149 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images based on Spectral Features

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    In this world of Big Data, large quantities of data are been created everyday from all the type of visual sensors available in the hands of mankind. One important data is that we obtain from satellite of the land image. The application of these data are numerous. They have been used in classification of land regions, change detection of an area over a period of time, detecting different anomalies in the area and so on. As data is increasing at a high rate, so manually doing these jobs is not a good idea. So, we have to apply automated algorithms to solve these jobs. The images we see generally consists of visible light in Red, Green and Blue bands, but light of different wavelength differ in their properties of passing obstacle. So, there has been considerable research going on continuous spectra images. These images are called Hyper-spectral Image. In this thesis, I have gone through many classic machine learning algorithms like K-means, Expectation Maximization, Hierarchical Clustering, some out of box methods like Unsupervised Artificial DNA Classifier, Spatial Spectral Information which integrates both features to get better classification and a variant of Maximal Margin Clustering which uses K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to cross validate and get the best set to separate. Sometimes PCA is used get best features from the dataset. Finally all the results are compare


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    A new technique Multiple-feature-based adaptive sparse representation (MFASR) has been demonstrated for Hyperspectral Images (HSI's) classification. This method involves mainly in four steps at the various stages. The spectral and spatial information reflected from the original Hyperspectral Images with four various features. A shape adaptive (SA) spatial region is obtained in each pixel region at the second step. The algorithm namely sparse representation has applied to get the coefficients of sparse for each shape adaptive region in the form of matrix with multiple features. For each test pixel, the class label is determined with the help of obtained coefficients. The performances of MFASR have much better classification results than other classifiers in the terms of quantitative and qualitative percentage of results. This MFASR will make benefit of strong correlations that are obtained from different extracted features and this make use of effective features and effective adaptive sparse representation. Thus, the very high classification performance was achieved through this MFASR technique

    Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Enhancement and Clustering

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    In this dissertation, some new algorithms are developed for hyperspectral imaging analysis enhancement. Tensor data format is applied in hyperspectral dataset sparse and low-rank decomposition, which could enhance the classification and detection performance. And multi-view learning technique is applied in hyperspectral imaging clustering. Furthermore, kernel version of multi-view learning technique has been proposed, which could improve clustering performance. Most of low-rank and sparse decomposition algorithms are based on matrix data format for HSI analysis. As HSI contains high spectral dimensions, tensor based extended low-rank and sparse decomposition (TELRSD) is proposed in this dissertation for better performance of HSI classification with low-rank tensor part, and HSI detection with sparse tensor part. With this tensor based method, HSI is processed in 3D data format, and information between spectral bands and pixels maintain integrated during decomposition process. This proposed algorithm is compared with other state-of-art methods. And the experiment results show that TELRSD has the best performance among all those comparison algorithms. HSI clustering is an unsupervised task, which aims to group pixels into different groups without labeled information. Low-rank sparse subspace clustering (LRSSC) is the most popular algorithms for this clustering task. The spatial-spectral based multi-view low-rank sparse subspace clustering (SSMLC) algorithms is proposed in this dissertation, which extended LRSSC with multi-view learning technique. In this algorithm, spectral and spatial views are created to generate multi-view dataset of HSI, where spectral partition, morphological component analysis (MCA) and principle component analysis (PCA) are applied to create others views. Furthermore, kernel version of SSMLC (k-SSMLC) also has been investigated. The performance of SSMLC and k-SSMLC are compared with sparse subspace clustering (SSC), low-rank sparse subspace clustering (LRSSC), and spectral-spatial sparse subspace clustering (S4C). It has shown that SSMLC could improve the performance of LRSSC, and k-SSMLC has the best performance. The spectral clustering has been proved that it equivalent to non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) problem. In this case, NMF could be applied to the clustering problem. In order to include local and nonlinear features in data source, orthogonal NMF (ONMF), graph-regularized NMF (GNMF) and kernel NMF (k-NMF) has been proposed for better clustering performance. The non-linear orthogonal graph NMF combine both kernel, orthogonal and graph constraints in NMF (k-OGNMF), which push up the clustering performance further. In the HSI domain, kernel multi-view based orthogonal graph NMF (k-MOGNMF) is applied for subspace clustering, where k-OGNMF is extended with multi-view algorithm, and it has better performance and computation efficiency

    Superpixel nonlocal weighting joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification.

