222 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of scheduling algorithms for next generation broadband wireless access systems

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    Efficient utilization of network resources is a key goal for emerging Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWAS). This is a complex goal to achieve due to the heterogeneous service nature and diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of various applications that BWAS support. Packet scheduling is an important activity that affects BWAS QoS outcomes. This thesis proposes a new packet scheduling mechanism that improves QoS in mobile wireless networks which exploit IP as a transport technology for data transfer between BWAS base stations and mobile users at the radio transmission layer. In order to improve BWAS QoS the new packet algorithm makes changes at both the IP and the radio layers. The new packet scheduling algorithm exploits handoff priority scheduling principles and takes into account buffer occupancy and channel conditions. The packet scheduling mechanism also incorporates the concept of fairness. The algorithm also offers an opportunity to maximize the carriers’ revenue at various traffic situations. Performance results were obtained by computer simulation and compared to the well-known algorithms. Results show that by exploiting the new packet scheduling algorithm, the transport system is able to provide a low handoff packet drop rate, low packet forwarding rate, low packet delay, ensure fairness amongst the users of different services and generates higher revenue for the telecom carriers. Furthermore this research proposes a new and novel measure named “satisfaction factor to measure the efficacy of various scheduling schemes and finally this s research also proposes four performance measurements metric for NodeB’s of Next Generation Wireless Network

    Performance Evaluation of v-eNodeB using Virtualized Radio Resource Management

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    With the demand upsurge for high bandwidth services, continuous increase in the number of cellular subscriptions, adoption of Internet of Things (IoT), and marked growth in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic, there is great stress exerted on cellular network infrastructure. The present wireline and wireless networking technologies are rigid in nature and heavily hardware-dependent, as a result of which the process of infrastructure upgrade to keep up with future demand is cumbersome and expensive. Software-defined networks (SDN) hold the promise to decrease network rigidity by providing central control and flow abstraction, which in current network setups are hardware-based. The embrace of SDN in traditional cellular networks has led to the implementation of vital network functions in the form of software that are deployed in virtualized environments. This approach to move crucial and hardware intensive network functions to virtual environments is collectively referred to as network function virtualization (NFV). Our work evaluates the cost reduction and energy savings that can be achieved by the application of SDN and NFV technologies in cellular networks. In this thesis, we implement a virtualized eNodeB component (Radio Resource Management) to add agility to the network setup and improve performance, which we compare with a traditional resource manager. When combined with dynamic network resource allocation techniques proposed in Elastic Handoff, our hardware agnostic approach can achieve a greater reduction in capital and operational expenses through optimal use of network resources and efficient energy utilization. Advisor: Jitender S. Deogu

    Efficient Handoff for QoS Enhancement in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (UMTS/WLAN Interworking)

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    Today’s Wireless Communications technologies prove us that wireless communications will in the long run be composed of different communication networks as a way to benefit from each other. This can however be achieved from cellular networks and wireless local area networks that show some compatible characteristics that enable them be integrated. Scenarios typically behind these integrations is the UMTS and WLAN interworking where UMTS network is known for its wide area of coverage and nearly roaming however, known for lack of enough data rate. This is contrary with WLAN which is known for high data rate and cheaper compared to UMTS. WLAN however has a small area of coverage and lacks roaming. This in regard brings the idea that the two different networks being integrated could provide the means for mobile users to be gratified with a supported coverage and quality at anywhere and anytime with seamless access to internet

