8 research outputs found

    An all-in-one solution to geometric and photometric calibration

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    We propose a fully automated approach to calibrating multiple cameras whose fields of view may not all overlap. Our technique only requires waving an arbitrary textured planar pattern in front of the cameras, which is the only manual intervention that is required. The pattern is then automatically detected in the frames where it is visible and used to simultaneously recover geometric and photometric camera calibration parameters. In other words, even a novice user can use our system to extract all the information required to add virtual 3D objects into the scene and light them convincingly. This makes it ideal for Augmented Reality applications and we distribute the code under a GPL license

    An all-in-one solution to geometric and photometric calibration

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    Learning Lightprobes for Mixed Reality Illumination

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    This paper presents the first photometric registration pipeline for Mixed Reality based on high quality illumination estimation by convolutional neural network (CNN) methods. For easy adaptation and deployment of the system, we train the CNN using purely synthetic images and apply them to real image data. To keep the pipeline accurate and efficient, we propose to fuse the light estimation results from multiple CNN instances, and we show an approach for caching estimates over time. For optimal performance, we furthermore explore multiple strategies for the CNN training. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields highly accurate estimates for photo-realistic augmentations

    Analysis of human motion with vision systems: kinematic and dynamic parameters estimation

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    This work presents a multicamera motion capture system able to digitize, measure and analyse the human motion. Key feature of this system is an easy wearable garment printed with a color coded pattern. The pattern of coloured markers allows simultaneous reconstruction of shape and motion of the subject. With the information gathered we can also estimate both kinematic and dynamic motion parameters. In the framework of this research we developed algorithms to: design the color coded pattern, perform 3D shape reconstruction, estimate kinematic and dynamic motion parameters and calibrate the multi-camera system. We paid particular attention to estimate the uncertainty of the kinematics parameters, also comparing the results obtained with commercial systems. The work presents also an overview of some real-world application in which the developed system has been used as measurement tool

    Probabilistic Models for 3D Urban Scene Understanding from Movable Platforms

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    This work is a contribution to understanding multi-object traffic scenes from video sequences. All data is provided by a camera system which is mounted on top of the autonomous driving platform AnnieWAY. The proposed probabilistic generative model reasons jointly about the 3D scene layout as well as the 3D location and orientation of objects in the scene. In particular, the scene topology, geometry as well as traffic activities are inferred from short video sequences

    Augmented reality for non-rigid surfaces

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is the process of integrating virtual elements in reality, often by mixing computer graphics into a live video stream of a real scene. It requires registration of the target object with respect to the cameras. To this end, some approaches rely on dedicated hardware, such as magnetic trackers or infra-red cameras, but they are too expensive and cumbersome to reach a large public. Others are based on specifically designed markers which usually look like bar-codes. However, they alter the look of objects to be augmented, thereby hindering their use in application for which visual design matters. Recent advances in Computer Vision have made it possible to track and detect objects by relying on natural features. However, no such method is commonly used in the AR community, because the maturity of available packages is not sufficient yet. As far as deformable surfaces are concerned, the choice is even more limited, mainly because initialization is so difficult. Our main contribution is therefore a new AR framework that can properly augment deforming surfaces in real-time. Its target platform is a standard PC and a single webcam. It does not require any complex calibration procedure, making it perfectly suitable for novice end-users. To satisfy to the most demanding application designers, our framework does not require any scene engineering, renders virtual objects illuminated by real light, and let real elements occlude virtual ones. To meet this challenge, we developed several innovative techniques. Our approach to real-time registration of a deforming surface is based on wide-baseline feature matching. However, traditional outlier elimination techniques such as RANSAC are unable to handle the non-rigid surface's large number of degrees of freedom. We therefore proposed a new robust estimation scheme that allows both 2–D and 3–D non-rigid surface registration. Another issue of critical importance in AR to achieve realism is illumination handling, for which existing techniques often require setup procedures or devices such as reflective spheres. By contrast, our framework includes methods to estimate illumination for rendering purposes without sacrificing ease of use. Finally, several existing approaches to handling occlusions in AR rely on multiple cameras or can only deal with occluding objects modeled beforehand. Our requires only one camera and models occluding objects at runtime. We incorporated these components in a consistent and flexible framework. We used it to augment many different objects such as a deforming T-shirt or a sheet of paper, under challenging conditions, in real-time, and with correct handling of illumination and occlusions. We also used our non-rigid surface registration technique to measure the shape of deformed sails. We validated the ease of deployment of our framework by distributing a software package and letting an artist use it to create two AR applications

