3,418 research outputs found

    Empirical Validation of Variable Method Interaction Cohesion Metric (VMICM) for Enhancing Reusability of Object-Oriented (O-O) Software

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    Any object-oriented (O-O) module\u27s primary goal is to build classes with a high level of coherent interaction between variables and methods. To increase the quality of O-O (Object-Oriented) software, various metrics emphasizing cohesiveness have been established so far. These metrics operate on both the design and the code levels. However, these metrics still fall short of fully measuring the cohesion of object-oriented (O-O) software. Based on several concepts of cohesive interlinkages between variables and procedures, the study proposed an enhanced cohesion metric. The four forms of cohesive linkages (VMRv, VMMv, VMRTv, and VMOv) between variables and procedures were the focus of this study. The axiomatic frame of reference was employed for theoretical validation, and univariate logistic regression was applied in the MATLAB environment for empirical validation. The approach of univariate logistic regression has been adopted because it provides incredibly accurate data and can even be applied to datasets that can be linearly separated. The proposed metric exhibits high cohesion, which is the ultimate perspective of a highly reusable Object- Oriented (O-O) module, as evidenced by the testing phase and even training the real dataset with reusability prediction in terms of high values of precision, recall, R2, and low value of RSME of VMICM metric. The study results demonstrated that the proposed metric can act as a measure for predicting the reusability of the Object-Oriented (O-O) system

    Reengineering of Legacy Systems to Distributed Environments.

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    The object-oriented paradigm and client/server and distributed technologies have become widely used in the last decade. There is an increasing interest to migrate and reengineer legacy systems to these new hardware technologies and software development paradigms. Software engineers who wish to reengineer such legacy systems face challenges, such as lack of documentation and programs that are difficult to comprehend. Middleware technologies such as CORBA and DCOM make the development of new distributed systems, as well as the migration of legacy systems to distributed platforms, more feasible. Distribution of a system consists of two parts: (1) subsystem decomposition and (2) allocation of the subsystems to different sites. In this research, we define a reengineering environment that assists with the migration of legacy systems to distributed environments. We define a reengineering methodology that uses reverse engineering, software metrics, clustering, and data mining to migrate legacy systems to object-based distributed environments. The reengineering environment includes the methodology and an integrated set of tools that support the implementation of the methodology. The methodology consists of multiple phases. First, we use reverse engineering techniques for program comprehension and design recovery. We then decompose the system into a hierarchy of subsystems by defining relationships between the entities of the underlying paradigm of the legacy system. The decomposition is driven by data mining, software metrics, and clustering techniques. Next, if the underlying paradigm of the legacy system is not object-based, we perform object-based adaptations on the subsystems. We then create components by wrapping objects and defining an interface. Finally, we allocate components to different sites by specifying the requirements of the system and characteristics of the network as an integer-programming model that minimizes the remote communication. We use middleware technologies for the implementation of the distributed object system

    Interactive Multi-Objective Refactoring via Decision and Objective Space Exploration

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162566/1/ICSE2020_Decision_Objective_Spaces_copy (2).pdfSEL

    Identification of microservices from monolithic applications through topic modelling

