9 research outputs found

    Multi-arm clinical trials with treatment selection:what can be gained and at what price?

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    With current success rates of confirmatory studies being only around 50%, new approaches to drug development are paramount. Many trials fail simply because ineffective treatments are identified too late. In this paper, we discuss the utility of multi-arm studies with treatment selection as a potential strategy that can reduce the high attrition rate. We illustrate the large gains in efficiency that are possible based on an example in Alzheimer's disease while outlining the additional challenges that need to be overcome to implement such studies

    interAdapt -- An Interactive Tool for Designing and Evaluating Randomized Trials with Adaptive Enrollment Criteria

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    The interAdapt R package is designed to be used by statisticians and clinical investigators to plan randomized trials. It can be used to determine if certain adaptive designs offer tangible benefits compared to standard designs, in the context of investigators' specific trial goals and constraints. Specifically, interAdapt compares the performance of trial designs with adaptive enrollment criteria versus standard (non-adaptive) group sequential trial designs. Performance is compared in terms of power, expected trial duration, and expected sample size. Users can either work directly in the R console, or with a user-friendly shiny application that requires no programming experience. Several added features are available when using the shiny application. For example, the application allows users to immediately download the results of the performance comparison as a csv-table, or as a printable, html-based report.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (software screenshots); v2 includes command line function descriptio

    Optimal sample size determination in adaptive seamless phase II/III design

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    The adaptive seamless phase II/III design combines the conventional separate phases II and III trials into a single trial, and it allows for adaptations (e.g. sample size reassessment and early stopping for futility or success) after the interim analysis. In this study, we propose a simulation-based method to determine the optimal sample size for the adaptive seamless phase II/III design. We assume that a power law relationship exists between the overall sample size and statistical power of the final test. The optimal sample size is defined as the minimum sample size that provides adequate power with overall type I error rate under control. To find the optimal size, we also take correlations between the early and the final outcomes into consideration. The methodology is applied to determining sample sizes in a study for a candidate treatment that can avoid renal damage during cardiac operations while the most effective dose of the treatment will be selected at the interim analysis. PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE Adaptive seamless phase II/III design eliminates the time between the traditional separate trials and better utilizes the data collected before the interim analysis, thus will result in faster clinical trials. Treatment effect can be confirmed at the final test if adequate power is achieved and the overall type I error rate is under control. Using these faster clinical trials, effective treatment can be approved sooner to benefit more patients. In addition, in an adaptive seamless phase II/III design more patients will be allocated to the more effective treatment than they would in conventional clinical trials


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    One important goal of the pharmaceutical industry is to evaluate new therapies in a time-sensitive and cost-effective manner without undermining the integrity and validity of clinical trials. Adaptive seamless phase II/III designs (ASD) have gained popularity for accelerating the drug development process and reducing cost. Covariate adaptive randomization (CAR) is the most popular design in randomized controlled trials to ensure valid treatment comparisons by balancing the prognostic characteristics of patients among treatment groups. Although adaptive seamless clinical trials with CAR have been implemented in practice1, the theoretical understanding of such designs is limited. In addition, current approaches to control the Type 1 error rate in seamless trials are based on theories for complete randomization, which may be invalid under CAR and lead to a Type 1 error rate that deviates from the nominal level. Recently, Ma and Zhu (2019, unpublished) established the theoretical foundation for the adaptive seamless phase II/III trial with CAR and proposed a hypothesis testing approach to control the Type 1 error rate in such trials. In the current research, numerical studies were conducted to investigate the feasibility and advantages of the proposed approach in the seamless design with stratified permutated block (SPB) randomization. The simulation results revealed that the newly developed method well controlled the Type 1 error rate around the nominal level, improved the statistical power compared to the standard two sample t-test and increased the number of replications that the best treatment is selected for Stage II of the seamless trial under the SPB design compared to the complete randomization, which could promote its application in practice