8 research outputs found

    Robust Aggregation Mechanism in WSN for Mitigating Attacks

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of sensor nodes connected to base station which is characterized by many to one communication. Many sensor nodes will send data to base station making it many to on communication. The sensor nodes can act as sender and receiver of data as the data is sent to base station through intermediary nodes. The nodes are resource constrained as they are deployed in hostile environment or environment where resources are limited. The nodes are expected to participate in sensing or surveillance. WSNs are widely used in civilian and military applications for sending data and surveillance. As WSN is becoming increasingly popular, security needs to be provided in the network as the nodes are vulnerable to various attacks. Since the nodes are energy constrained, it is very useful to use some aggregation technique in order to reduce communication overhead and also energy consumption. Recently Roy et al. focused on aggregation in WSN for filtering out the impact of attackers on the network. Their focus was to use aggregation in WSN in order to reduce communication overhead and reduce the impact of attacks on WSN. In this paper we implement a variant of protocol that takes care of secure communications over WSN besides reducing energy consumption and mitigating attack impact. The simulation results are encouraging DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15065

    Opportunistic Sensing: Security Challenges for the New Paradigm

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    We study the security challenges that arise in Opportunistic people-centric sensing, a new sensing paradigm leveraging humans as part of the sensing infrastructure. Most prior sensor-network research has focused on collecting and processing environmental data using a static topology and an application-aware infrastructure, whereas opportunistic sensing involves collecting, storing, processing and fusing large volumes of data related to everyday human activities. This highly dynamic and mobile setting, where humans are the central focus, presents new challenges for information security, because data originates from sensors carried by people— not tiny sensors thrown in the forest or attached to animals. In this paper we aim to instigate discussion of this critical issue, because opportunistic people-centric sensing will never succeed without adequate provisions for security and privacy. To that end, we outline several important challenges and suggest general solutions that hold promise in this new sensing paradigm

    Privacy and security protection in cloud integrated sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have been widely deployed in many social settings to monitor human activities and urban environment. In these contexts, they acquire and collect sensory data, and collaboratively fuse the data. Due to resource constraint, sensor nodes however cannot perform complex data processing. Hence, cloud-integrated sensor networks have been proposed to leverage the cloud computing capabilities for processing vast amount of heterogeneous sensory data. After being processed, the sensory data can then be accessed and shared among authorized users and applications pervasively. Various security and privacy threats can arise when the people-centric sensory data is collected and transmitted within the sensor network or from the network to the cloud; security and privacy remain a big concern when the data is later accessed and shared among different users and applications after being processed. Extensive research has been conducted to address the security and privacy issues without sacrificing resource efficiency. Unfortunately, the goals of security/privacy protection and resource efficiency may not be easy to accomplish simultaneously, and may even be sharply contrary to each other. Our research aims to reconcile the conflicts between these goals in several important contexts. Specifically, we first investigate the security and privacy protection of sensory data being transmitted within the sensor network or from the sensor network to the cloud, which includes: (1) efficient, generic privacy preserving schemes for sensory data aggregation; (2) a privacy-preserving integrity detection scheme for sensory data aggregation; (3) an efficient and source-privacy preserving scheme for catching packet droppers and modifiers. Secondly, we further study how to address people\u27s security and privacy concerns when accessing sensory data from the cloud. To preserve privacy for sensory data aggregation, we propose a set of generic, efficient and collusion-resilient privacy-preserving data aggregation schemes. On top of these privacy preserving schemes, we also develop a scheme to simultaneously achieve privacy preservation and detection of integrity attack for data aggregation. Our approach outperforms existing solutions in terms of generality, node compromise resilience, and resource efficiency. To remove the negative effects caused by packet droppers and modifiers, we propose an efficient scheme to identify and catch compromised nodes which randomly drop packets and/or modify packets. The scheme employs an innovative packet marking techniques, with which selective packet dropping and modification can be significantly alleviated while the privacy of packet sources can be preserved. To preserve the privacy of people accessing the sensory data in the cloud, we propose a new efficient scheme for resource constrained devices to verify people\u27s access privilege without exposing their identities in the presence of outsider attacks or node compromises; to achieve the fine-grained access control for data sharing, we design privacy-preserving schemes based on users\u27 affiliated attributes, such that the access policies can be flexibly specified and enforced without involving complicated key distribution and management overhead. Extensive analysis, simulations, theoretical proofs and implementations have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed schemes. The results show that our proposed schemes resolve several limitations of existing work and achieve better performance in terms of resource efficiency, security strength and privacy preservation

