42 research outputs found

    Experiences with porting and modelling wavefront algorithms on many-core architectures

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    We are currently investigating the viability of many-core architectures for the acceleration of wavefront applications and this report focuses on graphics processing units (GPUs) in particular. To this end, we have implemented NASA’s LU benchmark – a real world production-grade application – on GPUs employing NVIDIA’s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). This GPU implementation of the benchmark has been used to investigate the performance of a selection of GPUs, ranging from workstation-grade commodity GPUs to the HPC "Tesla” and "Fermi” GPUs. We have also compared the performance of the GPU solution at scale to that of traditional high perfor- mance computing (HPC) clusters based on a range of multi- core CPUs from a number of major vendors, including Intel (Nehalem), AMD (Opteron) and IBM (PowerPC). In previous work we have developed a predictive “plug-and-play” performance model of this class of application running on such clusters, in which CPUs communicate via the Message Passing Interface (MPI). By extending this model to also capture the performance behaviour of GPUs, we are able to: (1) comment on the effects that architectural changes will have on the performance of single-GPU solutions, and (2) make projections regarding the performance of multi-GPU solutions at larger scale

    CampProf: A Visual Performance Analysis Tool for Memory Bound GPU Kernels

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    Current GPU tools and performance models provide some common architectural insights that guide the programmers to write optimal code. We challenge these performance models, by modeling and analyzing a lesser known, but very severe performance pitfall, called 'Partition Camping', in NVIDIA GPUs. Partition Camping is caused by memory accesses that are skewed towards a subset of the available memory partitions, which may degrade the performance of memory-bound CUDA kernels by up to seven-times. No existing tool can detect the partition camping effect in CUDA kernels. We complement the existing tools by developing 'CampProf', a spreadsheet based, visual analysis tool, that detects the degree to which any memory-bound kernel suffers from partition camping. In addition, CampProf also predicts the kernel's performance at all execution configurations, if its performance parameters are known at any one of them. To demonstrate the utility of CampProf, we analyze three different applications using our tool, and demonstrate how it can be used to discover partition camping. We also demonstrate how CampProf can be used to monitor the performance improvements in the kernels, as the partition camping effect is being removed. The performance model that drives CampProf was developed by applying multiple linear regression techniques over a set of specific micro-benchmarks that simulated the partition camping behavior. Our results show that the geometric mean of errors in our prediction model is within 12% of the actual execution times. In summary, CampProf is a new, accurate, and easy-to-use tool that can be used in conjunction with the existing tools to analyze and improve the overall performance of memory-bound CUDA kernels

    Preemptive Thread Block Scheduling with Online Structural Runtime Prediction for Concurrent GPGPU Kernels

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    Recent NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can execute multiple kernels concurrently. On these GPUs, the thread block scheduler (TBS) uses the FIFO policy to schedule their thread blocks. We show that FIFO leaves performance to chance, resulting in significant loss of performance and fairness. To improve performance and fairness, we propose use of the preemptive Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) policy instead. Although SRTF requires an estimate of runtime of GPU kernels, we show that such an estimate of the runtime can be easily obtained using online profiling and exploiting a simple observation on GPU kernels' grid structure. Specifically, we propose a novel Structural Runtime Predictor. Using a simple Staircase model of GPU kernel execution, we show that the runtime of a kernel can be predicted by profiling only the first few thread blocks. We evaluate an online predictor based on this model on benchmarks from ERCBench, and find that it can estimate the actual runtime reasonably well after the execution of only a single thread block. Next, we design a thread block scheduler that is both concurrent kernel-aware and uses this predictor. We implement the SRTF policy and evaluate it on two-program workloads from ERCBench. SRTF improves STP by 1.18x and ANTT by 2.25x over FIFO. When compared to MPMax, a state-of-the-art resource allocation policy for concurrent kernels, SRTF improves STP by 1.16x and ANTT by 1.3x. To improve fairness, we also propose SRTF/Adaptive which controls resource usage of concurrently executing kernels to maximize fairness. SRTF/Adaptive improves STP by 1.12x, ANTT by 2.23x and Fairness by 2.95x compared to FIFO. Overall, our implementation of SRTF achieves system throughput to within 12.64% of Shortest Job First (SJF, an oracle optimal scheduling policy), bridging 49% of the gap between FIFO and SJF.Comment: 14 pages, full pre-review version of PACT 2014 poste

