1,368 research outputs found

    An XML Framework for Integrating Continuous Queries, Composite Event Detection, and Database Condition Monitoring for Multiple Data Streams

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    With advancements in technology over the last ten years, data management issues have evolved from a stored persistent form to also include streaming data generated from sensors and other software monitoring tools. Furthermore, distributed, event-based systems are becoming more prevalent, with a need to develop applications that can dynamically respond to information extracted from data streams. This research is investigating the integration of stream processing and event processing techniques, with expressive filtering capabilities that include queries over persistent databases to provide application context to the filtering process. Distributed Event Processing Agents (DEPAs) continuously filter events from multiple data streams of different formats that provide XML views. Composite events for data streams are expressed using the Composite Event Detection Language (CEDL) and mapped to Composite XQuery (CXQ) for implementation. CXQ is a language that extends XQuery with features from CEDL, including operators for expressing sequence, disjunction, conjunction, repetition, aggregation, and time windows for events. Continuous queries and composite event filters are integrated with techniques for materialized view maintenance and incremental evaluation in condition monitoring to provide efficient ways of enhancing stream filters with database queries. The filtering and event detection load is distributed among multiple DEPAs, with CXQ expressions decomposed to allocate subcomponents of the expression to DEPAs that efficiently communicate in the global detection of composite events. A unique aspect of our research is that it extends XQuery with temporal, composite event features to combine techniques for continuous queries in stream processing, incremental evaluation in condition monitoring, and detection and filtering of composite events, creating an expressive environment for the extraction of meaningful events from multiple data streams with XML views

    07191 Abstracts Collection -- Event Processing

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    From 06.05. to 11.05.2007 the Dagstuhl Seminar 07191 ``Event Processing\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Metadata Services for Distributed Event Stream Processing Agents

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    Intelligent monitoring and fault diagnosis for ATLAS TDAQ: a complex event processing solution

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    Effective monitoring and analysis tools are fundamental in modern IT infrastructures to get insights on the overall system behavior and to deal promptly and effectively with failures. In recent years, Complex Event Processing (CEP) technologies have emerged as effective solutions for information processing from the most disparate fields: from wireless sensor networks to financial analysis. This thesis proposes an innovative approach to monitor and operate complex and distributed computing systems, in particular referring to the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system currently in use at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The result of this research, the AAL project, is currently used to provide ATLAS data acquisition operators with automated error detection and intelligent system analysis. The thesis begins by describing the TDAQ system and the controlling architecture, with a focus on the monitoring infrastructure and the expert system used for error detection and automated recovery. It then discusses the limitations of the current approach and how it can be improved to maximize the ATLAS TDAQ operational efficiency. Event processing methodologies are then laid out, with a focus on CEP techniques for stream processing and pattern recognition. The open-source Esper engine, the CEP solution adopted by the project is subsequently analyzed and discussed. Next, the AAL project is introduced as the automated and intelligent monitoring solution developed as the result of this research. AAL requirements and governing factors are listed, with a focus on how stream processing functionalities can enhance the TDAQ monitoring experience. The AAL processing model is then introduced and the architectural choices are justified. Finally, real applications on TDAQ error detection are presented. The main conclusion from this work is that CEP techniques can be successfully applied to detect error conditions and system misbehavior. Moreover, the AAL project demonstrates a real application of CEP concepts for intelligent monitoring in the demanding TDAQ scenario. The adoption of AAL by several TDAQ communities shows that automation and intelligent system analysis were not properly addressed in the previous infrastructure. The results of this thesis will benefit researchers evaluating intelligent monitoring techniques on large-scale distributed computing system

    Performance management of event processing systems

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    This thesis is a study of performance management of Complex Event Processing (CEP) systems. Since CEP systems have distinct characteristics from other well-studied computer systems such as batch and online transaction processing systems and database-centric applications, these characteristics introduce new challenges and opportunities to the performance management for CEP systems. Methodologies used in benchmarking CEP systems in many performance studies focus on scaling the load injection, but not considering the impact of the functional capabilities of CEP systems. This thesis proposes the approach of evaluating the performance of CEP engines’ functional behaviours on events and develops a benchmark platform for CEP systems: CEPBen. The CEPBen benchmark platform is developed to explore the fundamental functional performance of event processing systems: filtering, transformation and event pattern detection. It is also designed to provide a flexible environment for exploring new metrics and influential factors for CEP systems and evaluating the performance of CEP systems. Studies on factors and new metrics are carried out using the CEPBen benchmark platform on Esper. Different measurement points of response time in performance management of CEP systems are discussed and response time of targeted event is proposed to be used as a metric for quality of service evaluation combining with the traditional response time in CEP systems. Maximum query load as a capacity indicator regarding to the complexity of queries and number of live objects in memory as a performance indicator regarding to the memory management are proposed in performance management of CEP systems. Query depth is studied as a performance factor that influences CEP system performance

