9 research outputs found

    On Optimal and Fair Service Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing

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    This paper studies the optimal and fair service allocation for a variety of mobile applications (single or group and collaborative mobile applications) in mobile cloud computing. We exploit the observation that using tiered clouds, i.e. clouds at multiple levels (local and public) can increase the performance and scalability of mobile applications. We proposed a novel framework to model mobile applications as a location-time workflows (LTW) of tasks; here users mobility patterns are translated to mobile service usage patterns. We show that an optimal mapping of LTWs to tiered cloud resources considering multiple QoS goals such application delay, device power consumption and user cost/price is an NP-hard problem for both single and group-based applications. We propose an efficient heuristic algorithm called MuSIC that is able to perform well (73% of optimal, 30% better than simple strategies), and scale well to a large number of users while ensuring high mobile application QoS. We evaluate MuSIC and the 2-tier mobile cloud approach via implementation (on real world clouds) and extensive simulations using rich mobile applications like intensive signal processing, video streaming and multimedia file sharing applications. Our experimental and simulation results indicate that MuSIC supports scalable operation (100+ concurrent users executing complex workflows) while improving QoS. We observe about 25% lower delays and power (under fixed price constraints) and about 35% decrease in price (considering fixed delay) in comparison to only using the public cloud. Our studies also show that MuSIC performs quite well under different mobility patterns, e.g. random waypoint and Manhattan models

    Framework for Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing

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    The inherently limited processing power and battery lifetime of mobile phones hinder the possible execution of computationally intensive applications like content-based video analysis or 3D modeling. Offloading of computationally intensive application parts from the mobile platform into a remote cloud infrastructure or nearby idle computers addresses this problem. This paper presents our Mobile Augmentation Cloud Services (MACS) middleware which enables adaptive extension of Android application execution from a mobile client into the cloud. Applications are developed by using the standard Android development pattern. The middleware does the heavy lifting of adaptive application partitioning, resource monitoring and computation offloading. These elastic mobile applications can run as usual mobile application, but they can also use remote computing resources transparently. Two prototype applications using the MACS middleware demonstrate the benefits of the approach. The evaluation shows that applications, which involve costly computations, can benefit from offloading with around 95% energy savings and significant performance gains compared to local execution only

    TAME: an Efficient Task Allocation Algorithm for Integrated Mobile Gaming

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    We consider an integrated mobile gaming platform, in which the mobile device (e.g., smartphone) of a player can offload some game tasks toward a server as well as some neighboring mobile devices. The advantages of such a platform are manyfold: it can lead to an improved game experience, to a better use of energy resources, and, while offloading tasks to other mobile users, to the exploitation of the unused computing and storage resources of the mobile equipments, thus reducing the bandwidth and computing costs of the overall system. In this context, we formulate the problem of offloading the game computational tasks as an optimization problem that minimizes the maximum energy consumption across a set of mobile devices, under the constraints of a maximum response time and a limited availability of computation, communication and storage resources. In light of the problem complexity, we then propose a heuristic, called TAME, which is shown to closely approximate the optimal solution in all scenarios we considered. TAME also outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms under both synthetic and real scenarios, which have been devised based on a realistic and detailed energy consumption model for computation and communication resources. Our results, although tailored to mobile gaming, could be extended to other applications where it may be beneficial to offload computational and storage tasks through device-to-device communications, as enabled by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or the upcoming 5G technology

    Control plane optimization in Software Defined Networking and task allocation for Fog Computing