    Testing the Divergence Stack Memory on GPGPUs: A Modular in-Field Test Strategy

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    General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPGPUs) are becoming a promising solution in safety-critical applications, e.g., in the automotive domain. In these applications, reliability and functional safety are relevant factors in the selection of devices to build the systems. Nowadays, many challenges are impacting the implementation of high-performance devices, such as GPGPUs. Moreover, there is the need for effective fault detection solutions to guarantee the correct in-field operation of a GPGPU, such as in the branch management unit, which is one of the most critical modules in this parallel architecture. Faults affecting this structure can heavily corrupt or even collapse the execution of an application on the GPGPU. In this work, we propose a non-invasive Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) solution to detect faults affecting the memory in the branch management unit of a GPGPU. We propose a scalar and modular mechanism to develop the test program as a combination of software functions. The FlexGripPlus model was employed to evaluate the proposed strategies experimentally. Results show that the proposed strategies are effective to test the target structure and detect up to 98% of permanent faults. General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPGPUs) are becoming a promising solution in safety-critical applications, e.g., in the automotive domain. In these applications, reliability and functional safety are relevant factors in the selection of devices to build the systems. Nowadays, many challenges are impacting the implementation of high-performance devices, such as GPGPUs. Moreover, there is the need for effective fault detection solutions to guarantee the correct in-field operation of a GPGPU, such as in the branch management unit, which is one of the most critical modules in this parallel architecture. Faults affecting this structure can heavily corrupt or even collapse the execution of an application on the GPGPU. In this work, we propose a non-invasive Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) solution to detect faults affecting the memory in the branch management unit of a GPGPU. We propose a scalar and modular mechanism to develop the test program as a combination of software functions. The FlexGripPlus model was employed to evaluate the proposed strategies experimentally. Results show that the proposed strategies are effective to test the target structure and detect up to 98% of permanent faults

    ARGO: An Auto-Tuning Runtime System for Scalable GNN Training on Multi-Core Processor

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    As Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) become popular, libraries like PyTorch-Geometric (PyG) and Deep Graph Library (DGL) are proposed; these libraries have emerged as the de facto standard for implementing GNNs because they provide graph-oriented APIs and are purposefully designed to manage the inherent sparsity and irregularity in graph structures. However, these libraries show poor scalability on multi-core processors, which under-utilizes the available platform resources and limits the performance. This is because GNN training is a resource-intensive workload with high volume of irregular data accessing, and existing libraries fail to utilize the memory bandwidth efficiently. To address this challenge, we propose ARGO, a novel runtime system for GNN training that offers scalable performance. ARGO exploits multi-processing and core-binding techniques to improve platform resource utilization. We further develop an auto-tuner that searches for the optimal configuration for multi-processing and core-binding. The auto-tuner works automatically, making it completely transparent from the user. Furthermore, the auto-tuner allows ARGO to adapt to various platforms, GNN models, datasets, etc. We evaluate ARGO on two representative GNN models and four widely-used datasets on two platforms. With the proposed autotuner, ARGO is able to select a near-optimal configuration by exploring only 5% of the design space. ARGO speeds up state-of-the-art GNN libraries by up to 5.06x and 4.54x on a four-socket Ice Lake machine with 112 cores and a two-socket Sapphire Rapids machine with 64 cores, respectively. Finally, ARGO can seamlessly integrate into widely-used GNN libraries (e.g., DGL, PyG) with few lines of code and speed up GNN training.Comment: To appear in IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 202

    Modular Functional Testing: Targeting the Small Embedded Memories in GPUs

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    Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) are promising solutions in safety-critical applications, e.g., in the automotive domain. In these applications, reliability and functional safety are relevant factors. Nowadays, many challenges are impacting the implementation of high-performance devices, including GPUs. Moreover, there is a need for effective fault detection solutions to guarantee the correct in-field operation. This work describes a modular approach to developing functional testing solutions based on the non-invasive Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) strategy. We propose a scalar and modular mechanism to develop test programs based on schematic organizations of functions allowing the exploration of different solutions using software functions. The FlexGripPlus model was employed to evaluate experimentally the proposed strategies, targeting the embedded memories in the GPU. Results show that the proposed strategies are effective to test the target structures and detect from 98% up to 100% of permanent stuck-at faults