1,252 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussian Hybrid Transfer Functions: Memorizing Mine Survivability Calculations

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    Hybrid algorithms and models have received significant interest in recent years and are increasingly used to solve real-world problems. Different from existing methods in radial basis transfer function construction, this study proposes a novel nonlinear-weight hybrid algorithm involving the non-Gaussian type radial basis transfer functions. The speed and simplicity of the non-Gaussian type with the accuracy and simplicity of radial basis function are used to produce fast and accurate on-the-fly model for survivability of emergency mine rescue operations, that is, the survivability under all conditions is precalculated and used to train the neural network. The proposed hybrid uses genetic algorithm as a learning method which performs parameter optimization within an integrated analytic framework, to improve network efficiency. Finally, the network parameters including mean iteration, standard variation, standard deviation, convergent time, and optimized error are evaluated using the mean squared error. The results demonstrate that the hybrid model is able to reduce the computation complexity, increase the robustness and optimize its parameters. This novel hybrid model shows outstanding performance and is competitive over other existing models

    A routing protocol for multisink wireless sensor networks in underground coalmine tunnels

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    Traditional underground coalmine monitoring systems are mainly based on the use of wired transmission. However, when cables are damaged during an accident, it is difficult to obtain relevant data on environmental parameters and the emergency situation underground. To address this problem, the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been proposed. However, the shape of coalmine tunnels is not conducive to the deployment of WSNs as they are long and narrow. Therefore, issues with the network arise, such as extremely large energy consumption, very weak connectivity, long time delays, and a short lifetime. To solve these problems, in this study, a new routing protocol algorithm for multisink WSNs based on transmission power control is proposed. First, a transmission power control algorithm is used to negotiate the optimal communication radius and transmission power of each sink. Second, the non-uniform clustering idea is adopted to optimize the cluster head selection. Simulation results are subsequently compared to the Centroid of the Nodes in a Partition (CNP) strategy and show that the new algorithm delivers a good performance: Power efficiency is increased by approximately 70%, connectivity is increased by approximately 15%, the cluster interference is diminished by approximately 50%, the network lifetime is increased by approximately 6%, and the delay is reduced with an increase in the number of sinks

    Joint Communication and Sensing Design in Coal Mine Safety Monitoring: 3D Phase Beamforming for RIS-Assisted Wireless Networks

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    This paper investigates the resource allocation of a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided joint communication and sensing (JCAS) system in a coal mine scenario. In the JCAS system, an RIS is implemented at the corner of the zigzag tunnels to improve the complicated wireless environment, where ground obstacles frequently block direct links. In addition, a wireless backhaul base station with a limited energy budget is deployed in the depth of the mine to sense the target area and provide internet of things (IoT) services and communication services for users. Furthermore, a data center is placed on the ground to analyze the obtained data and route the communication data. Under this deployment, a joint optimization problem of RIS phase shift matrix, RIS element switches, and area sensing time is proposed. We aim to maximize the successful sensed bits under total completion time, and maximum transmit power constraints. In order to solve this problem, an iterative algorithm is proposed. The successive convex approximation (SCA) based algorithm is used for the RIS phase shift matrix optimization subproblem. For the sensing time optimization subproblem, the quadratic approximation method is proposed to optimize the number of area perceptions. The coordinate descent method is utilized to optimize the RIS element switches. Simulation results show that the energy efficiency is improved by up to 38%, and 7% increases the specific data size compared with the benchmark solutions

    Underground Mining Monitoring and Communication Systems based on ZigBee and GIS

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    ZigBee as a wireless sensor network (WSN) was developed for underground mine monitoring and communication systems. The radio wave attenuations between ZigBee nodes were investigated to measure underground communication distances. Various sensor node arrangements of ZigBee topologies were evaluated. A system integration of a WSN-assisted GIS for underground mining monitoring and communication from a surface office was proposed. The controllable and uncontrollable parameters of underground environments were assessed to establish a reliable ZigBee network

    Enhancing energy efficiency of wireless sensor network for mining industry applications

