11 research outputs found

    6T CMOS SRAM Stability in Nanoelectronic Era: From Metrics to Built-in Monitoring

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    The digital technology in the nanoelectronic era is based on intensive data processing and battery-based devices. As a consequence, the need for larger and energy-efficient circuits with large embedded memories is growing rapidly in current system-on-chip (SoC). In this context, where embedded SRAM yield dominate the overall SoC yield, the memory sensitivity to process variation and aging effects has aggressively increased. In addition, long-term aging effects introduce extra variability reducing the failure-free period. Therefore, although stability metrics are used intensively in the circuit design phases, more accurate and non-invasive methodologies must be proposed to observe the stability metric for high reliability systems. This chapter reviews the most extended memory cell stability metrics and evaluates the feasibility of tracking SRAM cell reliability evolution implementing a detailed bit-cell stability characterization measurement. The memory performance degradation observation is focused on estimating the threshold voltage (Vth) drift caused by process variation and reliability mechanisms. A novel SRAM stability degradation measurement architecture is proposed to be included in modern memory designs with minimal hardware intrusion. The new architecture may extend the failure-free period by introducing adaptable circuits depending on the measured memory stability parameter

    Digital Timing Control in SRAMs for Yield Enhancement and Graceful Aging Degradation

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    Embedded SRAMs can occupy the majority of the chip area in SOCs. The increase in process variation and aging degradation due to technology scaling can severely compromise the integrity of SRAM memory cells, hence resulting in cell failures. Enough cell failures in a memory can lead to it being rejected during initial testing, and hence decrease the manufacturing yield. Or, as a result of long-term applied stress, lead to in-field system failures. Certain types of cell failures can be mitigated through improved timing control. Post-fabrication programmable timing can allow for after-the-fact calibration of timing signals on a per die basis. This allows for a SRAM's timing signals to be generated based on the characteristics specific to the individual chip, thus allowing for an increase in yield and reduction in in-field system failures. In this thesis, a delay line based SRAM timing block with digitally programmable timing signals has been implemented in a 180 nm CMOS technology. Various timing-related cell failure mechanisms including: 1). Operational Read Failures, 2). Cell Stability Failures, and 3). Power Envelope Failures are investigated. Additionally, the major contributing factors for process variation and device aging degradation are discussed in the context of SRAMs. Simulations show that programmable timing can be used to reduce cell failure rates by over 50%

    Research on the oscillators and power supply techniques for the ultra low voltage LSIs

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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第321号 学位授与年月日:平成29年3月24日1 章 : 序論|2 章 : CMOS 偶数段リングオシレータ|3 章 : 電源スタック型回路|4 章 : 結論九州工業大学平成28年

    Dual Column, Replica Bitline Delay Technique Using Stochastic Current Processing for a Process Variation Tolerant, Low Power SRAM

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    SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) design has become the critical and important block in processing ICs with the highest bandwidth power rationed memories taking the business lead. As industry attempts to maintain Moore's law by shrinking the device size, we are facing greater issues with the variability due to random doping fluctuation in devices. This variation compels engineers to design for worst case conditions which leads to inefficient memory model, which make it difficult to stand in the business race. However, a smart design can lead to less variation and “exact” memory parametric prediction to achieve high performance, low power and maximum yield designs. Since, random variation today is more dominant, we consider the application of the central limit theorem to control memory read timing across PVT (Process Voltage Temperature) corners. A statistical read timing is developed for a SRAM memory bank. In the thesis two dummy columns, each at extreme end of the memory bank, are used to implement the statistical memory bank model. By combining Monte-Carlo analysis using cadence virtuoso, and PDK data for the CMOS process (IBM 7RF), an analytically memory timing model is verified. Our major goal is to improve yield across all memory banks in all die across all the wafers; slow-slow (SS), typical-typical (TT) and fast-fast (FF).A smart stochastic/statistical approach is used in the thesis to predict exact parametric yield parameters with less variation to design accurate memory system which gives high performance, low power and maximum yield across all PVT corners to keep you ahead in the memory business. The memory design is compared to the conventional self-timed replica architecture using coefficient of variance of a reference current generated using dummy column. The proposed architecture was able to achieve 62 percent across the process improved accuracy in reference current and sense amplifier firing variation. Proposed architecture looks promising for future node technologies where statistical variability and its impact in subthreshold region is more dominant.Electrical Engineerin

