1,549 research outputs found

    PACE: Simple Multi-hop Scheduling for Single-radio 802.11-based Stub Wireless Mesh Networks

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    IEEE 802.11-based Stub Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are a cost-effective and flexible solution to extend wired network infrastructures. Yet, they suffer from two major problems: inefficiency and unfairness. A number of approaches have been proposed to tackle these problems, but they are too restrictive, highly complex, or require time synchronization and modifications to the IEEE 802.11 MAC. PACE is a simple multi-hop scheduling mechanism for Stub WMNs overlaid on the IEEE 802.11 MAC that jointly addresses the inefficiency and unfairness problems. It limits transmissions to a single mesh node at each time and ensures that each node has the opportunity to transmit a packet in each network-wide transmission round. Simulation results demonstrate that PACE can achieve optimal network capacity utilization and greatly outperforms state of the art CSMA/CA-based solutions as far as goodput, delay, and fairness are concerned

    Insights into the Design of Congestion Control Protocols for Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks

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    The widespread deployment of multi-hop wireless mesh networks will depend on the performance seen by the user. Unfortunately, the most predominant transport protocol, TCP, performs poorly over such networks, even leading to starvation in some topologies. In this work, we characterize the root causes of starvation in 802.11 scheduled multi-hop wireless networks via simulations. We analyze the performance of three categories of transport protocols. (1) end-to-end protocols that require implicit feedback (TCP SACK), (2) Explicit feedback based protocols (XCP and VCP) and (3) Open-loop protocol (UDP). We ask and answer the following questions in relation to these protocols: (a) Why does starvation occur in different topologies? Is it intrinsic to TCP or, in general, to feedback-based protocols? or does it also occur in the case of open-loop transfers such as CBR over UDP? (a) What is the role of application behavior on transport layer performance in multi-hop wireless mesh networks? (b) Is sharing congestion in the wireless neighborhood essential for avoiding starvation? (c) For explicit feedback based transport protocols, such as XCP and VCP, what performance can be expected when their capacity estimate is inaccurate? Based on the insights derived from the above analysis, we design a rate-based protocol called VRate that uses the two ECN bits for conveying load feedback information. VRate achieves near optimal rates when configured with the correct capacity estimate

    CapEst: A Measurement-based Approach to Estimating Link Capacity in Wireless Networks

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    Estimating link capacity in a wireless network is a complex task because the available capacity at a link is a function of not only the current arrival rate at that link, but also of the arrival rate at links which interfere with that link as well as of the nature of interference between these links. Models which accurately characterize this dependence are either too computationally complex to be useful or lack accuracy. Further, they have a high implementation overhead and make restrictive assumptions, which makes them inapplicable to real networks. In this paper, we propose CapEst, a general, simple yet accurate, measurement-based approach to estimating link capacity in a wireless network. To be computationally light, CapEst allows inaccuracy in estimation; however, using measurements, it can correct this inaccuracy in an iterative fashion and converge to the correct estimate. Our evaluation shows that CapEst always converged to within 5% of the correct value in less than 18 iterations. CapEst is model-independent, hence, is applicable to any MAC/PHY layer and works with auto-rate adaptation. Moreover, it has a low implementation overhead, can be used with any application which requires an estimate of residual capacity on a wireless link and can be implemented completely at the network layer without any support from the underlying chipset

    Controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnicaCongestion control in wireless networks is an important and open issue. Previous research has proven the poor performance of the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) in such networks. The factors that contribute to the poor performance of TCP in wireless environments concern its unsuitability to identify/detect and react properly to network events, its TCP window based ow control algorithm that is not suitable for the wireless channel, and the congestion collapse due to mobility. New rate based mechanisms have been proposed to mitigate TCP performance in wired and wireless networks. However, these mechanisms also present poor performance, as they lack of suitable bandwidth estimation techniques for multi-hop wireless networks. It is thus important to improve congestion control performance in wireless networks, incorporating components that are suitable for wireless environments. A congestion control scheme which provides an e - cient and fair sharing of the underlying network capacity and available bandwidth among multiple competing applications is crucial to the definition of new e cient and fair congestion control schemes on wireless multi-hop networks. The Thesis is divided in three parts. First, we present a performance evaluation study of several congestion control protocols against TCP, in wireless mesh and ad-hoc networks. The obtained results show that rate based congestion control protocols need an eficient and accurate underlying available bandwidth estimation technique. The second part of the Thesis presents a new link capacity and available bandwidth estimation mechanism denoted as rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). The estimation is performed in real-time and without the need to intrusively inject packets in the network. Simulation results show that rt-Winf obtains the available bandwidth and capacity estimation with accuracy and without introducing overhead trafic in the network. The third part of the Thesis proposes the development of new congestion control mechanisms to address the congestion control problems of wireless networks. These congestion control mechanisms use cross layer information, obtained by rt-Winf, to accurately and eficiently estimate the available bandwidth and the path capacity over a wireless network path. Evaluation of these new proposed mechanisms, through ns-2 simulations, shows that the cooperation between rt-Winf and the congestion control algorithms is able to significantly increase congestion control eficiency and network performance.O controlo de congestionamento continua a ser extremamente importante quando se investiga o desempenho das redes sem fios. Trabalhos anteriores mostram o mau desempenho do Transport Control Proto- col (TCP) em redes sem fios. Os fatores que contribuem para um pior desempenho do TCP nesse tipo de redes s~ao: a sua falta de capacidade para identificar/detetar e reagir adequadamente a eventos da rede; a utilização de um algoritmo de controlo de uxo que nĂŁo Ă© adequado para o canal sem fios; e o colapso de congestionamento devido ĂĄ mobilidade. Para colmatar este problemas foram propostos novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento baseados na taxa de transmissĂŁo. No entanto, estes mecanismos tambĂ©m apresentam um pior desempenho em redes sem fios, jĂĄ que nĂŁo utilizam mecanismos adequados para a avaliação da largura de banda disponĂ­vel. Assim, Ă© importante para melhorar o desempenho do controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios, incluir componentes que sĂŁo adequados para esse tipo de ambientes. Um esquema de controlo de congestionamento que permita uma partilha eficiente e justa da capacidade da rede e da largura de banda disponĂ­vel entre mĂșltiplas aplicaçÔes concorrentes Ă© crucial para a definição de novos, eficientes e justos mecanismos de controlo congestionamento para as redes sem fios. A Tese estĂĄ dividida em trĂȘs partes. Primeiro, apresentamos um estudo sobre a avaliação de desempenho de vĂĄrios protocolos de controlo de congestionamento relativamente ao TCP, em redes sem fios em malha e ad-hoc. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os protocolos baseados na taxa de transmissĂŁo precisam de uma tĂ©cnica de avaliação da largura de banda disponĂ­vel que seja eficiente e precisa . A segunda parte da Tese apresenta um novo mecanismo de avaliação da capacidade da ligação e da largura de banda disponĂ­vel, designada por rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). A avaliação Ă© realizada em tempo real e sem a necessidade de inserir trĂĄfego na rede. Os resultados obtidos atravĂ©s de simulação e emulação mostram que o rt-Winf obtĂ©m com precisĂŁo a largura de banda disponĂ­vel e a capacidade da ligação sem sobrecarregar a rede. A terceira parte da Tese propĂ”e novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios. Estes mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento apresentam um conjunto de caracter Ă­sticas novas para melhorar o seu desempenho, de entre as quais se destaca a utilização da informação de largura de banda disponĂ­vel obtida pelo rt-Winf. Os resultados da avaliação destes mecanismos, utilizando o simulador ns-2, permitem concluir que a cooperação entre o rt-Winf e os algoritmos de controlo de congestionamento aumenta significativamente o desempenho da rede

    An efficient multichannel wireless sensor networks MAC protocol based on IEEE 802.11 distributed co-ordinated function.

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    This research aimed to create new knowledge and pioneer a path in the area relating to future trends in the WSN, by resolving some of the issues at the MAC layer in Wireless Sensor Networks. This work introduced a Multi-channel Distributed Coordinated Function (MC-DCF) which takes advantage of multi-channel assignment. The backoff algorithm of the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) was modified to invoke channel switching, based on threshold criteria in order to improve the overall throughput for wireless sensor networks. This work commenced by surveying different protocols: contention-based MAC protocols, transport layer protocols, cross-layered design and multichannel multi-radio assignments. A number of existing protocols were analysed, each attempting to resolve one or more problems faced by the current layers. The 802.15.4 performed very poorly at high data rate and at long range. Therefore 802.15.4 is not suitable for sensor multimedia or surveillance system with streaming data for future multichannel multi-radio systems. A survey on 802.11 DCF - which was designed mainly for wireless networks –supports and confirm that it has a power saving mechanism which is used to synchronise nodes. However it uses a random back-off mechanism that cannot provide deterministic upper bounds on channel access delay and as such cannot support real-time traffic. The weaknesses identified by surveying this protocol form the backbone of this thesis The overall aim for this thesis was to introduce multichannel with single radio as a new paradigm for IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordinated Function (DCF) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that is used in a wide range of applications, from military application, environmental monitoring, medical care, smart buildings and other industry and to extend WSNs with multimedia capability which sense for instance sounds or motion, video sensor which capture video events of interest. Traditionally WSNs do not need high data rate and throughput, since events are normally captured periodically. With the paradigm shift in technology, multimedia streaming has become more demanding than data sensing applications as such the need for high data rate protocol for WSN which is an emerging technology in this area. The IEEE 802.11 can support data rates up to 54Mbps and 802.11 DCF was designed specifically for use in wireless networks. This thesis focused on designing an algorithm that applied multichannel to IEEE 802.11 DCF back-off algorithm to reduce the waiting time of a node and increase throughput when attempting to access the medium. Data collection in WSN tends to suffer from heavy congestion especially nodes nearer to the sink node. Therefore, this thesis proposes a contention based MAC protocol to address this problem from the inspiration of the 802.11 DCF backoff algorithm resulting from a comparison of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 for Future Green Multichannel Multi-radio Wireless Sensor Networks