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach

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    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, request-response signaling protocols aimed at enabling multimedia sessions over IP networks. RTSP was conceived to set up streaming sessions from a Content / Streaming Server to a Streaming Client, while SIP was conceived to set up media (e.g.: voice, video, chat, file sharing, …) sessions among users. However, their scope has evolved and expanded over time to cover virtually any type of content and media session. As mobile networks progressively evolved towards an IP-only (All-IP) concept, particularly in 4G and 5G networks, 3GPP had to select IP-based signaling protocols for core mobile services, as opposed to traditional SS7-based protocols used in the circuit-switched domain in use in 2G and 3G networks. In that context, rather than reinventing the wheel, 3GPP decided to leverage Internet protocols and the work carried on by the IETF. Hence, it was not surprise that when 3GPP defined the so-called Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS) for real-time continuous media delivery, it selected RTSP as its signaling protocol and, more importantly, SIP was eventually selected as the core signaling protocol for all multimedia core services in the mobile (All-)IP domain. This 3GPP decision to use off-the-shelf IETF-standardized signaling protocols has been a key cornerstone for the future of All-IP fixed / mobile networks convergence and Next Generation Networks (NGN) in general. In this context, the main goal of our work has been analyzing how such general purpose IP multimedia signaling protocols are deployed and behave over 3GPP mobile networks. Effectively, usage of IP protocols is key to enable cross-vendor interoperability. On the other hand, due to the specific nature of the mobile domain, there are scenarios where it might be possible to leverage some additional “context” to enhance the performance of such protocols in the particular case of mobile networks. With this idea in mind, the bulk of this thesis work has consisted on analyzing and optimizing the performance of SIP and RTSP multimedia signaling protocols and defining optimized deployment architectures, with particular focus on the 3GPP PSS and the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) service. This work was preceded by a detailed analysis work of the performance of underlying IP, UDP and TCP protocol performance over 3GPP networks, which provided the best baseline for the future work around IP multimedia signaling protocols. Our contributions include the proposal of new optimizations to enhance multimedia streaming session setup procedures, detailed analysis and optimizations of a SIP-based Presence service and, finally, the definition of new use cases and optimized deployment architectures for the 3GPP MCPTT service. All this work has been published in the form of one book, three papers published in JCR cited International Journals, 5 articles published in International Conferences, one paper published in a National Conference and one awarded patent. This thesis work provides a detailed description of all contributions plus a comprehensive overview of their context, the guiding principles beneath all contributions, their applicability to different network deployment technologies (from 2.5G to 5G), a detailed overview of the related OMA and 3GPP architectures, services and design principles. Last but not least, the potential evolution of this research work into the 5G domain is also outlined as well.Els mecanismes de Senyalització en xarxes de nova generació es fonamenten en protocols de senyalització definits per IETF. En particular, SIP i RTSP són dos protocols extensibles basats en missatges de text i paradigma petició-resposta. RTSP va ser concebut per a establir sessions de streaming de continguts, mentre SIP va ser creat inicialment per a facilitar l’establiment de sessions multimèdia (veu, vídeo, xat, compartició) entre usuaris. Tot i així, el seu àmbit d’aplicació s’ha anat expandint i evolucionant fins a cobrir virtualment qualsevol tipus de contingut i sessió multimèdia. A mesura que les xarxes mòbils han anat evolucionant cap a un paradigma “All-IP”, particularment en xarxes 4G i 5G, 3GPP va seleccionar els protocols i arquitectures destinats a gestionar la senyalització dels serveis mòbils presents i futurs. En un moment determinat 3GPP decideix que, a diferència dels sistemes 2G i 3G que fan servir protocols basats en SS7, els sistemes de nova generació farien servir protocols estandarditzats per IETF. Quan 3GPP va començar a estandarditzar el servei de Streaming sobre xarxes mòbils PSS (Packet-switched Streaming Service) va escollir el protocol RTSP com a mecanisme de senyalització. Encara més significatiu, el protocol SIP va ser escollit com a mecanisme de senyalització per a IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), l’arquitectura de nova generació que substituirà la xarxa telefònica tradicional i permetrà el desplegament de nous serveis multimèdia. La decisió per part de 3GPP de seleccionar protocols estàndards definits per IETF ha representat una fita cabdal per a la convergència del sistemes All-IP fixes i mòbils, i per al desenvolupament de xarxes NGN (Next Generation Networks) en general. En aquest context, el nostre objectiu inicial ha estat analitzar com aquests protocols de senyalització multimèdia, dissenyats per a xarxes IP genèriques, es comporten sobre xarxes mòbils 3GPP. Efectivament, l’ús de protocols IP és fonamental de cara a facilitar la interoperabilitat de solucions diferents. Per altra banda, hi ha escenaris a on és possible aprofitar informació de “context” addicional per a millorar el comportament d’aquests protocols en al cas particular de xarxes mòbils. El cos principal del treball de la tesi ha consistit en l’anàlisi i optimització del rendiment dels protocols de senyalització multimèdia SIP i RTSP, i la definició d’arquitectures de desplegament, amb èmfasi en els serveis 3GPP PSS i 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT). Aquest treball ha estat precedit per una feina d’anàlisi detallada del comportament dels protocols IP, TCP i UDP sobre xarxes 3GPP, que va proporcionar els fonaments adequats per a la posterior tasca d’anàlisi de protocols de senyalització sobre xarxes mòbils. Les contribucions inclouen la proposta de noves optimitzacions per a millorar els procediments d’establiment de sessions de streaming multimèdia, l’anàlisi detallat i optimització del servei de Presència basat en SIP i la definició de nous casos d’ús i exemples de desplegament d’arquitectures optimitzades per al servei 3GPP MCPTT. Aquestes contribucions ha quedat reflectides en un llibre, tres articles publicats en Revistes Internacionals amb índex JCR, 5 articles publicats en Conferències Internacionals, un article publicat en Congrés Nacional i l’adjudicació d’una patent. La tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de totes les contribucions, així com un exhaustiu repàs del seu context, dels principis fonamentals subjacents a totes les contribucions, la seva aplicabilitat a diferents tipus de desplegaments de xarxa (des de 2.5G a 5G), així una presentació detallada de les arquitectures associades definides per organismes com OMA o 3GPP. Finalment també es presenta l’evolució potencial de la tasca de recerca cap a sistemes 5G.Postprint (published version

