24 research outputs found

    Managing Knowledge as Business Rules

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    In today’s business environment, it is a certainty that will manage to survive especially those organizations which are striving to adapt quickly and with low costs to the new demands of market competition. Knowledge represented by internal business rules of an organization can help crystallize their orientation in order to ensure a competitive advantage in the market. In this context and in a relatively short time, a new trend in software development has arisen, ex-tending current methods and putting a strong emphasis on business rules. This article outlines the importance of managing business rules in an organized manner using dedicated software products and furthermore presents a general prototype for a business rules repository.Business Rules, Management, Knowledge, Rule Engine, Repository Prototype

    Sistem Berkas Digital Sebagai Media Penyimpanan Dokumen Kinerja Dosen

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    Tugas utama Dosen adalah melaksanakan tri dharma perguruan tinggi yaitu pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengembangan, serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan tugas dan hasil kegiatan tridharma dibuktikan dalam bentuk dokumen kinerja dosen seperti surat tugas, surat keputusan atau sertifikat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah sistem berkas digital. Sistem berkas digital ini menjadi perlu untuk dirancang dalam bentuk sistem repositori dokumen yang dapat menyimpan dokumen kinerja dosen dalam format digital. Dalam perancangan sistem berkas digital ini menggunakan metode prototipe. Sistem berkas digital menjadi langkah penting yang harus dilakukan sehingga dosen dapat dengan mudah mengakses dokumen kinerja untuk dapat digunakan dalam pelaporan capaian kinerja dosen pada setiap semester. Fungsi yang dapat menghasilkan tautan (generate link) sumber dokumen menjadi fitur penting yang dapat digunakan sebagai tautan informasi pendukung bukti pelaporan capaian kinerja dosen. Di Universitas Tanjungpura, capaian kinerja dosen dilaporkan melalui Sistem Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD). Adanya sistem berkas digital ini dinilai berhasil menjadi media penyimpanan dokumen kinerja dosen, khususnya pada Jurusan Informatika. Dokumen kinerja dosen yang telah dipindai menjadi berkas digital, kemudian diunggah ke sistem berkas digital, sehingga setiap saat berkas digital ini dapat diakses dan dimanfaatkan oleh dosen untuk berbagai keperluan. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, dosen dapat mengakses sistem berkas dan mendapatkan setiap dokumen yang terdaftar atas namanya. Dalam sistem berkas digital, tautan dokumen dapat disalin dengan satu kali klik, untuk kemudian ditempelkan sebagai bukti capaian kinerja pada Sistem BKD. Pada semester genap 2019/2020 dan gasal 2020/2021 jumlah berkas digital yang diunggah sebanyak 228 dokumen, artinya sebanyak 228 tautan yang dapat digunakan oleh dosen sebagai bukti dalam pelaporan capaian kinerja dosen pada Sistem BKD

    A framework for business process model repositories

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    Large organizations often run hundreds or even thousands of business processes. Managing such large collections of business processes is a challenging task. Intelligent software can assist in that task by providing common repository functions such as storage, search and version management. They can also provide advanced functions that are specific for managing collections of process models, such as managing the consistency of public and private processes and extracting knowledge from existing processes to better design new processes. This paper, by analyzing existing business process model repositories, proposes a framework for repositories that assist in managing large collections of business process models. The framework consists of a management model and a reference architecture. The management model lists the functionality that can be provided by business process model repositories. The reference architecture presents the components that provide this functionality and their interconnections. The framework provides a reference model for analysis and extension of existing repositories and design of new repositories

    The modelery: a collaborative web based repository

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    Software development processes are known to produce a large set of artifacts such as models, code and documentation. Keeping track of these artifacts without supporting tools is not easy, and making them available to others can be even harder. Standard version control systems are not able to solve this issue. More than keeping track of versions, a system to help organize and make artifacts available in meaningful ways is needed. In this paper we review a number of alternative systems, and present the requirements and the implementation of a collaborative web repository which we developed to solve this issue.Project LATiCES: Languages And Tools for Critical rEal-time Systems (Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000062) is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by national funds, through the Portuguese funding agency, FundacĂŁo para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    A Model-Driven Methodology Approach for Developing a Repository of Models

