14 research outputs found

    WISM'07 : 4th international workshop on web information systems modeling

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    WISM'07 : 4th international workshop on web information systems modeling

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    The Influence of Manual and Hydraulic Stretchers on Recruitment, Retention, and Turnover in the Emergency Medical Services Workforce

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    The Department of Labor predicts an increase in demand for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as the United States’ population grows older. The leaders of EMS must confront the difficulties surrounding recruitment, retention, and employment turnover of the EMS workforce to ensure a solvent employment pipeline to meet the predicted service demands. Previous researchers found that hydraulic stretchers reduced the number of occupationally acquired injuries among the EMS workforce. Grounded in human capital development and corporate social responsibility theories, this study extended from the work of Brice et al. (2012), Fredericks, Butt, and Hovenkamp (2009), and Studnek, Crawford, & Fernandez, (2011) who found that hydraulic stretchers have a positive influence on job satisfaction, lost workdays, and absenteeism. This study examined the relationship between EMS employment turnover, retention, and recruitment and stretcher systems. This study used a causal comparative design, survey solicitation of data, and a multivariate analysis of covariance as the statistical methodology. The researcher concluded that stretcher type does not influence recruitment, retention, and turnover in this study group. This study improves the understanding of workforce outcomes as influenced by the type of stretcher systems used in EMS. Future EMS workforce research should focus on employment attractors and detractors to women in EMS and investigate the relationship among ambulance call volume, service type, EMS employment conditions, recruitment, retention, and turnover

    ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment

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    It has been a long history of Information Technology innovations within the Cultural Heritage areas. The Performing arts has also been enforced with a number of new innovations which unveil a range of synergies and possibilities. Most of the technologies and innovations produced for digital libraries, media entertainment and education can be exploited in the field of performing arts, with adaptation and repurposing. Performing arts offer many interesting challenges and opportunities for research and innovations and exploitation of cutting edge research results from interdisciplinary areas. For these reasons, the ECLAP 2012 can be regarded as a continuation of past conferences such as AXMEDIS and WEDELMUSIC (both pressed by IEEE and FUP). ECLAP is an European Commission project to create a social network and media access service for performing arts institutions in Europe, to create the e-library of performing arts, exploiting innovative solutions coming from the ICT

    Reduksi Waste Pada Proses Pelayanan Perbaikan Gangguan Plain Ordinary Telephone Service (POTS) Dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma (Studi Kasus : PT.Telkom Kandatel Madiun, Tbk )

