35,278 research outputs found


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    Natural tourism pine forest area in Watutau Village Lore Peore District Poso is a natural tourism area oriented to recreational facilities as well as education introduction of pine forests in order to love nature and the environment. The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of natural tourism potential of pine forest areas in Watutau Village, Lore Peore District, Poso Regency, while the usefulness of this research is expected to provide an overview and information to the management (Watutau Village government). This research was conducted for two months from March to April 2021, located in Watutau Village, Lore Peore District, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The method used is qualitative descriptive through observation and interview. Observation is to make direct observations to the object of research and interviews conducted to the public and visitors using interview guides provided earlier. The number of respondents based on statistics as many as 30 people (Cohen, et.al, 2007 in Lestari, RA, 2014), while the results of the study obtained are attractiveness 75%, accessibility 70.83%, accommodation 58.33%, facilities and infrastructure 75%. The results of calculations with the analysis of ADO-ODTWA on the Natural Tourism Potential of Pine Forest Area in Watutau Village lore peore district poso obtained an average value of 69.79% and is included in tourist attractions that are worthy to be developed.Keywords : Pine Forest Area, Attraction, Natural Touris

    Persona" and Interpersonal Uses of Professional Folklore: Peremptory Juror Challenges by Lore and in Fact

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    An attempt is made to explore the legal and non-legal (sociological) utility of the folklore of the art of juror selection to the practicing trial lawyer of the Chicago Personal Injury Bar. The lore concerning the choosing of jurors in personal injury cases may be seen as: a) useful to a lawyer in predicting juror verdict-deliberation behavior; b) useful for predicting jury verdict outcomes; and, c) useful for rationalizing the work world of the personal injury trial lawyer. To corroborate these working hypotheses, 55 Chicago personal injury trial lawyer specialists (those spending 85 percent of their time on such cases) were interviewed with field notes recorded immediately upon termination of session. This was the exploratory phase of some research which resulted in the administering of a questionnaire for a verification-type study of the roles and values of such legal specialists. The sample was generated by the referral or reputation technique ("snowball sampling"). As far as can be determined, the universe of these lawyer-specialists was exhaus-ted; In outline, after the lore is discussed as a resource upon which the practitioner calls in his jury trial of a cause, a short overview of the folklore is presented to orient the reader as to its nature and the issues it can raise. Then a discussion follows, couched in the field interview data, considering whether the lawyer, in fact, employs this lore-based knowledge to direct his selection of jurors. An explanation is then presented to express what this investigator considers to be some important social-psychological functions of the folklore to the practitioner of. the art of juror selection. In conclusion, the lore is shown to lack agreement among practitioners as to its usefulness--the lore is proverbial, contradictory, and too extravagantly specific to be practical. Hence, it is concluded from these data that the lore yields little predictive capability about juror verdict behavior. This seemingly renders it unusable and, hence, discardable. Nevertheless, the lore continues to flourish as a part of trial technique. The lore is discussed as having three functions for the practitioner: 1) for orientation toward the problem of selection; 2) for a posteriori rationalizing of jury verdict outcomes and juror verdict behavior; and 3) for professional communication (to laymenclients and fellow professionals--adversary or colleague) involving the demonstration and/or continuation of professional competence.http://web.ku.edu/~starjrn


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    Lore Lindu National Park is a part of Wallacea line which is precisely located in Central Sulawesi. Lore Lindu National Park has several ecosystem types, such as sub- mountain forest, mountain forest, and lowland forest. Lore Lindu National Park habitat is 80% for birds’ endemic of Sulawesi. Maleo is endemic species which lives in Sulawesi Island and mostly scatter in North Sulawesi Province, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. Since Maleo is wild life endemic of Sulawesi with endangered status, it is necessary to do some actions in order to conserve and protect Maleo in the nature, particularly in Saluki which is located in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi. The study aimed to find out plant species feed of Maleo Senkawor of conservation area in Tuva village. The beneficial study is expected to represent an overview and information about plant species feed. Then, they are ready to be used as material for further research and the preference of plant feed species for Maleo Senkawor in their habitat which it will be protected and conserved. This study was conducted for 3 (three) months. It started from April to June 2014. The used method was vegetation analysis through double strip which placed intentionally (Purposive sampling)   for 4 (four) sighting strip. The size of sighting strip is 20 m x 20 m for tree level, 10 m x 10 m for pillar, 5 m x 5 m for stake and  2 m x 2 m for seedling. Based on the result, there is 12 vegetation species. The highest INP for Kluwak seed is 92,95% of tree level, Sugar Palm is 154, 51 of pillar level, and Bomba is 200% of stake level. Seed is vegetation species which is known  as Maleo feed Senkawor

