715 research outputs found

    The malaria system microApp: A new, mobile device-based tool for malaria diagnosis

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    Background: Malaria is a public health problem that affects remote areas worldwide. Climate change has contributed to the problem by allowing for the survival of Anopheles in previously uninhabited areas. As such, several groups have made developing news systems for the automated diagnosis of malaria a priority. Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a new, automated, mobile device-based diagnostic system for malaria. The system uses Giemsa-stained peripheral blood samples combined with light microscopy to identify the Plasmodium falciparum species in the ring stage of development. Methods: The system uses image processing and artificial intelligence techniques as well as a known face detection algorithm to identify Plasmodium parasites. The algorithm is based on integral image and haar-like features concepts, and makes use of weak classifiers with adaptive boosting learning. The search scope of the learning algorithm is reduced in the preprocessing step by removing the background around blood cells. Results: As a proof of concept experiment, the tool was used on 555 malaria-positive and 777 malaria-negative previously-made slides. The accuracy of the system was, on average, 91%, meaning that for every 100 parasite-infected samples, 91 were identified correctly. Conclusions: Accessibility barriers of low-resource countries can be addressed with low-cost diagnostic tools. Our system, developed for mobile devices (mobile phones and tablets), addresses this by enabling access to health centers in remote communities, and importantly, not depending on extensive malaria expertise or expensive diagnostic detection equipment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Advances and challenges in automated malaria diagnosis using digital microscopy imaging with artificial intelligence tools: A review

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    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium spp. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. It is the most common disease in resource-poor settings, with 241 illion malaria cases reported in 2020 according to the World Health Organization. Optical microscopy examination of blood smears is the gold standard technique for malaria diagnosis; however, it is a time-consuming method and a well-trained microscopist is needed to perform the microbiological diagnosis. New techniques based on digital imaging analysis by deep learning and artificial intelligence methods are a challenging alternative tool for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In particular, systems based on Convolutional Neural Networks for image detection of the malaria parasites emulate the microscopy visualization of an expert. Microscope automation provides a fast and low-cost diagnosis, requiring less supervision. Smartphones are a suitable option for microscopic diagnosis, allowing image capture and software identification of parasites. In addition, image analysis techniques could be a fast and optimal solution for the diagnosis of malaria, tuberculosis, or Neglected Tropical Diseases in endemic areas with low resources. The implementation of automated diagnosis by using smartphone applications and new digital imaging technologies in low-income areas is a challenge to achieve. Moreover, automating the movement of the microscope slide and image autofocusing of the samples by hardware implementation would systemize the procedure. These new diagnostic tools would join the global effort to fight against pandemic malaria and other infectious and poverty-related diseases.The project is funded by the Microbiology Department of Vall d’Hebron Universitary Hospital, the Cooperation Centre of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CCD-UPC) and the Probitas FoundationPostprint (published version

    Advances and challenges in automated malaria diagnosis using digital microscopy imaging with artificial intelligence tools : A review

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    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium spp. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. It is the most common disease in resource-poor settings, with 241 million malaria cases reported in 2020 according to the World Health Organization. Optical microscopy examination of blood smears is the gold standard technique for malaria diagnosis; however, it is a time-consuming method and a well-trained microscopist is needed to perform the microbiological diagnosis. New techniques based on digital imaging analysis by deep learning and artificial intelligence methods are a challenging alternative tool for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In particular, systems based on Convolutional Neural Networks for image detection of the malaria parasites emulate the microscopy visualization of an expert. Microscope automation provides a fast and low-cost diagnosis, requiring less supervision. Smartphones are a suitable option for microscopic diagnosis, allowing image capture and software identification of parasites. In addition, image analysis techniques could be a fast and optimal solution for the diagnosis of malaria, tuberculosis, or Neglected Tropical Diseases in endemic areas with low resources. The implementation of automated diagnosis by using smartphone applications and new digital imaging technologies in low-income areas is a challenge to achieve. Moreover, automating the movement of the microscope slide and image autofocusing of the samples by hardware implementation would systemize the procedure. These new diagnostic tools would join the global effort to fight against pandemic malaria and other infectious and poverty-related diseases