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringMicroservices emerged as one of the most popular architectural patterns in the recent years given the increased need to scale, grow and flexibilize software projects accompanied by the growth in cloud computing and DevOps. Many software applications are being submitted to a process of migration from its monolithic architecture to a more modular, scalable and flexible architecture of microservices. This process is slow and, depending on the project’s complexity, it may take months or even years to complete. This dissertation proposes a new approach on microservices identification by resorting to topic modelling in order to identify services according to domain terms. This approach in combination with clustering techniques produces a set of services based on the original software. The proposed methodology is implemented as an open-source tool for exploration of monolithic architectures and identification of microservices. An extensive quantitative analysis using the state of the art metrics on independence of functionality and modularity of services was conducted on 200 open-source projects collected from GitHub. Cohesion at message and domain level metrics showed medians of roughly 0.6. Interfaces per service exhibited a median of 1.5 with a compact interquartile range. Structural and conceptual modularity revealed medians of 0.2 and 0.4 respectively. Further analysis to understand if the methodology works better for smaller/larger projects revealed an overall stability and similar performance across metrics. Our first results are positive demonstrating beneficial identification of services due to overall metrics’ results.Os microserviços emergiram como um dos padrões arquiteturais mais populares na atualidade dado o aumento da necessidade em escalar, crescer e flexibilizar projetos de software, acompanhados da crescente da computação na cloud e DevOps. Muitas aplicações estão a ser submetidas a processos de migração de uma arquitetura monolítica para uma arquitetura mais modular, escalável e flexivel de microserviços. Este processo de migração é lento, e dependendo da complexidade do projeto, poderá levar vários meses ou mesmo anos a completar. Esta dissertação propõe uma nova abordagem na identificação de microserviços recorrendo a modelação de tópicos de forma a identificar serviços de acordo com termos de domínio de um projeto de software. Esta abordagem em combinação com técnicas de clustering produz um conjunto de serviços baseado no projeto de software original. A metodologia proposta é implementada como uma ferramenta open-source para exploração de arquiteturas monolíticas e identificação de microserviços. Uma análise quantitativa extensa recorrendo a métricas de independência de funcionalidade e modularidade de serviços foi conduzida em 200 aplicações open-source recolhidas do GitHub. Métricas de coesão ao nível da mensagem e domínio revelaram medianas em torno de 0.6. Interfaces por serviço demonstraram uma mediana de 1.5 com um intervalo interquartil compacto. Métricas de modularidade estrutural e conceptual revelaram medianas de 0.2 e 0.4 respetivamente. Uma análise mais aprofundada para tentar perceber se a metodologia funciona melhor para projetos de diferentes dimensões/características revelaram uma estabilidade geral do funcionamento do método. Os primeiros resultados são positivos demonstrando identificações de serviços benéficos tendo em conta que os valores das métricas são de uma forma global positivos e promissores

    Change Impact Analysis of Code Clones

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    Copying a code fragment and reusing it with or without modifications is known to be a frequent activity in software development. This results in exact or closely similar copies of code fragments, known as code clones, to exist in the software systems. Developers leverage the code reuse opportunity by code cloning for increased productivity. However, different studies on code clones report important concerns regarding the impacts of clones on software maintenance. One of the key concerns is to maintain consistent evolution of the clone fragments as inconsistent changes to clones may introduce bugs. Challenges to the consistent evolution of clones involve the identification of all related clone fragments for change propagation when a cloned fragment is changed. The task of identifying the ripple effects (i.e., all the related components to change) is known as Change Impact Analysis (CIA). In this thesis, we evaluate the impacts of clones on software systems from new perspectives and then we propose an evolutionary coupling based technique for change impact analysis of clones. First, we empirically evaluate the comparative stability of cloned and non-cloned code using fine-grained syntactic change types. Second, we assess the impacts of clones from the perspective of coupling at the domain level. Third, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the comparative stability of cloned and non-cloned code within a uniform framework. We compare stability metrics with the results from the original experimental settings with respect to the clone detection tools and the subject systems. Fourth, we investigate the relationships between stability and bug-proneness of clones to assess whether and how stability contribute to the bug-proneness of different types of clones. Next, in the fifth study, we analyzed the impacts of co-change coupling on the bug-proneness of different types of clones. After a comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of clones on software systems, we propose an evolutionary coupling based CIA approach to support the consistent evolution of clones. In the sixth study, we propose a solution to minimize the effects of atypical commits (extra large commits) on the accuracy of the detection of evolutionary coupling. We propose a clustering-based technique to split atypical commits into pseudo-commits of related entities. This considerably reduces the number of incorrect couplings introduced by the atypical commits. Finally, in the seventh study, we propose an evolutionary coupling based change impact analysis approach for clones. In addition to handling the atypical commits, we use the history of fine-grained syntactic changes extracted from the software repositories to detect typed evolutionary coupling of clones. Conventional approaches consider only the frequency of co-change of the entities to detect evolutionary coupling. We consider both change frequencies and the fine-grained change types in the detection of evolutionary coupling. Findings from our studies give important insights regarding the impacts of clones and our proposed typed evolutionary coupling based CIA approach has the potential to support the consistent evolution of clones for better clone management

    Corporate Smart Content Evaluation

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    Nowadays, a wide range of information sources are available due to the evolution of web and collection of data. Plenty of these information are consumable and usable by humans but not understandable and processable by machines. Some data may be directly accessible in web pages or via data feeds, but most of the meaningful existing data is hidden within deep web databases and enterprise information systems. Besides the inability to access a wide range of data, manual processing by humans is effortful, error-prone and not contemporary any more. Semantic web technologies deliver capabilities for machine-readable, exchangeable content and metadata for automatic processing of content. The enrichment of heterogeneous data with background knowledge described in ontologies induces re-usability and supports automatic processing of data. The establishment of “Corporate Smart Content” (CSC) - semantically enriched data with high information content with sufficient benefits in economic areas - is the main focus of this study. We describe three actual research areas in the field of CSC concerning scenarios and datasets applicable for corporate applications, algorithms and research. Aspect- oriented Ontology Development advances modular ontology development and partial reuse of existing ontological knowledge. Complex Entity Recognition enhances traditional entity recognition techniques to recognize clusters of related textual information about entities. Semantic Pattern Mining combines semantic web technologies with pattern learning to mine for complex models by attaching background knowledge. This study introduces the afore-mentioned topics by analyzing applicable scenarios with economic and industrial focus, as well as research emphasis. Furthermore, a collection of existing datasets for the given areas of interest is presented and evaluated. The target audience includes researchers and developers of CSC technologies - people interested in semantic web features, ontology development, automation, extracting and mining valuable information in corporate environments. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive and broad overview over the three topics, give assistance for decision making in interesting scenarios and choosing practical datasets for evaluating custom problem statements. Detailed descriptions about attributes and metadata of the datasets should serve as starting point for individual ideas and approaches

    A Planning Approach to Migrating Domain-specific Legacy Systems into Service Oriented Architecture

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    The planning work prior to implementing an SOA migration project is very important for its success. Up to now, most of this kind of work has been manual work. An SOA migration planning approach based on intelligent information processing methods is addressed to semi-automate the manual work. This thesis will investigate the principle research question: “How can we obtain SOA migration planning schemas (semi-) automatically instead of by traditional manual work in order to determine if legacy software systems should be migrated to SOA computation environment?”. The controlled experiment research method has been adopted for directing research throughout the whole thesis. Data mining methods are used to analyse SOA migration source and migration targets. The mined information will be the supplementation of traditional analysis results. Text similarity measurement methods are used to measure the matching relationship between migration sources and migration targets. It implements the quantitative analysis of matching relationships instead of common qualitative analysis. Concretely, an association rule and sequence pattern mining algorithms are proposed to analyse legacy assets and domain logics for establishing a Service model and a Component model. These two algorithms can mine all motifs with any min-support number without assuming any ordering. It is better than the existing algorithms for establishing Service models and Component models in SOA migration situations. Two matching strategies based on keyword level and superficial semantic levels are described, which can calculate the degree of similarity between legacy components and domain services effectively. Two decision-making methods based on similarity matrix and hybrid information are investigated, which are for creating SOA migration planning schemas. Finally a simple evaluation method is depicted. Two case studies on migrating e-learning legacy systems to SOA have been explored. The results show the proposed approach is encouraging and applicable. Therefore, the SOA migration planning schemas can be created semi-automatically instead of by traditional manual work by using data mining and text similarity measurement methods