    Capacity Dimensioning of HSDPA Urban Network

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    To launch a cellular network, prelaunch capacity dimensioning is performed which includes coverage estimation and throughput prediction. Cellular companies in developing countries like Pakistan are only providing 2G services, while 3G services are yet to be launched. Although a lot of research has been done on 3G services in developed countries but there is very little knowledge regarding practical aspects of planning and optimization of 3G networks in third world countries like Pakistan. This research paper includes a thorough analysis of factors that affect capacity of 3G networks, including radio propagation models. Various propagation models are studied and propagation constants of Standard Propagation Model are tuned according to topography of Islamabad. The performance analysis of these propagation models is done using Matlab and results are verified through planning tool Atoll and field measurements. Based on analysis of these results capacity dimensioning, in terms of number of sites, is carried out for an urban network of Islamabad

    LTE performance evaluation with realistic channel quality indicator feedback

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    In the context of mobile communications, the availability of new services and mobile applications along with the constant evolution in terminals run up the need of higher data rates. In order to fulfill such expectations, mobile operators are continually optimizing and upgrading their networks. The Long Term Evolution (LTE) of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) seems to be the path to follow in a very short term. The objective of this project is to study the behaviour of the radio resource assignment in LTE under realistic conditions. The scheduling is a key process in the functioning of the radio interface. Thus, two types of schedulers can be identified, the opportunistic, where the scheduler considers the state of the radio channel to make the best allocation possible, and the non-opportunistic, where the allocation has no knowledge of the radio channel‘s state. As the opportunistic option adapts to the radio channel conditions it requires the transmission of a certain level of signalling from users informing about how the channel evolves along time. One of the objectives of this project is to evaluate the system performance under different degrees of feedback. To do this, different CQI reporting methods have been programmed and simulated. So, to achieve this objective it is obvious that a second one is necessary: program and simulate in a more realistic way the LTE radio channel. The followed methodology has been fundamentally the programming of different mathematical models and algorithms, as well as its simulation. In concrete, one of the main tasks in this work has been to extent a software platform of the research group Wicomtec to obtain more realistic results through dynamic simulations over a dynamic radio channel

    A Robust Analysis of Dual-Band Wireless LAN (4G-WLAN) for Effective Internet Access: A Review Paper

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    This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study of dual-band WLAN for internet access. It gives an exposition of the architecture of the 4G-WLAN routers which is a more advanced and the latest technology that uses Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) to dynamically react to channel fluctuations while maintaining bit-error rate targets of the transmission. It also x-rays the part played by the internet service providers (ISP), the access providers (i.e. Dial-up, DSL, Satellite and fibre optics) which are responsible for high data throughput and cost of connection. This paper also discusses the IP addressing methods of the connected devices (i.e. BOOTP and DHCP) which depict the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) of the network.  The system clearly provides added convenience of Internet access and the extent of mobility the wireless routers can bring to computer networks and users. This technology provides a platform for future expansion. Keywords— Dual-Band WLAN, 4G-WLAN Router, AMC, Internet access provider, Data throughput, TCP/IP, Access provide