    Advances and challenges in automated malaria diagnosis using digital microscopy imaging with artificial intelligence tools: A review

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    Deep learning; Malaria diagnosis; Microscopic examinationAprenentatge profund; Diagnòstic de malària; Examen microscòpicAprendizaje profundo; Diagnóstico de malaria; Examen microscópicoMalaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium spp. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. It is the most common disease in resource-poor settings, with 241 million malaria cases reported in 2020 according to the World Health Organization. Optical microscopy examination of blood smears is the gold standard technique for malaria diagnosis; however, it is a time-consuming method and a well-trained microscopist is needed to perform the microbiological diagnosis. New techniques based on digital imaging analysis by deep learning and artificial intelligence methods are a challenging alternative tool for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In particular, systems based on Convolutional Neural Networks for image detection of the malaria parasites emulate the microscopy visualization of an expert. Microscope automation provides a fast and low-cost diagnosis, requiring less supervision. Smartphones are a suitable option for microscopic diagnosis, allowing image capture and software identification of parasites. In addition, image analysis techniques could be a fast and optimal solution for the diagnosis of malaria, tuberculosis, or Neglected Tropical Diseases in endemic areas with low resources. The implementation of automated diagnosis by using smartphone applications and new digital imaging technologies in low-income areas is a challenge to achieve. Moreover, automating the movement of the microscope slide and image autofocusing of the samples by hardware implementation would systemize the procedure. These new diagnostic tools would join the global effort to fight against pandemic malaria and other infectious and poverty-related diseases.The project is funded by the Microbiology Department of Vall d’Hebron Universitary Hospital, the Cooperation Centre of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CCD-UPC) and the Probitas Foundation

    Computer vision for microscopy diagnosis of malaria

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    This paper reviews computer vision and image analysis studies aiming at automated diagnosis or screening of malaria infection in microscope images of thin blood film smears. Existing works interpret the diagnosis problem differently or propose partial solutions to the problem. A critique of these works is furnished. In addition, a general pattern recognition framework to perform diagnosis, which includes image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, and pattern classification components, is described. The open problems are addressed and a perspective of the future work for realization of automated microscopy diagnosis of malaria is provided

    A Robust Segmentation for Malaria Parasite Detection of Thick Blood Smear Microscopic Images

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    Parasite Detection on thick blood smears is a critical step in Malaria diagnosis. Most of the thick blood smear microscopic images have the following characteristics: high noise, a similar intensity between background and foreground, and the presence of artifacts. This situation makes the detection process becomes complicated. In this paper, we proposed a robust segmentation technique for malaria parasite detection of microscopic images obtained from various endemic places in Indonesia. The proposed method includes pre-processing, blood component segmentation using intensity slicing and morphological operation, blood component classification utilising rule based on properties of parasite candidates, and parasite candidate formation. The performance was evaluated on 30 thick blood smear microscopic images. The experimental results showed that the proposed segmentation method was robust to the different condition of image and histogram. It reduced the misclassification error and relative foreground error by 2.6% and 45.5%, respectively. Properties addition to blood component classification increased the system precision. Average of precision, recall, and F-measure of the proposed method were all 86%. It is proven that the proposed method is appropriate to be used for malaria parasites detection

    iMAGING: a novel automated system for malaria diagnosis by using artificial intelligence tools and a universal low-cost robotized microscope

