6 research outputs found

    Readiness of Students in Flexible Learning Modality: A Convergent Parallel Mixed-Methods Study

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    This convergent-parallel mixed-methods study was conducted to examine students' readiness on flexible learning modality established in the local context based on Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 04 series of 2020 or the "Guidelines on the Implementation "Flexible Learning in the Philippines." A sample of  408 students participated in the study. The self-determination theory model and contextual approach to e-learning delivery (learning flexibility, online learning, study management, technology, modular learning, and online interaction) were used as theoretical underpinnings. Data collected using electronic surveys and information from semi-structured interviews were analyzed. The application of a descriptive survey confirms the low level of readiness among students. When compared across the population, the results provided no significant difference in the level of readiness among students when grouped according to sex and provided significant difference according to year level and Course. Interpreting the results together with qualitative analysis parallels the notion of difficulties among students in all dimensions of flexible learning. This research places the thrust of improving curriculum delivery by addressing flexible learning policies in the local context

    Investigating the Importance of Psychological and Environmental Factors for Improving Learner's Performance Using Hidden Markov Model

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    In the proposed work, hidden Markov model (HMM) has been deployed to improve the learner's performance or grades on the basis of their psychological and environmental factors like connect/gather isolation, pleasure/comfort, depression, trust, anxiety, proper guidance, improper guidance, entertainment, and stress. The categorization of psychological and environmental factors has been done on the basis of two factors as positive and negative. The responsibility of the positive factor is to boost up learner's performance or grades, whereas negative factors reduce learning performance respectively. Finally, this paper addresses the application of HMM to determine the optimal sequence of states for different states as grades A, B, and C for different emission observations. The states identification leads to training the HMM model where optimal value of individual states computed using different observation sequences which determines the probability of state sequences. The probability of achieved optimal states is shown in different logical combinations where best state is searched among available different states using different search techniques. The computational results obtained after training are encouraging and useful

    Automated Adaptive Mobile Learning System using Shortest Path Algorithm and Learning Style

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    A directed graph represents an accurate picture of course descriptions for online courses through computer-based implementation of various educational systems. E-learning and m-learning systems are modeled as a weighted, directed graph where each node represents a course unit. The Learning Path Graph (LPG) represents and describes the structure of domain knowledge, including the learning goals, and all other available learning paths. In this paper, we propose a system prototype that implements a propose adaptive learning path algorithms that uses the student’s information from their profile and their learning style in order to improve the students’ learning performances through an m-learning system that provides a suitable course content sequence in a personalized manner.https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v12i5.818

    An Automated Adaptive Mobile Learning System Using Optimal Shortest Path Algorithms

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    Technological innovation opens the door to create a personal learning experience for any student. In this research, we discuss adaptive learning techniques and the style of learning that integrates existing learning techniques combined with new ideas. To create an effective user friendly learning environment, adaptive learning techniques should be used in order to identify the personal needs of students and reduce their individual knowledge gaps. The result will produce learning path containing relevant content that will provide a better learning direction for each student. This dissertation explores the opportunity of using adaptive learning techniques to identify the personal needs of each student by combining different learning styles, student profiles and individualized course content. By using a directed graph, we are able to represent an accurate picture of the course descriptions for online courses through computer-based implementation of various educational systems. E-learning (electronic learning) and m-learning (mobile learning) systems are modeled as a weighted directed graph where each node represents a course unit. The Learning Path Graph represents and describes the structure of the domain knowledge, including the learning goals, and all other available learning paths. In this research, we propose a system prototype that implements optimal adaptive learning path algorithms using students’ information from their profiles and their learning style. Our goal is to improve students’ learning performances through the m-learning system in order to provide suitable course contents sequenced in a dynamic form for each student

    Design pédagogique et jeux vidéo : recherche exploratoire pour le développement d’un modèle soutenant le design pédagogique dans les jeux vidéo non éducatifs

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    Le design pédagogique dans les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est une discipline en mal de définitions et de méthodes. Contrairement à celui que l’on trouve dans les écoles ou autres institutions de formation, le design pédagogique pour les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est fait par des designers de jeux qui n’ont souvent aucune formation en enseignement. Un modèle de design pédagogique pour les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est donc développé dans ce mémoire, à partir d’une recherche exploratoire utilisant l’analyse de contenu de jeux vidéo et les théories de la science de l’éducation. Étant donné les ressources limitées disponibles pour le développement du modèle, la présente recherche pourra servir de base à la construction d’un modèle plus élaboré sur un sujet semblable, offrira des pistes intéressantes de recherche sur l’enseignement par le jeu et pourra soutenir les designers de jeu lors de la planification du design pédagogique dans leurs jeux.Instructional design for non-educational video games is an ill-defined discipline that lacks established methods. Contrarily to the one used in schools or other education or formation institutions, video game instructional design is done by video game designers who often have no teaching training. An instructional design model for non-educational games is developed, in this paper, based on video game content analysis and educational science theories. Considering the limited resources available for the development of this model, it lays grounds for the establishment of a more elaborate model on instructional video game design, offers insights on education through games and can help video game designers plan the instructional design for their games