1,998 research outputs found

    Processing Structured Hypermedia : A Matter of Style

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    With the introduction of the World Wide Web in the early nineties, hypermedia has become the uniform interface to the wide variety of information sources available over the Internet. The full potential of the Web, however, can only be realized by building on the strengths of its underlying research fields. This book describes the areas of hypertext, multimedia, electronic publishing and the World Wide Web and points out fundamental similarities and differences in approaches towards the processing of information. It gives an overview of the dominant models and tools developed in these fields and describes the key interrelationships and mutual incompatibilities. In addition to a formal specification of a selection of these models, the book discusses the impact of the models described on the software architectures that have been developed for processing hypermedia documents. Two example hypermedia architectures are described in more detail: the DejaVu object-oriented hypermedia framework, developed at the VU, and CWI's Berlage environment for time-based hypermedia document transformations

    A PatchMatch-based Dense-field Algorithm for Video Copy-Move Detection and Localization

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    We propose a new algorithm for the reliable detection and localization of video copy-move forgeries. Discovering well crafted video copy-moves may be very difficult, especially when some uniform background is copied to occlude foreground objects. To reliably detect both additive and occlusive copy-moves we use a dense-field approach, with invariant features that guarantee robustness to several post-processing operations. To limit complexity, a suitable video-oriented version of PatchMatch is used, with a multiresolution search strategy, and a focus on volumes of interest. Performance assessment relies on a new dataset, designed ad hoc, with realistic copy-moves and a wide variety of challenging situations. Experimental results show the proposed method to detect and localize video copy-moves with good accuracy even in adverse conditions

    Modelling Reactive Multimedia: Design and Authoring

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    Multimedia document authoring is a multifaceted activity, and authoring tools tend to concentrate on a restricted set of the activities involved in the creation of a multimedia artifact. In particular, a distinction may be drawn between the design and the implementation of a multimedia artifact. This paper presents a comparison of three different authoring paradigms, based on the common case study of a simple interactive animation. We present details of its implementation using the three different authoring tools, MCF, Fran and SMIL 2.0, and we discuss the conclusions that may be drawn from our comparison of the three approaches

    Output constraints in multimedia database systems

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    Zusammenfassung Semantische Fehler treten bei jeder Art von Datenverwaltung auf. Herkömmliche Datenbanksysteme verwenden eine Integritätskontrolle, um semantische Fehler zu vermeiden. Um die Integrität der Daten zu gewährleisten werden Integritätsregeln benutzt. Diese Regeln können allerdings nur die Konsistenz einfach strukturierter Daten überprüfen. Multimedia Datenbanksystem verwalten neben einfachen alphanumerischen Daten auch komplexe Mediendaten wie Videos. Um die Konsistenz dieser Daten zu sichern, bedarf es einer erheblichen Erweiterung des bestehenden Integritätskonzeptes. Dabei muss besonders auf die konsistente Datenausgabe geachtet werden. Im Gegensatz zu alphanumerischen Daten können Mediendaten während der Ausgabe verfälscht werden. Dieser Fall kann eintreten, wenn eine geforderte Datenqualität bei der Ausgabe nicht erreicht werden kann oder wenn Synchronisationsbedingungen zwischen Medienobjekten nicht eingehalten werden können. Es besteht daher die Notwendigkeit, Ouptut Constraints einzuführen. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann definiert werden, wann die Ausgabe von Mediendaten semantisch korrekt ist. Das Datenbanksystem kann diese Bedingungen überprüfen und so gewährleisten, dass der Nutzer semantisch einwandfreie Daten erhält. In dieser Arbeit werden alle Aspekte betrachtet, die notwendig sind, um Ausgabebedingungen in ein Multimedia Datenbanksystem zu integrieren. Im einzelnen werden die Modellierung der Bedingungen, deren datenbankinterne Repräsentation sowie die Bedingungsüberprüfung betrachtet. Für die Bedingungsmodellierung wird eine Constraint Language auf Basis der Prädikatenlogik eingeführt. Um die Definition von zeitlichen und räumlichen Synchronisationen zu ermöglichen, verwenden wir Allen-Relationen. Für die effiziente Überprüfung der Ausgabebedingungen müssen diese aus der Spezifikationssprache in eine datenbankinterne Darstellung überführt werden. Für die datenbankinterne Darstellung werden Difference Constraints verwendet. Diese erlauben eine sehr effiziente Bedingungsüberprüfung. Wir haben Algorithmen entwickelt, die eine effiziente Überprüfung von Ausgabebedingungen erlauben und dies anhand von Experimenten nachgewiesen. Neben der Überprüfung der Bedingungen müssen Mediendaten so synchronisiert werden, dass dies den Ausgabebedingungen entspricht. Wir haben dazu das Konzept des Output Schedules entwickelt. Dieser wird aufgrund der definierten Ausgabebedingungen generiert. Durch die Ausgabebedingungen, die in dieser Arbeit eingeführt werden, werden semantische Fehler bei der Verwaltung von Mediendaten erheblich reduziert. Die Arbeit stellt daher einen Beitrag zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Verwaltung von Mediendaten dar.Semantic errors exist as long as data are managed. Traditional database systems try to prevent this errors by proposing integrity concepts for stored data. Integrity constraints are used to implement these integrity concepts. However, integrity constraints can only detect semantic errors in elementary data. Multimedia database systems manage elementary data as well as complex media data, like videos. Considering these media data we need a much wider consistency concept as traditional database systems provide. Especially, data output of media data must be taken into account. In contrast to alphanumeric data the semantics of media data can be falsified during data output if data quality or synchronization of data are not suitable. Thus, we need a concept for output constraints that allow for preventing semantic errors in case of data output. For integrating output constraints into a multimedia database system we have to consider modelling, representation and checking of output constraints. For modelling output constraints we have introduced a constraint language which uses the same principles as traditional constraint languages. Our constraint specification language must support temporal and spatial synchronization constraints. However, it is desired to support both kinds of synchronization in almost the same manner. Therefore, we use Allen-Relations for defining temporal synchronization constraints as well as for defining spatial synchronization constraints. We need a database internal representation of output constraints that makes efficient constraint checking possible. The Allen-Relations used in the constraint language cannot be checked efficiently. However, difference constraints are a class of constraints that allows an very efficient checking. Therefore, we use difference constraints as database internal representation of output constraints. As methods for checking consistency of output constraints we use an approach based on graph theory as well as an analytical approach. Both approaches require a constraint graph as data structure. For data output we need an output order that is adequate to the defined output constraints. This output schedule can be produced based on the output constraints. With output constraints, proposed in this thesis, semantical correctness of media data considering the data output can be supported.Thus, the contribution of this work is an qualitative improvement of managing media data by database systems

    A brief review: Multimedia authoring modeling

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    Multimedia Authoring is a way to develop a multimedia presentation. Multimedia content includes images, sounds, videos, texts, and animations. The Kernel Mechanism of Multimedia Authoring consists of the Multimedia Authoring Programming Language and the Multimedia Authoring Model. Multimedia Authoring modeling is designed to enable the Multimedia Authoring function appropriately. Since the beginning of designing multimedia authoring tools, various studies were conducted to create a multimedia authoring model. Multimedia Authoring models that have been studied in existing research are Petri Nets, Hoare Logic, and LOTOS. The three models use different approaches. Petri Net uses a model based on graph calculations, Hoare logic uses mathematical logic, and LOTOS uses a formal specification language. Each of these models has been developed and modified to have higher capabilities. This model modification has advantages over the original model. This review article discusses the development and modifications of these models
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