159 research outputs found

    An M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Single Working Vacation

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    We consider an M=G=1 retrial queue with general retrial times and single working vacation. During the working vacation period, customers can be served at a lower rate. Both service times in a vacation period and in a service period are generally distributed random variables. Using supplementary variable method we obtain the probability generating function for the number of customers and the average number of customers in the orbit. Furthermore, we carry out the waiting time distribution and some special cases of interest are discussed. Finally, some numerical results are presented

    Analysis of classical retrial queue with differentiated vacation and state dependent arrival rate.

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    In present paper we have introduced the concept of differentiated vacations in a retrial queueing model with state dependent arrival rates of customers. The arrival rate of customers is different in various states of the server. The vacation types are differentiated by means of their durations as well as the previous state of the server. In type I vacation, server goes just after providing service to at least one customer whereas in type II, it comes after remaining free for some time. In steady state, we have obtained the system size probabilities and other system performance measures. Finally, sensitivity and cost analysis of the proposed model is also performed. The probability generating function technique, parabolic method and MATLAB is used for the purpose

    Analysis of M[X1],M[X2]/G1,G2/1 retrial queueing system with priority services, working breakdown, collision, Bernoulli vacation, immediate feedback, starting failure and repair

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    This paper considers an M[X1] , M[X2] /G1,G2/1 general retrial queueing system with priority services. Two types of customers from different classes arrive at the system in different independent compound Poisson processes. The server follows the non-pre-emptive priority rule subject to working breakdown, Bernoulli vacation, starting failure, immediate feedback, collision and repair. After completing each service, the server may go for a vacation or remain idle in the system. The priority customers who find the server busy are queued in the system. If a low-priority customer finds the server busy, he is routed to orbit that attempts to get the service. The system may become defective at any point of time while in operation. However, when the system becomes defective, instead of stopping service completely, the service is continued to the interrupted customer only at a slower rate. Using the supplementary variable technique, the joint distribution of the server state and the number of customers in the queue are derived. Finally, some performance measures are obtained

    (R1999) Analysis of a Markovian Retrial Queue with Reneging and Working Vacation under N-control Pattern

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    A Markovian retrial queue with reneging and working vacation under N-control pattern is investigated in this article. To describe the system, we employ a QBD analogy. The model’s stability condition is deduced. The stationary probability distribution is gotten by utilizing the matrix-analytic technique. The conditional stochastic decomposition of the line length in the orbit is calculated. The performance measures and special cases are designed. The model’s firmness is demonstrated numerically

    Study of feedback retrial queueing system with working vacation, setup time, and perfect repair

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    This manuscript analyses a retrial queueing system with working vacation, interruption, feedback, and setup time with the perfect repair. In the proposed model, the server takes vacation whenever the system gets empty but it still serves the customers at a relatively lower speed. The concept of power saving is included in the model. To save the power the server is turned off immediately on being empty at vacation completion instant. The customer who arrives when the system is turned off activates the server and he has to wait for his turn till the server is turned on. The unreliable server may sometimes fail to activate during setup. It is then sent for repair and repaired server immediately starts serving the waiting customers. Using probability generating function, explicit expressions for system size and different states of server for the model are obtained and results are analyzed graphically using MATLAB software

    (R1984) Analysis of M^[X1], M^[X2]/G1, G_2^(a,b)/1 Queue with Priority Services, Server Breakdown, Repair, Modified Bernoulli Vacation, Immediate Feedback

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    In this investigation, the steady state analysis of two individualistic batch arrival queues with immediate feedback, modified Bernoulli vacation and server breakdown are introduced. Two different categories of customers like priority and ordinary are to be considered. This model propose nonpreemptive priority discipline. Ordinary and priority customers arrive as per Poisson processes. The server consistently afford single service for priority customers and the general bulk service for the ordinary customers and the service follows general distribution. The ordinary customers to be served only if the batch size should be greater than or equal to a , else the server should not start service until a customers have accumulated. Meanwhile priority queue is empty; the server becomes idle or go for vacation. If server gets breakdown while the priority customers are being served, they may wait in the head of the queue and get fresh service after repair completion, but in case of ordinary customers they may leave the system. After completion of each priority service, customer may rejoin the system as a feedback customer for receiving regular service because of inappropriate quality of service. Supplementary variable technique and probability generating function are generally used to solve the Laplace transforms of time-dependent probabilities of system states. Finally, some performance measures are evaluated and express the numerical results

    (R1971) Analysis of Feedback Queueing Model with Differentiated Vacations under Classical Retrial Policy

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    This paper analyzes an M/M/1 retrial queue under differentiated vacations and Bernoulli feedback policy. On receiving the service, if the customer is not satisfied, then he may join the retrial group again with some probability and demand for service or may leave the system with the complementary probability. Using the probability generating functions technique, the steady-state solutions of the system are obtained. Furthermore, we have obtained some of the important performance measures such as expected orbit length, expected length of the system, sojourn times and probability of server being in different states. Using MATLAB software, we have represented the graphical interpretation of the results obtained. Finally, the cost is optimized using the parabolic method
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