11 research outputs found

    Metaheuristics for online drive train efficiency optimization in electric vehicles

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    Utilization of electric vehicles provides a solution to several challenges in today’s individual mobility. However, ensuring maximum efficient operation of electric vehicles is required in order to overcome their greatest weakness: the limited range. Even though the overall efficiency is already high, incorporating DC/DC converter into the electric drivetrain improves the efficiency level further. This inclusion enables the dynamic optimization of the intermediate voltage level subject to the current driving demand (operating point) of the drivetrain. Moreover, the overall drivetrain efficiency depends on the setup of other drivetrain components’ electric parameters. Solving this complex problem for different drivetrain parameter setups subject to the current driving demand needs considerable computing time for conventional solvers and cannot be delivered in real-time. Therefore, basic metaheuristics are identified and applied in order to assure the optimization process during driving. In order to compare the performance of metaheuristics for this task, we adjust and compare the performance of different basic metaheuristics (i.e. Monte-Carlo, Evolutionary Algorithms, Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization). The results are statistically analyzed and based on a developed simulation model of an electric drivetrain. By applying the bestperforming metaheuristic, the efficiency of the drivetrain could be improved by up to 30% compared to an electric vehicle without the DC/DC- converter. The difference between computing times vary between 30 minutes (for the Exhaustive Search Algorithm) to about 0.2 seconds (Particle Swarm) per operating point. It is shown, that the Particle Swarm Optimization as well as the Evolutionary Algorithm procedures are the best-performing methods on this optimization problem. All in all, the results support the idea that online efficiency optimization in electric vehicles is possible with regard to computing time and success probability

    Self-consumption through power-to-heat and storage for enhanced PV integration in decentralised energy systems

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    Many countries have adopted schemes to promote investments into renewable energy sources resulting, among others, in a high penetration of solar PV energy. The system integration of the increasing amount of variable electricity generation is therefore a highly important task. This paper focuses on a residential quarter with PV systems and explores how heat pumps and thermal and electrical storages can help to integrate the PV generation through self-consumption. However, self-consumption and PV integration are not only affected by technologies but also by pricing mechanisms. This paper therefore analyses the impact of different tariffs on the investment and operation decisions in a residential quarter and its interaction with the external grid. The considered tariffs include a standard fixed per-kilowatt-hour price, a dynamic pricing scheme and a capacity pricing scheme. To account for the interdependent uncertainties of energy supply, demand and electricity prices, we use a module-based framework including a Markov process and a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program. Analysing a residential quarter in Southern Germany as a case study, we find that the integration of a PV system is economically advantageous for all considered tariffs. The self-consumption rate varies between 58 and 75%. The largest PV system is built when dynamic prices are applied. However, the peak load from the external grid increases by a factor of two under this tariff without any incentive for reduction. In contrast, capacity pricing results in a reduction of the peak load by up to 35%

    Model for optimal management of the cooling system of a fuel cell-based combined heat and power system for developing optimization control strategies

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    This paper is focused on the development of a model for achieving optimal control of the cooling system of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)-based cogeneration system. This model is developed to help facilitate the development and application of control strategies to maximize the energy efficiencies of PEMFCs, so that the costs associated with electric and thermal generation can be reduced. The results of experimental analysis conducted using an actual PEMFC-based combined heat and power system that can produce 600 W of electrical power are presented. Then, the development and validation of a simulation model of the experimental system are discussed. This model is based on a combination of an artificial neural network (ANN) with a non-linear autoregressive exogenous configuration and a 3D lookup table (LUT) that updates the data input into the ANN as a function of the electrical power demand and the flow rate and input temperature of the coolant fluid. Due to the nonlinearity of the data contained in the 3D LUT, an algorithm based on linear interpolation and shape-preserving piecewise cubic Hermite dynamic functions is implemented to interpolate the data in 3D. As a result, the model can predict the outlet temperature of the coolant fluid and hydrogen consumption rate of the PEMFC as functions of the inlet temperature and flow rate of the coolant fluid and the electrical power demand. The proposed model exhibits high accuracy and can be used as a black box for the development of new optimization strategies.University of The Basque Country - UPV/EHU [UFI 11/28

