2,933 research outputs found

    Heart Failure Monitoring System Based on Wearable and Information Technologies

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    In Europe, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading source of death, causing 45% of all deceases. Besides, Heart Failure, the paradigm of CVD, mainly affects people older than 65. In the current aging society, the European MyHeart Project was created, whose mission is to empower citizens to fight CVD by leading a preventive lifestyle and being able to be diagnosed at an early stage. This paper presents the development of a Heart Failure Management System, based on daily monitoring of Vital Body Signals, with wearable and mobile technologies, for the continuous assessment of this chronic disease. The System makes use of the latest technologies for monitoring heart condition, both with wearable garments (e.g. for measuring ECG and Respiration); and portable devices (such as Weight Scale and Blood Pressure Cuff) both with Bluetooth capabilitie

    Simpler learning of robotic manipulation of clothing by utilizing DIY smart textile technology

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    Deformable objects such as ropes, wires, and clothing are omnipresent in society and industry but are little researched in robotics research. This is due to the infinite amount of possible state configurations caused by the deformations of the deformable object. Engineered approaches try to cope with this by implementing highly complex operations in order to estimate the state of the deformable object. This complexity can be circumvented by utilizing learning-based approaches, such as reinforcement learning, which can deal with the intrinsic high-dimensional state space of deformable objects. However, the reward function in reinforcement learning needs to measure the state configuration of the highly deformable object. Vision-based reward functions are difficult to implement, given the high dimensionality of the state and complex dynamic behavior. In this work, we propose the consideration of concepts beyond vision and incorporate other modalities which can be extracted from deformable objects. By integrating tactile sensor cells into a textile piece, proprioceptive capabilities are gained that are valuable as they provide a reward function to a reinforcement learning agent. We demonstrate on a low-cost dual robotic arm setup that a physical agent can learn on a single CPU core to fold a rectangular patch of textile in the real world based on a learned reward function from tactile information

