10,994 research outputs found

    Visible Surface Detection Algorithms: A Review

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    In computer graphics, there are many surface detection algorithms. When we view a picture containing non-transparent objects and surfaces, then we cannot see those objects from view which is behind from objects closer to eye. We must remove these hidden surfaces to get a realistic screen image. The identification and removal of these surfaces is called Hidden-surface problem. In this paper I review some visible surface detection algorithms like Z buffer method, Area subdivision method, Scan line method etc

    Polygon-based hidden surface elimination algorithms: serial and parallel

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    Chapter 1 introduces the need for rapid solutions of hidden surface elimination (HSE) problems in the interactive display of objects and scenes, as used in many application areas such as flight and driving simulators and CAD systems. It reviews the existing approaches to high-performance computer graphics and to parallel computing. It then introduces the central tenet of this thesis: that general purpose parallel computers may be usefully applied to the solution of HSE problems. Finally it introduces a set of metrics for describing sets of scene data, and applies them to the test scenes used in this thesis. Chapter 2 describes variants of several common image space hidden surface elimination algorithms, which solve the HSE problem for scenes described as collections of polygons. Implementations of these HSE algorithms on a traditional, serial, single microprocessor computer are introduced and theoretical estimates of their performance are derived. The algorithms are compared under identical conditions for various sets of test data. The results of this comparison are then placed in context with existing historical results. Chapter 3 examines the application of MIMD style parallelism to accelerate the solution of HSE problems. MIMD parallel implementations of the previously considered HSE algorithms are introduced. Their behaviour under various system configurations and for various data sets is investigated and compared with theoretical estimates. The theoretical estimates are found to match closely the experimental findings. Chapter 4 summarises the conclusions of this thesis, finding that HSE algorithms can be implemented to use an MIMD parallel computer effectively, and that of the HSE algorithms examined the z-buffer algorithm generally proves to be a good compromise solution

    The curvelet transform for image denoising

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    We describe approximate digital implementations of two new mathematical transforms, namely, the ridgelet transform and the curvelet transform. Our implementations offer exact reconstruction, stability against perturbations, ease of implementation, and low computational complexity. A central tool is Fourier-domain computation of an approximate digital Radon transform. We introduce a very simple interpolation in the Fourier space which takes Cartesian samples and yields samples on a rectopolar grid, which is a pseudo-polar sampling set based on a concentric squares geometry. Despite the crudeness of our interpolation, the visual performance is surprisingly good. Our ridgelet transform applies to the Radon transform a special overcomplete wavelet pyramid whose wavelets have compact support in the frequency domain. Our curvelet transform uses our ridgelet transform as a component step, and implements curvelet subbands using a filter bank of a` trous wavelet filters. Our philosophy throughout is that transforms should be overcomplete, rather than critically sampled. We apply these digital transforms to the denoising of some standard images embedded in white noise. In the tests reported here, simple thresholding of the curvelet coefficients is very competitive with "state of the art" techniques based on wavelets, including thresholding of decimated or undecimated wavelet transforms and also including tree-based Bayesian posterior mean methods. Moreover, the curvelet reconstructions exhibit higher perceptual quality than wavelet-based reconstructions, offering visually sharper images and, in particular, higher quality recovery of edges and of faint linear and curvilinear features. Existing theory for curvelet and ridgelet transforms suggests that these new approaches can outperform wavelet methods in certain image reconstruction problems. The empirical results reported here are in encouraging agreement

    Computer generated animation and movie production at LARC: A case study

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    The process of producing computer generated 16mm movies using the MOVIE.BYU software package developed by Brigham Young University and the currently available hardware technology at the Langley Research Center is described. A general overview relates the procedures to a specific application. Details are provided which describe the data used, preparation of a storyboard, key frame generation, the actual animation, title generation, filming, and processing/developing the final product. Problems encountered in each of these areas are identified. Both hardware and software problems are discussed along with proposed solutions and recommendations

    A Method of Rendering CSG-Type Solids Using a Hybrid of Conventional Rendering Methods and Ray Tracing Techniques

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    This thesis describes a fast, efficient and innovative algorithm for producing shaded, still images of complex objects, built using constructive solid geometry ( CSG ) techniques. The algorithm uses a hybrid of conventional rendering methods and ray tracing techniques. A description of existing modelling and rendering methods is given in chapters 1, 2 and 3, with emphasis on the data structures and rendering techniques selected for incorporation in the hybrid method. Chapter 4 gives a general description of the hybrid method. This method processes data in the screen coordinate system and generates images in scan-line order. Scan lines are divided into spans (or segments) using the bounding rectangles of primitives calculated in screen coordinates. Conventional rendering methods and ray tracing techniques are used interchangeably along each scan-line. The method used is detennined by the number of primitives associated with a particular span. Conventional rendering methods are used when only one primitive is associated with a span, ray tracing techniques are used for hidden surface removal when two or more primitives are involved. In the latter case each pixel in the span is evaluated by accessing the polygon that is visible within each primitive associated with the span. The depth values (i. e. z-coordinates derived from the 3-dimensional definition) of the polygons involved are deduced for the pixel's position using linear interpolation. These values are used to determine the visible polygon. The CSG tree is accessed from the bottom upwards via an ordered index that enables the 'visible' primitives on any particular scan-line to be efficiently located. Within each primitive an ordered path through the data structure provides the polygons potentially visible on a particular scan-line. Lists of the active primitives and paths to potentially visible polygons are maintained throughout the rendering step and enable span coherence and scan-line coherence to be fully utilised. The results of tests with a range of typical objects and scenes are provided in chapter 5. These results show that the hybrid algorithm is significantly faster than full ray tracing algorithms

    Dimensional verification and correction of five-axis numerically controlled milling tool paths

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    A system of algorithms is presented for material removal simulation, automatic dimensional verification and integrated error correction of numerically controlled (NC) milling tool paths. Several different approaches to these problems have been proposed including direct solid modeling, discrete vector intersection, and spatial partitioning. However, each of these methods suffer inherent restrictions that limit their practical application. This dissertation presents a discrete dexel NC verification algorithm based on a spatial partitioning technique (dexel representation) which incorporates the advantages of the discrete vector intersection approach. Hence, real-time animated five-axis milling simulation is supported by efficient regularized Boolean set operations, and dimensional milling errors are verified simultaneously with the simulation process. Based on intermediate dimensional verification results, a reduction of intersection volume algorithm is developed to eliminate detected gouges on the part surface. In addition, a technique for detection and elimination of unexpected collisions between the tool assembly and the workpiece is developed. These combined algorithms automatically correct tool paths to avoid gouges and collisions resulting in tool paths that are ready for immediate industrial application. A major disadvantage of dexel-based spatial partitioning, as originally proposed, is view dependency, i.e., dexels are constructed along a specific viewing vector so reconstruction of dexels is required for each new viewing direction. To overcome this problem, a contour display method is developed to transform dexel-based objects into a set of parallel planar contours thus enabling dynamic viewing transformations. In summary, this dissertation describes a unique hybrid approach to NC milling verification which provides for efficient, accurate and automatic assessment and correction of five-axis milling tool paths
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