13 research outputs found

    Modelling human emotions using immersive virtual reality, physiological signals and behavioural responses

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El uso de la realidad virtual (RV) se ha incrementado notablemente en la comunidad científica para la investigación del comportamiento humano. En particular, la RV inmersiva ha crecido debido a la democratización de las gafas de realidad virtual o head mounted displays (HMD), que ofrecen un alto rendimiento con una inversión económica. Uno de los campos que ha emergido con fuerza en la última década es el Affective Computing, que combina psicofisiología, informática, ingeniería biomédica e inteligencia artificial, desarrollando sistemas que puedan reconocer emociones automáticamente. Su progreso es especialmente importante en el campo de la investigación del comportamiento humano, debido al papel fundamental que las emociones juegan en muchos procesos psicológicos como la percepción, la toma de decisiones, la creatividad, la memoria y la interacción social. Muchos estudios se han centrado en intentar obtener una metodología fiable para evocar y automáticamente identificar estados emocionales, usando medidas fisiológicas objetivas y métodos de aprendizaje automático. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios previos utilizan imágenes, audios o vídeos para generar los estados emocionales y, hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento, ninguno de ellos ha desarrollado un sistema de reconocimiento emocional usando RV inmersiva. Aunque algunos trabajos anteriores sí analizan las respuestas fisiológicas en RV inmersivas, estos no presentan modelos de aprendizaje automático para procesamiento y clasificación automática de bioseñales. Además, un concepto crucial cuando se usa la RV en investigación del comportamiento humano es la validez: la capacidad de evocar respuestas similares en un entorno virtual a las evocadas por el espacio físico. Aunque algunos estudios previos han usado dimensiones psicológicas y cognitivas para comparar respuestas entre entornos reales y virtuales, las investigaciones que analizan respuestas fisiológicas o comportamentales están mucho menos extendidas. Según nuestros conocimientos, este es el primer trabajo que compara entornos físicos con su réplica en RV, empleando respuestas fisiológicas y algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y analizando la capacidad de la RV de transferir y extrapolar las conclusiones obtenidas al entorno real que se está simulando. El objetivo principal de la tesis es validar el uso de la RV inmersiva como una herramienta de estimulación emocional usando respuestas psicofisiológicas y comportamentales en combinación con algoritmos de aprendizaje automático, así como realizar una comparación directa entre un entorno real y virtual. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un protocolo experimental que incluye entornos emocionales 360º, un museo real y una virtualización 3D altamente realista del mismo museo. La tesis presenta novedosas contribuciones del uso de la RV inmersiva en la investigación del comportamiento humano, en particular en lo relativo al estudio de las emociones. Esta ayudará a aplicar metodologías a estímulos más realistas para evaluar entornos y situaciones de la vida diaria, superando las actuales limitaciones de la estimulación emocional que clásicamente ha incluido imágenes, audios o vídeos. Además, en ella se analiza la validez de la RV realizando una comparación directa usando una simulación altamente realista. Creemos que la RV inmersiva va a revolucionar los métodos de estimulación emocional en entornos de laboratorio. Además, su sinergia junto a las medidas fisiológicas y las técnicas de aprendizaje automático, impactarán transversalmente en muchas áreas de investigación como la arquitectura, la salud, la evaluación psicológica, el entrenamiento, la educación, la conducción o el marketing, abriendo un nuevo horizonte de oportunidades para la comunidad científica. La presente tesis espera contribuir a caminar en esa senda.[EN] In recent years the scientific community has significantly increased its use of virtual reality (VR) technologies in human behaviour research. In particular, the use of immersive VR has grown due to the introduction of affordable, high performance head mounted displays (HMDs). Among the fields that has strongly emerged in the last decade is affective computing, which combines psychophysiology, computer science, biomedical engineering and artificial intelligence in the development of systems that can automatically recognize emotions. The progress of affective computing is especially important in human behaviour research due to the central role that emotions play in many background processes, such as perception, decision-making, creativity, memory and social interaction. Several studies have tried to develop a reliable methodology to evoke and automatically identify emotional states using objective physiological measures and machine learning methods. However, the majority of previous studies used images, audio or video to elicit emotional statements; to the best of our knowledge, no previous research has developed an emotion recognition system using immersive VR. Although some previous studies analysed physiological responses in immersive VR, they did not use machine learning techniques for biosignal processing and classification. Moreover, a crucial concept when using VR for human behaviour research is validity: the capacity to evoke a response from the user in a simulated environment similar to the response that might be evoked in a physical environment. Although some previous studies have used psychological and cognitive dimensions to compare responses in