23 research outputs found

    Exploring Islamic Website Features that Influence user Satisfaction: A Conceptual Model

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    AbstractIslamic websites (I-Webs) demand special attention by the nature of the content they deliver to users. To deliver satisfying and useful content for Islamic activities online (e.g. learning about Islam, questioning scholars, chat), it is important to identify and understand the most important features an Islamic website should portray. In this paper, we conducted extensive web searches and reviewed the literature on Islamic websites in order to explore features that influence users to visit a website for online Islamic activities, consequently leading to user satisfaction. The features were categorized into design, content, and Islamic. Design features were measured by usability, navigation, functionality, accessibility, interactivity, attractiveness, and security/privacy. Content features were measured by trust, objectivity, credibility, reliability, relevance, legitimacy, and authority. Islamic features were measured by Tawhid (belief), Sunnah, (practice), Niyyah (intention), ethics, identity, symbols, and software. We conceptualized and proposed that these features influence the use of I-Web and consequently lead to user satisfaction. The conceptual model will provide direction for future empirical research on Islamic websites, which is currently lacking

    When IS Success Model Meets UTAUT in a Mobile Banking Context: A Study of Subjective and Objective System Usage

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    The objective usage of mobile banking (MB) reflects more validated measure when compared to subjective usage. Although objective system usage has been seldom studied, it has been never investigated in a MB context to the best of our knowledge. This research in progress develops an integrative conceptual framework that incorporates relevant-context factors into well-established models of IS success and UTAUT to examine their direct and indirect effects on MB usage. This examination can expand our knowledge of system usage in the context of mobile banking. Contribution and implications are discussed

    The Creation of a Ubiquitous Business Community for an Agribusiness Cluster

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    Ubiquitous Business Communities (UBC) are information processing systems that offer people the possibility to connect to networks, any time independently from location and computing platforms, which are sensitive to the users´ contexts. UBC allow participants to exchange information and enhance business transactions. These systems may act as market organizers and may affect millions of producers and clients in developing countries. Our research-in-progress paper presents the creation of a UBC to enhance business transactions in an agribusiness cluster. We highlight some characteristics of the UBC under development, considering the main factors that influence the competitiveness of the cluster. We also describe aspects of the development process of the UBC and of the structuration process of the community (organization of a member and product catalog and of product quality standards). Finally we present expectations to be verified in the implementation process of the UBC

    Ubiquitous Tour Information: the Relationships between Service Quality, Perceived Enjoyment, and Behavioral Intention

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    This study explored the service quality of ubiquitous mobile tour information, which has been emerging as a new solution in its integration with providing tour information services. with advancement of mobile technologies. The study also expanded on the effect of user’s perceived quality on enjoyment and usage intention. The demonstrative analysis result, from users’ firsthand interaction with the mobile tour information, led to classifications of ubiquitous tour information service quality; the classifications of four factors consisted of: ‘performance’, ‘information’, ‘design’, and ‘convenience’. While the design’ and ‘convenience’ factors did not have a significant impact, the ‘performance’ and ‘information’ factors had a significant impact on perceived enjoyment. The aforementioned four factors of service quality were proven to have impact on usage intention. Out of the four factors, ‘performance’ proved to have the highest impact on usage intention. Managerial implications based on the results are discussed

    Conceptual model of continuance intention to use of the Islamic blog / Mohd Nurul Hafiz Ibrahim, Mohd Sazili Mohd Shahibi and Mohamad Noorman Masrek.

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    The purpose of this paper is to offer greater insight in the role of content-related factor in the continuance used of the Islamic weblogs as the source of Islamic teachings and practices. Information System (IS) continuance intention Model is being employed as a conceptual tool to re-interpret the existing evidence of the continuance used of the weblogs. Additional elements including credibility, reliability and objectivity are being included to further clarify the role of content-related factor in determining the continued used of the weblogs. The analysis demonstrated that people tend to revisit the weblogs with reliable and credible information. The paper presents the importance of content in terms of credibility, objectivity, and reliability in encouraging people to continue use the Islamic weblogs in disseminating the Islamic information and knowledge significantly influences the people’s intention to revisit the weblogs in future