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    Joint sparse representation classification (JSRC) is a representative spectral–spatial classifier for hyperspectral images (HSIs). However, the JSRC is inappropriate for highly heterogeneous areas due to the spatial information being extracted from a fixed-sized neighborhood block, which is often unable to conform to the naturally irregular structure of land cover. To address this problem, a superpixel-based JSRC with nonlocal weighting, i.e., superpixel-based nonlocal weighted JSRC (SNLW-JSRC), is proposed in this paper. In SNLW-JSRC, the superpixel representation of an HSI is first constructed based on an entropy rate segmentation method. This strategy forms homogeneous neighborhoods with naturally irregular structures and alleviates the inclusion of pixels from different classes in the process of spatial information extraction. Afterwards, the superpixel-based nonlocal weighting (SNLW) scheme is built to weigh the superpixel based on its structural and spectral information. In this way, the weight of one specific neighboring pixel is determined by the local structural similarity between the neighboring pixel and the central test pixel. Then, the obtained local weights are used to generate the weighted mean data for each superpixel. Finally, JSRC is used to produce the superpixel-level classification. This speeds up the sparse representation and makes the spatial content more centralized and compact. To verify the proposed SNLW-JSRC method, we conducted experiments on four benchmark hyperspectral datasets, namely Indian Pines, Pavia University, Salinas, and DFC2013. The experimental results suggest that the SNLW-JSRC can achieve better classification results than the other four SRC-based algorithms and the classical support vector machine algorithm. Moreover, the SNLW-JSRC can also outperform the other SRC-based algorithms, even with a small number of training samples


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    The Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) is developed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) which was launched in the year 2006 for the Earth observation and exploration purpose. The ALOS was carrying PRISM, AVNIR-2 and PALSAR sensors for this purpose. PALSAR is L-Band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The PALSAR sensor is designed in a way that it can work in all weather conditions with a resolution of 10 meters. In this research work we have made an investigation on the accuracy obtained from the various supervised classification techniques. We have compared the accuracy obtained by classifying the ALOS PALSAR data of the Roorkee region of Uttarakhand, India. The training ROI’S (Region of Interest) are created manually with the assistance of ArcGIS Earth and for the testing purpose, we have used the Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the region. Supervised classification techniques included in this comparison are Parallelepiped classification (PC), Minimum distance classification (MDC), Mahalanobis distance classification (MaDC), Maximum likelihood classification (MLC), Spectral angle mapper (SAM), Spectral information divergence (SID) and Support vector machine (SVM). Later, through the post classification confusion matrix accuracy assessment test is performed and the corresponding value of the kappa coefficient is obtained. In the result, we have concluded MDC as best in term of overall accuracy with 82.3634% and MLC with a kappa value of 0.7591. Finally, a peculiar relationship is developed in between classification accuracy and kappa coefficient

    Spectral Band Selection for Ensemble Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Applications to Agriculture and Food Safety

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    In this dissertation, an ensemble non-uniform spectral feature selection and a kernel density decision fusion framework are proposed for the classification of hyperspectral data using a support vector machine classifier. Hyperspectral data has more number of bands and they are always highly correlated. To utilize the complete potential, a feature selection step is necessary. In an ensemble situation, there are mainly two challenges: (1) Creating diverse set of classifiers in order to achieve a higher classification accuracy when compared to a single classifier. This can either be achieved by having different classifiers or by having different subsets of features for each classifier in the ensemble. (2) Designing a robust decision fusion stage to fully utilize the decision produced by individual classifiers. This dissertation tests the efficacy of the proposed approach to classify hyperspectral data from different applications. Since these datasets have a small number of training samples with larger number of highly correlated features, conventional feature selection approaches such as random feature selection cannot utilize the variability in the correlation level between bands to achieve diverse subsets for classification. In contrast, the approach proposed in this dissertation utilizes the variability in the correlation between bands by dividing the spectrum into groups and selecting bands from each group according to its size. The intelligent decision fusion proposed in this approach uses the probability density of training classes to produce a final class label. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed framework that results in improvements in the overall, user, and producer accuracies compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. The experiments demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to produce more diverse feature selection over conventional approaches

    An Evolutionary Approach to Adaptive Image Analysis for Retrieving and Long-term Monitoring Historical Land Use from Spatiotemporally Heterogeneous Map Sources

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    Land use changes have become a major contributor to the anthropogenic global change. The ongoing dispersion and concentration of the human species, being at their orders unprecedented, have indisputably altered Earth’s surface and atmosphere. The effects are so salient and irreversible that a new geological epoch, following the interglacial Holocene, has been announced: the Anthropocene. While its onset is by some scholars dated back to the Neolithic revolution, it is commonly referred to the late 18th century. The rapid development since the industrial revolution and its implications gave rise to an increasing awareness of the extensive anthropogenic land change and led to an urgent need for sustainable strategies for land use and land management. By preserving of landscape and settlement patterns at discrete points in time, archival geospatial data sources such as remote sensing imagery and historical geotopographic maps, in particular, could give evidence of the dynamic land use change during this crucial period. In this context, this thesis set out to explore the potentials of retrospective geoinformation for monitoring, communicating, modeling and eventually understanding the complex and gradually evolving processes of land cover and land use change. Currently, large amounts of geospatial data sources such as archival maps are being worldwide made online accessible by libraries and national mapping agencies. Despite their abundance and relevance, the usage of historical land use and land cover information in research is still often hindered by the laborious visual interpretation, limiting the temporal and spatial coverage of studies. Thus, the core of the thesis is dedicated to the computational acquisition of geoinformation from archival map sources by means of digital image analysis. Based on a comprehensive review of literature as well as the data and proposed algorithms, two major challenges for long-term retrospective information acquisition and change detection were identified: first, the diversity of geographical entity representations over space and time, and second, the uncertainty inherent to both the data source itself and its utilization for land change detection. To address the former challenge, image segmentation is considered a global non-linear optimization problem. The segmentation methods and parameters are adjusted using a metaheuristic, evolutionary approach. For preserving adaptability in high level image analysis, a hybrid model- and data-driven strategy, combining a knowledge-based and a neural net classifier, is recommended. To address the second challenge, a probabilistic object- and field-based change detection approach for modeling the positional, thematic, and temporal uncertainty adherent to both data and processing, is developed. Experimental results indicate the suitability of the methodology in support of land change monitoring. In conclusion, potentials of application and directions for further research are given

