5,988 research outputs found

    An algorithm to parametrize approximately space curves

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    This is the author’s\ud version of a work that was accepted for publication in\ud Journal of Symbolic Computation. Changes resulting from the publishing\ud process, such as peer review, editing, corrections,\ud structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be\ud reflected in this document.\ud Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for\ud publication.\ud A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Symbolic\ud Computation vol. 56 pp. 80-106 (2013).\ud DOI: 10.1016/j.jsc.2013.04.002We present an algorithm that, given a non-rational irreducible\ud real space curve, satisfying certain conditions, computes a rational\ud parametrization of a space curve near the input one. For a given\ud tolerance \epsilon > 0, the algorithm checks whether a planar projection\ud of the given space curve is \epsilon -rational and, in the affirmative\ud case, generates a planar parametrization that is lifted to a space\ud parametrization. This output rational space curve is of the same\ud degree as the input curve, both have the same structure at infinity,\ud and the Hausdorff distance between their real parts is finite.\ud Moreover, in the examples we check that the distance is small.This work has been developed, and partially supported, by the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia e\ud Innovación” under the Project MTM2008-04699-C03-01, and by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”\ud under the project MTM2011-25816-C02-01. All authors belong to the Research Group\ud ASYNACS (Ref. CCEE2011/R34)

    Rational Hausdorff Divisors: a New approach to the Approximate Parametrization of Curves

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    In this paper we introduce the notion of rational Hausdorff divisor, we analyze the dimension and irreducibility of its associated linear system of curves, and we prove that all irreducible real curves belonging to the linear system are rational and are at finite Hausdorff distance among them. As a consequence, we provide a projective linear subspace where all (irreducible) elements are solutions to the approximate parametrization problem for a given algebraic plane curve. Furthermore, we identify the linear system with a plane curve that is shown to be rational and we develop algorithms to parametrize it analyzing its fields of parametrization. Therefore, we present a generic answer to the approximate parametrization problem. In addition, we introduce the notion of Hausdorff curve, and we prove that every irreducible Hausdorff curve can always be parametrized with a generic rational parametrization having coefficients depending on as many parameters as the degree of the input curve

    Compression for Smooth Shape Analysis

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    Most 3D shape analysis methods use triangular meshes to discretize both the shape and functions on it as piecewise linear functions. With this representation, shape analysis requires fine meshes to represent smooth shapes and geometric operators like normals, curvatures, or Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions at large computational and memory costs. We avoid this bottleneck with a compression technique that represents a smooth shape as subdivision surfaces and exploits the subdivision scheme to parametrize smooth functions on that shape with a few control parameters. This compression does not affect the accuracy of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and its eigenfunctions and allow us to compute shape descriptors and shape matchings at an accuracy comparable to triangular meshes but a fraction of the computational cost. Our framework can also compress surfaces represented by point clouds to do shape analysis of 3D scanning data

    Shimura curve computations via K3 surfaces of Neron-Severi rank at least 19

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    It is known that K3 surfaces S whose Picard number rho (= rank of the Neron-Severi group of S) is at least 19 are parametrized by modular curves X, and these modular curves X include various Shimura modular curves associated with congruence subgroups of quaternion algebras over Q. In a family of such K3 surfaces, a surface has rho=20 if and only if it corresponds to a CM point on X. We use this to compute equations for Shimura curves, natural maps between them, and CM coordinates well beyond what could be done by working with the curves directly as we did in ``Shimura Curve Computations'' (1998) = Comment: 16 pages (1 figure drawn with the LaTeX picture environment); To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-VIII, Banff, May 200

    A multigrid continuation method for elliptic problems with folds

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    We introduce a new multigrid continuation method for computing solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems which contain limit points (also called turning points or folds). Our method combines the frozen tau technique of Brandt with pseudo-arc length continuation and correction of the parameter on the coarsest grid. This produces considerable storage savings over direct continuation methods,as well as better initial coarse grid approximations, and avoids complicated algorithms for determining the parameter on finer grids. We provide numerical results for second, fourth and sixth order approximations to the two-parameter, two-dimensional stationary reaction-diffusion problem: Δu+λ exp(u/(1+au)) = 0. For the higher order interpolations we use bicubic and biquintic splines. The convergence rate is observed to be independent of the occurrence of limit points

    Detecting Dark Matter Annihilation with CMB Polarization : Signatures and Experimental Prospects

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    Dark matter (DM) annihilation during hydrogen recombination (z ~ 1000) will alter the recombination history of the Universe, and affect the observed CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations. Unlike other astrophysical probes of DM, this is free of the significant uncertainties in modelling galactic physics, and provides a method to detect and constrain the cosmological abundances of these particles. We parametrize the effect of DM annihilation as an injection of ionizing energy at a rate e_{dm}, and argue that this simple "on the spot'' modification is a good approximation to the complicated interaction of the annihilation products with the photon-electron plasma. Generic models of DM do not change the redshift of recombination, but change the residual ionization after recombination. This broadens the surface of last scattering, suppressing the temperature fluctuations and enhancing the polarization fluctuations. We use the temperature and polarization angular power spectra to measure these deviations from the standard recombination history, and therefore, indirectly probe DM annihilation. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Noncommutative geometry of algebraic curves

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    A covariant functor from the category of generic complex algebraic curves to a category of the AF-algebras is constructed. The construction is based on a representation of the Teichmueller space of a curve by the measured foliations due to Douady, Hubbard, Masur and Thurston. The functor maps isomorphic algebraic curves to the stably isomorphic AF-algebras.Comment: 10 pages, final version; to appear Proc. Amer. Math. So

    A 1-parameter family of spherical CR uniformizations of the figure eight knot complement

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    We describe a simple fundamental domain for the holonomy group of the boundary unipotent spherical CR uniformization of the figure eight knot complement, and deduce that small deformations of that holonomy group (such that the boundary holonomy remains parabolic) also give a uniformization of the figure eight knot complement. Finally, we construct an explicit 1-parameter family of deformations of the boundary unipotent holonomy group such that the boundary holonomy is twist-parabolic. For small values of the twist of these parabolic elements, this produces a 1-parameter family of pairwise non-conjugate spherical CR uniformizations of the figure eight knot complement
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