    E-commerce: A New Framework Aggregates Culture with Website Design

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    In the modern market, e-commerce is absolutely essential in business marketing and advertising. Many studies have been conducted to explore the relations between players and companies by creating the trust within security and culture. Various models have been proposed to show the reliability of trust that in a successful e-commerce website. In this paper, we have built a new framework to aggregate the e-commerce culture with the facilities of the websites that can attract more players to increase the trust between the players and companies. This paper also explores factors in e-commerce related to Jordanian culture and religions, in the context of the great increase in the use of smart phones by all sectors of society around the country. Our new framework will explore the vision for companies to enhance services with increasing the trust by considering many different keys such as scalability, delivery on time and protected accounts with more website facilities

    Proactive Privacy Practices In The Trend Of Ubiquitous Services: An Integrative Social Contracts Perspective

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    Privacy is a strategic issue that deserves great attention from enterprises because the convergence of customer information and advanced technologies that they engage in diverse business processes in response to competitive pressure, particularly when businesses promote their traditional e-services to ubiquitous services (u-services). The underlying vision of u-services is to overcome spatial and temporal boundaries in traditional services, such as m-services and e-services. U-services will be the next wave and can be recognized as a logical extension of traditional e-services because u-services are initiated by e-services based on current potential customer pool and further propagated by m-services. In the context of u-services, customers are always connected seamlessly in context-awareness networks so that a higher degree of customized and personalized services can be timely provided. While people are served with more convenience and efficiency, they may also well be aware of privacy threats behind that. Hence, privacy concerns have been recognized as a critical impediment for boosting u-services. Drawing upon integrative social contracts theory, this study undertakes to explore a proactive privacy practices framework that embraces technical and non-technical elements such as human, legal, and economic relevant perspectives. The results of this study are expected to shed light on privacy practices

    Effects of the Web 2.0 and Social Network Services Environment on Information Quality and Intentions to Re-Use

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    Recent penetration of Web 2.0 and social network services (SNS) seems to make information quality (IQ) in those services more important. The main objective of this research is to grasp the impact from system quality to dimensions of information quality and to analyze relationships among those qualities and intention to re-use in Web 2.0 services including SNS. Based on socio-technical approach, information quality research, the updated IS success model and the IS diffusion variance model, the structural equation model is constructed and empirically tested. The result shows that system quality positively affects both intrinsic IQ and contextual and representational IQ, and that the latter exerts more impact on intention to re-use than the former. System quality also positively affects intention to re-use. Researches for the impact from system quality to information quality are scarce, thus our research contributes to this topic. We also found that the role of technical compatibility and user interaction environment on system quality is important and there is little lock-in effect for Web 2.0 services. The result of this research suggests a strategy for practitioners of these services to keep their competitive edge and retain users

    Critical Success Factors For The Implementation Of Integrated Healthcare Information Systems Projects: An Organizational Fit Perspective

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    Many healthcare reforms are to digitalize and integrate healthcare information systems. However, the disparity of business benefits in having an integrated healthcare information system (IHIS) varies with organizational fit factors. Critical success factors (CSFs) exist for hospitals to implement an IHIS successfully. This study investigated the relationship between the organizational fit and the system success. In addition, we examined the moderating effect of five CSFs -- information systems adjustment, business process adjustment, organizational resistance, top management support, and the capability of key team members – in an IHIS implementation. Fifty-three hospitals that have successfully undertaken IHIS projects participated in this study. We used regression analysis to assess the relationships. The findings of this study provide a roadmap for hospitals to capitalize on the organizational fit and the five critical success factors in order to implement successful IHIS projects

    Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Integrated Healthcare Information Systems Projects: An Organizational Fit Perspective

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    Many healthcare reforms are to digitalize and integrate healthcare information systems. However, the disparity of business benefits in having an integrated healthcare information system (IHIS) varies with organizational fit factors. Critical success factors (CSFs) exist for hospitals to implement an IHIS successfully. This study investigated the relationship between the organizational fit and the system success. In addition, we examined the moderating effect of five CSFs -- information systems adjustment, business process adjustment, organizational resistance, top management support, and the capability of key team members – in an IHIS implementation. Fifty-three hospitals that have successfully undertaken IHIS projects participated in this study. We used regression analysis to assess the relationships. The findings of this study provide a roadmap for hospitals to capitalize on the organizational fit and the five critical success factors in order to implement successful IHIS projects