    A Comprehensive Approach for an Approximative Integration of Nonlinear-Bivariate Functions in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Models

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    As decentralized energy supply units, microgrids can make a decisive contribution to achieving climate targets. In this context, it is particularly important to determine the optimal size of the energy components contained in the microgrids and their optimal operating schedule. Hence, mathematical optimization methods are often used in association with such tasks. In particular, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) has proven to be a useful tool. Due to the versatility of the different energetic components (e.g., storages, solar modules) and their special technical characteristics, linear relationships can often only inadequately describe the real processes. In order to take advantage of linear solution techniques but at the same time better represent these real-world processes, accurate and efficient approximation techniques need to be applied in system modeling. In particular, nonlinear-bivariate functions represent a major challenge, which is why this paper derives and implements a method that addresses this issue. The advantage of this method is that any bivariate mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation can be transformed into a MILP formulation using this comprehensive method. For a performance comparison, a mixed-integer quadratic constrained programming (MIQCP) model—as an MINLP special case—is applied and transformed into a MILP, and the solution of the transformed problem is compared with the one of the MIQCP. Since there are good off-the-shelf solvers for MIQCP problems available, the comparison is conservative. The results for an exemplary microgrid sizing task show that the method delivers a strong performance, both in terms of approximation error (0.08%) and computation time. The method and its implementation can serve as a general user-tool but also as a basis for further methodological developments and research

    Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system - a residential quarter as case study

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    The trend towards decentralized energy systems with an emphasis on renewable energy sources (RES) causes increased fluctuations and non-negligible weather-related uncertainties on the future supply side. Stochastic modeling techniques enable an adequate consideration of uncertainties in the investment and operation planning process of decentralized energy systems. The challenge is that modeling of real energy systems ends up in large-scale problems, already as deterministic program. In order to keep the stochastic problem feasible, we present a module-based, parallel computing approach using decomposing techniques and a hill-climbing algorithm in combination with high-performance computing (HPC) for a two-stage stochastic optimization problem. Consistent ensembles of the required input data are simulated by a Markov process and transformed into sets of energy demand and supply profiles. The approach is demonstrated for a residential quarter using photovoltaic (PV) systems in combination with heat pumps and storages. Depending on the installed technologies, the quarter is modeled either as stochastic linear program (SLP) or stochastic mixed-integer linear program (SMILP). Our results show that thermal storages in such a decentralized energy system prove beneficial and that they are more profitable for domestic hot water than for space heating. Moreover, the storage capacity for space heating is generally larger when uncertainties are considered in comparison to the deterministic optimization, i.e. stochastic optimization can help to avoid bad layout decisions

    Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system : a case study focusing on solar PV, heat pumps and storage in a residential quarter

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    The expansion of ïŹ‚uctuating renewable energy sources leads to an increasing impact of weather-related uncertainties on future decentralized energy systems. Stochastic modeling techniques enable an adequate consideration of the uncertainties and provide support for both investment and operating decisions in such systems. In this paper, we consider a residential quarter using photovoltaic systems in combination with multistage air-water heat pumps and heat storage units for space heating and domestic hot water. We model the investment and operating problem of the quarter’s energy system as two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear program and optimize the thermal storage units. In order to keep the resulting stochastic, large-scale program computationally feasible, the problem is decomposed in combination with a derivative-free optimization. The subproblems are solved in parallel on high-performance computing systems. Our approach is integrated in that it comprises three subsystems: generation of consistent ensembles of the required input data by a Markov process, transformation into sets of energy demand and supply proïŹles and the actual stochastic optimization. An analysis of the scalability and comparison with a state-of-the-art dual-decomposition method using Lagrange relaxation and a conic bundle algorithm shows a good performance of our approach for the considered problem type. A comparison of the effective gain of modeling the quarter as stochastic program with the resulting computational expenses justiïŹes the approach. Moreover, our results show that heat storage units in such systems are generally larger when uncertainties are considered, i.e., stochastic optimization can help to avoid insufïŹcient setup decisions. Furthermore, we ïŹnd that the storage is more proïŹtable for domestic hot water than for space heating