    Continuous Workflows: From Model to Enactment System

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    Workflows are actively being used in both business and scientific domains to automate processes and facilitate collaboration. A workflow management (or enactment) system (WfMS) defines, creates and manages the execution of workflows on one or more workflow engines, which are able to interpret workflow definitions, allocate resources, interact with workflow participants and, where required, invoke the needed tools (e.g., databases, job schedulers, etc.) and applications. Traditional WfMSs and workflow design processes view the workflow as a one-time interaction with the various data sources, i.e., when a workflow is invoked, its steps are executed once and in-order. The fundamental underlying assumption has been that data sources are passive and all interactions are structured along the request/reply (query) model. Hence, traditional WfMS cannot effectively support business or scientific monitoring applications that require the processing of data streams such as those generated by sensing devices as well as mobile and web applications. It is the hypothesis of this dissertation that Workflow Management Systems can be extended to support data stream semantics to enable monitoring applications. This includes the ability to apply flexible bounds on unbounded data streams and the ability to facilitate on-the-fly processing of bounded bundles of data (window semantics). To support this hypothesis this dissertation has produced new specifications, a design, an implementation and a thorough evaluation of a novel Continuous Workflows (CWf) model, which is backwards compatible with currently available workflow models. The CWf model was implemented in a CONtinuous workFLow ExeCution Engine, CONFLuEnCE, as an extension of Kepler, which is a popular scientific WfMS. The applicability of the CWf model in both scientific and business applications was demonstrated by utilizing CONFLuEnCE in Astroshelf to support live annotations (i.e., monitoring of astronomical data), and to support supply chain monitoring and management. The implementation of CONFLuEnCE led to the realization that different applications have different performance requirements and hence an integrated workflow scheduling framework is essential. Towards meeting this need, STAFiLOS, a Stream FLOw Scheduling framework for Continuous Workflows, was designed and implemented, within CONFLuEnCE. The performance of STAFiLOS was evaluated using the Linear Road Benchmark for continuous workflows

    A policy language definition for provenance in pervasive computing

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    Recent advances in computing technology have led to the paradigm of pervasive computing, which provides a means of simplifying daily life by integrating information processing into the everyday physical world. Pervasive computing draws its power from knowing the surroundings and creates an environment which combines computing and communication capabilities. Sensors that provide high-resolution spatial and instant measurement are most commonly used for forecasting, monitoring and real-time environmental modelling. Sensor data generated by a sensor network depends on several influences, such as the configuration and location of the sensors or the processing performed on the raw measurements. Storing sufficient metadata that gives meaning to the recorded observation is important in order to draw accurate conclusions or to enhance the reliability of the result dataset that uses this automatically collected data. This kind of metadata is called provenance data, as the origin of the data and the process by which it arrived from its origin are recorded. Provenance is still an exploratory field in pervasive computing and many open research questions are yet to emerge. The context information and the different characteristics of the pervasive environment call for different approaches to a provenance support system. This work implements a policy language definition that specifies the collecting model for provenance management systems and addresses the challenges that arise with stream data and sensor environments. The structure graph of the proposed model is mapped to the Open Provenance Model in order to facilitating the sharing of provenance data and interoperability with other systems. As provenance security has been recognized as one of the most important components in any provenance system, an access control language has been developed that is tailored to support the special requirements of provenance: fine-grained polices, privacy policies and preferences. Experimental evaluation findings show a reasonable overhead for provenance collecting and a reasonable time for provenance query performance, while a numerical analysis was used to evaluate the storage overhead

    WikiSensing: A collaborative sensor management system with trust assessment for big data

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    Big Data for sensor networks and collaborative systems have become ever more important in the digital economy and is a focal point of technological interest while posing many noteworthy challenges. This research addresses some of the challenges in the areas of online collaboration and Big Data for sensor networks. This research demonstrates WikiSensing (www.wikisensing.org), a high performance, heterogeneous, collaborative data cloud for managing and analysis of real-time sensor data. The system is based on the Big Data architecture with comprehensive functionalities for smart city sensor data integration and analysis. The system is fully functional and served as the main data management platform for the 2013 UPLondon Hackathon. This system is unique as it introduced a novel methodology that incorporates online collaboration with sensor data. While there are other platforms available for sensor data management WikiSensing is one of the first platforms that enable online collaboration by providing services to store and query dynamic sensor information without any restriction of the type and format of sensor data. An emerging challenge of collaborative sensor systems is modelling and assessing the trustworthiness of sensors and their measurements. This is with direct relevance to WikiSensing as an open collaborative sensor data management system. Thus if the trustworthiness of the sensor data can be accurately assessed, WikiSensing will be more than just a collaborative data management system for sensor but also a platform that provides information to the users on the validity of its data. Hence this research presents a new generic framework for capturing and analysing sensor trustworthiness considering the different forms of evidence available to the user. It uses an extensible set of metrics that can represent such evidence and use Bayesian analysis to develop a trust classification model. Based on this work there are several publications and others are at the final stage of submission. Further improvement is also planned to make the platform serve as a cloud service accessible to any online user to build up a community of collaborators for smart city research.Open Acces
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