2,231,872 research outputs found

    An Overview of Human Rights, Good Governance and Development

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    The human rights issues have continue to generate both interest and controversy in the world. This is because more than before the organized world community has placed considerable emphasis on human rights violation especially in developing world. This study focuses on the issue of evolution of human rights, then goes on to address the problems of human rights violations and the impact on good governance. The paper also addresses the economic and social effect of such human rights violations on national development as well as the effect of using communication to solve the problem of human rights violations and corruption

    Introduction To Research Methods In The Social Sciences (SOCI 016B) Syllabus

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    Introduction To Research Methods In The Social Sciences course description:An overview of research methods in the social science, with an emphasis on practicing a variety of techniques/methodologies, and thinking about designing good research questions and assessing answers

    Nutritional Labeling Today: What Consumers Want - and What They Understand

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    Findings from consumer surveys and studies about nutritional labeling tend to be hard to compare, because the methodologies they use and questions they address are quite varied. Nevertheless, by evaluating these studies, we can obtain a good overview of existing nutritional labeling systems and consumer preferences. The present background article offers an overview of the studies frequently cited in current debates.Labelling systems, Traffic light labelling

    Research into the use of ICT and e-learning for work-based learning in the skills sector

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    The report provided an overview of the research commissioned by Becta into the use of ICT for learning by SMEs and the public sector, in the context of work-based learning (WBL). The findings were illustrated with a number of case studies and vignettes of good practice. The report was targeted at stakeholders in work-based learning (WBL)

    A Network of Portable, Low-Cost, X-Band Radars

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    Radar is a unique tool to get an overview on the weather situation, given its high spatio- temporal resolution. Over 60 years, researchers have been investigating ways for obtaining the best use of radar. As a result we often find assurances on how much radar is a useful tool, and it is! After this initial statement, however, regularly comes a long list on how to increase the accuracy of radar or in what direction to move for improving it. Perhaps we should rather ask: is the resulting data good enough for our application? The answers are often more complicated than desired. At first, some people expect miracles. Then, when their wishes are disappointed, they discard radar as a tool: both attitudes are wrong; radar is a unique tool to obtain an excellent overview on what is happening: when and where it is happening. At short ranges, we may even get good quantitative data. But at longer ranges it may be impossible to obtain the desired precision, e.g. the precision needed to alert people living in small catchments in mountainous terrain. We would have to set the critical limit for an alert so low that this limit would lead to an unacceptable rate of false alarm

    Water: the world's most valuable asset

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    The lecture starts with an historic overview of recognising water as an economic good and trends that affect water availability and water consumption. Then it is discussed what makes water so special and what the implications are for economics. Finally , future research directions for the chair are presented

    Spectral libraries and their uncertainties

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    Libraries of stellar spectra are fundamental tools in the study of stellar populations and in automatic determination of atmospheric parameters for large samples of observed stars. In the context of the present volume, here I give an overview of the current status of stellar spectral libraries from the perspective of stellar population modeling: what we have currently available, how good they are, and where we need further improvement
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