393 research outputs found

    Optimization driven multi-hop network design and experimentation: the approach of the FP7 project OPNEX

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    International audienceThe OPNEX project exemplifies system and optimization theory as the foundations for algorithms that provably maximize capacity of wireless networks. The algorithms termed in abstract network models have been converted to protocols and architectures practically applicable to wireless systems. A validation methodology through experimental protocol evaluation in real network testbeds has been proposed and used. OPNEX uses recent advances in system theoretic network control, including the Back-Pressure principle, max-weight scheduling, utility optimization, congestion control, and the primal-dual method for extracting network algorithms. These approaches exhibited vast potential for achieving high capacity and full exploitation of resources in abstract network models and found their way to reality in high performance architectures developed as a result of the research conducted within OPNEX

    Using genetic algorithms to optimise Wireless Sensor Network design

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    Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) have gained a lot of attention because of their potential to immerse deeper into people' lives. The applications of WSNs range from small home environment networks to large habitat monitoring. These highly diverse scenarios impose different requirements on WSNs and lead to distinct design and implementation decisions. This thesis presents an optimization framework for WSN design which selects a proper set of protocols and number of nodes before a practical network deployment. A Genetic Algorithm(GA)-based Sensor Network Design Tool(SNDT) is proposed in this work for wireless sensor network design in terms of performance, considering application-specific requirements, deployment constrains and energy characteristics. SNDT relies on offine simulation analysis to help resolve design decisions. A GA is used as the optimization tool of the proposed system and an appropriate fitness function is derived to incorporate many aspects of network performance. The configuration attributes optimized by SNDT comprise the communication protocol selection and the number of nodes deployed in a fixed area. Three specific cases : a periodic-measuring application, an event detection type of application and a tracking-based application are considered to demonstrate and assess how the proposed framework performs. Considering the initial requirements of each case, the solutions provided by SNDT were proven to be favourable in terms of energy consumption, end-to-end delay and loss. The user-defined application requirements were successfully achieved

    Advances in analytical models and applications for RFID, WSN and AmI systems

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    Experimentos llevados a cabo con el equipo de división de honor UCAM Volleyball Murcia.[SPA] Internet de las cosas (IoT) integra distintos elementos que actúan tanto como fuentes, como sumideros de información, a diferencia de la percepción que se ha tenido hasta ahora de Internet, centrado en las personas. Los avances en IoT engloban un amplio número de áreas y tecnologías, desde la adquisición de información hasta el desarrollo de nuevos protocolos y aplicaciones. Un concepto clave que subyace en el concepto de IoT, es el procesamiento de forma inteligente y autónoma de los flujos de información que se dispone. En este trabajo, estudiamos tres aspectos diferentes de IoT. En primer lugar, nos centraremos en la infraestructura de obtención de datos. Entre las diferentes tecnologías de obtención de datos disponibles en los sistemas IoT, la Identificación por Radio Frecuencia (RFID) es considerada como una de las tecnologías predominantes. RFID es la tecnología detrás de aplicaciones tales como control de acceso, seguimiento y rastreo de contenedores, gestión de archivos, clasificación de equipaje o localización de equipos. Con el auge de la tecnología RFID, muchas instalaciones empiezan a requerir la presencia de múltiples lectores RFID que operan próximos entre sí y conjuntamente. A estos escenarios se les conoce como dense reader environments (DREs). La coexistencia de varios lectores operando simultáneamente puede causar graves problemas de interferencias en el proceso de identificación. Uno de los aspectos claves a resolver en los RFID DREs consiste en lograr la coordinación entre los lectores. Estos problemas de coordinación son tratados en detalle en esta tesis doctoral. Además, dentro del área de obtención de datos relativa a IoT, las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSNs) desempeñan un papel fundamental. Durante la última década, las WSNs han sido estudiadas ampliamente de forma teórica, y la mayoría de problemas relacionados con la comunicación en este tipo de redes se han conseguido resolver de forma favorable. Sin embargo, con la implementación de WSNs en proyectos reales, han surgido nuevos problemas, siendo uno de ellos el desarrollo de estrategias realistas para desplegar las WSN. En este trabajo se estudian diferentes métodos que resuelven este problema, centrándonos en distintos criterios de optimización, y analizando las diferentes ventajas e inconvenientes que se producen al buscar una solución equilibrada. Por último, la Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI) forma parte del desarrollo de aplicaciones inteligentes en IoT. Hasta ahora, han sido las personas quienes han tenido que adaptarse al entorno, en cambio, AmI persigue crear entornos de obtención de datos capaces de anticipar y apoyar las acciones de las personas. AmI se está introduciendo progresivamente en diversos entornos reales tales como el sector de la educación y la salud, en viviendas, etc. En esta tesis se introduce un sistema AmI orientado al deporte que busca mejorar el entrenamiento de los atletas, siendo el objetivo prioritario el desarrollo de un asistente capaz de proporcionar órdenes de entrenamiento, basadas tanto en el entorno como en el rendimiento de los atletas. [ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.[ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Tecnología de la Información y de las Comunicacione