    Emerging Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are deployed in a rapidly increasing number of arenas, with uses ranging from healthcare monitoring to industrial and environmental safety, as well as new ubiquitous computing devices that are becoming ever more pervasive in our interconnected society. This book presents a range of exciting developments in software communication technologies including some novel applications, such as in high altitude systems, ground heat exchangers and body sensor networks. Authors from leading institutions on four continents present their latest findings in the spirit of exchanging information and stimulating discussion in the WSN community worldwide

    Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks consist of a large amount of sensor nodes, small low-cost wireless computing devices equipped with different sensors. Sensor networks collect and process environmental data and can be used for habitat monitoring, precision agriculture, wildfire detection, structural health monitoring and many other applications. Securing sensor networks calls for novel solutions, especially because of their unattended deployment and strong resource limitations. Moreover, developing security solutions without knowing precisely against what threats the system should be protected is impossible. Thus, the first task in securing sensor networks is to define a realistic adversary model. We systematically investigate vulnerabilities in sensor networks, specifically focusing on physical attacks on sensor node hardware. These are all attacks that require direct physical access to the sensor nodes. Most severe attacks of this kind are also known as node capture, or node compromise. Based on the vulnerability analysis, we present a novel general adversary model for sensor networks. If the data collected within a sensor network is valuable or should be kept confidential then the data should be protected from unauthorized access. We determine security issues in the context of access control in sensor networks in presence of node capture attacks and develop protocols for broadcast authentication that constitute the core of our solutions for access control. We develop broadcast authentication protocols for the case where the adversary can capture up to some threshold t sensor nodes. The developed protocols offer absolute protection while not more than t nodes are captured, but their security breaks completely otherwise. Moreover, security in this case comes at a high cost, as the resource requirements for the protocols grow rapidly with t. One of the most popular ways to overcome impossibility or inefficiency of solutions in distributed systems is to make the protocol goals probabilistic. We therefore develop efficient probabilistic protocols for broadcast authentication. Security of these protocols degrades gracefully with the increasing number of captured nodes. We conclude that the perfect threshold security is less appropriate for sensor networks than the probabilistic approach. Gracefully degrading security offers better scalability and saves resources, and should be considered as a promising security paradigm for sensor networks

    Efficient Authentication, Node Clone Detection, and Secure Data Aggregation for Sensor Networks

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    Sensor networks are innovative wireless networks consisting of a large number of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor nodes that collect, process, and transmit data in a distributed and collaborative way. There are numerous applications for wireless sensor networks, and security is vital for many of them. However, sensor nodes suffer from many constraints, including low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources, susceptibility to physical capture, and the lack of infrastructure, all of which impose formidable security challenges and call for innovative approaches. In this thesis, we present our research results on three important aspects of securing sensor networks: lightweight entity authentication, distributed node clone detection, and secure data aggregation. As the technical core of our lightweight authentication proposals, a special type of circulant matrix named circulant-P2 matrix is introduced. We prove the linear independence of matrix vectors, present efficient algorithms on matrix operations, and explore other important properties. By combining circulant-P2 matrix with the learning parity with noise problem, we develop two one-way authentication protocols: the innovative LCMQ protocol, which is provably secure against all probabilistic polynomial-time attacks and provides remarkable performance on almost all metrics except one mild requirement for the verifier's computational capacity, and the HBC^C protocol, which utilizes the conventional HB-like authentication structure to preserve the bit-operation only computation requirement for both participants and consumes less key storage than previous HB-like protocols without sacrificing other performance. Moreover, two enhancement mechanisms are provided to protect the HB-like protocols from known attacks and to improve performance. For both protocols, practical parameters for different security levels are recommended. In addition, we build a framework to extend enhanced HB-like protocols to mutual authentication in a communication-efficient fashion. Node clone attack, that is, the attempt by adversaries to add one or more nodes to the network by cloning captured nodes, imposes a severe threat to wireless sensor networks. To cope with it, we propose two distributed detection protocols with difference tradeoffs on network conditions and performance. The first one is based on distributed hash table, by which a fully decentralized, key-based caching and checking system is constructed to deterministically catch cloned nodes in general sensor networks. The protocol performance of efficient storage consumption and high security level is theoretically deducted through a probability model, and the resulting equations, with necessary adjustments for real application, are supported by the simulations. The other is the randomly directed exploration protocol, which presents notable communication performance and minimal storage consumption by an elegant probabilistic directed forwarding technique along with random initial direction and border determination. The extensive experimental results uphold the protocol design and show its efficiency on communication overhead and satisfactory detection probability. Data aggregation is an inherent requirement for many sensor network applications, but designing secure mechanisms for data aggregation is very challenging because the aggregation nature that requires intermediate nodes to process and change messages, and the security objective to prevent malicious manipulation, conflict with each other to a great extent. To fulfill different challenges of secure data aggregation, we present two types of approaches. The first is to provide cryptographic integrity mechanisms for general data aggregation. Based on recent developments of homomorphic primitives, we propose three integrity schemes: a concrete homomorphic MAC construction, homomorphic hash plus aggregate MAC, and homomorphic hash with identity-based aggregate signature, which provide different tradeoffs on security assumption, communication payload, and computation cost. The other is a substantial data aggregation scheme that is suitable for a specific and popular class of aggregation applications, embedded with built-in security techniques that effectively defeat outside and inside attacks. Its foundation is a new data structure---secure Bloom filter, which combines HMAC with Bloom filter. The secure Bloom filter is naturally compatible with aggregation and has reliable security properties. We systematically analyze the scheme's performance and run extensive simulations on different network scenarios for evaluation. The simulation results demonstrate that the scheme presents good performance on security, communication cost, and balance

    Secure Protocols for Key Pre-distribution, Network Discovery, and Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The term sensor network is used to refer to a broad class of networks where several small devices, called sensors, are deployed in order to gather data and report back to one or more base stations. Traditionally, sensors are assumed to be small, low-cost, battery-powered, wireless, computationally constrained, and memory constrained devices equipped with some sort of specialized sensing equipment. In many settings, these sensors must be resilient to individual node failure and malicious attacks by an adversary, despite their constrained nature. This thesis is concerned with security during all phases of a sensor network's lifetime: pre-deployment, deployment, operation, and maintenance. This is accomplished by pre-loading nodes with symmetric keys according to a new family of combinatorial key pre-distribution schemes to facilitate secure communication between nodes using minimal storage overhead, and without requiring expensive public-key operations. This key pre-distribution technique is then utilized to construct a secure network discovery protocol, which allows a node to correctly learn the local network topology, even in the presence of active malicious nodes. Finally, a family of secure aggregation protocols are presented that allow for data to be efficiently collected from the entire network at a much lower cost than collecting readings individually, even if an active adversary is present. The key pre-distribution schemes are built from a family of combinatorial designs that allow for a concise mathematical analysis of their performance, but unlike previous approaches, do not suffer from strict constraints on the network size or number of keys per node. The network discovery protocol is focused on providing nodes with an accurate view of the complete topology so that multiple node-disjoint paths can be established to a destination, even if an adversary is present at the time of deployment. This property allows for the use of many existing multi-path protocols that rely on the existence of such node-disjoint paths. The aggregation protocols are the first designed for simple linear networks, but generalize naturally to other classes of networks. Proofs of security are provided for all protocols