    Spectrum Utilization and Congestion of IEEE 802.11 Networks in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

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    Wi-Fi technology, plays a major role in society thanks to its widespread availability, ease of use and low cost. To assure its long term viability in terms of capacity and ability to share the spectrum efïŹciently, it is of paramount to study the spectrum utilization and congestion mechanisms in live environments. In this paper the service level in the 2.4 GHz ISM band is investigated with focus on todays IEEE 802.11 WLAN systems with support for the 802.11e extension. Here service level means the overall Quality of Service (QoS), i.e. can all devices fulïŹll their communication needs? A crosslayer approach is used, since the service level can be measured at several levels of the protocol stack. The focus is on monitoring at both the Physical (PHY) and the Medium Access Control (MAC) link layer simultaneously by performing respectively power measurements with a spectrum analyzer to assess spectrum utilization and packet snifïŹng to measure the congestion. Compared to traditional QoS analysis in 802.11 networks, packet snifïŹng allows to study the occurring congestion mechanisms more thoroughly. The monitoring is applied for the following two cases. First the inïŹ‚uence of interference between WLAN networks sharing the same radio channel is investigated in a controlled environment. It turns out that retry rate, Clear-ToSend (CTS), Request-To-Send (RTS) and (Block) Acknowledgment (ACK) frames can be used to identify congestion, whereas the spectrum analyzer is employed to identify the source of interference. Secondly, live measurements are performed at three locations to identify this type of interference in real-live situations. Results show inefïŹcient use of the wireless medium in certain scenarios, due to a large portion of management and control frames compared to data content frames (i.e. only 21% of the frames is identiïŹed as data frames)

    An Efficient Framework of Congestion Control for Next-Generation Networks

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    The success of the Internet can partly be attributed to the congestion control algorithm in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, with the tremendous increase in the diversity of networked systems and applications, TCP performance limitations are becoming increasingly problematic and the need for new transport protocol designs has become increasingly important.Prior research has focused on the design of either end-to-end protocols (e.g., CUBIC) that rely on implicit congestion signals such as loss and/or delay or network-based protocols (e.g., XCP) that use precise per-flow feedback from the network. While the former category of schemes haveperformance limitations, the latter are hard to deploy, can introduce high per-packet overhead, and open up new security challenges. This dissertation explores the middle ground between these designs and makes four contributions. First, we study the interplay between performance and feedback in congestion control protocols. We argue that congestion feedback in the form of aggregate load can provide the richness needed to meet the challenges of next-generation networks and applications. Second, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of an efficient framework for congestion control called Binary Marking Congestion Control (BMCC). BMCC uses aggregate load feedback to achieve efficient and fair bandwidth allocations on high bandwidth-delaynetworks while minimizing packet loss rates and average queue length. BMCC reduces flow completiontimes by up to 4x over TCP and uses only the existing Explicit Congestion Notification bits.Next, we consider the incremental deployment of BMCC. We study the bandwidth sharing properties of BMCC and TCP over different partial deployment scenarios. We then present algorithms for ensuring safe co-existence of BMCC and TCP on the Internet. Finally, we consider the performance of BMCC over Wireless LANs. We show that the time-varying nature of the capacity of a WLAN can lead to significant performance issues for protocols that require capacity estimates for feedback computation. Using a simple model we characterize the capacity of a WLAN and propose the usage of the average service rate experienced by network layer packets as an estimate for capacity. Through extensive evaluation, we show that the resulting estimates provide good performance
