505,525 research outputs found

    Recognition of object domain by color distribution

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    For the image processing of an object in its natural image, it is necessary to extract in advance the object to be processed from its image. To accomplish this the outer shape of an object is extracted through human instructions, which requires a great deal of time and patience. A method involving the setting of a model of color distribution on the surface of an object is described. This method automatically provides color recognition, a piece of knowledge that represents the properties of an object, from its natural image. A method for recognizing and extracting the object in the image according to the color recognized is also described

    Learning image components for object recognition

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    In order to perform object recognition it is necessary to learn representations of the underlying components of images. Such components correspond to objects, object-parts, or features. Non-negative matrix factorisation is a generative model that has been specifically proposed for finding such meaningful representations of image data, through the use of non-negativity constraints on the factors. This article reports on an empirical investigation of the performance of non-negative matrix factorisation algorithms. It is found that such algorithms need to impose additional constraints on the sparseness of the factors in order to successfully deal with occlusion. However, these constraints can themselves result in these algorithms failing to identify image components under certain conditions. In contrast, a recognition model (a competitive learning neural network algorithm) reliably and accurately learns representations of elementary image features without such constraints

    Analysis of a biologically-inspired system for real-time object recognition

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    We present a biologically-inspired system for real-time, feed-forward object recognition in cluttered scenes. Our system utilizes a vocabulary of very sparse features that are shared between and within different object models. To detect objects in a novel scene, these features are located in the image, and each detected feature votes for all objects that are consistent with its presence. Due to the sharing of features between object models our approach is more scalable to large object databases than traditional methods. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we train our system to recognize any of 50 objects in everyday cluttered scenes with substantial occlusion. Without further optimization we also demonstrate near-perfect recognition on a standard 3-D recognition problem. Our system has an interpretation as a sparsely connected feed-forward neural network, making it a viable model for fast, feed-forward object recognition in the primate visual system

    Fine-Grained Object Recognition and Zero-Shot Learning in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Fine-grained object recognition that aims to identify the type of an object among a large number of subcategories is an emerging application with the increasing resolution that exposes new details in image data. Traditional fully supervised algorithms fail to handle this problem where there is low between-class variance and high within-class variance for the classes of interest with small sample sizes. We study an even more extreme scenario named zero-shot learning (ZSL) in which no training example exists for some of the classes. ZSL aims to build a recognition model for new unseen categories by relating them to seen classes that were previously learned. We establish this relation by learning a compatibility function between image features extracted via a convolutional neural network and auxiliary information that describes the semantics of the classes of interest by using training samples from the seen classes. Then, we show how knowledge transfer can be performed for the unseen classes by maximizing this function during inference. We introduce a new data set that contains 40 different types of street trees in 1-ft spatial resolution aerial data, and evaluate the performance of this model with manually annotated attributes, a natural language model, and a scientific taxonomy as auxiliary information. The experiments show that the proposed model achieves 14.3% recognition accuracy for the classes with no training examples, which is significantly better than a random guess accuracy of 6.3% for 16 test classes, and three other ZSL algorithms.Comment: G. Sumbul, R. G. Cinbis, S. Aksoy, "Fine-Grained Object Recognition and Zero-Shot Learning in Remote Sensing Imagery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), in press, 201

    Object Recognition and Modeling Using SIFT Features

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    In this paper we present a technique for object recognition and modelling based on local image features matching. Given a complete set of views of an object the goal of our technique is the recognition of the same object in an image of a cluttered environment containing the object and an estimate of its pose. The method is based on visual modeling of objects from a multi-view representation of the object to recognize. The first step consists of creating object model, selecting a subset of the available views using SIFT descriptors to evaluate image similarity and relevance. The selected views are then assumed as the model of the object and we show that they can effectively be used to visually represent the main aspects of the object. Recognition is done making comparison between the image containing an object in generic position and the views selected as object models. Once an object has been recognized the pose can be estimated searching the complete set of views of the object. Experimental results are very encouraging using both a private dataset we acquired in our lab and a publicly available dataset