    Application-Dependent Wavelength Selection For Hyperspectral Imaging Technologies

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    Hyperspectral imaging has proven to provide benefits in numerous application domains, including agriculture, biomedicine, remote sensing, and food quality management. Unlike standard color imagery composed of these broad wavelength bands, hyperspectral images are collected over numerous (possibly hundreds) of narrow wavelength bands, thereby offering vastly more information content than standard imagery. It is this higher information content which enables improved performance in complex classification and regression tasks. However, this successful technology is not without its disadvantages which include high cost, slow data capture, high data storage requirements, and computational complexity. This research seeks to overcome these disadvantages through the development of algorithms and methods to enable the benefits of hyperspectral imaging in inexpensive portable devices that collect spectral data at only a handful (i.e., 5-7) of wavelengths specifically selected for the application of interest.This dissertation focuses on two applications of practical interest: fish fillet species classification for the prevention of food fraud and tissue oxygenation estimation for wound monitoring. Genetic algorithm, self-organizing map, and simulated annealing approaches for wavelength selection are investigated for the first application, combined with common machine learning classifiers for species classification. The simulated annealing approach for wavelength selection is carried over to the wound monitoring application and is combined with the Extended Modified Lambert-Beer law, a tissue oxygenation method that has proven to be robust to differences in melanin concentrations. Analyses for this second application included spectral convolutions to represent data collection with the envisioned inexpensive portable devices. Results of this research showed that high species classification accuracy (\u3e 90%) and low tissue oxygenation error (\u3c 1%) is achievable with just 5-7 selected wavelengths. Furthermore, the proposed wavelength selection and estimation algorithms for the wound monitoring application were found to be robust to variations in the peak wavelength and relatively wide bandwidths of the types of LEDs that may be featured in the designs of such devices

    Predicting plant environmental exposure using remote sensing

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    Wheat is one of the most important crops globally with 776.4 million tonnes produced in 2019 alone. However, 10% of all wheat yield is predicted to be lost to Septoria Tritici Blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici (Z. tritici). Throughout Europe farmers spend £0.9 billion annually on preventative fungicide regimes to protect wheat against Z. tritici. A preventative fungicide regime is used as Z. tritici has a 9-16 day asymptomatic latent phase which makes it difficult to detect before symptoms develop, after which point fungicide intervention is ineffective. In the second chapter of my thesis I use hyperspectral sensing and imaging techniques, analysed with machine learning to detect and predict symptomatic Z. tritici infection in winter wheat, in UK based field trials, with high accuracy. This has the potential to improve detection and monitoring of symptomatic Z. tritici infection and could facilitate precision agriculture methods, to use in the subsequent growing season, that optimise fungicide use and increase yield. In the third chapter of my thesis, I develop a multispectral imaging system which can detect and utilise none visible shifts in plant leaf reflectance to distinguish plants based on the nitrogen source applied. Currently, plants are treated with nitrogen sources to increase growth and yield, the most common being calcium ammonium nitrate. However, some nitrogen sources are used in illicit activities. Ammonium nitrate is used in explosive manufacture and ammonium sulphate in the cultivation and extraction of the narcotic cocaine from Erythroxylum spp. In my third chapter I show that hyperspectral sensing, multispectral imaging, and machine learning image analysis can be used to visualise and differentiate plants exposed to different nefarious nitrogen sources. Metabolomic analysis of leaves from plants exposed to different nitrogen sources reveals shifts in colourful metabolites that may contribute to altered reflectance signatures. This suggests that different nitrogen feeding regimes alter plant secondary metabolism leading to changes in plant leaf reflectance detectable via machine learning of multispectral data but not the naked eye. These results could facilitate the development of technologies to monitor illegal activities involving various nitrogen sources and further inform nitrogen application requirements in agriculture. In my fourth chapter I implement and adapt the hyperspectral sensing, multispectral imaging and machine learning image analysis developed in the third chapter to detect asymptomatic (and symptomatic) Z. tritici infection in winter wheat, in UK based field trials, with high accuracy. This has the potential to improve detection and monitoring of all stages of Z. tritici infection and could facilitate precision agriculture methods to be used during the current growing season that optimise fungicide use and increase yield.Open Acces