    Power Management and SRAM for Energy-Autonomous and Low-Power Systems

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    We demonstrate the two first-known, complete, self-powered millimeter-scale computer systems. These microsystems achieve zero-net-energy operation using solar energy harvesting and ultra-low-power circuits. A medical implant for monitoring intraocular pressure (IOP) is presented as part of a treatment for glaucoma. The 1.5mm3 IOP monitor is easily implantable because of its small size and measures IOP with 0.5mmHg accuracy. It wirelessly transmits data to an external wand while consuming 4.7nJ/bit. This provides rapid feedback about treatment efficacies to decrease physician response time and potentially prevent unnecessary vision loss. A nearly-perpetual temperature sensor is presented that processes data using a 2.1μW near-threshold ARM°R Cortex- M3TM μP that provides a widely-used and trusted programming platform. Energy harvesting and power management techniques for these two microsystems enable energy-autonomous operation. The IOP monitor harvests 80nW of solar power while consuming only 5.3nW, extending lifetime indefinitely. This allows the device to provide medical information for extended periods of time, giving doctors time to converge upon the best glaucoma treatment. The temperature sensor uses on-demand power delivery to improve low-load dc-dc voltage conversion efficiency by 4.75x. It also performs linear regulation to deliver power with low noise, improved load regulation, and tight line regulation. Low-power high-throughput SRAM techniques help millimeter-scale microsystems meet stringent power budgets. VDD scaling in memory decreases energy per access, but also decreases stability margins. These margins can be improved using sizing, VTH selection, and assist circuits, as well as new bitcell designs. Adaptive Crosshairs modulation of SRAM power supplies fixes 70% of parametric failures. Half-differential SRAM design improves stability, reducing VMIN by 72mV. The circuit techniques for energy autonomy presented in this dissertation enable millimeter-scale microsystems for medical implants, such as blood pressure and glucose sensors, as well as non-medical applications, such as supply chain and infrastructure monitoring. These pervasive sensors represent the continuation of Bell’s Law, which accurately traces the evolution of computers as they become smaller, more numerous, and more powerful. The development of millimeter-scale massively-deployed ubiquitous computers ensures the continued expansion and profitability of the semiconductor industry. NanoWatt circuit techniques will allow us to meet this next frontier in IC design.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86387/1/grgkchen_1.pd