real and virtual environments, few have extended this research to analyse physiological or behavioural responses. Moreover, to our knowledge, this is the first study to compare VR scenarios with their real-world equivalents using physiological measures coupled with machine learning algorithms, and to analyse the ability of VR to transfer and extrapolate insights obtained from VR environments to real environments. The main objective of this thesis is, using psycho-physiological and behavioural responses in combination with machine learning methods, and by performing a direct comparison between a real and virtual environment, to validate immersive VR as an emotion elicitation tool. To do so we develop an experimental protocol involving emotional 360º environments, an art exhibition in a real museum, and a highly-realistic 3D virtualization of the same art exhibition. This thesis provides novel contributions to the use of immersive VR in human behaviour research, particularly in relation to emotions. VR can help in the application of methodologies designed to present more realistic stimuli in the assessment of daily-life environments and situations, thus overcoming the current limitations of affective elicitation, which classically uses images, audio and video. Moreover, it analyses the validity of VR by performing a direct comparison using highly-realistic simulation. We believe that immersive VR will revolutionize laboratory-based emotion elicitation methods. Moreover, its synergy with physiological measurement and machine learning techniques will impact transversely in many other research areas, such as architecture, health, assessment, training, education, driving and marketing, and thus open new opportunities for the scientific community. The present dissertation aims to contribute to this progress.[CA] L'ús de la realitat virtual (RV) s'ha incrementat notablement en la comunitat científica per a la recerca del comportament humà. En particular, la RV immersiva ha crescut a causa de la democratització de les ulleres de realitat virtual o head mounted displays (HMD), que ofereixen un alt rendiment amb una reduïda inversió econòmica. Un dels camps que ha emergit amb força en l'última dècada és el Affective Computing, que combina psicofisiologia, informàtica, enginyeria biomèdica i intel·ligència artificial, desenvolupant sistemes que puguen reconéixer emocions automàticament. El seu progrés és especialment important en el camp de la recerca del comportament humà, a causa del paper fonamental que les emocions juguen en molts processos psicològics com la percepció, la presa de decisions, la creativitat, la memòria i la interacció social. Molts estudis s'han centrat en intentar obtenir una metodologia fiable per a evocar i automàticament identificar estats emocionals, utilitzant mesures fisiològiques objectives i mètodes d'aprenentatge automàtic. No obstant això, la major part dels estudis previs utilitzen imatges, àudios o vídeos per a generar els estats emocionals i, fins on arriba el nostre coneixement, cap d'ells ha desenvolupat un sistema de reconeixement emocional mitjançant l'ús de la RV immersiva. Encara que alguns treballs anteriors sí que analitzen les respostes fisiològiques en RV immersives, aquests no presenten models d'aprenentatge automàtic per a processament i classificació automàtica de biosenyals. A més, un concepte crucial quan s'utilitza la RV en la recerca del comportament humà és la validesa: la capacitat d'evocar respostes similars en un entorn virtual a les evocades per l'espai físic. Encara que alguns estudis previs han utilitzat dimensions psicològiques i cognitives per a comparar respostes entre entorns reals i virtuals, les recerques que analitzen respostes fisiològiques o comportamentals estan molt menys esteses. Segons els nostres coneixements, aquest és el primer treball que compara entorns físics amb la seua rèplica en RV, emprant respostes fisiològiques i algorismes d'aprenentatge automàtic i analitzant la capacitat de la RV de transferir i extrapolar les conclusions obtingudes a l'entorn real que s'està simulant. L'objectiu principal de la tesi és validar l'ús de la RV immersiva com una eina d'estimulació emocional usant respostes psicofisiològiques i comportamentals en combinació amb algorismes d'aprenentatge automàtic, així com realitzar una comparació directa entre un entorn real i virtual. Per a això, s'ha desenvolupat un protocol experimental que inclou entorns emocionals 360º, un museu real i una virtualització 3D altament realista del mateix museu. La tesi presenta noves contribucions de l'ús de la RV immersiva en la recerca del comportament humà, en particular quant a l'estudi de les emocions. Aquesta ajudarà a aplicar metodologies a estímuls més realistes per a avaluar entorns i situacions de la vida diària, superant les actuals limitacions de l'estimulació emocional que clàssicament ha inclòs imatges, àudios o vídeos. A més, en ella s'analitza la validesa de la RV realitzant una comparació directa usant una simulació altament realista. Creiem que la RV immersiva revolucionarà els mètodes d'estimulació emocional en entorns de laboratori. A més, la seua sinergia al costat de les mesures fisiològiques i les tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic, impactaran transversalment en moltes àrees de recerca com l'arquitectura, la salut, l'avaluació psicològica, l'entrenament, l'educació, la conducció o el màrqueting, obrint un nou horitzó d'oportunitats per a la comunitat científica. La present tesi espera contribuir a caminar en aquesta senda.Marín Morales, J. (2020). Modelling human emotions using immersive virtual reality, physiological signals and behavioural responses [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/148717TESISCompendi

