22 research outputs found

    Combining Improved FYDPS Neural Networks and Case-Based Planning — A Case Study

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    This paper presents a hybrid deliberative architecture based on the concept of CBPBDI agent. A CBP-BDI agent is a BDI agent that incorporates a CBP reasoning engine. The work here presented focuses in the development of the CBP internal structure. The planning mechanism has been implemented by means of a novel FYDPS neural network. The system has been tested and this paper presents the results obtained

    Autonomous FYDPS Neural Network-Based Planner Agent for Health Care in Geriatric Residences

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    This paper presents an autonomous intelligent agent developed for health care in geriatric residences. The paper focuses on the construction of an autonomous agent which incorporates a model of human thinking, such as reasoning based on past experiences. The work here presented focuses in the development of the CBP internal structure. The planning mechanism has been implemented by means of a novel FYDPS neural network. The system has been tested and this paper presents the results obtained

    Multi-Agent System for Security Control on Industrial Environments

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    This paper presents a multi-agent system for managing and monitoring surveillance routes for security guards on industrial environments. The system obtains automatic and real-time information about the context to schedule and monitor the security guards activities. Users interact with the system in a simple, natural and intuitive way, using a set of wireless technologies and software agents with reasoning and planning mechanisms

    Immune-Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Genetic Algorithm for Optimization: Preprocessing with n Dimensional Bisection and Error Estimation

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    A knowledge of the appropriate values of the parameters of a genetic algorithm (GA) such as the population size, the shrunk search space containing the solution, crossover and mutation probabilities is not available a priori for a general optimization problem. Recommended here is a polynomial-time preprocessing scheme that includes an n-dimensional bisection and that determines the foregoing parameters before deciding upon an appropriate GA for all problems of similar nature and type. Such a preprocessing is not only fast but also enables us to get the global optimal solution and its reasonably narrow error bounds with a high degree of confidence

    Guiding Clients in a Shopping Mall using Case-based Planning and FYDPS Neural Networks.

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    This paper presents a deliberative architecture based on the concept of CBP-BDI agent. A CBP-BDI agent is a BDI agent that incorporates a CBP reasoning engine. The work here presented focuses in the development of the CBP internal structure. The planning mechanism has been implemented by means of a novel FYDPS neural network. The system has been tested and this paper presents the results obtained.

    Sistema Multiagente para la Gestión y Monitorización de Rutas de Vigilancia.

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    En este artículo se presenta un sistema para la gestión y monitorización de rutas de vigilancia para el personal de seguridad en el sector de la construcción. Diversos conceptos, derivados de la Inteligencia Ambiental, se han tenido en cuenta para el diseño del sistema, obteniendo información del contexto para planificar y monitorizar las rutas de vigilancia de forma automática y en tiempo de ejecución. El sistema se compone de agentes con capacidades de razonamiento y planificación, así como de un conjunto de tecnologías que permiten a los usuarios una interacción con el sistema y el entorno de forma sencilla, natural e intuitiva