35 research outputs found

    Master index volumes 31–40

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    Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods in Computational Complexity

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    At its core, much of Computational Complexity is concerned with combinatorial objects and structures. But it has often proven true that the best way to prove things about these combinatorial objects is by establishing a connection (perhaps approximate) to a more well-behaved algebraic setting. Indeed, many of the deepest and most powerful results in Computational Complexity rely on algebraic proof techniques. The PCP characterization of NP and the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena polynomial-time primality test are two prominent examples. Recently, there have been some works going in the opposite direction, giving alternative combinatorial proofs for results that were originally proved algebraically. These alternative proofs can yield important improvements because they are closer to the underlying problems and avoid the losses in passing to the algebraic setting. A prominent example is Dinur's proof of the PCP Theorem via gap amplification which yielded short PCPs with only a polylogarithmic length blowup (which had been the focus of significant research effort up to that point). We see here (and in a number of recent works) an exciting interplay between algebraic and combinatorial techniques. This seminar aims to capitalize on recent progress and bring together researchers who are using a diverse array of algebraic and combinatorial methods in a variety of settings

    Decidability and Independence of Conjugacy Problems in Finitely Presented Monoids

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    There have been several attempts to extend the notion of conjugacy from groups to monoids. The aim of this paper is study the decidability and independence of conjugacy problems for three of these notions (which we will denote by ∼p\sim_p, ∼o\sim_o, and ∼c\sim_c) in certain classes of finitely presented monoids. We will show that in the class of polycyclic monoids, pp-conjugacy is "almost" transitive, ∼c\sim_c is strictly included in ∼p\sim_p, and the pp- and cc-conjugacy problems are decidable with linear compexity. For other classes of monoids, the situation is more complicated. We show that there exists a monoid MM defined by a finite complete presentation such that the cc-conjugacy problem for MM is undecidable, and that for finitely presented monoids, the cc-conjugacy problem and the word problem are independent, as are the cc-conjugacy and pp-conjugacy problems.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0091

    Complexity Results for Confluence Problems

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    Abstract. We study the complexity of the confluence problem for re-stricted kinds of semi–Thue systems, vector replacement systems and general trace rewriting systems. We prove that confluence for length– reducing semi–Thue systems is P–complete and that this complexity reduces to NC2 in the monadic case. For length–reducing vector re-placement systems we prove that the confluence problem is PSPACE– complete and that the complexity reduces to NP and P for monadic sys-tems and special systems, respectively. Finally we prove that for special trace rewriting systems, confluence can be decided in polynomial time and that the extended word problem for special trace rewriting systems is undecidable.

    Master index volumes 61–70

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    A complete transformation rule set and a minimal equation set for CNOT-based 3-qubit quantum circuits (Draft)

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    We introduce a complete transformation rule set and a minimal equation set for controlled-NOT (CNOT)-based quantum circuits. Using these rules, quantum circuits that compute the same Boolean function are reduced to the same normal form. We can thus easily check the equivalence of circuits by comparing their normal forms. By applying the Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm to a set of modified 18 equations introduced by Iwama et al. 2002, we obtain a complete transformation rule set (i.e., a set of transformation rules with the properties of `termination' and `confluence'). Our transformation rule set consists of 114 rules. Moreover, we discovered a minimal combination of equations for the initial equation set

    Computability in constructive type theory

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    We give a formalised and machine-checked account of computability theory in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), the constructive type theory underlying the Coq proof assistant. We first develop synthetic computability theory, pioneered by Richman, Bridges, and Bauer, where one treats all functions as computable, eliminating the need for a model of computation. We assume a novel parametric axiom for synthetic computability and give proofs of results like Rice’s theorem, the Myhill isomorphism theorem, and the existence of Post’s simple and hypersimple predicates relying on no other axioms such as Markov’s principle or choice axioms. As a second step, we introduce models of computation. We give a concise overview of definitions of various standard models and contribute machine-checked simulation proofs, posing a non-trivial engineering effort. We identify a notion of synthetic undecidability relative to a fixed halting problem, allowing axiom-free machine-checked proofs of undecidability. We contribute such undecidability proofs for the historical foundational problems of computability theory which require the identification of invariants left out in the literature and now form the basis of the Coq Library of Undecidability Proofs. We then identify the weak call-by-value λ-calculus L as sweet spot for programming in a model of computation. We introduce a certifying extraction framework and analyse an axiom stating that every function of type ℕ → ℕ is L-computable.Wir behandeln eine formalisierte und maschinengeprüfte Betrachtung von Berechenbarkeitstheorie im Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), der konstruktiven Typtheorie die dem Beweisassistenten Coq zugrunde liegt. Wir entwickeln erst synthetische Berechenbarkeitstheorie, vorbereitet durch die Arbeit von Richman, Bridges und Bauer, wobei alle Funktionen als berechenbar behandelt werden, ohne Notwendigkeit eines Berechnungsmodells. Wir nehmen ein neues, parametrisches Axiom für synthetische Berechenbarkeit an und beweisen Resultate wie das Theorem von Rice, das Isomorphismus Theorem von Myhill und die Existenz von Post’s simplen und hypersimplen Prädikaten ohne Annahme von anderen Axiomen wie Markov’s Prinzip oder Auswahlaxiomen. Als zweiten Schritt führen wir Berechnungsmodelle ein. Wir geben einen kompakten Überblick über die Definition von verschiedenen Berechnungsmodellen und erklären maschinengeprüfte Simulationsbeweise zwischen diesen Modellen, welche einen hohen Konstruktionsaufwand beinhalten. Wir identifizieren einen Begriff von synthetischer Unentscheidbarkeit relativ zu einem fixierten Halteproblem welcher axiomenfreie maschinengeprüfte Unentscheidbarkeitsbeweise erlaubt. Wir erklären solche Beweise für die historisch grundlegenden Probleme der Berechenbarkeitstheorie, die das Identifizieren von Invarianten die normalerweise in der Literatur ausgelassen werden benötigen und nun die Basis der Coq Library of Undecidability Proofs bilden. Wir identifizieren dann den call-by-value λ-Kalkül L als sweet spot für die Programmierung in einem Berechnungsmodell. Wir führen ein zertifizierendes Extraktionsframework ein und analysieren ein Axiom welches postuliert dass jede Funktion vom Typ N→N L-berechenbar ist