464 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Artificial Bee-Colony Algorithm for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in DWDM Transport Network

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    Setting up lightpaths for a set of requested connection of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network, is by routing and assigning wavelengths to each connection. So as to minimize the use of network resources or maximize the traffic served, is called the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem. A new idea based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is introduced for solving RWA problem which is known to be an NP-hard problem. In the proposed ABC-RWA approach every food source represents a possible and feasible candidate lightpath between each original and destination node span in demand matrix. The situation of the food source is modified by some artificial bee in the population where the aim is to discover the places of food sources. The food source with the highest nectar value seems to be a solution which is evaluated by the fitness function. This thesis proposes solutions to solve the RWA problem using artificial bee-colony algorithm in order to achieve better performance of the network connection to serve a given demand matrix of an optical network to reach RWA global solution. The work will evaluate the path length (propagation delay) for solving RWA problem with ABC algorithm in a real-world optical networks test bench to find optimal routes for connection request in demand matrix according to objective function and some physical and operational constraints in Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) optical networks. Based on simulation with several generated traffic distribution, ABC algorithm can be used to solve routing and wavelength problem at DWDM transport network as shown that in line with iteration process the path length observed toward minimum value. The number of iteration needed to reach the fitness value depends on several parameter such as number of connection request, number of wavelength and alternative path, the distribution of generated traffic and also population size

    Victoria Amazonica Optimization (VAO): An Algorithm Inspired by the Giant Water Lily Plant

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    The Victoria Amazonica plant, often known as the Giant Water Lily, has the largest floating spherical leaf in the world, with a maximum leaf diameter of 3 meters. It spreads its leaves by the force of its spines and creates a large shadow underneath, killing any plants that require sunlight. These water tyrants use their formidable spines to compel each other to the surface and increase their strength to grab more space from the surface. As they spread throughout the pond or basin, with the earliest-growing leaves having more room to grow, each leaf gains a unique size. Its flowers are transsexual and when they bloom, Cyclocephala beetles are responsible for the pollination process, being attracted to the scent of the female flower. After entering the flower, the beetle becomes covered with pollen and transfers it to another flower for fertilization. After the beetle leaves, the flower turns into a male and changes color from white to pink. The male flower dies and sinks into the water, releasing its seed to help create a new generation. In this paper, the mathematical life cycle of this magnificent plant is introduced, and each leaf and blossom are treated as a single entity. The proposed bio-inspired algorithm is tested with 24 benchmark optimization test functions, such as Ackley, and compared to ten other famous algorithms, including the Genetic Algorithm. The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 optimization problems: Minimum Spanning Tree, Hub Location Allocation, Quadratic Assignment, Clustering, Feature Selection, Regression, Economic Dispatching, Parallel Machine Scheduling, Color Quantization, and Image Segmentation and compared to traditional and bio-inspired algorithms. Overall, the performance of the algorithm in all tasks is satisfactory.Comment: 45 page

    Particle Swarm and Bacterial Foraging Inspired Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization

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    Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has good performance in discovering the optimal solutions to difficult optimization problems, but it has weak local search ability and easily plunges into local optimum. In this paper, we introduce the chemotactic behavior of Bacterial Foraging Optimization into employed bees and adopt the principle of moving the particles toward the best solutions in the particle swarm optimization to improve the global search ability of onlooker bees and gain a hybrid artificial bee colony (HABC) algorithm. To obtain a global optimal solution efficiently, we make HABC algorithm converge rapidly in the early stages of the search process, and the search range contracts dynamically during the late stages. Our experimental results on 16 benchmark functions of CEC 2014 show that HABC achieves significant improvement at accuracy and convergence rate, compared with the standard ABC, best-so-far ABC, directed ABC, Gaussian ABC, improved ABC, and memetic ABC algorithms

    New genetic algorithm approach for the min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree

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    A novel approach is proposed for the NP-hard min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree (md-MST). The NP-hardness of the md-MST demands that heuristic approximations are used to tackle its intractability and thus an original genetic algorithm strategy is described using an improvement of the Martins-Souza heuristic to obtain a md-MST feasible solution, which is also presented. The genetic approach combines the latter improvement with three new approximations based on different chromosome representations for trees that employ diverse crossover operators. The genetic versions compare very favourably with the best known results in terms of both the run time and obtaining better quality solutions. In particular, new lower bounds are established for instances with higher dimensions.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Advanced Photovoltaic Systems

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems are the major nonconventional sources for power generation for present power strategy. The power of PV system has rapid increase because of its unpolluted, less noise and limited maintenance. But whole PV system has two main disadvantages drawbacks, that is, the power generation of it is quite low and the output power is nonlinear, which is influenced by climatic conditions, namely environmental temperature and the solar irradiation. The natural limiting factor is that PV potential in respect of temperature and irradiation has nonlinear output behavior. An automated power tracking method, for example, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), is necessarily applied to improve the power generation of PV systems. The MPPT methods undergo serious challenges when the PV system is under partial shade condition because PV shows several peaks in power. Hence, the exploration method might easily be misguided and might trapped to the local maxima. Therefore, a reasonable exploratory method must be constructed, which has to determine the global maxima for PV of shaded partially. The traditional approaches namely constant voltage tracking (CVT), perturb and observe (P&O), hill climbing (HC), Incremental Conductance (INC), and fractional open circuit voltage (FOCV) methods, indeed some of their improved types, are quite incompetent in tracking the global MPP (GMPP). Traditional techniques and soft computing-based bio-inspired and nature-inspired algorithms applied to MPPT were reviewed to explore the possibility for research while optimizing the PV system with global maximum output power under partially shading conditions. This paper is aimed to review, compare, and analyze almost all the techniques that implemented so far. Further this paper provides adequate details about algorithms that focuses to derive improved MPPT under non-uniform irradiation. Each algorithm got merits and demerits of its own with respect to the converging speed, computing time, complexity of coding, hardware suitability, stability and so on

    Effects of a proper feature selection on prediction and optimization of drilling rate using intelligent techniques

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    One of the important factors during drilling times is the rate of penetration (ROP), which is controlled based on different variables. Factors affecting different drillings are of paramount importance. In the current research, an attempt was made to better recognize drilling parameters and optimize them based on an optimization algorithm. For this purpose, 618 data sets, including RPM, flushing media, and compressive strength parameters, were measured and collected. After an initial investigation, the compressive strength feature of samples, which is an important parameter from the rocks, was used as a proper criterion for classification. Then using intelligent systems, three different levels of the rock strength and all data were modeled. The results showed that systems which were classified based on compressive strength showed a better performance for ROP assessment due to the proximity of features. Therefore, these three levels were used for classification. A new artificial bee colony algorithm was used to solve this problem. Optimizations were applied to the selected models under different optimization conditions, and optimal states were determined. As determining drilling machine parameters is important, these parameters were determined based on optimal conditions. The obtained results showed that this intelligent system can well improve drilling conditions and increase the ROP value for three strength levels of the rocks. This modeling system can be used in different drilling operations

    A review on Artificial Bee Colony algorithm

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