8 research outputs found

    Using Bug Reports as a Software Quality Measure

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    Bugzilla is an online software bug reporting system. It is widely used by both open-source software projects and commercial software companies and has become a major source to study software evolution, software project management, and software quality control. In some research studies, the number of bug reports has been used as an indicator of software quality. This paper examines this representation. We investigate whether the number of bug reports of a specific version of a software product is correlated with its quality. Our study is performed on six branches of three open-source software systems. Our results do not support using the number of bug reports as a quality indicator of a specific version of an evolving software product. Instead, the study reveals that the number of bug reports is in some ways correlated with the time duration between product releases. Finally, the paper suggests using accumulated bug reports as a means to represent the quality of a software branch

    Toward a Model for Customer-Driven Release Management

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    Undetected software bugs frequently result in service disruptions, productivity losses, and in some instances significant threat to human life. One way to prevent such bugs is to engage customers in acceptance testing prior to the production software release, yet there is a considerable lack of empirical examination of the release process from the customer’s perspective. To address this research-practice gap, this study proposes a model for customer-driven release management that has been shown to minimize the number of software bugs discovered in production systems. The model is evaluated during a 27 month study at a municipality using the action research method. Following the model, 361 software bugs were detected and eliminated prior to final production releases, confirming the value of customer-driven release management for elimination of production software bugs

    An Empirical Study of Reported Bugs in Server Software with Implications for Automated Bug Diagnosis

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    Reproducing bug symptoms is a prerequisite for performing automatic bug diagnosis. Do bugs have characteristics that ease or hinder automatic bug diagnosis? In this paper, we conduct a thorough empirical study of several key characteristics of bugs that affect reproducibility at the production site. We examine randomly selected bug reports of six server applications and consider their implications on automatic bug diagnosis tools. Our results are promising. From the study, we find that nearly 82% of bug symptoms can be reproduced deterministically by re-running with the same set of inputs at the production site. We further find that very few input requests are needed to reproduce most failures; in fact, just one input request after session establishment suffices to reproduce the failure in nearly 77% of the cases. We describe the implications of the results on reproducing software failures and designing automated diagnosis tools for production runs.published or accepted for publicatio

    Assessing the Quality of the Steps to Reproduce in Bug Reports

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    A major problem with user-written bug reports, indicated by developers and documented by researchers, is the (lack of high) quality of the reported steps to reproduce the bugs. Low-quality steps to reproduce lead to excessive manual effort spent on bug triage and resolution. This paper proposes Euler, an approach that automatically identifies and assesses the quality of the steps to reproduce in a bug report, providing feedback to the reporters, which they can use to improve the bug report. The feedback provided by Euler was assessed by external evaluators and the results indicate that Euler correctly identified 98% of the existing steps to reproduce and 58% of the missing ones, while 73% of its quality annotations are correct.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19), August 26-30, 2019, Tallinn, Estoni

    Configurations everywhere: implications for testing and debugging in practice

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    us.abb.com Many industrial systems are highly-configurable, complicat-ing the testing and debugging process. While researchers have developed techniques to statically extract, quantify and manipulate the valid system configurations, we conjecture that many of these techniques will fail in practice. In this paper we analyze a highly-configurable industrial applica-tion and two open source applications in order to quantify the true challenges that configurability creates for software testing and debugging. We find that (1) all three appli-cations consist of multiple programming languages, hence static analyses need to cross programming language barriers to work, (2) there are many access points and methods to modify configurations, implying that practitioners need con-figuration traceability and should gather and merge meta-data from more than one source and (3) the configuration state of an application on failure cannot be reliably deter-mined by reading persistent data; a runtime memory dump or other heuristics must be used for accurate debugging. We conclude with a roadmap and lessons learned to help prac-titioners better handle configurability now, and that may lead to new configuration-aware testing and debugging tech-niques in the future


