187 research outputs found

    One-Tape Turing Machine Variants and Language Recognition

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    We present two restricted versions of one-tape Turing machines. Both characterize the class of context-free languages. In the first version, proposed by Hibbard in 1967 and called limited automata, each tape cell can be rewritten only in the first dd visits, for a fixed constant d≥2d\geq 2. Furthermore, for d=2d=2 deterministic limited automata are equivalent to deterministic pushdown automata, namely they characterize deterministic context-free languages. Further restricting the possible operations, we consider strongly limited automata. These models still characterize context-free languages. However, the deterministic version is less powerful than the deterministic version of limited automata. In fact, there exist deterministic context-free languages that are not accepted by any deterministic strongly limited automaton.Comment: 20 pages. This article will appear in the Complexity Theory Column of the September 2015 issue of SIGACT New

    Nondeterministic one-tape off-line Turing machines and their time complexity

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    In this paper we consider the time and the crossing sequence complexities of one-tape off-line Turing machines. We show that the running time of each nondeterministic machine accepting a nonregular language must grow at least as n\log n, in the case all accepting computations are considered (accept measure). We also prove that the maximal length of the crossing sequences used in accepting computations must grow at least as \log n. On the other hand, it is known that if the time is measured considering, for each accepted string, only the faster accepting computation (weak measure), then there exist nonregular languages accepted in linear time. We prove that under this measure, each accepting computation should exhibit a crossing sequence of length at least \log\log n. We also present efficient implementations of algorithms accepting some unary nonregular languages.Comment: 18 pages. The paper will appear on the Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatoric

    Sublogarithmic bounds on space and reversals

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    The complexity measure under consideration is SPACE x REVERSALS for Turing machines that are able to branch both existentially and universally. We show that, for any function h(n) between log log n and log n, Pi(1) SPACE x REVERSALS(h(n)) is separated from Sigma(1)SPACE x REVERSALS(h(n)) as well as from co Sigma(1)SPACE x REVERSALS(h(n)), for middle, accept, and weak modes of this complexity measure. This also separates determinism from the higher levels of the alternating hierarchy. For "well-behaved" functions h(n) between log log n and log n, almost all of the above separations can be obtained by using unary witness languages. In addition, the construction of separating languages contributes to the research on minimal resource requirements for computational devices capable of recognizing nonregular languages. For any (arbitrarily slow growing) unbounded monotone recursive function f(n), a nonregular unary language is presented that can be accepted by a middle Pi(1) alternating Turing machine in s(n) space and i(n) input head reversals, with s(n) . i(n) is an element of O(log log n . f(n)). Thus, there is no exponential gap for the optimal lower bound on the product s(n) . i(n) between unary and general nonregular language acceptance-in sharp contrast with the one-way case

    Translation from Classical Two-Way Automata to Pebble Two-Way Automata

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    We study the relation between the standard two-way automata and more powerful devices, namely, two-way finite automata with an additional "pebble" movable along the input tape. Similarly as in the case of the classical two-way machines, it is not known whether there exists a polynomial trade-off, in the number of states, between the nondeterministic and deterministic pebble two-way automata. However, we show that these two machine models are not independent: if there exists a polynomial trade-off for the classical two-way automata, then there must also exist a polynomial trade-off for the pebble two-way automata. Thus, we have an upward collapse (or a downward separation) from the classical two-way automata to more powerful pebble automata, still staying within the class of regular languages. The same upward collapse holds for complementation of nondeterministic two-way machines. These results are obtained by showing that each pebble machine can be, by using suitable inputs, simulated by a classical two-way automaton with a linear number of states (and vice versa), despite the existing exponential blow-up between the classical and pebble two-way machines
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