383 research outputs found

    ModeL4CEP: Graphical domain-specific modeling languages for CEP domains and event patterns

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    Complex event processing (CEP) is a cutting-edge technology that allows the analysis and correlation of large volumes of data with the aim of detecting complex and meaningful events through the use of event patterns, as well as permitting the inference of valuable knowledge for end users. Despite the great advantages that CEP can bring to expert or intelligent business systems, it poses a substantial challenge to their users, who are business experts but do not have the necessary knowledge and experience using this technology. The main problem these users have to face is precisely hand-writing the code for event pattern definition, which requires them to implement the conditions to be met to detect relevant situations for the domain in question by using a particular event processing language (EPL). In order to respond to this need, in this paper we propose both a graphical domain-specific modeling language (DSML) for facilitating CEP domain definitions by domain experts, and a graphical DSML for event pattern definition by non-technological users. The proposed languages provide high expressiveness and flexibility and are independent of event patterns and actions’ implementation code. This way, domain experts can define the relevant event types and patterns within their business domain, without having to be experts on EPL programming, nor on other complicated computer science technological issues, beyond an understandable and intuitive graphical definition. Furthermore, with these DSMLs, users will also be able to define the actions to be automatically taken once a pattern is detected in the system. Further benefits of these DSMLs are evaluated and discussed in depth in this paper

    Environmental Law at Maryland, no. 27, spring 2009

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    Environmental Law at Maryland, no. 34, fall 2012

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    Development of an Application for Supervision of Concrete Quality Control

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.A tecnologia alcançou um nível de evolução incessável, permitindo que uma grande quantidade de dados possa ser compartilhada e facilitando uma cooperação global, o que incentiva o desenvolvimento de projetos das mais variadas áreas. Com uma estrutura online solidificada, projetos de serviços e produtos baseados na rede web começam a surgir e dominar o mercado. A Jungsoft é uma empresa que desenvolve softwares e possui um projeto de automação para centrais de concreto chamado Kartrak, no qual o autor pôde cooperar e aumentar o conhecimento na área de desenvolvimento web. A plataforma Kartrak não possui uma área para supervisionar e controlar os estados iniciais do controle de qualidade do concreto e o presente projeto busca solucionar tal problema. Uma aplicação web moderna chamada Kartrak Laboratory foi proposta para atacar esse problema de supervisão. Devido ao curto espaço de tempo fornecido para desenvolver o projeto e pelo fato do autor não ter experiência prévia na área de programação funcional e desenvolvimento web, o programa foi construído em cima da plataforma de automação Kartrak. Uma vantagem é que a manutenção do aplicativo será facilitada devido à mesma estrutura estar sendo utilizada. Metodologias ágeis e baseadas em teste foram utilizadas de modo a obter um melhor gerenciamento do tempo. Para atingir um alto nível de qualidade, técnicas de controle de software foram aplicadas durante o desenvolvimento do projeto. As principais funções backend do software, isto é, funcionamento do servidor, foram implementadas, obtendo assim uma aplicação funcional para controlar e registrar todas as etapas do ciclo de vida do corpo de prova. Para garantir um nível de confiança e qualidade, vários testes unitários e de ponta-a-ponta foram desenvolvidos e implementados.Technology has reached a non-stop pace of evolution, allowing data sharing and global cooperation to boost the development of projects from the most vast areas. With a solid online structure, web-based services and products are beginning to emerge and conquer the market. Jungsoft is a company that develops softwares and has a project for the automation of concrete batching plants named Kartrak, in which the author had the opportunity to cooperate and learn. The Kartrak platform doesn’t have a supervision feature to control the early stages of concrete quality and this project targets that problem. Kartrak Laboratory, a modern web-application, was proposed to counteract that problem. Due to short deadline and no previous experience in functional programming and web- development, it was built on top of the already existing Automation platform. An advantage is that maintainability will be enforced since the same structure will be used. Agile and test-driven-development methodologies were pursued in order to have a better management of time. To attain a high level of quality, software quality assurance and control techniques were applied during the application development. The main backend functionalities of the application’s server-side were implemented, thus achieving a working feature to control and register the specimen life cycle. To ascertain a level o confidence and quality, several unit tests and an end-to-end test were designed and implemented

    Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Oportunities for the Concrete Industry

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    Business improvement through a structured approach to sustainability in the precast concrete flooring industry

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    Different production and business procurement systems in the precast flooring industry have traditionally been designed to offer products/services with high quality, within shorter delivery times, and with the lowest cost and expense possible. However, these systems do not account for the different environmental impacts arising from its operations. This thesis explores the environmental performance of precast concrete production systems and evaluates how precast organisations can maintain their business cases within a healthy and sustainable approved practice. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was carried out for five Hollowcore and pre-stressed beams manufacturers (members of the Precast Flooring Federation—PFF) to identify the main environmental impacts arising from the production of precast flooring. It was found that mineral extraction, carbon dioxide emissions, waste disposal, and transportation are the main sources of environmental impact in the sector. [Continues.

    Design-Only Conceptual Design Report: Plutonium Immobilization Plant

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    The artilce can be viewed at: http://www.tcea168.com.tw/075366270/images/files/10956.pdf建造業作為全球碳排放的主要來源之一,在 全球節能減排的趨勢下將發揮舉足輕重的作 用。近年來,爲了推行綠色環保建築,各國 都在積極地發展綠色建築評審標準和認證體 系。然而,這些標準和認證體系很少提及建 築材料和建築設備在生命週期內的碳排放量。 由於缺乏相關的量化和評核基準,建造業在 減少能耗,循環再造等減碳的發展方向上勢 必會受到極大的限制。 本文開頭介紹了相關的綠色建築評審標準和 認證體系,並闡述了這些體系的重點和理念。 由於目前世界上並沒有一個得到廣泛認可和 應用的建築物碳排放計算標準,本文引入了 生命週期分析法(LCA),並重點闡述了其 在建築項目應用時如何設定一個合適的界限 (boundary)。文章亦簡介了一個評估建築 物料隱含碳足蹟的平台,以及碳排放分析在 應用上存在的一些潛在困難。我們希望可以 藉此研究,把建築物的生命週期碳排放分析 和綠色建築評審互相融合,從而為建築項目 由設計、建造到拆卸提供一個更加全面和有 效的環境影響分析評估。這樣也可以幫助業 主或發展商在節能減排方面提供最佳方案