    Cache memory design in the FinFET era

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    The major problem in the future technology scaling is the variations in process parameters that are interpreted as imperfections in the development process. Moreover, devices are more sensitive to the environmental changes of temperature and supply volt- age as well as to ageing. All these influences are manifested in the integrated circuits as increased power consumption, reduced maximal operating frequency and increased number of failures. These effects have been partially overcome with the introduction of the FinFET technology which have solved the problem of variability caused by Random Dopant Fluctuations. However, in the next ten years channel length is projected to shrink to 10nm where the variability source generated by Line Edge Roughness will dominate, and its effects on the threshold voltage variations will become critical. The embedded memories with their cells as the basic building unit are the most prone to these effects due to their the smallest dimensions. Because of that, memories should be designed with particular care in order to make possible further technology scaling. This thesis explores upcoming 10nm FinFETs and the existing issues in the cache memory design with this technology. More- over, it tries to present some original and novel techniques on the different level of design abstraction for mitigating the effects of process and environmental variability. At first original method for simulating variability of Tri-Gate Fin- FETs is presented using conventional HSPICE simulation environment and BSIM-CMG model cards. When that is accomplished, thorough characterisation of traditional SRAM cell circuits (6T and 8T) is performed. Possibility of using Independent Gate FinFETs for increasing cell stability has been explored, also. Gain Cells appeared in the recent past as an attractive alternative for in the cache memory design. This thesis partially explores this idea by presenting and performing detailed circuit analysis of the dynamic 3T gain cell for 10nm FinFETs. At the top of this work, thesis shows one micro-architecture optimisation of high-speed cache when it is implemented by 3T gain cells. We show how the cache coherency states can be used in order to reduce refresh energy of the memory as well as reduce memory ageing.El principal problema de l'escalat la tecnologia són les variacions en els paràmetres de disseny (imperfeccions) durant procés de fabricació. D'altra banda, els dispositius també són més sensibles als canvis ambientals de temperatura, la tensió d'alimentació, així com l'envelliment. Totes aquestes influències es manifesten en els circuits integrats com l'augment de consum d'energia, la reducció de la freqüència d'operació màxima i l'augment del nombre de xips descartats. Aquests efectes s'han superat parcialment amb la introducció de la tecnologia FinFET que ha resolt el problema de la variabilitat causada per les fluctuacions de dopants aleatòries. No obstant això, en els propers deu anys, l'ample del canal es preveu que es reduirà a 10nm, on la font de la variabilitat generada per les rugositats de les línies de material dominarà, i els seu efecte en les variacions de voltatge llindar augmentarà. Les memòries encastades amb les seves cel·les com la unitat bàsica de construcció són les més propenses a sofrir aquests efectes a causa de les seves dimensions més petites. A causa d'això, cal dissenyar les memòries amb una especial cura per tal de fer possible l'escalat de la tecnologia. Aquesta tesi explora la tecnologia de FinFETs de 10nm i els problemes existents en el disseny de memòries amb aquesta tecnologia. A més a més, presentem noves tècniques originals sobre diferents nivells d'abstracció del disseny per a la mitigació dels efectes les variacions tan de procés com ambientals. En primer lloc, presentem un mètode original per a la simulació de la variabilitat de Tri-Gate FinFETs usant entorn de simulació HSPICE convencional i models de tecnologia BSIMCMG. Després, es realitza la caracterització completa dels circuits de cel·les SRAM tradicionals (6T i 8T) conjuntament amb l'ús de Gate-independent FinFETs per augmentar l'estabilitat de la cèl·lula

    Reliability in the face of variability in nanometer embedded memories

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    In this thesis, we have investigated the impact of parametric variations on the behaviour of one performance-critical processor structure - embedded memories. As variations manifest as a spread in power and performance, as a first step, we propose a novel modeling methodology that helps evaluate the impact of circuit-level optimizations on architecture-level design choices. Choices made at the design-stage ensure conflicting requirements from higher-levels are decoupled. We then complement such design-time optimizations with a runtime mechanism that takes advantage of adaptive body-biasing to lower power whilst improving performance in the presence of variability. Our proposal uses a novel fully-digital variation tracking hardware using embedded DRAM (eDRAM) cells to monitor run-time changes in cache latency and leakage. A special fine-grain body-bias generator uses the measurements to generate an optimal body-bias that is needed to meet the required yield targets. A novel variation-tolerant and soft-error hardened eDRAM cell is also proposed as an alternate candidate for replacing existing SRAM-based designs in latency critical memory structures. In the ultra low-power domain where reliable operation is limited by the minimum voltage of operation (Vddmin), we analyse the impact of failures on cache functional margin and functional yield. Towards this end, we have developed a fully automated tool (INFORMER) capable of estimating memory-wide metrics such as power, performance and yield accurately and rapidly. Using the developed tool, we then evaluate the #effectiveness of a new class of hybrid techniques in improving cache yield through failure prevention and correction. Having a holistic perspective of memory-wide metrics helps us arrive at design-choices optimized simultaneously for multiple metrics needed for maintaining lifetime requirements

    Design of Variation-Tolerant Circuits for Nanometer CMOS Technology: Circuits and Architecture Co-Design

