8 research outputs found

    The reliability-based stochastic transit assignment problem with elastic demand

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    This paper examines the reliability-based stochastic transit assignment problem with elastic demand. A Variational Inequality (VI) model for this problem is developed. The VI model considers capacity, waiting time and in-vehicle travel time as stochastic variables, and includes Spiess and Florian’s (1989) and de Cea and Fernández’s (1993) models as special cases. A reliability-based stochastic user equilibrium condition is defined to capture the route choice behavior of passengers. To illustrate the properties of the VI model, numerical studies were conducted on de Cea and Fernández’s (1993) network. The studies also show that Spiess and Florian’s and de Cea and Fernández’s models can overestimate the system performance substantially.postprin

    Reliable network design under supply uncertainty with probabilistic guarantees

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    This paper proposes a bi-level risk-averse network design model for transportation networks with heterogeneous link travel time distributions. The objective of the network design is to minimise the total system travel time (TSTT) budget (TSTTB), which consists of the mean TSTT and a safety margin. The design is achieved by selecting optimal link capacity expansions subject to a fixed expansion budget. Users’ selfish behaviour and risk attitude are captured in the lower level traffic assignment constraints, in which travellers select routes to minimise their own path travel time budget. The properties of the design problem are analysed analytically and numerically. The analysis shows that despite the lack of knowledge of travel time distributions, the probabilities that the actual TSTT and the actual path travel time are, respectively, within the optimal TSTTB and the minimum path travel time budget under optimal design have lower bounds. The lower bounds are related to the system manager's and travellers’ risk aversion. The optimal TSTTB is proven to be bounded below even when the link expansion budget is unlimited.postprin

    Models and Solution Algorithms for Asymmetric Traffic and Transit Assignment Problems

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    Modeling the transportation system is important because it provides a “common ground” for discussing policy and examining the future transportation plan required in practices. Generally, modeling is a simplified representation of the real world; however, this research added value to the modeling practice by investigating the asymmetric interactions observed in the real world in order to explore potential improvements of the transportation modeling. The Asymmetric Transportation Equilibrium Problem (ATEP) is designed to precisely model actual transportation systems by considering asymmetric interactions of flows. The enhanced representation of the transportation system by the ATEP is promising because there are various asymmetric interactions in real transportation such as intersections, highway ramps, and toll roads and in the structure of the transit fares. This dissertation characterizes the ATEP with an appropriate solution algorithm and its applications. First, the research investigates the factors affecting the convergence of the ATEP. The double projection method is applied to various asymmetric types and complexities in the different sizes of networks in order to identify the influential factors including demand intensities, network configuration, route composition between modes, and sensitivity of the cost function. Secondly, the research develops an enhancement strategy for improvement in computational speed for the double projection method. The structural characteristics of the ATEP are used to develop the convergence enhancement strategy that significantly reduces the computational burdens. For the application side, instances of asymmetric interactions observed in in-vehicle crowding and the transit fare structure are modeled to provide a suggestion on policy approach for a transit agency. The direct application of the crowding model into the real network indicates that crowd modeling with multi user classes could influence the public transportation system planning and the revenue achievement of transit agencies. Moreover, addition of the disutility factor, crowding, not always causes the increase of disutility from the transit uses. The application of the non-additive fare structure in the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) network addresses the potential of the distance-based fare structure should the UTA make a transition to this fare structure from their current fare model. The analysis finds that the zero base fare has the highest potential for increasing the transit demand. However, collecting less than $0.50 with a certain buffer distance for the first boarding has potential for attracting the users to UTA\u27s transit market upon the fare structure change

    Development of an Optimisation Model for Scheduling of Street Works Schemes

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    The coordination of street works activities in urban networks has been highlighted by the Government as one of the most important aspects of street works practice, benefiting street authorities, undertakers and road users alike (Department for Transport, 2012c). The present research aims to develop an optimisation model for minimising the overall costs and disruptions incurred by all stakeholders as a result of implementing a number of street works schemes in an urban traffic network. The output of the optimisation model consists of optimum values for the underlying decision variables of the model such as start time of each street works scheme, type of traffic management strategy for each link, sequence of link closures and the level of resources allocated to undertake each scheme. The following two distinct objective functions, which are subject to minimisation by the optimisation model, have been developed: A primary objective function which captures the monetised effects of street works schemes such as cost of delays to road users, and cost of undertaking street works schemes. A secondary objective function (developed as a fuzzy inference system) to capture the non-monetised disruptive effects of street works schemes. The fuzzy variables of this inference system correspond to the level of ‘accessibility degradation’ of the network links, ‘connectivity degradation’ of the origin-destinations of the network, and ‘time sensitivity’ of the disruptive events (i.e. street works schemes). Next the street works optimisation problem was mathematically formulated as a bi-level optimisation programming problem, where the higher level problem is associated with minimising the aforementioned objective functions, and the lower level problem deals with predicting traffic flows, and thus the amount of delays incurred by the road users. Subsequently this study developed a genetic algorithm solution method to solve the resulting non-convex and NP-hard optimisation problem with integer or mixed type variables. Finally the performance of the optimisation algorithm was verified by a number of experimental tests on a small hypothetical network for three street works schemes

    Advances in Urban Traffic Network Equilibrium Models and Algorithms

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