21 research outputs found

    Transform-based Distributed Data Gathering

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    A general class of unidirectional transforms is presented that can be computed in a distributed manner along an arbitrary routing tree. Additionally, we provide a set of conditions under which these transforms are invertible. These transforms can be computed as data is routed towards the collection (or sink) node in the tree and exploit data correlation between nodes in the tree. Moreover, when used in wireless sensor networks, these transforms can also leverage data received at nodes via broadcast wireless communications. Various constructions of unidirectional transforms are also provided for use in data gathering in wireless sensor networks. New wavelet transforms are also proposed which provide significant improvements over existing unidirectional transforms

    Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks without Explicit Position Information

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    Reconstruction in compressed sensing relies on knowledge of a sparsifying transform. In a setting where a sink reconstructs a field based on measurements from a wireless sensor network, this transform is tied to the locations of the individual sensors, which may not be available to the sink during reconstruction. In contrast to previous works, we do not assume that the sink knows the position of each sensor to build up the sparsifying basis. Instead, we propose the use of spatial interpolation based on a predetermined sparsifying transform, followed by random linear projections and ratio consensus using local communication between sensors. For this proposed architecture, we upper bound the reconstruction error induced by spatial interpolation, as well as the reconstruction error induced by distributed compression. These upper bounds are then utilized to analyze the communication cost tradeoff between communication to the sink and sensor-to-sensor communication

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE

    Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks Without Explicit Position Information

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    Optimized Local Superposition in Wireless Sensor Networks with t-average-mutual-coherence

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    Compressed sensing (CS) is a new technology for recovering sparse data from undersampled measurements. It shows great potential to reduce energy for sensor networks. First, a basic global superposition model is proposed to obtain the measurements of sensor data, where a sampling matrix is modeled as the channel impulse response (CIR) matrix while the sparsifying matrix is expressed as the distributed wavelet transform (DWT). However, both the sampling and sparsifying matrixes depend on the location of sensors, so this model is highly coherent. This violates the assumption of CS and easily produces high data recovery error. In this paper, in order to reduce the coherence, we propose to control the transmit power of some nodes with the help of t-average-mutual-coherence, and recovery quality are greatly improved. Finally, to make the approach more realistic and energy-e±cient, the CIR superposition is restricted in local clusters. Two key parameters, the radius of power control region and the radius of local clusters, are optimized based on the coherence and resource consideration in sensor networks. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme provides a high recovery quality for networked data and verify that t-average-mutual-coherence is a good criterion for optimizing the performance of CS in our scenario.Qualcomm-Tsinghua-Xiamen University Joint Research Program; National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 61172097;Fellowship of Postgraduates' Oversea Study Program for Building High-Level Universities from the China Scholarship Council

    Perfect Reconstruction Two-Channel Wavelet Filter-Banks for Graph Structured Data

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    In this work we propose the construction of two-channel wavelet filterbanks for analyzing functions defined on the vertices of any arbitrary finite weighted undirected graph. These graph based functions are referred to as graph-signals as we build a framework in which many concepts from the classical signal processing domain, such as Fourier decomposition, signal filtering and downsampling can be extended to graph domain. Especially, we observe a spectral folding phenomenon in bipartite graphs which occurs during downsampling of these graphs and produces aliasing in graph signals. This property of bipartite graphs, allows us to design critically sampled two-channel filterbanks, and we propose quadrature mirror filters (referred to as graph-QMF) for bipartite graph which cancel aliasing and lead to perfect reconstruction. For arbitrary graphs we present a bipartite subgraph decomposition which produces an edge-disjoint collection of bipartite subgraphs. Graph-QMFs are then constructed on each bipartite subgraph leading to "multi-dimensional" separable wavelet filterbanks on graphs. Our proposed filterbanks are critically sampled and we state necessary and sufficient conditions for orthogonality, aliasing cancellation and perfect reconstruction. The filterbanks are realized by Chebychev polynomial approximations.Comment: 32 pages double spaced 12 Figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions of Signal Processin

    Enabling Compression in Tiny Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network composed of sensor nodes communicating among themselves and deployed in large scale (from tens to thousands) for applications such as environmental, habitat and structural monitoring, disaster management, equipment diagnostic, alarm detection, and target classification. In WSNs, typically, sensor nodes are randomly distributed over the area under observation with very high density. Each node is a small device able to collect information from the surrounding environment through one or more sensors, to elaborate this information locally and to communicate it to a data collection centre called sink or base station. WSNs are currently an active research area mainly due to the potential of their applications. However, the deployment of a large scale WSN still requires solutions to a number of technical challenges that stem primarily from the features of the sensor nodes such as limited computational power, reduced communication bandwidth and small storage capacity. Further, since sensor nodes are typically powered by batteries with a limited capacity, energy is a primary constraint in the design and deployment of WSNs. Datasheets of commercial sensor nodes show that data communication is very expensive in terms of energy consumption, whereas data processing consumes significantly less: the energy cost of receiving or transmitting a single bit of information is approximately the same as that required by the processing unit for executing a thousand operations. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the sensing unit depends on the specific sensor type. In several cases, however, it is negligible with respect to the energy consumed by the communication unit and sometimes also by the processing unit. Thus, to extend the lifetime of a WSN, most of the energy conservation schemes proposed in the literature aim to minimize the energy consumption of the communication unit (Croce et al., 2008). To achieve this objective, two main approaches have been followed: power saving through duty cycling and in-network processing. Duty cycling schemes define coordinated sleep/wakeup schedules among nodes in the network. A detailed description of these techniques applied to WSNs can be found in (Anastasi et al., 2009). On the other hand, in-network processing consists in reducing the amount of information to be transmitted by means of aggregation (Boulis et al., 2003) (Croce et al., 2008) (Di Bacco et al., 2004) (Fan et al., 2007)

    Distributed Transforms for Efficient Data Gathering in Sensor Networks

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    Devices, systems, and techniques for data collecting network such as wireless sensors are disclosed. A described technique includes detecting one or more remote nodes included in the wireless sensor network using a local power level that controls a radio range of the local node. The technique includes transmitting a local outdegree. The local outdegree can be based on a quantity of the one or more remote nodes. The technique includes receiving one or more remote outdegrees from the one or more remote nodes. The technique includes determining a local node type of the local node based on detecting a node type of the one or more remote nodes, using the one or more remote outdegrees, and using the local outdegree. The technique includes adjusting characteristics, including an energy usage characteristic and a data compression characteristic, of the wireless sensor network by selectively modifying the local power level and selectively changing the local node type