1,925 research outputs found

    A comparative study of adaptive mutation operators for metaheuristics

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a class of stochastic optimization methods inspired by the principles of natural evolution. Adaptation of strategy parameters and genetic operators has become an important and promising research area in GAs. Many researchers are applying adaptive techniques to guide the search of GAs toward optimum solutions. Mutation is a key component of GAs. It is a variation operator to create diversity for GAs. This paper investigates several adaptive mutation operators, including population level adaptive mutation operators and gene level adaptive mutation operators, for GAs and compares their performance based on a set of uni-modal and multi-modal benchmark problems. The experimental results show that the gene level adaptive mutation operators are usually more efficient than the population level adaptive mutation operators for GAs

    Use of Statistical Outlier Detection Method in Adaptive\ud Evolutionary Algorithms

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    In this paper, the issue of adapting probabilities for Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) search operators is revisited. A framework is devised for distinguishing between measurements of performance and the interpretation of those measurements for purposes of adaptation. Several examples of measurements and statistical interpretations are provided. Probability value adaptation is tested using an EA with 10 search operators against 10 test problems with results indicating that both the type of measurement and its statistical interpretation play significant roles in EA performance. We also find that selecting operators based on the prevalence of outliers rather than on average performance is able to provide considerable improvements to\ud adaptive methods and soundly outperforms the non-adaptive\ud case

    Use of statistical outlier detection method in adaptive evolutionary algorithms

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    In this paper, the issue of adapting probabilities for Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) search operators is revisited. A framework is devised for distinguishing between measurements of performance and the interpretation of those measurements for purposes of adaptation. Several examples of measurements and statistical interpretations are provided. Probability value adaptation is tested using an EA with 10 search operators against 10 test problems with results indicating that both the type of measurement and its statistical interpretation play significant roles in EA performance. We also find that selecting operators based on the prevalence of outliers rather than on average performance is able to provide considerable improvements to adaptive methods and soundly outperforms the non-adaptive case

    Effective learning hyper-heuristics for the course timetabling problem

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    Course timetabling is an important and recurring administrative activity in most educational institutions. This article combines a general modeling methodology with effective learning hyper-heuristics to solve this problem. The proposed hyper-heuristics are based on an iterated local search procedure that autonomously combines a set of move operators. Two types of learning for operator selection are contrasted: a static (offline) approach, with a clear distinction between training and execution phases; and a dynamic approach that learns on the fly. The resulting algorithms are tested over the set of real-world instances collected by the first and second International Timetabling competitions. The dynamic scheme statistically outperforms the static counterpart, and produces competitive results when compared to the state-of-the-art, even producing a new best-known solution. Importantly, our study illustrates that algorithms with increased autonomy and generality can outperform human designed problem-specific algorithms

    Reinforcement Learning for Mutation Operator Selection in Automated Program Repair

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    Automated program repair techniques aim to aid software developers with the challenging task of fixing bugs. In heuristic-based program repair, a search space of program variants is created by applying mutation operations on the source code to find potential patches for bugs. Most commonly, every selection of a mutation operator during search is performed uniformly at random. The inefficiency of this critical step in the search creates many variants that do not compile or break intended functionality, wasting considerable resources as a result. In this paper, we address this issue and propose a reinforcement learning-based approach to optimise the selection of mutation operators in heuristic-based program repair. Our solution is programming language, granularity-level, and search strategy agnostic and allows for easy augmentation into existing heuristic-based repair tools. We conduct extensive experimentation on four operator selection techniques, two reward types, two credit assignment strategies, two integration methods, and three sets of mutation operators using 22,300 independent repair attempts. We evaluate our approach on 353 real-world bugs from the Defects4J benchmark. Results show that the epsilon-greedy multi-armed bandit algorithm with average credit assignment is best for mutation operator selection. Our approach exhibits a 17.3% improvement upon the baseline, by generating patches for 9 additional bugs for a total of 61 patched bugs in the Defects4J benchmark

    Hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition

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    The performance of search operators varies across the different stages of the search/optimization process of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). In general, a single search operator may not do well in all these stages when dealing with different optimization and search problems. To mitigate this, adaptive search operator schemes have been introduced. The idea is that when a search operator hits a difficult patch (under-performs) in the search space, the EA scheme ā€œreactsā€ to that by potentially calling upon a different search operator. Hence, several multiple-search operator schemes have been proposed and employed within EA. In this paper, a hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (HAEA/D) that employs four different crossover operators is suggested. Its performance has been evaluated on the well-known IEEE CECā€™09 test instances. HAEA/D has generated promising results which compare well against several well-known algorithms including MOEA/D, on a number of metrics such as the inverted generational distance (IGD), the hyper-volume, the Gamma and Delta functions. These results are included and discussed in this paper

    Estimating meme fitness in adaptive memetic algorithms for combinatorial problems

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    Among the most promising and active research areas in heuristic optimisation is the field of adaptive memetic algorithms (AMAs). These gain much of their reported robustness by adapting the probability with which each of a set of local improvement operators is applied, according to an estimate of their current value to the search process. This paper addresses the issue of how the current value should be estimated. Assuming the estimate occurs over several applications of a meme, we consider whether the extreme or mean improvements should be used, and whether this aggregation should be global, or local to some part of the solution space. To investigate these issues, we use the well-established COMA framework that coevolves the specification of a population of memes (representing different local search algorithms) alongside a population of candidate solutions to the problem at hand. Two very different memetic algorithms are considered: the first using adaptive operator pursuit to adjust the probabilities of applying a fixed set of memes, and a second which applies genetic operators to dynamically adapt and create memes and their functional definitions. For the latter, especially on combinatorial problems, credit assignment mechanisms based on historical records, or on notions of landscape locality, will have limited application, and it is necessary to estimate the value of a meme via some form of sampling. The results on a set of binary encoded combinatorial problems show that both methods are very effective, and that for some problems it is necessary to use thousands of variables in order to tease apart the differences between different reward schemes. However, for both memetic algorithms, a significant pattern emerges that reward based on mean improvement is better than that based on extreme improvement. This contradicts recent findings from adapting the parameters of operators involved in global evolutionary search. The results also show that local reward schemes outperform global reward schemes in combinatorial spaces, unlike in continuous spaces. An analysis of evolving meme behaviour is used to explain these findings. Ā© 2012 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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