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    Modern computer software systems are complicated. Developers can change the behavior of the software system through software configurations. The large number of configuration option and their interactions make the task of software tuning, testing, and debugging very challenging. Performance is one of the key aspects of non-functional qualities, where performance bugs can cause significant performance degradation and lead to poor user experience. However, performance bugs are difficult to expose, primarily because detecting them requires specific inputs, as well as specific configurations. While researchers have developed techniques to analyze, quantify, detect, and fix performance bugs, many of these techniques are not effective in highly-configurable systems. To improve the non-functional qualities of configurable software systems, testing engineers need to be able to understand the performance influence of configuration options, adjust the performance of a system under different configurations, and detect configuration-related performance bugs. This research will provide an automated framework that allows engineers to effectively analyze performance-influence configuration options, detect performance bugs in highly-configurable software systems, and adjust configuration options to achieve higher long-term performance gains. To understand real-world performance bugs in highly-configurable software systems, we first perform a performance bug characteristics study from three large-scale opensource projects. Many researchers have studied the characteristics of performance bugs from the bug report but few have reported what the experience is when trying to replicate confirmed performance bugs from the perspective of non-domain experts such as researchers. This study is meant to report the challenges and potential workaround to replicate confirmed performance bugs. We also want to share a performance benchmark to provide real-world performance bugs to evaluate future performance testing techniques. Inspired by our performance bug study, we propose a performance profiling approach that can help developers to understand how configuration options and their interactions can influence the performance of a system. The approach uses a combination of dynamic analysis and machine learning techniques, together with configuration sampling techniques, to profile the program execution, analyze configuration options relevant to performance. Next, the framework leverages natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to automatically generate test inputs and configurations to expose performance bugs. Finally, the framework combines reinforcement learning and dynamic state reduction techniques to guide subject application towards achieving higher long-term performance gains

    Effective testing for concurrency bugs

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    In the current multi-core era, concurrency bugs are a serious threat to software reliability. As hardware becomes more parallel, concurrent programming will become increasingly pervasive. However, correct concurrent programming is known to be extremely challenging for developers and can easily lead to the introduction of concurrency bugs. This dissertation addresses this challenge by proposing novel techniques to help developers expose and detect concurrency bugs. We conducted a bug study to better understand the external and internal effects of real-world concurrency bugs. Our study revealed that a significant fraction of concurrency bugs qualify as semantic or latent bugs, which are two particularly challenging classes of concurrency bugs. Based on the insights from the study, we propose a concurrency bug detector, PIKE that analyzes the behavior of program executions to infer whether concurrency bugs have been triggered during a concurrent execution. In addition, we present the design of a testing tool, SKI, that allows developers to test operating system kernels for concurrency bugs in a practical manner. SKI bridges the gap between user-mode testing and kernel-mode testing by enabling the systematic exploration of the kernel thread interleaving space. Our evaluation shows that both PIKE and SKI are effective at finding concurrency bugs.Im gegenwärtigen Multicore-Zeitalter sind Fehler aufgrund von Nebenläufigkeit eine ernsthafte Bedrohung der Zuverlässigkeit von Software. Mit der wachsenden Parallelisierung von Hardware wird nebenläufiges Programmieren nach und nach allgegenwärtig. Diese Art von Programmieren ist jedoch als äußerst schwierig bekannt und kann leicht zu Programmierfehlern führen. Die vorliegende Dissertation nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an indem sie neuartige Techniken vorschlägt, die Entwicklern beim Aufdecken von Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern helfen. Wir führen eine Studie von Fehlern durch, um die externen und internen Effekte von in der Praxis vorkommenden Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern besser zu verstehen. Diese ergibt, dass ein bedeutender Anteil von solchen Fehlern als semantisch bzw. latent zu charakterisieren ist -- zwei besonders herausfordernde Klassen von Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Studie entwickeln wir einen Detektor (PIKE), der Programmausführungen daraufhin analysiert, ob Nebenläufigkeitsfehler aufgetreten sind. Weiterhin präsentieren wir das Design eines Testtools (SKI), das es Entwicklern ermöglicht, Betriebssystemkerne praktikabel auf Nebenläufigkeitsfehler zu überprüfen. SKI füllt die Lücke zwischen Testen im Benutzermodus und Testen im Kernelmodus, indem es die systematische Erkundung der Kernel-Thread-Verschachtelungen erlaubt. Unsere Auswertung zeigt, dass sowohl PIKE als auch SKI effektiv Nebenläufigkeitsfehler finden