53 research outputs found

    Multiprocessor DSP Implementation of the JPEG 2000 Codec

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    The transition to JPEG2000 from other image formats such as standard JPEG offers im proved compression and image quality, yet has not been widely adopted in practice. This is mainly due to the complexity of the JPEG2000 algorithm. Standard JPEG uses the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Huffmann encoding to achieve its compression, whereas JPEG2000 uses the wavelet transform and arithmetic encoding. Due to the wide acceptance of JPEG, there are processors such as Equator Technology\u27s BSP-15 digital signal processor (DSP) that have been designed with features specifically for JPEG appli cations. For some of the current digital printing applications where JPEG is used, images must be encoded and decoded at rates exceeding 100 pages per minute. A multiprocessor environment consisting of Equator Technology\u27s BSP-15 processors may offer acceptable performance for the JPEG2000 codec. The aim of this work is to design a JPEG2000 codec for the BSP-15 processor and to determine if this processor is capable of delivering the performance required by high end digital printers. The features of the BSP-15 that are well suited for the JPEG2000 algorithm will be discussed, as well as future improvements that could be incorporated into the architecture. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this processor, the next generation of processors may be able to offer features that will allow it to excel in JPEG2000 processing. A multiprocessor DSP implementation of the JPEG2000 codec is the main result of this work. The resulting codec is able to provide more than double the processing throughput of existing JPEG2000 software

    Hardware Architectures for Image Processing Acceleration

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    VLSI architecture design approaches for real-time video processing

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    This paper discusses the programmable and dedicated approaches for real-time video processing applications. Various VLSI architecture including the design examples of both approaches are reviewed. Finally, discussions of several practical designs in real-time video processing applications are then considered in VLSI architectures to provide significant guidelines to VLSI designers for any further real-time video processing design works

    Analysis of runtime re-configuration systems

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    In recent years Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) and in particular Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have seen a tremendous increase in sales and applications in the area of embedded systems. The main advantage of FPGAs is the flexibility that they offer a designer in reconfiguring the hardware. The flexibility achieved through re-configuration of FPGAs usually incurs an overhead of extra execution time, data memory and also power dissipation; FPGAs provide an ideal template for run-time reconfigurable (RTR) designs. Only recently have RTR enabling design tools that bypass the traditional synthesis and bitstream generation process for FPGAs become available, JBits is one of them. With run-time reconfiguration of FPGAs, we can perform partial reconfiguration, which allows reconfiguration of a part of an FPGA while the other part is executing some functional computation. The partial reconfiguration of a function can be performed earlier than the time when the function is really needed. Such configuration pre-fetch can hide the reconfiguration overhead more effectively; This thesis will implement a reconfigurable system and study the effect of runtime reconfiguration using VERILOG and a new Java based tool JBITS. This work will provide pointers to high level synthesis tools targeting runtime re-configuration

    Task Oriented Programming for the RC64 Manycore DSP

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    RC64 is a rad-hard manycore DSP combining 64 VLIW/SIMD DSP cores, lock-free shared memory, a hardware scheduler and a task-based programming model. The hardware scheduler enables fast scheduling and allocation of fine grain tasks to all cores. Parallel programming is based on Tasks

    Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report)

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    Romoth J, Porrmann M, Rückert U. Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report).; 2017.Since their introduction, FPGAs can be seen in more and more different fields of applications. The key advantage is the combination of software-like flexibility with the performance otherwise common to hardware. Nevertheless, every application field introduces special requirements to the used computational architecture. This paper provides an overview of the different topics FPGAs have been used for in the last 15 years of research and why they have been chosen over other processing units like e.g. CPUs

    The Wavelet Transform for Image Processing Applications

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