    MASCOT: a mechanism for attention-based scale-invariant object recognition in images

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    The efficient management of large multimedia databases requires the development of new techniques to process, characterize, and search for multimedia objects. Especially in the case of image data, the rapidly growing amount of documents prohibits a manual description of the images’ content. Instead, the automated characterization is highly desirable to support annotation and retrieval of digital images. However, this is a very complex and still unsolved task. To contribute to a solution of this problem, we have developed a mechanism for recognizing objects in images based on the query by example paradigm. Therefore, the most salient image features of an example image representing the searched object are extracted to obtain a scale-invariant object model. The use of this model provides an efficient and robust strategy for recognizing objects in images independently of their size. Further applications of the mechanism are classical recognition tasks such as scene decomposition or object tracking in video sequences

    Measuring and Predicting Importance of Objects in Our Visual World

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    Associating keywords with images automatically is an approachable and useful goal for visual recognition researchers. Keywords are distinctive and informative objects. We argue that keywords need to be sorted by 'importance', which we define as the probability of being mentioned first by an observer. We propose a method for measuring the `importance' of words using the object labels that multiple human observers give an everyday scene photograph. We model object naming as drawing balls from an urn, and fit this model to estimate `importance'; this combines order and frequency, enabling precise prediction under limited human labeling. We explore the relationship between the importance of an object in a particular image and the area, centrality, and saliency of the corresponding image patches. Furthermore, our data shows that many words are associated with even simple environments, and that few frequently appearing objects are shared across environments

    Fine-grained Image Classification by Exploring Bipartite-Graph Labels

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    Given a food image, can a fine-grained object recognition engine tell "which restaurant which dish" the food belongs to? Such ultra-fine grained image recognition is the key for many applications like search by images, but it is very challenging because it needs to discern subtle difference between classes while dealing with the scarcity of training data. Fortunately, the ultra-fine granularity naturally brings rich relationships among object classes. This paper proposes a novel approach to exploit the rich relationships through bipartite-graph labels (BGL). We show how to model BGL in an overall convolutional neural networks and the resulting system can be optimized through back-propagation. We also show that it is computationally efficient in inference thanks to the bipartite structure. To facilitate the study, we construct a new food benchmark dataset, which consists of 37,885 food images collected from 6 restaurants and totally 975 menus. Experimental results on this new food and three other datasets demonstrates BGL advances previous works in fine-grained object recognition. An online demo is available at http://www.f-zhou.com/fg_demo/


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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe goal of semantic image segmentation is to partition the pixels of an image into semantically meaningful parts and classifying those parts according to a predefined label set. Although object recognition models achieved remarkable performance recently and they even surpass human???s ability to recognize objects, but semantic segmentation models are still behind. One of the reason that makes semantic segmentation relatively a hard problem is the image understanding at pixel level by considering global context as oppose to object recognition. One other challenge is transferring the knowledge of an object recognition model for the task of semantic segmentation. In this thesis, we are delineating some of the main challenges we faced approaching semantic image segmentation with machine learning algorithms. Our main focus was how we can use deep learning algorithms for this task since they require the least amount of feature engineering and also it was shown that such models can be applied to large scale datasets and exhibit remarkable performance. More precisely, we worked on a variation of convolutional neural networks (CNN) suitable for the semantic segmentation task. We proposed a model called deep fully residual convolutional networks (DFRCN) to tackle this problem. Utilizing residual learning makes training of deep models feasible which ultimately leads to having a rich powerful visual representation. Our model also benefits from skip-connections which ease the propagation of information from the encoder module to the decoder module. This would enable our model to have less parameters in the decoder module while it also achieves better performance. We also benchmarked the effective variation of the proposed model on a semantic segmentation benchmark. We first make a thorough review of current high-performance models and the problems one might face when trying to replicate such models which mainly arose from the lack of sufficient provided information. Then, we describe our own novel method which we called deep fully residual convolutional network (DFRCN). We showed that our method exhibits state of the art performance on a challenging benchmark for aerial image segmentation.clos