157 research outputs found

    Three Segment Adaptive Power Electronic Compensator for Non-periodic Currents

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    In this dissertation, a new technique is proposed for the compensation of nonperiodic load current. The method provides control references for three co-located devices, each corresponding to one moving calculation window and one decomposed part of the compensated current. They are slow compensator with high power rating, large calculation window, and low switching frequency; fast compensator with lower power rating, shorter calculation window, and higher switching frequency; and the reactive compensator which is an ordinary static VAR compensator (SVC). To improve the flexibility of the technique, a fuzzy based adaptive window is proposed for the slow compensator to find the optimum window for different load characteristics. Moreover, three power quality criteria are proposed specifically for the non-periodic current compensation, namely, time-frequency distortion index, modulation index, and high frequency distortion index. The method is verified using both simulation and real-time implementation. First, the proposed method is verified in simulation using real-world data acquired from a local steel mill. Second, it is validated using a real-time controller-in-the-loop implementation. The proposed compensation approach demonstrates high flexibility and effectiveness in increasing power quality under various non-periodic load conditions. Finally, some practical aspects of the implementation of a three-part compensator including cost analysis are presented

    Computationally efficient modeling and simulation of large scale systems

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    A method of simulating operation of a VLSI interconnect structure having capacitive and inductive coupling between nodes thereof. A matrix X and a matrix Y containing different combinations of passive circuit element values for the interconnect structure are obtained where the element values for each matrix include inductance L and inverse capacitance P. An adjacency matrix A associated with the interconnect structure is obtained. Numerical integration is used to solve first and second equations, each including as a factor the product of the inverse matrix X.sup.-1 and at least one other matrix, with first equation including X.sup.-1Y, X.sup.-1A, and X.sup.-1P, and the second equation including X.sup.-1A and X.sup.-1P

    Power quality improvement using passive shunt filter, TCR and TSC combination

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    Power system harmonics are a menace to electric power systems with disastrous consequences. The line current harmonics cause increase in losses, instability, and also voltage distortion. With the proliferation of the power electronics converters and increased use of magnetic, power lines have become highly polluted. Both passive and active filters have been used near harmonic producing loads or at the point of common coupling to block current harmonics. Shunt filters still dominate the harmonic compensation at medium/high voltage level, whereas active filters have been proclaimed for low/medium voltage ratings. With diverse applications involving reactive power together with harmonic compensation, passive filters are found suitable [41]. Passive filtering has been preferred for harmonic compensation in distribution systems due to low cost, simplicity, reliability, and control less operation [42]. The uncontrolled ac-dc converter suffers from operating problems of poor power factor, injection of harmonics into the ac mains, variations in dc link voltage of input ac supply, equipment overheating due to harmonic current absorption, voltage distortion due to the voltage drop caused by harmonic currents flowing through system impedances, interference on telephone and communication line etc. The circuit topologies such as passive filters, ac-dc converter, based improved power quality ac-dc converters are designed, modeled and implemented. The main emphasis of this investigation has been on a compactness of configurations, simplicity in control, reduction in rating of components, thus finally leading to saving in overall cost. Based on thesis considerations, a wide range of configurations of power quality mitigators are developed, which is expected to provide detailed exposure to design engineers to choose a particular configuration for a specific application under the given constraints of economy and desired performance. For bidirectional power flow applications, the current source converter is designed and simulated with R-L load. The necessary modeling and simulations are carried out in MATLAB environment using SIMULINK and power system block set toolboxes. The behavior of different configurations of passive tuned filters on power quality is studied. One of the way out to resolve the issue of reactive power would be using filters and TCR, TSC with combination in the power system. Installing a filter for nonlinear loads connected in power system would help in reducing the harmonic effect. The filters are widely used for reduction of harmonics. With the increase of nonlinear loads in the power system, more and more filters are required. The combinations of passive filters with TCR and TSC are also designed and analyzed to improve the power quality at ac mains. This scheme has resulted in improved power quality with overall reduced rating of passive components used in front end ac-dc converters with R-L load

    Fast methods for full-wave electromagnetic simulations of integrated circuit package modules

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    Fast methods for the electromagnetic simulation of integrated circuit (IC) package modules through model order reduction are demonstrated. The 3D integration of multiple functional IC chip/package modules on a single platform gives rise to geometrically complex structures with strong electromagnetic phenomena. This motivates our work on a fast full-wave solution for the analysis of such modules, thus contributing to the reduction in design cycle time without loss of accuracy. Traditionally, fast design approaches consider only approximate electromagnetic effects, giving rise to lumped-circuit models, and therefore may fail to accurately capture the signal integrity, power integrity, and electromagnetic interference effects. As part of this research, a second order frequency domain full-wave susceptance element equivalent circuit (SEEC) model will be extracted from a given structural layout. The model so obtained is suitably reduced using model order reduction techniques. As part of this effort, algorithms are developed to produce stable and passive reduced models of the original system, enabling fast frequency sweep analysis. Two distinct projection-based second order model reduction approaches will be considered: 1) matching moments, and 2) matching Laguerre coefficients, of the original system's transfer function. Further, the selection of multiple frequency shifts in these schemes to produce a globally representative model is also studied. Use of a second level preconditioned Krylov subspace process allows for a memory-efficient way to address large size problems.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Swaminathan Madhavan; Committee Member: Papapolymerou John; Committee Member: Chatterjee Abhijit; Committee Member: Peterson Andrew; Committee Member: Sitaraman Sures