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    PT Telkom merupakan market leader dalam industry telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Hingga saat ini PT Telkom memiliki misi untuk memberikan layanan One Stop lnfocom dengan kualitas prima dan harga kompetitif. Namun berdasarkan kondisi aktual, masih terdapat indikasi terjadinya keluhan atau klaim terhadap layanan jasa plain ordinary telephone service ( POTS) yang cukup tinggi untuk wilayah Kandatel Madiun. Keluhan atau klaim tersebut teijadi karena kualitas layanan jasa yang diberikan oleh pihak PT Telkom Kandatel Madiun kurang bisa memenuhi harapan customer. Prosedur proses penanganan keluhan atau klaim dari customer tersebut juga membutuhkan proses yang panjang, komplek dan rumit. Kondisi tersebut memungkinkan teijadinya waste yang cukup besar dalam proses penanganan keluhan atau klaim customer terhadap layanan jasa plain ordinary telephone service (POTS). Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut, perlu untuk dilakukan upaya perbaikan terhadap kualitas pelayanan keluhan atau klaim gangguan plain ordinary telephone service ( POTS) yang diajukan oleh customer dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan jasa produk yang diberikan oleh pihak PT Telkom. Dengan dasar tersebut, penelitian Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisa perbaikan kualitas pelayanan penanganan keluhan atau klaim pelanggan terhadap layanan jasa telepon POTS. Dengan pendekatan Lean Six Sigma akan dapat diidentifikasi aktifitas apa saja yang menyebabkan kualitas pelayanan gangguan telepon tersebut menurun. Harapan dari implementasi Lean Six Sigma dalam proses penanganan keluhan atau klaim customer ini adalah aliran proses dalam sistem pelayanan penanganan gangguan telepon POTS akan menjadi lancar, mudah, sederhana, cepat dengan kapabilitas proses yang baik. Dengan identifikasi waste tersebut, selanjutnya akan dilakukan upaya perbaikan untuk menghilangkan aktifitas yang tidak bemilai tambah dan meningkatkan fungsi aktifitas yang memiliki nilai tambah. Langkah selanjutnya akan dilakukan pemilihan altematif usulan perbaikan dengan pendekatan value management. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan penggambaran proses pelayanan penanganan gangguan telepon POTS dalam bentuk cetak biru jasa (service blueprint). Dengan pendekatan Lean Six Sigma diharapkan kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan pihak PT Telkom Kandatel Madiun terhadap layanan jasa POTS akan meningkat dan mampu memenuhi harapan customer. ============================================================================================================================ PT Telkom is market leader in telcommunication industry in Indonesia. Till this time, PT Telkom owning mission to provide one stop infocom services with excellent quality and competitive price. But pursuant to actual condition, still there are indication that was happened claim or sigh to product service of fixed wire line phone ( POTS) which is high enough in Kandatel Madiun area. It is happened because quality of product service which given by side of PT Telkom Kandatel Madiun couldn't fulfill customer expectation. Procedure process handling of claim or sigh of the customer also require long process, complex and complicated. This condition enable the happening of big enough waste in course of handling of claim or sigh of customer to fixed wire line phone service ( POTS). With fact, it is require repair effort to increase quality of service of telephone trouble claim or sigh with a purpose to improve satisfaction of customer to product service given by side of PT Telkom. Based on statement above , researching of this Final Duty aim to analyse repair quality of service of handling of customer claim or sigh to fixed wire line phone service (POTS). With approach of Lean Six Sigma, it is will be able to identify any actifity that causing the quality of service of fixed wire line phone (POTS) decreasing. Expectation by implementation Lean Six Sigma aproach in course of handling of claim or sigh of customer is stream process in system service of handling of trouble fixed wire line phone ( POTS) will become simple, easy, modestly and quickly with good capability processs. By identified the waste, it is will eliminate actifities which is not valuable added and improve function of activities owning added value. After identified the waste, hereinafter will be conducted depiction of process service of trouble fixed wire line ( POTS) in the form of service blueprint. By eliminating the waste it is expected that quality of service that given by side of PT Telkom Kandatel Madiun will increase and can fulfill customer expectation

    Portland Daily Press : February 13,1868

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    Lecturer receptivity to a major educational change in the context of planned change at Rajabhats in Thailand

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    In accordance with the National Education Act of t999, the educational system in Thailand was changed after 1999, the largest educational change in Thailand in 50 years. The achievable aims of the change were divided into eight main aspects covering, primary, secondary and higher education. These were: (1) ensuring access to basic education for all; (2) reform of the curriculum and learning processes; (3) encouraging participation and partnership in education; (4) restructuring of educational administration; (5) enhancing educational standards and quality assurance; (6) reform of teachers; faculty staff, and educational personnel; (7) mobilisation of resources and investment for education; and (8) utilisation of technologies for education. This study focuses on higher education and aims to: (1) investigate lecturer receptivity to the major change, in the context of planned educational change at Rajabhat Universities, (2) investigate the relationships between lecturer receptivity, and nine aspects to the change, and (3) investigate why Thai lecturers at Rajabhats hold the attitudes that they do. Lecturer receptivity was conceptualised as composed of nine aspects jointly influencing receptivity. They were: (I) attitude to the change in comparison with the previous system, (2) prac1icality in the classroom, (3) alleviation of concerns, (4) learning about the change, (5) participation in decision making.(6) personal cost appraisal, (7) collaboration with other lecturers, (8) opportunities for lecturer improvement, and (9) perceived value for students. For each aspect lecturers would have developed expectations that would, in part, influence their behaviours, and their receptivity to the change

    Annual reports of the town of Hudson, New Hampshire and the Hudson school district, for the year ending June 30, 2005.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire