. However, most of the existing countermeasures consume high power which makes them not suitable to implement in power constraint devices. IoT devices are battery operated, hence it is important to investigate the methods to design energy-efficient and secure IoT devices not susceptible to DPA attacks. In this research, we have explored the usefulness of a novel computing platform called adiabatic logic, low-leakage FinFET devices and Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) Logic-in-Memory (LiM) architecture to design energy-efficient and DPA secure hardware. Further, we have also explored the usefulness of adiabatic logic in the design of energy-efficient and reliable Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) circuits to overcome the authentication and piracy issues in IoT devices. Adiabatic logic is a low-power circuit design technique to design energy-efficient hardware. Adiabatic logic has reduced dynamic switching energy loss due to the recycling of charge to the power clock. As the first contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel DPA-resistant adiabatic logic family called Energy-Efficient Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (EE-SPFAL). EE-SPFAL based circuits are energy-efficient compared to the conventional CMOS based design because of recycling the charge after every clock cycle. Further, EE-SPFAL based circuits consume uniform power irrespective of input data transition which makes them resilience against DPA attacks. Scaling of CMOS transistors have served the industry for more than 50 years in providing integrated circuits that are denser, and cheaper along with its high performance, and low power. However, scaling of the transistors leads to increase in leakage current. Increase in leakage current reduces the energy-efficiency of the computing circuits,and increases their vulnerability to DPA attack. Hence, it is important to investigate the crypto circuits in low leakage devices such as FinFET to make them energy-efficient and DPA resistant. In this dissertation, we have proposed a novel FinFET based Secure Adiabatic Logic (FinSAL) family. FinSAL based designs utilize the low-leakage FinFET device along with adiabatic logic principles to improve energy-efficiency along with its resistance against DPA attack. Recently, Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ)/CMOS based Logic-in-Memory (LiM) circuits have been explored to design low-power non-volatile hardware. Some of the advantages of MTJ device include non-volatility, near-zero leakage power, high integration density and easy compatibility with CMOS devices. However, the differences in power consumption between the switching of MTJ devices increase the vulnerability of Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side-channel attack. Further, the MTJ/CMOS hybrid logic circuits which require frequent switching of MTJs are not very energy-efficient due to the significant energy required to switch the MTJ devices. In the third contribution of this dissertation, we have investigated a novel approach of building cryptographic hardware in MTJ/CMOS circuits using Look-Up Table (LUT) based method where the data stored in MTJs are constant during the entire encryption/decryption operation. Currently, high supply voltage is required in both writing and sensing operations of hybrid MTJ/CMOS based LiM circuits which consumes a considerable amount of energy. In order to meet the power budget in low-power devices, it is important to investigate the novel design techniques to design ultra-low-power MTJ/CMOS circuits. In the fourth contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel energy-efficient Secure MTJ/CMOS Logic (SMCL) family. The proposed SMCL logic family consumes uniform power irrespective of data transition in MTJ and more energy-efficient compared to the state-of-art MTJ/ CMOS designs by using charge sharing technique. The other important contribution of this dissertation is the design of reliable Physical Unclonable Function (PUF). Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) are circuits which are used to generate secret keys to avoid the piracy and device authentication problems. However, existing PUFs consume high power and they suffer from the problem of generating unreliable bits. This dissertation have addressed this issue in PUFs by designing a novel adiabatic logic based PUF. The time ramp voltages in adiabatic PUF is utilized to improve the reliability of the PUF along with its energy-efficiency. Reliability of the adiabatic logic based PUF proposed in this dissertation is tested through simulation based temperature variations and supply voltage variations

    A Survey on Approximate Multiplier Designs for Energy Efficiency: From Algorithms to Circuits

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    Given the stringent requirements of energy efficiency for Internet-of-Things edge devices, approximate multipliers, as a basic component of many processors and accelerators, have been constantly proposed and studied for decades, especially in error-resilient applications. The computation error and energy efficiency largely depend on how and where the approximation is introduced into a design. Thus, this article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the approximation techniques in multiplier designs ranging from algorithms and architectures to circuits. We have implemented representative approximate multiplier designs in each category to understand the impact of the design techniques on accuracy and efficiency. The designs can then be effectively deployed in high-level applications, such as machine learning, to gain energy efficiency at the cost of slight accuracy loss.Comment: 38 pages, 37 figure

    Low-Temperature Technologies and Applications

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    This book on low-temperature technology is a notable collection of different aspects of the technology and its application in varieties of research and practical engineering fields. It contains, sterilization and preservation techniques and their engineering and scientific characteristics. Ultra-low temperature refrigeration, the refrigerants, applications, and economic aspects are highlighted in this issue. The readers will find the low temperature, and vacuum systems for industrial applications. This book has given attention to global energy resources, conservation of energy, and alternative sources of energy for the application of low-temperature technologies

    Electrical characterization and modeling of low dimensional nanostructure FET

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    At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper.At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Nanofabrication of silicon nanowires and nanoelectronic transistors

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    This project developed a robust and reliable process to pattern < 5 nm features in negative tone Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) resist using high resolution electron beam lithography and developed a low damage reactive ion etch (RIE) process to fabricate silicon nanowires on degenerately doped n-type silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates. A process to thermally grow high quality silicon dioxide (SiO2) (between 5-15 nm) is also developed to passivate onto the etched silicon nanowire devices to serve the purposes of gate dielectric and a diffusion barrier to minimize the donor deactivation. The measured interface state trap density (Dit) of the 10 nm thermally grown oxide is 1.3x10^10 cm^−2 eV^−1 with a breakdown voltage of ~7 V. Using optimized processes for lithography, dry etch and thermal oxidation, Hall bar and Greek cross devices are fabricated with mean widths from 45 to 4 nm on SOI substrates with a doping density ~ 2x10^19, 4x10^19, 8x10^19 and 2x10^20 atoms/cm^3 and electronically characterized at room and cryogenic temperatures (from 1.4 to 300 K) to allow resistivity, mobility and carrier density to be extracted directly as a function of temperature. This allowed to probe electron transport and scattering mechanisms in degenerately doped silicon nanowires. The mean free path is theoretically calculated and directly compared with the widths of the nanowires by which it can be approximated that the electron transport is 3 dimensional (3D) for the 12 nm wide nanowire which has likely to be changed to 2D and 1D for the 7 nm and 4 nm wide nanowires respectively. Moreover the experimental mobility is directly compared with a number of theoretically calculated mobilities using Matthiessen’s rule, where it has been determined that the neutral impurity scattering is the dominant scattering mechanism limiting the performance of silicon nanowires. Using silicon nanowires, junctionless transistors are fabricated on SOI substrate with a doping density ~ 4x10^19 atoms/cm^3 and electronically characterized at room and cryogenic temperatures (from 1.4 to 300 K). It was observed that reducing the width of channel from 24 to 8 nm, the transistor changed their operation from depletion to enhancement mode due to increase in the surface depletion at smaller length scales. Since the drain current in a junctionless transistor is proportional to the doping density, a high on-state drive current ~ 1.28 mA/µm has been observed with sub-threshold slope (SS) ~ 66 mV/decade at 300 K. Moreover temperature dependent measurements revealed a low SS ~ 39 mV/decade at 70 K and single electron oscillations at 1.4 K. Finally, independent arrays of 2 terminal nanowires devices with mean widths from 45 to 4 nm are fabricated on SOI substrate with a doping density ~ 8x10^19 atoms/cm^3 to detect polyoxometalate (POM) molecules [W18O54(SeO3)2]4−. A change in resistivity has been observed ~ 3.6 m ohm-cm (corresponds to ~ 13 % increase) when POM molecules are coated around the nanowires, shown n-type behaviour of molecules. POM molecules exhibit highly redox properties, therefore side-gated FETs with mean width ~ 4 nm were fabricated on SOI substrate with a doping density ~ 4x10^19 atoms/cm^3 where side-gate was used to apply alternative ± pulses of 20 V to charge and discharge the POM molecules to demonstrate flash memory operation. The average change in the threshold voltage was ~ 1.2 V between the charging (program) and the discharging (erase) cycles. The program/erase time is currently limited to 100 ms for a reasonable single-to-noise ratio. Moreover no significant decay in the stored charge has yet been measured over a period of 2 weeks (336 hours)

    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

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    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

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    In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched, as an international collaboration hosted by CERN. This study covers a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee) and an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), which could, successively, be installed in the same 100 km tunnel. The scientific capabilities of the integrated FCC programme would serve the worldwide community throughout the 21st century. The FCC study also investigates an LHC energy upgrade, using FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the second volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the electron-positron collider FCC-ee. After summarizing the physics discovery opportunities, it presents the accelerator design, performance reach, a staged operation scenario, the underlying technologies, civil engineering, technical infrastructure, and an implementation plan. FCC-ee can be built with today’s technology. Most of the FCC-ee infrastructure could be reused for FCC-hh. Combining concepts from past and present lepton colliders and adding a few novel elements, the FCC-ee design promises outstandingly high luminosity. This will make the FCC-ee a unique precision instrument to study the heaviest known particles (Z, W and H bosons and the top quark), offering great direct and indirect sensitivity to new physics