500 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a stream reasoning platform on low-end devices to enable personalized real-time cycling feedback

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    During amateur cycling training, analyzing sensor data in real-time would allow riders to receive immediate feedback on how they are performing, and adapt their training accordingly. In this paper, a solution with Semantic Web technologies is presented that gives such real-time personalized feedback, by integrating the data streams with domain knowledge, rider profiles {\&} other context data. This solution consists of a stream reasoning engine running on a low-end Raspberry Pi device, and a tablet app showing feedback based on the continuous query results. To demonstrate this in a static environment, a virtual training app is presented, allowing a user to simulate an amateur cycling training

    DIVIDE : adaptive context-aware query derivation for IoT data streams

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    In the Internet of Things, it is a challenging task to inte-grate & analyze high velocity sensor data with domain knowledge &context information in real-time. Semantic IoT platforms typically con-sist of stream processing components that use Semantic Web technologiesto run a set of fixed queries processing the IoT data streams. Configur-ing these queries is still a manual task. To deal with changes in contextinformation, which happen regularly in IoT domains, queries typicallyrequire reasoning on all sensor data in real-time to derive relevant sen-sors & events. This can be an issue in real-time, as expressive reasoningis required to deal with the complexity of many IoT domains. To solvethese issues, this paper presents DIVIDE. DIVIDE automatically derivesqueries for stream processing components in an adaptive, context-awareway. When the context changes, it derives through reasoning which sen-sors & observations to filter, given the context & a use case goal, withoutrequiring any more reasoning in real-time. This paper presents the detailsof DIVIDE, and performs evaluations on a healthcare example showinghow it can reduce real-time processing times, scale better when there aremore sensors & observations, and can run efficiently on low-end devices

    Towards an Machine Learning-based Edge Computing Oriented Monitoring System for the Desert Border Surveillance Use Case

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    The design of border surveillance systems is critical for most countries in the world, having each border specific needs. This paper focuses on an Internet of Things oriented surveillance system to be deployed in the Sahara Desert, which is composed of many unattended fixed platforms, where the nodes in the edge have a Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR) camera for field monitoring. To reduce communications and decentralise the processing, IR images should be fully computed on the edge by an Automated Target Recognition (ATR) algorithm, tracking and identifying targets of interest. As edge nodes are constrained in energy and computing capacity, this work proposes two ATR systems to be executed in low-power microprocessors. Both proposals are based on using Bag-of-Features for feature extraction and a supervised algorithm for classification, both differing in segmenting the InfraRed image in regions of interest or working directly with the whole image. Both proposals are successfully applied to infer about a dataset generated to this end, getting a trade-off between computing cost and detection capacity. As a result, the authors obtained a detection capacity of up to 97% and a frame rate of up to 5.71 and 59.17, running locally on the edge device and the workstation, respectively.

    The Internet-of-Things : review and research directions

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    This paper presents a review of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) through four conceptualizations: IoT as liquification and density of information of resources; IoT as digital materiality; IoT as assemblage or service system; and IoT as modules, transactions, and service. From the conceptualizations, we provide a definition of IoT and present its implications and impact on future research in Marketing that interfaces with information systems, design and innovation, data science and cybersecurity, as well as organizational studies and economics. By integrating the implications of IoT with extant literature, we then propose a set of priorities for future research in this area. Highlights ● Consumer experiences with physical products will be highly visible in an era of IoT. ● Physical products are evolving into connected and dynamically reconfigurable service platforms that are socio-cyber-physical. ● Information is leaking out and liquifying everywhere and data is ubiquitous. ● Consumers personal data allow for personalization of the offering but could result in consumer vulnerabilities. ● Shifting boundaries due to information flows in an era of IoT will transform markets and exchanges

    Solution for intra/inter-cluster event-reporting problem in cluster-based protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been considered one of the important topics for researchers due to their wide applications in our life. Several researches have been conducted to improve WSNs performance and solve their issues. One of these issues is the energy limitation in WSNs since the source of energy in most WSNs is the battery. Accordingly, various protocols and techniques have been proposed with the intention of reducing power consumption of WSNs and lengthen their lifetime. Cluster-oriented routing protocols are one of the most effective categories of these protocols. In this article, we consider a major issue affecting the performance of this category of protocols, which we call the intra/inter-cluster event-reporting problem (IICERP). We demonstrate that IICERP severely reduces the performance of a cluster-oriented routing protocol, so we suggest an effective Solution for IICERP (SIICERP). To assess SIICERP’s performance, comprehensive simulations were performed to demonstrate the performance of several cluster-oriented protocols without and with SIICERP. Simulation results revealed that SIICERP substantially increases the performance of cluster-oriented routing protocols

    AI based state observer for optimal process control: application to digital twins of manufacturing plants

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    Les plantes de fabricació estan subjectes a restriccions dinàmiques que requereixen una optimització robusta per millorar el rendiment i l' eficiència del sistema. En aquest projecte es presenta un nou sistema de control òptim basat en IA per a un bessó digital d' una planta de fabricació. El sistema proposat implementa un observador d' estat basat en IA per predir l' estat intern d' un model de procés altament incert i no lineal, tal com seria un sistema de producció real. Una funció d' optimització multi-objectiu es utilitzada per controlar els paràmetres de producció i mantenir el procés funcionant en condicions òptimes. El mètode d'Optimització del Control basat en AI es va implementar en un cas d'estudi d'una planta de fabricació d'acer. El rendiment del sistema es va avaluar utilitzant els KPIs de fabricació rellevants, com ara les taxes d'utilització i productivitat de l'equip del procés. L'ús de sistema de control optimitzat via AI millora amb èxit els KPIs de procés i potencialment podria reduir els costos de producció.Las plantas de fabricación están sujetas a restricciones dinámicas que requieren una optimización robusta para mejorar el rendimiento y la eficiencia. En este informe se presenta un nuevo sistema de control óptimo basado en IA para un gemelo digital de una planta de fabricación. El sistema propuesto implementa un observador de estado basado en IA para predecir el estado interno de un modelo de proceso altamente incierto y no lineal, tal y como sería un sistema de producción real. Una función de optimización multiobjetivo es utilizada para controlar los parámetros de producción y mantener el proceso funcionando en condiciones óptimas. El método de Optimización del Control basado en AI se implementó en un caso de estudio de una planta de fabricación de acero. El rendimiento del sistema se evaluó utilizando los KPIs de fabricación relevantes, como la utilización del equipo y las tasas de productividad del proceso. El uso del sistema de control óptimo de IA mejora los KPIs del proceso y podría reducir potencialmente los costos de producción.Manufacturing plants are subject to dynamic constrains requiring robust optimization methods for improved performance and efficiency. A novel AI based optimal control system for a Digital Twin of a manufacturing plant is presented in this report. The proposed system implements an AI based state observer to predict the internal state of a highly uncertain and non-linear process model, such as a real production system. A multi-objective optimization function is used to control production parameters and keeps the process running at an optimal condition. The AI Optimization Control method was implemented on a study case on a steel manufacturing plant. The performance of the system was evaluated using the relevant manufacturing KPIs such as the equipment utilization and productivity rates of the process. The use of the AI optimal control system successfully improves the process KPIs and could potentially reduce production costs