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    International audienceTo cope with the growing complexity of embedded system design, several development approaches have been proposed. The most popular are those using models as main artifacts to be constructed and maintained. The wanted role of models is to ease, systematize and standardize the approach of the construction of software-based systems. In order to enforce reuse and to interconnect the process of models’ specification and the system development with models, we promote a model-based approach coupled with a repository of models. In this paper, we propose a Model-Driven Engineering methodological approach for the development of a repository of models and an operational architecture for development tools. In particular, we show the feasibility of our own approach by reporting some preliminary prototype providing a model-based repository of security and dependability (S&D) pattern models

    Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering (CAWE): Leveraging MDA and ADM for the Development of Data Warehouses

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    During the last decade, data warehousing has reached a high maturity and is a well-accepted technology in decision support systems. Nevertheless, development and maintenance are still tedious tasks since the systems grow over time and complex architectures have been established. The paper at hand adopts the concepts of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM) taken from the software engineering discipline to the data warehousing discipline. We show the works already available, outline further research directions and give hints for implementation of Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering systems

    The Modelery: a model-based software development repository

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    Purpose – This paper aims to present the Modelery, a platform for collaborative repository to support model-based software development. The Modelery is a Web platform, composed both by a Web page and Web services for interoperability. Design/methodology/approach – By performing a study in the existing platforms, it was possible to achieve a set of issues to tackle. The issues enabled the possibility to define a set of requirements that allowed the authors to design a new platform, and to perform a model-driven software development process, which started from the requirements until reaching the final software solution. Findings – With this work, it was possible to perform a survey on the currently available artifacts repositories, categorize them and identify their shortcomings. This was essential to define the set of requirements for a new platform to overcome the identified issues. This process leads to a platform able to improve the currently available solutions, and validated in the scientific community. In this paper, the authors also explore the applications of the repository. First, they use the Modelery to replace an older model’s repository. Second, they have enabled the communication between other tools and the Modelery via Web services. Originality/value – This work presents a new Web repository for software artifacts aimed at supporting researchers and software developers. The presented platform is an improvement over other platforms on the integration of artifacts repository, social functionalities and scientific publications integration. The authors conclude this paper by comparing the achieved platform in terms of functionalities, against the other analyzed platforms

    Data Cleaning: Problems and Current Approaches

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    We classify data quality problems that are addressed by data cleaning and provide an overview of the main solution approaches. Data cleaning is especially required when integrating heterogeneous data sources and should be addressed together with schema-related data transformations. In data warehouses, data cleaning is a major part of the so-called ETL process. We also discuss current tool support for data cleaning

    Towards Next Generation Business Process Model Repositories – A Technical Perspective on Loading and Processing of Process Models

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    Business process management repositories manage large collections of process models ranging in the thousands. Additionally, they provide management functions like e.g. mining, querying, merging and variants management for process models. However, most current business process management repositories are built on top of relation database management systems (RDBMS) although this leads to performance issues. These issues result from the relational algebra, the mismatch between relational tables and object oriented programming (impedance mismatch) as well as new technological developments in the last 30 years as e.g. more and cheap disk and memory space, clusters and clouds. The goal of this paper is to present current paradigms to overcome the performance problems inherent in RDBMS. Therefore, we have to fuse research about data modeling along database technologies as well as algorithm design and parallelization for the technology paradigms occurring nowadays. Based on these research streams we have shown how the performance of business process management repositories could be improved in terms of loading performance of processes (from e.g. a disk) and the computation of management techniques resulting in even faster application of such a technique. Exemplarily, applications of the compiled paradigms are presented to show their applicability