    Control and optimization approaches for energy-limited systems: applications to wireless sensor networks and battery-powered vehicles

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    This dissertation studies control and optimization approaches to obtain energy-efficient and reliable routing schemes for battery-powered systems in network settings. First, incorporating a non-ideal battery model, the lifetime maximization problem for static wireless sensor networks is investigated. Adopting an optimal control approach, it is shown that there exists a time-invariant optimal routing vector in a fixed topology network. Furthermore, under very mild conditions, this optimal policy is robust with respect to the battery model used. Then, the lifetime maximization problem is investigated for networks with a mobile source node. Redefining the network lifetime, two versions of the problem are studied: when there exist no prior knowledge about the source node’s motion dynamics vs. when source node’s trajectory is known in advance. For both cases, problems are formulated in the optimal control framework. For the former, the solution can be reduced to a sequence of nonlinear programming problems solved on line as the source node trajectory evolves. For the latter, an explicit off-line numerical solution is required. Second, the problem of routing for vehicles with limited energy through a network with inhomogeneous charging nodes is studied. The goal is to minimize the total elapsed time, including traveling and recharging time, for vehicles to reach their destinations. Adopting a game-theoretic approach, the problem is investigated from two different points of view: user-centric vs. system-centric. The former is first formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. Then, by exploiting properties of an optimal solution, it is reduced to a lower dimensionality problem. For the latter, grouping vehicles into subflows and including the traffic congestion effects, a system-wide optimization problem is defined. Both problems are studied in a dynamic programming framework as well. Finally, the thesis quantifies the Price Of Anarchy (POA) in transportation net- works using actual traffic data. The goal is to compare the network performance under user-optimal vs. system-optimal policies. First, user equilibria flows and origin- destination demands are estimated for the Eastern Massachusetts transportation net- work using speed and capacity datasets. Then, obtaining socially-optimal flows by solving a system-centric problem, the POA is estimated

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Interference mitigation strategy design and applications for wireless sensor networks

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    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard presents a very useful technology for implementing low-cost, low-power, wireless sensor networks. Its main focus, which is to applications requiring simple wireless connectivity with relaxed throughout and latency requirements, makes it suitable for connecting devices that have not been networked, such as industrial and control instrumentation equipments, agricultural equipments, vehicular equipments, and home appliances. Its usage of the license-free 2.4 GHz frequency band makes the technique successful for fast and worldwide market deployments. However, concerns about interference have arisen due to the presence of other wireless technologies using the same spectrum. Although the IEEE 802.15.4 standard has provided some mechanisms, to enhance capability to coexist with other wireless devices operating on the same frequency band, including Carrier Sensor Multiple Access (CSMA), Clear Channel Assessment (CCA), channel alignment, and low duty cycle, it is essential to design and implement adjustable mechanisms for an IEEE 802.15.4 based system integrated into a practical application to deal with interference which changes randomly over time. Among the potential interfering systems (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens, wireless headsets, etc) which work on the same Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency band, Wi-Fi systems (IEEE 802.11 technique) have attracted most concerns because of their high transmission power and large deployment in both residential and office environments. This thesis aims to propose a methodology for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless systems to adopt proper adjustment in order to mitigate the effect of interference caused by IEEE 802.11 systems through energy detection, channel agility and data recovery. The contribution of this thesis consists of five parts. Firstly, a strategy is proposed to enable IEEE 802.15.4 systems to maintain normal communications using the means of consecutive transmissions, when the system s default mechanism of retransmission is insufficient to ensure successful rate due to the occurrence of Wi-Fi interference. Secondly, a novel strategy is proposed to use a feasible way for IEEE 802.15.4 systems to estimate the interference pattern, and accordingly adjust system parameters for the purpose of achieving optimized communication effectiveness during time of interference without relying on hardware changes and IEEE 802.15.4 protocol modifications. Thirdly, a data recovery mechanism is proposed for transport control to be applied for recovering lost data by associating with the proposed strategies to ensure the data integrity when IEEE 802.15.4 systems are suffering from interference. Fourthly, a practical case is studied to discuss how to design a sustainable system for home automation application constructed on the basis of IEEE 802.15.4 technique. Finally, a comprehensive design is proposed to enable the implementation of an interference mitigation strategy for IEEE 802.15.4 based ad hoc WSNs within a structure of building fire safety monitoring system. The proposed strategies and system designs are demonstrated mainly through theoretical analysis and experimental tests. The results obtained from the experimental tests have verified that the interference caused by an IEEE 802.11 system on an IEEE 802.15.4 system can be effectively mitigated through adjusting IEEE 802.15.4 system s parameters cooperating with interference pattern estimation. The proposed methods are suitable to be integrated into a system-level solution for an IEEE 802.15.4 system to deal with interference, which is also applicable to those wireless systems facing similar interference issues to enable the development of efficient mitigation strategies

    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work