    Research on Power System State Estimation Problems – Series-Compensated Transmission Line Parameter and Load Model Parameter Estimation

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    Transmission line and load model parameters are essential inputs to power system modeling and simulation, control, protection, operation, optimization, and planning. These parameters usually vary over time or under different operating conditions. Thus, reliable estimation methods are desired to ensure the accuracy of those parameters. This research focuses on estimation for transmission line parameters and the ZIP load model. The proposed estimation methods can use both online measurements and historical data of a specified duration. The parameters of long transmission lines with different series-compensation configurations are estimated using linear methods and optimal estimators with bad data detection capability. Additionally, Kalman filter estimation methods have been proposed to improve the estimation accuracy and to track the dynamically changing line parameters under the effect of measurement noises. The estimation methods are tested with data generated using Matlab Simulink. For the ZIP load model parameter estimation, theoretical formulation for the aggregate ZIP load model has been established. The least squares, optimization, neural network, and Kalman filter methods have been investigated to estimate ZIP parameters and been verified based on OpenDSS simulation data

    Modeling, Design And Fabrication Of Orthogonal And Psuedo-orthogonal Frequency Coded Saw Wireless Spread Spectrum Rfid Sensor Tags

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    Surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors offer a wireless, passive sensor solution for use in numerous environments where wired sensing can be expensive and infeasible. Single carrier frequency SAW sensor embodiments such as delay lines, and resonators have been used in single sensor environments where sensor identification is not a necessity. The orthogonal frequency coded (OFC) SAW sensor tag embodiment developed at UCF uses a spread spectrum approach that allows interrogation in a multi-sensor environment and provides simultaneous sensing and sensor identi- fication. The SAW device is encoded via proper design of multiple Bragg reflectors at differing frequencies. To enable accurate device design, a model to predict reflectivity over a wide range of electrode metallization ratios and metal thicknesses has been developed and implemented in a coupling of modes (COM) model. The high coupling coefficient, reflectivity and temperature coefficient of delay (TCD) of YZ LiNbO3 makes it an ideal substrate material for a temperature sensor, and the reflectivity model has been developed and verified for this substrate. A new concept of pseudo-orthogonal frequency coded (POFC) SAW sensor tags has been investigated, and with proper design, the POFC SAW reduces device insertion loss and fractional bandwidth compared to OFC. OFC and POFC sensor devices have been fabricated at 250 MHz and 915 MHz using fundamental operation, and 500 MHz and 1.6 GHz using second harmonic operation. Measured device results are shown and compared with the COM simulations using the iii enhanced reflectivity model. Additionally, the first OFC devices at 1.05 GHz were fabricated on 128o YX LiNbO3 to explore feasibility of the material for future use in OFC sensor applications. Devices at 915 MHz have been fabricated on YZ LiNbO3 and integrated with an antenna, and have then been used in a transceiver system built by Mnemonics, Inc. to wirelessly sense temperature. The first experimental wireless POFC SAW sensor device results and predictions will be presented

    Computationally efficient modeling and simulation of large scale systems

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    A method of simulating operation of a VLSI interconnect structure having capacitive and inductive coupling between nodes thereof. A matrix X and a matrix Y containing different combinations of passive circuit element values for the interconnect structure are obtained where the element values for each matrix include inductance L and inverse capacitance P. An adjacency matrix A associated with the interconnect structure is obtained. Numerical integration is used to solve first and second equations, each including as a factor the product of the inverse matrix X.sup.1 and at least one other matrix, with first equation including X.sup.1Y, X.sup.1A, and X.sup.1P, and the second equation including X.sup.1A and X.sup.1P

    Power Inductors: Design, Modeling and Analysis

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    Power inductors, or reactors as they are called in the power industry, are one of the fundamental components of a power system. They serve various purposes in both conventional and emerging power systems including: power flow control, fault current limitation, reactive power compensation, harmonic filtering, and others. This dissertation explores the design and applications of conventional power inductors and ways to overcome their shortcomings and expand their functionalities. In addition, novel inductor designs are proposed and analyzed to address power system challenges. A series of inductors, including traditional constant reactance inductor, gapless ferromagnetic core reactor (GFCR) (both costant and variable reactance), and magnetic amplifier-based variable reactance reactor (both single-phase and three-phase), are considered and examined. The various unique inductor designs have been analyzed, both analytically and numerically, and their potential assessed for applications in modern power systems using novel simulation frameworks. A finite element analysis (FEA) based numerical modeling has been carried out for all inductors for accurate representation and analysis. On the other hand, analytical modeling based on magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) has been presented, to complement the FEA-based approach and overcome its shortcomings. A comparative analysis of the processes provides insights into the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed analytical models. Also, an advanced data-intensive machine learning (ML) approach to understanding the working of magnetic amplifier technology has been proposed. Additionally, a unique optimal power flow (OPF) formulation with variable reactance because of the power magnetic devices like a magnetic amplifier in a power system is presented. This dissertation covers the presentation of novel inductor designs and their advantages, analyses, and assessments to the broad scientific community and the industry. This kind of research is expected to pave the pathway for future innovations in inductor technologies for applications in modern power systems to make them more reliable, resilient, and efficient