    An Unsupervised Approach for Person Name Bipolarization Using Principal Component Analysis

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    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2014

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    Proceedings of the 8th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 17, 2014 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia

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    Deep Model for Improved Operator Function State Assessment

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    A deep learning framework is presented for engagement assessment using EEG signals. Deep learning is a recently developed machine learning technique and has been applied to many applications. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning strategy for operator function state (OFS) assessment. Fifteen pilots participated in a flight simulation from Seattle to Chicago. During the four-hour simulation, EEG signals were recorded for each pilot. We labeled 20- minute data as engaged and disengaged to fine-tune the deep network and utilized the remaining vast amount of unlabeled data to initialize the network. The trained deep network was then used to assess if a pilot was engaged during the four-hour simulation

    Explaining party system institutionalization in Africa : from a broad comparison to a focus on Mozambique and Zambia

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciência Política (Política Comparada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, Faculdade de Letras, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014The degree of institutionalization has become a paramount criterion to classify Third Wave party systems. Yet, in as much as institutionalization has attracted interest, it has also been surrounded by few conceptual challenges regarding measurement and scope. Moreover, there remain relatively open questions about the sources and mechanisms of varying degrees of party system institutionalization (PSI). This thesis tackles these issues through three questions: “To what extent are party systems in Sub-Saharan Africa institutionalized?” “Why do levels of PSI vary across countries and time?” and “What mechanisms underlie the different patterns of PSI?” These questions are sequentially analyzed through a mixed methods design that unfolds as follows. We start with applying a partly new model of PSI to 19 Sub-Saharan African countries that have held regular and competitive lower house elections up until 2011. This analysis stresses that institutionalization entails a two-fold variance; one in terms of degree and the other in terms of quality. Secondly, we seek to explain PSI variance using an original pooled time-series cross-sectional dataset that assembles a range of independent variables considered relevant by the literature on institutional and party system development. We argue that variance in PSI is influenced by exogenous (social structure, polity durability, institutional design) and endogenous factors (party and party system characteristics). Lastly, we seek mechanisms of causality behind the results given by the quantitative analysis focusing on Mozambique and Zambia, which differ both in degree and quality of PSI. Furthermore, other exogenous (critical juncture) and endogenous factors (interparty networks and party-citizen linkages) are added to the study, and semi-structured interviews, conducted during fieldwork, are used to enrich the narrative. The case study analysis shows that the way through which external factors, notably party funding/finance and electoral system, are modeled by internal factors such as the structure of the party system helps explain PSI variance

    Modulation of cell-mediated immunity by HIV-1 infection of macrophages

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    Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is central to the host response to intracellular pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). The function of CMI can be modulated by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 via its pleiotropic effects on the immune response, including modulation of macrophages, which are parasitized by both HIV-1 and Mtb. HIV-1 infection is associated with increased risk of tuberculosis (TB), and so in this thesis I sought to explore the host/pathogen interactions through which HIV-1 dysregulates CMI, and thus changes the natural history of TB. Using an in vitro model of human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), I characterise a phenotype wherein HIV-1 specifically attenuates production of the immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 in response to Mtb and other innate immune stimuli. I show that this phenotype requires HIV-1 integration and gene expression, and may result from a function of the HIV-1 accessory proteins. I identify that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway specifically regulates IL-10 production in human MDMs, and thus may be a target for HIV-1 to mediate IL-10 attenuation. I show that HIV-1 may attenuate IL-10 to maximise its own replication, and identify potential consequences of IL-10 attenuation for CMI. By using the tuberculin skin test (TST) as a human challenge model, I evaluate HIV-1 modulation of CMI in vivo in active TB patients, and demonstrate IL-10 attenuation in this context. I identify a role for type I inteferons (IFNs) in HIV-1 anergy, and observe exaggerated T helper 2 responses associated with the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). To fully explore CMI in vivo by transcriptional profiling, I utilize the transcriptional heterogeneity of stimulated macrophages to develop a modular analysis strategy for transcriptional profiles, and apply this in the TST model. My results delineate novel modulatory effects of HIV-1 on the function of CMI, and thus provide insights into immunopathogenesis in HIV-1/TB co-infection

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