    Danish Folkloristics: between Philology and Ethnology

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    Aquest article ofereix una visiĂł general dels estudiosos mĂ©s importants del folklore danĂšs —Svend Grundtvig, Axel Olrik, Evald Tang Kristensen, Bengt Holbek, IĂžrn Piþ— i sostĂ© que, encara que la majoria d’ells van ser formats originalment en filologia i sobretot es van interessar per la literatura oral, estaven tots, cadascĂș a la seva manera, d’acord amb l’«ecologia» del folklore: Ă©s a dir, la seva interacciĂł amb l’entorn. QuĂš era el «poble» (folk) i quĂš era la «saviesa» (lore) per a aquests erudits? L’article tambĂ© tracta d’avaluar com els folkloristes danesos van tractar el canvi de paradigma des dels estudis folklĂČrics als culturals.This paper gives an overview of the most important scholars within Danish folkloristics – Svend Grundtvig, Axel Olrik, Evald Tang Kristensen, Bengt Holbek, IĂžrn PiĂž – and argues that, although most of them were originally trained in philology and mostly interested in oral literature, they were all, each in their own way, concerned with the “ecology” of folklore: i.e. its interplay with its environment. Who were the “folk” and what was “lore” for these scholars? The paper also tries to assess how Danish folkloristics deals with the contemporary shift of paradigm from folkloristics to cultural studies

    LORE: A Compound Object Authoring and Publishing Tool for Literary Scholars based on the FRBR

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Conference PresentationsDate: 2009-06-04 10:30 AM – 12:00 PMThis paper presents LORE (Literature Object Re-use and Exchange), a light-weight tool designed to enable scholars and teachers of literature to author, edit and publish OAI-ORE-compliant compound information objects that encapsulate related digital resources and bibliographic records. LORE provides a graphical user interface for creating, labelling and visualizing typed relationships between individual objects using terms from a bibliographic ontology based on the IFLA FRBR. After creating a compound object, users can attach metadata and publish it to a Fedora repository (as an RDF graph) where it can be searched, retrieved, edited and re-used by others. LORE has been developed in the context of the Australian Literature Resource project (AustLit) and hence focuses on compound objects for teaching and research within the Australian literature studies community.NCRIS National eResearch Architecture Taskforce (NeAT

    Standardizing and destandardizing practices at a Flemish secondary school : a sociolinguistic ethnographic perspective on Flemish pupils’ speech practices

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    For a couple of decades now, in Flanders, the functional elaboration of what is generally called tussentaal, i.e. mesolectal language use situated in between (‘tussen’) acrolectal Standard Dutch and basilectal Flemish dialects, has caused increasing concern about the position of Standard Dutch relative to other recognized ways of speaking. This has provoked intense debate about the proper characterization of this evolution. This paper focuses on the daily language practices and overt attitudes of six girls at a Flemish secondary school to illustrate that it is relatively easy to find evidence that suggests this evolution is properly characterized as a type of destandardization. Yet by zooming in on the covert SLI-influenced language attitudes of the girls, I will argue that a close ethnographic study of daily language use is able to go beyond the surface appearances of larger-scale ideologies and can demonstrate the continuing influence of standardization. Sociolinguistic ethnography may therefore have a vital role to play in the ongoing debate about language variation in Flanders

    An upper limit to the secular variation of the gravitational constant from white dwarf stars

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    A variation of the gravitational constant over cosmological ages modifies the main sequence lifetimes and white dwarf cooling ages. Using an state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary code we compute the effects of a secularly varying G on the main sequence ages and, employing white dwarf cooling ages computed taking into account the effects of a running G, we place constraints on the rate of variation of Newton's constant. This is done using the white dwarf luminosity function and the distance of the well studied open Galactic cluster NGC 6791. We derive an upper bound G'/G ~ -1.8 10^{-12} 1/yr. This upper limit for the secular variation of the gravitational constant compares favorably with those obtained using other stellar evolutionary properties, and can be easily improved if deep images of the cluster allow to obtain an improved white dwarf luminosity function.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in JCA