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    As the next generation of mobile wireless standard, the fifth generation (5G) of cellular/wireless network has drawn worldwide attention during the past few years. Due to its promise of higher performance over the legacy 4G network, an increasing number of IT companies and institutes have started to form partnerships and create 5G products. Emerging techniques such as Software Defined Networking and Mobile Edge Computing are also envisioned as key enabling technologies to augment 5G competence. However, as popular and promising as it is, 5G technology still faces several intrinsic challenges such as (i) the strict requirements in terms of end-to-end delays, (ii) the required reliability in the control plane and (iii) the minimization of the energy consumption. To cope with these daunting issues, we provide the following main contributions. As first contribution, we address the problem of the optimal placement of SDN controllers. Specifically, we give a detailed analysis of the impact that controller placement imposes on the reactivity of SDN control plane, due to the consistency protocols adopted to manage the data structures that are shared across different controllers. We compute the Pareto frontier, showing all the possible tradeoffs achievable between the inter-controller delays and the switch-to-controller latencies. We define two data-ownership models and formulate the controller placement problem with the goal of minimizing the reaction time of control plane, as perceived by a switch. We propose two evolutionary algorithms, namely Evo-Place and Best-Reactivity, to compute the Pareto frontier and the controller placement minimizing the reaction time, respectively. Experimental results show that Evo-Place outperforms its random counterpart, and Best-Reactivity can achieve a relative error of <= 30% with respect to the optimal algorithm by only sampling less than 10% of the whole solution space. As second contribution, we propose a stateful SDN approach to improve the scalability of traffic classification in SDN networks. In particular, we leverage the OpenState extension to OpenFlow to deploy state machines inside the switch and minimize the number of packets redirected to the traffic classifier. We experimentally compare two approaches, namely Simple Count-Down (SCD) and Compact Count-Down (CCD), to scale the traffic classifier and minimize the flow table occupancy. As third contribution, we propose an approach to improve the reliability of SDN controllers. We implement BeCheck, which is a software framework to detect ``misbehaving'' controllers. BeCheck resides transparently between the control plane and data plane, and monitors the exchanged OpenFlow traffic messages. We implement three policies to detect misbehaving controllers and forward the intercepted messages. BeCheck along with the different policies are validated in a real test-bed. As fourth contribution, we investigate a mobile gaming scenario in the context of fog computing, denoted as Integrated Mobile Gaming (IMG) scenario. We partition mobile games into individual tasks and cognitively offload them either to the cloud or the neighbor mobile devices, so as to achieve minimal energy consumption. We formulate the IMG model as an ILP problem and propose a heuristic named Task Allocation with Minimal Energy cost (TAME). Experimental results show that TAME approaches the optimal solutions while outperforming two other state-of-the-art task offloading algorithms

    Handwriting Input Device Using Scratch Sound

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    13301甲第4244号博士(工学)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 7(2) pp.658-673 2014-01. 共著者:Leong Yeng Weng, Hiroaki Seki, Yoshitsugu Kamiya, Masatoshi Hikiz

    A middleware framework for wireless sensor network

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    Advances in wireless and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has given birth to a new technology field sensor networks. These new technologies along with pervasive computing have made the dream of a smart environment come true. Sensors being small and capable of sensing, processing and communicating data has opened a whole new era of applications from medicine to military and from indoors to outdoors. Sensor networks although exciting have very limited resources, for example, memory, processing power and bandwidth, with energy being the most precious resource as they are battery operated. However, these amazing devices can collaborate in order to perform a task. Due to these limitations and specific characteristics being application specific and heterogeneous there is a need to devise techniques and software which would utilize the meager resources efficiently keeping in view the unique characteristics of this network. This thesis presents a lightweight, flexible and energy-efficient middleware framework called MidWSeN which combines aspects of queries, events and context of WSN in a single system. It provides a combination of core and optional services which could be adjusted according to the resources available and specific requirements of the application. The availability of multiple copies of services distributed across the network helps in making the system robust. This middleware framework introduces a new Persistent Storage Service which saves data within the sensor network on the nodes for lifetime of the network to provide historical data. A Priority algorithm is being also presented in this thesis to ensure that enough memory is always available. A novel context enhanced aggregation has also been presented in this thesis which aggregates data with respect to context. Application management service (AMS) provides Service optimization within the network is another novel aspect of the proposed framework. To evaluate the functionality of the work presented, different parts of the framework have also been implemented. The tests and results are detailed to prove the ideas presented in the framework. The work has also been evaluated against a set of requirements and compared against existing works to indicate the novel aspects of framework. Finally some ideas are presented for the future works

    Improving efficiency, scalability and efficacy of adaptive computation offloading in pervasive computing environments