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    Recent advances in sensing modules and radio technology will enable small but smart sensors to be deployed for a wide range of environmental monitoring applications. They collect data from different environment or infrastructures in order to send them to the cloud using different communications platforms. These data can be used to provide smarter services. However, they are various issues and challenges related to the ubiquitous sensors that should be solved. In this paper we interest on analysis of wireless sensor network from an energy management perspective. The idea behind the energy-efficiency wireless sensor networks is that each node can only transmit to a limited number of other nodes directly. The limited resources of nodes imply that the transmission range is limited. In order to transfer the data to the final destination, the traffic must be relayed using intermediate nodes, creating a multi-hop route. The total energy consumption associated with an end-to-end transmission over such a route can be significantly reduced if the nodes are correctly configured. In this paper, underground mine monitoring system is presented with an overview of the related issues and challenges such as reliability, cost, and scalability

    Ground robotics in tunnels: Keys and lessons learned after 10 years of research and experiments

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    The work reported in this article describes the research advances and the lessons learned by the Robotics, Perception and Real-Time group over a decade of research in the field of ground robotics in confined environments. This study has primarily focused on localization, navigation, and communications in tunnel-like environments. As will be discussed, this type of environment presents several special characteristics that often make well-established techniques fail. The aim is to share, in an open way, the experience, errors, and successes of this group with the robotics community so that those that work in such environments can avoid (some of) the errors made. At the very least, these findings can be readily taken into account when designing a solution, without needing to sift through the technical details found in the papers cited within this text

    Étude d'un réseau de capteur UWB pour la localisation et la communication dans un environnement minier

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    Le jour n'est peut-être pas très loin où une mine pourra compter sur un système de communication sans fil pour échanger des données, transmettre des informations ou localiser des travailleurs dans le cas d'une activité normale ou en cas d'urgence. Au point de vue de la sécurité, un système de communications sans fil aurait l'avantage de localiser en temps réel un travailleur ou un engin. Les travailleurs se déplacent sans cesse dans une mine. Avec une technologie sans fil permanente, on pourrait localiser les personnes de manière relativement précise. Même en cas d'éboulement, avec une technologie adaptée, il serait possible de savoir où se trouve la personne en détresse. Notre travail de recherche s'inscrit dans la perspective du développement d'un réseau de capteurs ultra large bande (UWB) pour deux applications : l'aide à la radiolocalisation et l'extension du réseau de capteurs sans fil dans la mine. Cette étude est focalisée sur trois aspects. La première partie de notre étude consiste à étudier tous les problèmes reliés à la radiolocalisation dans la mine. Vue l'importance de cette application, nous avons mis en oeuvre un réseau de capteurs en tenant compte d'un futur déploiement dans la mine. La technologie utilisée repose sur la technologie ultra large bande. Comme il n'existe pas de travaux qui traitent ce genre de problèmes, nous avons commencé notre étude par une caractérisation du canal UWB dans les mines souterraines. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, plusieurs campagnes de mesure sur site (mine expérimentale) ont été menées. Nous sommes parvenus à une modélisation du canal de propagation et à avancer des recommandations pour aider au dimensionnement d'un réseau de capteurs dans ce type d'environnement. Dans la première partie, le but est d'étudier le problème de radiolocalisation avec les réseaux de capteurs. Notre scénario proposé serait de placer des capteurs sur chaque agent (mineur, engin). On suppose que chaque noeud (agent) qui circule à travers un réseau d'ancre maillé (déjà déployé), va extraire des informations de distance (en utilisant le critère de temps d'arrivée), ensuite il va utiliser un algorithme de positionnement distribué afin de déterminer sa propre position. Lors de cette partie nous avons aussi étudié quelques estimateurs cohérents et non-cohérents du temps d'arrivée. La caractérisation de l'erreur de mesure utilisant le temps d'arrivée dans un environnement minier a été aussi évaluée. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, nous avons analysé par simulations un déploiement d'un réseau de capteurs UWB ad hoc dans la mine. Nous avons choisi d'adopter une approche théorique afin d'évaluer les performances de cette configuration. Une conception intercouche pour un routage optimal a été étudiée. Nous avons utilisé la couche physique/réseau afin de minimiser l'énergie consommée lors de l'acheminement du données