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    Artificial intelligence; Malaria diagnosis; Robotized microscopeInteligencia artificial; Diagnóstico de malaria; Microscopio robotizadoIntel·ligència artificial; Diagnòstic de malària; Microscopi robotitzatIntroduction: Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, with 247 million cases reported worldwide in 2021 according to the World Health Organization. Optical microscopy remains the gold standard technique for malaria diagnosis, however, it requires expertise, is time-consuming and difficult to reproduce. Therefore, new diagnostic techniques based on digital image analysis using artificial intelligence tools can improve diagnosis and help automate it. Methods: In this study, a dataset of 2571 labeled thick blood smear images were created. YOLOv5x, Faster R-CNN, SSD, and RetinaNet object detection neural networks were trained on the same dataset to evaluate their performance in Plasmodium parasite detection. Attention modules were applied and compared with YOLOv5x results. To automate the entire diagnostic process, a prototype of 3D-printed pieces was designed for the robotization of conventional optical microscopy, capable of auto-focusing the sample and tracking the entire slide. Results: Comparative analysis yielded a performance for YOLOv5x on a test set of 92.10% precision, 93.50% recall, 92.79% F-score, and 94.40% mAP0.5 for leukocyte, early and mature Plasmodium trophozoites overall detection. F-score values of each category were 99.0% for leukocytes, 88.6% for early trophozoites and 87.3% for mature trophozoites detection. Attention modules performance show non-significant statistical differences when compared to YOLOv5x original trained model. The predictive models were integrated into a smartphone-computer application for the purpose of image-based diagnostics in the laboratory. The system can perform a fully automated diagnosis by the auto-focus and X-Y movements of the robotized microscope, the CNN models trained for digital image analysis, and the smartphone device. The new prototype would determine whether a Giemsa-stained thick blood smear sample is positive/negative for Plasmodium infection and its parasite levels. The whole system was integrated into the iMAGING smartphone application. Conclusion: The coalescence of the fully-automated system via auto-focus and slide movements and the autonomous detection of Plasmodium parasites in digital images with a smartphone software and AI algorithms confers the prototype the optimal features to join the global effort against malaria, neglected tropical diseases and other infectious diseases.The project is funded by the Microbiology Department of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, the Cooperation Centre of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CCD-UPC), and the Probitas Foundation

    A Systematic Review on Automatic Detection of Plasmodium Parasite

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    Plasmodium parasite is the main cause of malaria which has taken many lives. Some research works have been conducted to detect the Plasmodium parasite automatically. This research aims to identify the development of current research in the area of Plasmodium parasite detection. The research uses a systematic literature review (SLR) approach comprising three stages, namely planning, conducting, and reporting. The search process is based on the keywords which were determined in advance. The selection process involves the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search yields 45 literatures from five different digital libraries. The identification process finds out that 28 methods are applied and mainly categorizes as machine learning algorithms with performance achievements between 60% and 95%. Overall, the research of Plasmodium parasite detection today has focused on the development with artificial intelligence specifically related to machine and deep learning. These approaches are believed as the most effective approach to detect Plasmodium parasites

    PlasmoID: A dataset for Indonesian malaria parasite detection and segmentation in thin blood smear

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    Indonesia holds the second-highest-ranking country for the highest number of malaria cases in Southeast Asia. A different malaria parasite semantic segmentation technique based on a deep learning approach is an alternative to reduce the limitations of traditional methods. However, the main problem of the semantic segmentation technique is raised since large parasites are dominant, and the tiny parasites are suppressed. In addition, the amount and variance of data are important influences in establishing their models. In this study, we conduct two contributions. First, we collect 559 microscopic images containing 691 malaria parasites of thin blood smears. The dataset is named PlasmoID, and most data comes from rural Indonesia. PlasmoID also provides ground truth for parasite detection and segmentation purposes. Second, this study proposes a malaria parasite segmentation and detection scheme by combining Faster RCNN and a semantic segmentation technique. The proposed scheme has been evaluated on the PlasmoID dataset. It has been compared with recent studies of semantic segmentation techniques, namely UNet, ResFCN-18, DeepLabV3, DeepLabV3plus and ResUNet-18. The result shows that our proposed scheme can improve the segmentation and detection of malaria parasite performance compared to original semantic segmentation techniques