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    Aggressive scaling of CMOS technology in sub-90nm nodes has created huge challenges. Variations due to fundamental physical limits, such as random dopants fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER) are increasing significantly with technology scaling. In addition, manufacturing tolerances in process technology are not scaling at the same pace as transistor's channel length due to process control limitations (e.g., sub-wavelength lithography). Therefore, within-die process variations worsen with successive technology generations. These variations have a strong impact on the maximum clock frequency and leakage power for any digital circuit, and can also result in functional yield losses in variation-sensitive digital circuits (such as SRAM). Moreover, in nanometer technologies, digital circuits show an increased sensitivity to process variations due to low-voltage operation requirements, which are aggravated by the strong demand for lower power consumption and cost while achieving higher performance and density. It is therefore not surprising that the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) lists variability as one of the most challenging obstacles for IC design in nanometer regime. To facilitate variation-tolerant design, we study the impact of random variations on the delay variability of a logic gate and derive simple and scalable statistical models to evaluate delay variations in the presence of within-die variations. This work provides new design insight and highlights the importance of accounting for the effect of input slew on delay variations, especially at lower supply voltages. The derived models are simple, scalable, bias dependent and only require the knowledge of easily measurable parameters. This makes them useful in early design exploration, circuit/architecture optimization as well as technology prediction (especially in low-power and low-voltage operation). The derived models are verified using Monte Carlo SPICE simulations using industrial 90nm technology. Random variations in nanometer technologies are considered one of the largest design considerations. This is especially true for SRAM, due to the large variations in bitcell characteristics. Typically, SRAM bitcells have the smallest device sizes on a chip. Therefore, they show the largest sensitivity to different sources of variations. With the drastic increase in memory densities, lower supply voltages and higher variations, statistical simulation methodologies become imperative to estimate memory yield and optimize performance and power. In this research, we present a methodology for statistical simulation of SRAM read access yield, which is tightly related to SRAM performance and power consumption. The proposed flow accounts for the impact of bitcell read current variation, sense amplifier offset distribution, timing window variation and leakage variation on functional yield. The methodology overcomes the pessimism existing in conventional worst-case design techniques that are used in SRAM design. The proposed statistical yield estimation methodology allows early yield prediction in the design cycle, which can be used to trade off performance and power requirements for SRAM. The methodology is verified using measured silicon yield data from a 1Mb memory fabricated in an industrial 45nm technology. Embedded SRAM dominates modern SoCs and there is a strong demand for SRAM with lower power consumption while achieving high performance and high density. However, in the presence of large process variations, SRAMs are expected to consume larger power to ensure correct read operation and meet yield targets. We propose a new architecture that significantly reduces array switching power for SRAM. The proposed architecture combines built-in self-test (BIST) and digitally controlled delay elements to reduce the wordline pulse width for memories while ensuring correct read operation; hence, reducing switching power. A new statistical simulation flow was developed to evaluate the power savings for the proposed architecture. Monte Carlo simulations using a 1Mb SRAM macro from an industrial 45nm technology was used to examine the power reduction achieved by the system. The proposed architecture can reduce the array switching power significantly and shows large power saving - especially as the chip level memory density increases. For a 48Mb memory density, a 27% reduction in array switching power can be achieved for a read access yield target of 95%. In addition, the proposed system can provide larger power saving as process variations increase, which makes it a very attractive solution for 45nm and below technologies. In addition to its impact on bitcell read current, the increase of local variations in nanometer technologies strongly affect SRAM cell stability. In this research, we propose a novel single supply voltage read assist technique to improve SRAM static noise margin (SNM). The proposed technique allows precharging different parts of the bitlines to VDD and GND and uses charge sharing to precisely control the bitline voltage, which improves the bitcell stability. In addition to improving SNM, the proposed technique also reduces memory access time. Moreover, it only requires one supply voltage, hence, eliminates the need of large area voltage shifters. The proposed technique has been implemented in the design of a 512kb memory fabricated in 45nm technology. Results show improvements in SNM and read operation window which confirms the effectiveness and robustness of this technique


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    Dynamic stability margin analysis on SRAM

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    In the past decade, aggressive scaling of transistor feature size has been a primary force driving higher Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) integration density. Due to the scaling, nanometer SRAM designs are getting more and more stability issues. The traditional way of analyzing stability is the Static Noise Margins (SNM). However, SNM has limited capability to capture critical nonlinearity, so it becomes incapable of characterizing the key dynamics of SRAM operations with induced soft-error. This thesis defines new stability margin metrics using a system-theoretic approach. Nonlinear system theories will be applied rigorously in this work to construct new stability concepts. Based on the phase portrait analysis, soft-error can be explained using bifurcation theory. The state flipping requires a minimum noise current (Icritical) and time (Tcritical). This work derives Icritical analytically for simple L1 model and provides design insight using a level one circuit model, and also provides numerical algorithms on both Icritical and Tcritial for higher a level device model. This stability analysis provides more physical characterization of SRAM noise tolerance property; thus has potential to provide needed yield estimation