    Optimization methods for developing electric vehicle charging strategies

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered to be a crucial and proactive player in the future for transport electrification, energy transition, and emission reduction, as promoted by policy-makers, relevant industries, and the academia. EV charging would account for a non-negligible share in the future electricity demand. The integration of EV brings both challenges and opportunities to the electricity system, mainly from their charging profiles. When EV charging behaviors are uncontrolled, their potentially high charging rate and synchronous charging patterns may result in the bottleneck of the grid capacity and the shortage of generation ramping capacity. However, the promising load shifting potential of EVs can alleviate these problems and even bring additional flexibilities to the demand side for further applications, such as peak shaving and the integration of renewable energy. To grasp these opportunities, novel controlled charging strategies should be developed to help integrate electric vehicles into energy systems. However, corresponding methods in current literature often have customized assumptions or settings so that they might not be practically or widely applied. Furthermore, the attention of literature is more paid to explaining the results of the methods or making consequent policy recommendations, but not sufficiently paid to demonstrating the methods themselves. The lack of the latter might undermine the credibility of the work and hinder readers’ understanding. Therefore, this thesis serves as a methodological framework in response to the fundamental and universal challenges in developing charging strategies for integrating EV into energy systems. The discussions aim to raise readers’ awareness of the essential but often unnoticed concerns in model development and hopefully would enlighten future researchers into this topic. Specifically, this cumulative thesis comprises four papers and analyzes the research topic from two perspectives. With Paper A and Paper B, the micro perspective of the thesis is more applied and focuses on the successful implementation of charging scheduling solutions for each EV individually. Paper A proposes a two-stage scenario-based stochastic linear programming model to schedule EV charging behaviors and considers the uncertainties from future EVs. The model is calculated in a rolling window fashion with updated parameters. Scenario generation for future EVs is simulated by inhomogeneous Markov chains, and scenario reduction is achieved by a fast forward selection method to reduce the computational burden. The objective function is formulated as variance minimization so that the model can be flexibly implemented for various applications. Paper B applies the model proposed in Paper A to investigate how the generation of a wind turbine could be correlated with the EV controlled charging demand. An empirical controlled charging strategy is designed for comparison where EVs would charge as much as possible when wind generation is sufficient or would postpone charging otherwise. Although these two controlled charging strategies perform similarly in terms of wind energy utilization, the solutions from the proposed model could additionally alleviate the volatility of wind energy generation by matching the EV charging curve to the electricity generation profile. With Paper C and Paper D, the macro perspective of the thesis is more explorative and investigates how EVs as a whole would contribute to energy transition or emission reduction. Paper C investigates the greenhouse gas emissions of EVs under different charging strategies in Europe in 2050. Methodologically, the paper proposes an EV module that enables different EV controlled charging strategies to be endogenously determined by energy system models. The paper concludes that EVs would contribute to a 36% emission reduction on the European level even under an uncontrolled charging strategy. Unidirectional and bidirectional controlled charging strategies could further reduce emissions by 4% and 11%, respectively, compared with the original level. As a follow-up study of Paper C, Paper D develops, demonstrates, improves, and compares three different types of EV aggregation methods for integrating an EV module into energy system models. The analysis and demonstration of these methods are achieved by having a simplified energy system model as a testbed and the results from the individual EV modeling method as the benchmark. As different EV aggregation methods share the same data set as for the individual EV modeling method, the disturbance from parameters is minimized, and the influence from mathematical formulations is highlighted. These EV aggregation methods are compared from multiple aspects