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    As computing becomes more mobile and pervasive, there is a growing demand for increasingly rich, and therefore more computationally heavy, applications to run in mobile spaces. However, there exists a disparity between mobile platforms and the desktop environments upon which computationally heavy applications have traditionally run, which is likely to persist as both domains evolve at a competing pace. Consequently, an active research area is Adaptive Computation Offloading or cyber foraging that dynamically distributes application functionality to available peer devices according to resource availability and application behaviour. Integral to any offloading strategy is an adaptive decision making algorithm that computes the optimal placement of application components to remote devices based on changing environmental context. As this decision is typically computed by constrained devices and may occur frequently in dynamic environments, such algorithms should be both resource efficient and yield efficacious adaptation results. However, existing adaptive offloading approaches incur a number of overheads, which limit their applicability in mobile and pervasive spaces. This thesis is concerned with improving upon these limitations by specifically focusing on the efficiency, scalability and efficacy aspects of two major sub processes of adaptation: 1) Adaptive Candidate Device Selection and 2) Adaptive Object Topology Computation. To this end, three novel approaches are proposed. Firstly, a distributed approach to candidate device selection, which reduces the need to communicate collaboration metrics, and allows for the partial distribution of adaptation decision-making, is proposed. The approach is shown to reduce network consumption by over 90% and power consumption by as much as 96%, while maintaining linear memory complexity in contrast to the quadratic complexity of an existing approach. Hence, the approach presents a more efficient and scalable alternative for candidate device selection in mobile and pervasive environments. Secondly, with regards to the efficacy of adaptive object topology computation, a new type of adaptation granularity that combines the efficacy of fine-grained adaptation with the efficiency of coarse level approaches is proposed. The approach is shown to improve the efficacy of adaptation decisions by reducing network overheads by a minimum of 17% to as much 99%, while maintaining comparable decision making efficiency to coarse level adaptation. Thirdly, with regards to efficiency and scalability of object topology computation, a novel distributed approach to computing adaptation decisions is proposed, in which each device maintains a distributed local application sub-graph, consisting only of components in its own memory space. The approach is shown to reduce network cost by 100%, collaboration-wide memory cost by between 37% and 50%, battery usage by between 63% and 93%, and adaptation time by between 19% and 98%. Lastly, since improving the utility of adaptation in mobile and pervasive environments requires the simultaneous improvement of its sub processes, an adaptation engine, which consolidates the individual approaches presented above, is proposed. The consolidated adaptation engine is shown to improve the overall efficiency, scalability and efficacy of adaptation under a varying range of environmental conditions, which simulate dynamic and heterogeneous mobile environments

    Transparent and adaptive application partitioning using mobile objects

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    The dynamic nature and heterogeneity of modern execution environments such as mobile, ubiquitous, and grid computing, present major challenges for the development and efficient execution of the applications targeted for these environments. In particular, applications tailored to run in a specific environment will show different and most likely sub-optimal behaviour when executed on a different and/or dynamic environment. Consequently, there has been growing interests in the area of application adaptation which aims to enable applications to cope with the varying execution environments. Adaptive application partitioning, a specific form of non-functional adaptation involving distribution of mobile objects across multiple host machines, is of particular interest to this thesis due to the diversity of its uses. In this approach, certain runtime information (known as context) is used to allow an object-oriented application to adaptively (re)adjust the placement of its objects during its execution, for purposes such as improving application performance and reliability as well as balancing resource utilisation across machines. Promoting the adoption of such adaptation requires a process that requires minimal human involvement in both the execution and the development of the relevant application. These challenges establish the main goals and contributions of this work, which include: 1) Proposing an effective application partitioning solution via the adoption of a decentralised adaptation strategy known as local adaptation. 2) Enabling adaptive application partitioning which does not require human intervention, through automatic collection of required information/context. 3) Proposing a solution for transparently injecting the required adaptation functionality into regular object-oriented applications allowing significant reduction of the associated development cost/effort. The proposed solutions have been implemented in a Java-based adaptation framework called MobJeX. This implementation, which was used as a test bed for the empirical experiments undertaken in this study, can be used to facilitate future research relevant to this particular study