    Template-based Monocular 3-D Shape Reconstruction And Tracking Using Laplacian Meshes

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    This thesis addresses the problem of recovering the 3-D shape of a deformable object in single images, or image sequences acquired by a monocular video camera, given that a 3-D template shape and a template image of the object are available. While being a very challenging problem in computer vision, being able to reconstruct and track 3-D deformable objects in videos allows us to develop many potential applications ranging from sports and entertainments to engineering and medical imaging. This thesis extends the scope of deformable object modeling to real-world applications of fully 3-D modeling of deformable objects from video streams with a number of contributions. We show that by extending the Laplacian formalism, which was first introduced in the Graphics community to regularize 3-D meshes, we can turn the monocular 3-D shape reconstruction of a deformable object given correspondences with a reference image into a much better-posed problem with far fewer degrees of freedom than the original one. This has proved key to achieving real-time performance while preserving both sufficient flexibility and robustness. Our real-time 3-D reconstruction and tracking system of deformable objects can very quickly reject outlier correspondences and accurately reconstruct the object shape in 3D. Frame-to-frame tracking is exploited to track the object under difficult settings such as large deformations, occlusions, illumination changes, and motion blur. We present an approach to solving the problem of dense image registration and 3-D shape reconstruction of deformable objects in the presence of occlusions and minimal texture. A main ingredient is the pixel-wise relevancy score that we use to weigh the influence of the image information from a pixel in the image energy cost function. A careful design of the framework is essential for obtaining state-of-the-art results in recovering 3-D deformations of both well- and poorly-textured objects in the presence of occlusions. We study the problem of reconstructing 3-D deformable objects interacting with rigid ones. Imposing real physical constraints allows us to model the interactions of objects in the real world more accurately and more realistically. In particular, we study the problem of a ball colliding with a bat observed by high speed cameras. We provide quantitative measurements of the impact that are compared with simulation-based methods to evaluate which simulation predictions most accurately describe a physical quantity of interest and to improve the models. Based on the diffuse property of the tracked deformable object, we propose a method to estimate the environment irradiance map represented by a set of low frequency spherical harmonics. The obtained irradiance map can be used to realistically illuminate 2-D and 3-D virtual contents in the context of augmented reality on deformable objects. The results compare favorably with baseline methods. In collaboration with Disney Research, we develop an augmented reality coloring book application that runs in real-time on mobile devices. The app allows the children to see the coloring work by showing animated characters with texture lifted from their colors on the drawing. Deformations of the book page are explicitly modeled by our 3-D tracking and reconstruction method. As a result, accurate color information is extracted to synthesize the character's texture

    Entornos multimedia de realidad aumentada en el campo del arte

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    La relación ente Ciencia y Arte ha mantenido a lo largo de la historia momentos de proximidad o distanciamiento, llegando a entenderse como dos culturas diferentes, pero también se han producido situaciones interdisciplinares de colaboración e intercambio que en nuestros días mantienen como nexo común la cultura digital y el uso del ordenador. Según Berenguer (2002) desde la aparición del ordenador, científicos y artistas están encontrando un espacio común de trabajo y entendimiento. Mediante el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías, la distancia que separa ambas disciplinas es cada vez más corta. En esta tesis, cuyo título es "Entornos Multimedia de Realidad Aumentada en el Campo del Arte", se presenta una investigación teórico-práctica de la tecnología de realidad aumentada aplicada al arte y campos afines, como el edutainment (educación + entretenimiento). La investigación se ha realizado en dos bloques: en el primer bloque se trata la tecnología desde distintos factores que se han considerado relevantes para su entendimiento y funcionamiento; en el segundo se presentan un total de seis ensayos que constituyen la parte práctica de esta tesis.Portalés Ricart, C. (2008). Entornos multimedia de realidad aumentada en el campo del arte [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/3402Palanci