    Analysis, evaluation and improvement of RT-WMP for real-time and QoS wireless communication: Applications in confined environments

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    En los ultimos años, la innovación tecnológica, la característica de flexibilidad y el rápido despligue de las redes inalámbricas, han favorecido la difusión de la redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs), capaces de ofrecer servicios para tareas específicas entre nodos móviles. Los aspectos relacionados al dinamismo de la topología móvil y el acceso a un medio compartido por naturaleza hacen que sea preciso enfrentarse a clases de problemas distintos de los relacionados con la redes cableadas, atrayendo de este modo el interés de la comunidad científica. Las redes ad-hoc suelen soportar tráfico con garantía de servicio mínimo y la mayor parte de las propuestas presentes en literatura tratan de dar garantías de ancho de banda o minimizar el retardo de los mensajes. Sin embargo hay situaciones en las que estas garantías no son suficientes. Este es el caso de los sistemas que requieren garantías mas fuertes en la entrega de los mensajes, como es el caso de los sistemas de tiempo real donde la pérdida o el retraso de un sólo mensaje puede provocar problemas graves. Otras aplicaciones como la videoconferencia, cada vez más extendidas, implican un tráfico de datos con requisitos diferentes, como la calidad de servicio (QoS). Los requisitos de tiempo real y de QoS añaden nuevos retos al ya exigente servicio de comunicación inalámbrica entre estaciones móviles de una MANET. Además, hay aplicaciones en las que hay que tener en cuenta algo más que el simple encaminamiento de los mensajes. Este es el caso de aplicaciones en entornos subterráneos, donde el conocimiento de la evolución de propagación de la señal entre los diferentes nodos puede ser útil para mejorar la calidad de servicio y mantener la conectividad en cada momento. A pesar de ésto, dentro del amplio abanicos de propuestas presente en la literatura, existen un conjunto de limitaciones que van de el mero uso de protocolos simulados a propuestas que no tienen en cuenta entornos no convencionales o que resultan aisladas desde el punto de vista de la integración en sistemas complejos. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone un estudio completo sobre un plataforma inalámbrica de tiempo real, utilizando el protocolo RT-WMP capaz de gestionar trafíco multimedia al mismo tiempo y adaptado al entorno de trabajo. Se propone una extensión para el soporte a los datos con calidad de servicio sin limitar las caractaristícas temporales del protocolo básico. Y con el fin de tener en cuenta el efecto de la propagación de la señal, se caracteriza el entorno por medio de un conjunto de restricciones de conectividad. La solución ha sido desarrollada y su validez ha sido demostrada extensamente en aplicaciones reales en entornos subterráneos, en redes malladas y aplicaciones robóticas

    Cooperative Behaviours with Swarm Intelligence in Multirobot Systems for Safety Inspections in Underground Terrains

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    Underground mining operations are carried out in hazardous environments. To prevent disasters from occurring, as often as they do in underground mines, and to prevent safety routine checkers from disasters during safety inspection checks, multirobots are suggested to do the job of safety inspection rather than human beings and single robots. Multirobots are preferred because the inspection task will be done in the minimum amount of time. This paper proposes a cooperative behaviour for a multirobot system (MRS) to achieve a preentry safety inspection in underground terrains. A hybrid QLACS swarm intelligent model based on Q-Learning (QL) and the Ant Colony System (ACS) was proposed to achieve this cooperative behaviour in MRS. The intelligent model was developed by harnessing the strengths of both QL and ACS algorithms. The ACS optimizes the routes used for each robot while the QL algorithm enhances the cooperation between the autonomous robots. A description of a communicating variation within the QLACS model for cooperative behavioural purposes is presented. The performance of the algorithms in terms of without communication, with communication, computation time, path costs, and the number of robots used was evaluated by using a simulation approach. Simulation results show achieved cooperative behaviour between robots