3 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (PMUT) Arrays for Integrated Sensing, Actuation and Imaging

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    Many applications of ultrasound for sensing, actuation and imaging require miniaturized and low power transducers and transducer arrays integrated with electronic systems. Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers (PMUTs), diaphragm-like thin film flexural transducers typically formed on silicon substrates, are a potential solution for integrated transducer arrays. This paper presents an overview of the current development status of PMUTs and a discussion of their suitability for miniaturized and integrated devices. The thin film piezoelectric materials required to functionalize these devices are discussed, followed by the microfabrication techniques used to create PMUT elements and the constraints the fabrication imposes on device design. Approaches for electrical interconnection and integration with on-chip electronics are discussed. Electrical and acoustic measurements from fabricated PMUT arrays with up to 320 diaphragm elements are presented. The PMUTs are shown to be broadband devices with an operating frequency which is tunable by tailoring the lateral dimensions of the flexural membrane or the thicknesses of the constituent layers. Finally, the outlook for future development of PMUT technology and the potential applications made feasible by integrated PMUT devices are discussed

    Xenon difluoride etching of amorphous silicon for release of piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer structures

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    Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers (PMUT) are devices, which are based on the piezoelectric effect and are used for sensing applications. A typical PMUT structure has diaphragm with a piezoelectric material between thin high conductivity electrode layers. There are several methods which can be used for PMUT structure fabrication, including back- and front-side etching, wafer bonding, and sacrificial layer release. The state-of-the-art methods used currently for PMUT structure fabrication still face several problems. Xenon difluoride (XeF2) etching is a fluorine-based dry vapour etch method that provides highly selective isotropic etch. It is an ideal solution for the release of self-supporting layers within MEMS devices. In this work, XeF2 etching of amorphous silicon (a-Si) for the release of PMUT structures was investigated. Different designs with varying dimensions were tested and characterized. The XeF2 etching process demonstrated to be efficient and very fast compared to other methods used for PMUT/MEMS release etching. Results from the optimization tests on the XeF2 process demonstrated total etching of 2 µm thick a-Si. Structures with sizes from 50 to 500 µm diameter were completely released after only 20 minutes of etching. Additionally, this work demonstrates that the etching rate of XeF2 is also influenced by the size, shape and location of the via openings. Furthermore, sputtered aluminium nitride AlN piezo layer process optimization and residual stress control contributed to the fabrication of suspended structures. All observed structures from 50 to 500 µm diameter which used AlN in the structural layer were suspended after release

    High-resolution 3D printing enabled, minimally invasive fibre optic sensing and imaging probes

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    Minimally invasive surgical procedures have become more favourable to their traditional surgical counterparts due to their reduced risks, faster recovery times and decreased trauma. Despite this, there are still some limitations involved with these procedures, such as the spatial confinement of operating through small incisions and the intrinsic lack of visual or tactile feedback. Specialised tools and imaging equipment are required to overcome these issues. Providing better feedback to surgeons is a key area of research to enhance the outcomes and safety profiles of minimally invasive procedures. This thesis is centred on the development of new microfabrication methods to create novel fibre optic imaging and sensing probes that could ultimately be used for improving the guidance of minimally invasive surgeries. Several themes emerged in this process. The first theme involved the use and optimisation of high-resolution 3D injection of polymers as sacrificial layers onto which parylene-C was deposited. One outcome from this theme was a series of miniaturised parylene-C based membranes to create fibre optic pressure sensors for physiological pressure measurements and for ultrasound reception. The pressure sensor sensitivity was found to vary from 0.02 to 0.14 radians/mmHg, as the thickness of parylene was decreased from 2 to 0.5 μm. The ultrasound receivers were characterised and exhibited a noise equivalent pressure (NEP) value of ~100 Pa (an order of magnitude improvement compared to similarly sized piezoelectric hydrophones). A second theme employed high-resolution 3D printing to create microstructures of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and subsequently formed nanocomposites, to create microscale acoustic hologram structures. This theme included the development of innovative manufacturing processes such as printing directly onto optical fibres, micro moulding and precise deposition which enabled the creation of such devices. These microstructures were investigated for reducing the divergence of photoacoustically-generated ultrasound beams. Taken together, the developments in this thesis pave the way for 3D microfabricated polymer-based fibre optic sensors that could find broad clinical utility in minimally invasive procedures