3,677 research outputs found

    Variants of Plane Diameter Completion

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    The {\sc Plane Diameter Completion} problem asks, given a plane graph GG and a positive integer dd, if it is a spanning subgraph of a plane graph HH that has diameter at most dd. We examine two variants of this problem where the input comes with another parameter kk. In the first variant, called BPDC, kk upper bounds the total number of edges to be added and in the second, called BFPDC, kk upper bounds the number of additional edges per face. We prove that both problems are {\sf NP}-complete, the first even for 3-connected graphs of face-degree at most 4 and the second even when k=1k=1 on 3-connected graphs of face-degree at most 5. In this paper we give parameterized algorithms for both problems that run in O(n3)+22O((kd)2logd)nO(n^{3})+2^{2^{O((kd)^2\log d)}}\cdot n steps.Comment: Accepted in IPEC 201

    Constant-Time Algorithms for Minimum Spanning Tree and Related Problems on Processor Array with Reconfigurable Bus Systems

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    [[abstract]]A processor array with a reconfigurable bus system is a parallel computation model that consists of a processor array and a reconfigurable bus system. In this paper, a constant-time algorithm is proposed on this model for finding the cycles in an undirected graph. We can use this algorithm to decide whether a specified edge belongs to the minimum spanning tree of the graph or not. This cycle-finding algorithm is designed on a two-dimensional n×nn\times n processor array with a reconfigurable bus system, where nn is the number of vertices in the graph. Based on this cycle-finding algorithm, the minimum spanning tree problem and the spanning tree problem can be solved in O(1) time by using fewer processors than before, O(n×m×nn\times m\times n) and O(n3n^3) processors respectively. This is a substantial improvement over previous known results. Moreover, we also propose two constant-time algorithms for solving the minimum spanning tree verification problem and spanning tree verification problem by using O(n3n^3) and O(n2n^2) processors, respectively.

    The Visibility Center of a Simple Polygon

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    We introduce the visibility center of a set of points inside a polygon - a point c_V such that the maximum geodesic distance from c_V to see any point in the set is minimized. For a simple polygon of n vertices and a set of m points inside it, we give an O((n+m) log (n+m)) time algorithm to find the visibility center. We find the visibility center of all points in a simple polygon in O(n log n) time. Our algorithm reduces the visibility center problem to the problem of finding the geodesic center of a set of half-polygons inside a polygon, which is of independent interest. We give an O((n+k) log (n+k)) time algorithm for this problem, where k is the number of half-polygons