256 research outputs found

    Cycle Time Analysis For Photolithography Tools In Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry With Simulation Model : A Case Study [TR940. S618 2008 f rb].

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    Perkembangan industri semikonduktor dalam bidang fabrikasi biasanya melibatkan kos pelaburan yang tinggi terutamanya dalam alatan photolithography. The industry of semiconductor wafer fabrication (“fab”) has invested a huge amount of capital on the manufacturing equipments particular in photolithograph

    Automation and Integration in Semiconductor Manufacturing

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    Online Simulation in Semiconductor Manufacturing

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    In semiconductor manufacturing discrete event simulation systems are quite established to support multiple planning decisions. During the recent years, the productivity is increasing by using simulation methods. The motivation for this thesis is to use online simulation not only for planning decisions, but also for a wide range of operational decisions. Therefore an integrated online simulation system for short term forecasting has been developed. The production environment is a mature high mix logic wafer fab. It has been selected because of its vast potential for performance improvement. In this thesis several aspects of online simulation will be addressed: The first aspect is the implementation of an online simulation system in semiconductor manufacturing. The general problem is to achieve a high speed, a high level of detail, and a high forecast accuracy. To resolve these problems, an online simulation system has been created. The simulation model has a high level of detail. It is created automatically from underling fab data. To create such a simulation model from fab data, additional problems related to the underlying data arise. The major parts are the data access, the data integration, and the data quality. These problems have been solved by using an integrated data model with several data extraction, data transformation, and data cleaning steps. The second aspect is related to the accuracy of online simulation. The overall problem is to increase the forecast horizon, increase the level of detail of the forecast and reduce the forecast error. To provide useful forecast results, the simulation model contains a high level of modeling details and a proper initialization. The influences on the forecast quality will be analyzed. The results show that the simulation forecast accuracy achieves good quality to predict future fab performance. The last aspect is to find ways to use simulation forecast results to improve the fab performance. Numerous applications have been identified. For each application a description is available. It contains the requirements of such a forecast, the decision variables, and background information. An application example shows, where a performance problem exists and how online simulation is able to resolve it. To further enhance the real time capability of online simulation, a major part is to investigate new ways to connect the simulation model with the wafer fab. For fab driven simulation, the simulation model and the real wafer fab run concurrently. The wafer fab provides several events to update the simulation during runtime. So the model is always synchronized with the real fab. It becomes possible to start a simulation run in real time. There is no further delay for data extraction, data transformation and model creation. A prototype for a single work center has been implemented to show the feasibility

    Supervisory machine control by predictive-reactive scheduling

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    A Distributed-Ledger, Edge-Computing Architecture for Automation and Computer Integration in Semiconductor Manufacturing

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    Contemporary 300mm semiconductor manufacturing systems have highly automated and digitalized cyber-physical integration. They suffer from the profound problems of integrating large, centralized legacy systems with small islands of automation. With the recent advances in disruptive technologies, semiconductor manufacturing has faced dramatic pressures to reengineer its automation and computer integrated systems. This paper proposes a Distributed- Ledger, Edge-Computing Architecture (DLECA) for automation and computer integration in semiconductor manufacturing. Based on distributed ledger and edge computing technologies, DLECA establishes a decentralized software framework where manufacturing data are stored in distributed ledgers and processed locally by executing smart contracts at the edge nodes. We adopt an important topic of automation and computer integration for semiconductor research & development (R&D) operations as the study vehicle to illustrate the operational structure and functionality, applications, and feasibility of the proposed DLECA software framewor

    Cycle Time Analysis For Photolithography Tools In Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry With Simulation Model: A Case Study

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    Perkembangan industri semikonduktor dalam bidang fabrikasi biasanya melibatkan kos pelaburan yang tinggi terutamanya dalam alatan photolithography. Perkembangan pesat dalam bidang industri semikonduktor kini telah memerangsangkan teknik untuk mengoptimumkan penggunaan mesin-mesin dengan efektif setelah membelanjakan beribu juta dalam perlaburan. Tanpa penggunaan perisian komputer yang canggih dalam analisis, adalah sukar untuk menggunakan teknik purba dalam analisis pengiraan apabila menghadapi perkembangan produk yang semakin tinggi teknologinya. Dalam kajian ini, satu model simulasi telah dibina untuk menganalisis masa mendulu dalam alatan photolithography melalui teknik yang lebih sistematik dan efektif. Model simulasi ini telah dibina berasaskan perisian computer yang memerlukan informasi yang teliti seperti mas a memproses dan juga aliran proses dalam alatan photolithography. The industry of semiconductor wafer fabrication ("fab") has invested a huge amount of capital on the manufacturing equipments particular in photolithography area which has driven the needs to re-look at the most profitable way of utilizing and operating them efficiently. Traditional industrial engineering analysis techniques through mathematical models or static models for the studies of photolithography process are simply not adequate to analyze these complex environments. In this research, a more realistic representation of photolithography tools that can give a better prediction results and a more systematic methodology for minimizing photolithography cycle time is presented. The proposed method is to reduce waiting time and increase utilization of the photolithography process, which would result in an overall equipment cycle time reduction

    Intelligent shop scheduling for semiconductor manufacturing

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    Semiconductor market sales have expanded massively to more than 200 billion dollars annually accompanied by increased pressure on the manufacturers to provide higher quality products at lower cost to remain competitive. Scheduling of semiconductor manufacturing is one of the keys to increasing productivity, however the complexity of manufacturing high capacity semiconductor devices and the cost considerations mean that it is impossible to experiment within the facility. There is an immense need for effective decision support models, characterizing and analyzing the manufacturing process, allowing the effect of changes in the production environment to be predicted in order to increase utilization and enhance system performance. Although many simulation models have been developed within semiconductor manufacturing very little research on the simulation of the photolithography process has been reported even though semiconductor manufacturers have recognized that the scheduling of photolithography is one of the most important and challenging tasks due to complex nature of the process. Traditional scheduling techniques and existing approaches show some benefits for solving small and medium sized, straightforward scheduling problems. However, they have had limited success in solving complex scheduling problems with stochastic elements in an economic timeframe. This thesis presents a new methodology combining advanced solution approaches such as simulation, artificial intelligence, system modeling and Taguchi methods, to schedule a photolithography toolset. A new structured approach was developed to effectively support building the simulation models. A single tool and complete toolset model were developed using this approach and shown to have less than 4% deviation from actual production values. The use of an intelligent scheduling agent for the toolset model shows an average of 15% improvement in simulated throughput time and is currently in use for scheduling the photolithography toolset in a manufacturing plant

    A Highly Integrated Gate Driver with 100% Duty Cycle Capability and High Output Current Drive for Wide-Bandgap Power Switches in Extreme Environments

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    High-temperature integrated circuits fill a need in applications where there are obvious benefits to reduced thermal management or where circuitry is placed away from temperature extremes. Examples of these applications include aerospace, automotive, power generation, and well-logging. This work focuses on the automotive applications, in which the growing demand for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) has increased the need for high-temperature electronics that can operate at the extreme ambient temperatures that exist under the hood, which can be in excess of 150°C. Silicon carbide (SiC) and other wide-bandgap power switches that can function at these temperature extremes are now entering the market. To take full advantage of their potential, high-temperature capable circuits that can also operate in these environments are required. This work presents a high-temperature, high-voltage, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based gate driver designed for SiC and other wide-bandgap power switches for DC-DC converters and traction drives in HEVs. This highly integrated gate driver integrated circuit (IC) has been designed to operate at ambient temperatures up to 200ºC, have a high on-chip drive current, require a minimum complement of off-chip components, and be capable of operating at a 100% high-side duty cycle. Successful operation of the gate driver circuit across temperature with minimal or no thermal management will help to achieve higher power-to-weight and power-to-volume ratios for the power electronics modules in HEVs and, therefore, higher efficiency