    Blending the Material and Digital World for Hybrid Interfaces

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    The development of digital technologies in the 21st century is progressing continuously and new device classes such as tablets, smartphones or smartwatches are finding their way into our everyday lives. However, this development also poses problems, as these prevailing touch and gestural interfaces often lack tangibility, take little account of haptic qualities and therefore require full attention from their users. Compared to traditional tools and analog interfaces, the human skills to experience and manipulate material in its natural environment and context remain unexploited. To combine the best of both, a key question is how it is possible to blend the material world and digital world to design and realize novel hybrid interfaces in a meaningful way. Research on Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) investigates the coupling between physical objects and virtual data. In contrast, hybrid interfaces, which specifically aim to digitally enrich analog artifacts of everyday work, have not yet been sufficiently researched and systematically discussed. Therefore, this doctoral thesis rethinks how user interfaces can provide useful digital functionality while maintaining their physical properties and familiar patterns of use in the real world. However, the development of such hybrid interfaces raises overarching research questions about the design: Which kind of physical interfaces are worth exploring? What type of digital enhancement will improve existing interfaces? How can hybrid interfaces retain their physical properties while enabling new digital functions? What are suitable methods to explore different design? And how to support technology-enthusiast users in prototyping? For a systematic investigation, the thesis builds on a design-oriented, exploratory and iterative development process using digital fabrication methods and novel materials. As a main contribution, four specific research projects are presented that apply and discuss different visual and interactive augmentation principles along real-world applications. The applications range from digitally-enhanced paper, interactive cords over visual watch strap extensions to novel prototyping tools for smart garments. While almost all of them integrate visual feedback and haptic input, none of them are built on rigid, rectangular pixel screens or use standard input modalities, as they all aim to reveal new design approaches. The dissertation shows how valuable it can be to rethink familiar, analog applications while thoughtfully extending them digitally. Finally, this thesis’ extensive work of engineering versatile research platforms is accompanied by overarching conceptual work, user evaluations and technical experiments, as well as literature reviews.Die Durchdringung digitaler Technologien im 21. Jahrhundert schreitet stetig voran und neue GerĂ€teklassen wie Tablets, Smartphones oder Smartwatches erobern unseren Alltag. Diese Entwicklung birgt aber auch Probleme, denn die vorherrschenden berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€chen berĂŒcksichtigen kaum haptische QualitĂ€ten und erfordern daher die volle Aufmerksamkeit ihrer Nutzer:innen. Im Vergleich zu traditionellen Werkzeugen und analogen Schnittstellen bleiben die menschlichen FĂ€higkeiten ungenutzt, die Umwelt mit allen Sinnen zu begreifen und wahrzunehmen. Um das Beste aus beiden Welten zu vereinen, stellt sich daher die Frage, wie neuartige hybride Schnittstellen sinnvoll gestaltet und realisiert werden können, um die materielle und die digitale Welt zu verschmelzen. In der Forschung zu Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) wird die Verbindung zwischen physischen Objekten und virtuellen Daten untersucht. Noch nicht ausreichend erforscht wurden hingegen hybride Schnittstellen, die speziell darauf abzielen, physische GegenstĂ€nde des Alltags digital zu erweitern und anhand geeigneter Designparameter und EntwurfsrĂ€ume systematisch zu untersuchen. In dieser Dissertation wird daher untersucht, wie MaterialitĂ€t und DigitalitĂ€t nahtlos ineinander ĂŒbergehen können. Es soll erforscht werden, wie kĂŒnftige Benutzungsschnittstellen nĂŒtzliche digitale Funktionen bereitstellen können, ohne ihre physischen Eigenschaften und vertrauten Nutzungsmuster in der realen Welt zu verlieren. Die Entwicklung solcher hybriden AnsĂ€tze wirft jedoch ĂŒbergreifende Forschungsfragen zum Design auf: Welche Arten von physischen Schnittstellen sind es wert, betrachtet zu werden? Welche Art von digitaler Erweiterung verbessert das Bestehende? Wie können hybride Konzepte ihre physischen Eigenschaften beibehalten und gleichzeitig neue digitale Funktionen ermöglichen? Was sind geeignete Methoden, um verschiedene Designs zu erforschen? Wie kann man Technologiebegeisterte bei der Erstellung von Prototypen unterstĂŒtzen? FĂŒr eine systematische Untersuchung stĂŒtzt sich die Arbeit auf einen designorientierten, explorativen und iterativen Entwicklungsprozess unter Verwendung digitaler Fabrikationsmethoden und neuartiger Materialien. Im Hauptteil werden vier Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt, die verschiedene visuelle und interaktive Prinzipien entlang realer Anwendungen diskutieren. Die Szenarien reichen von digital angereichertem Papier, interaktiven Kordeln ĂŒber visuelle Erweiterungen von UhrarmbĂ€ndern bis hin zu neuartigen Prototyping-Tools fĂŒr intelligente KleidungsstĂŒcke. Um neue DesignansĂ€tze aufzuzeigen, integrieren nahezu alle visuelles Feedback und haptische Eingaben, um Alternativen zu Standard-EingabemodalitĂ€ten auf starren Pixelbildschirmen zu schaffen. Die Dissertation hat gezeigt, wie wertvoll es sein kann, bekannte, analoge Anwendungen zu ĂŒberdenken und sie dabei gleichzeitig mit Bedacht digital zu erweitern. Dabei umfasst die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl realisierte technische Forschungsplattformen als auch ĂŒbergreifende konzeptionelle Arbeiten, Nutzerstudien und technische Experimente sowie die Analyse existierender Forschungsarbeiten

    An ontological approach to creating an Andean Weaving Knowledge Base

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    Andean textiles are products of one of the richest, oldest and continuous weaving traditions in the world. Understanding the knowledge and practice of textile production as a form of cultural heritage is particularly relevant in the Andean context due to erosion of clothing traditions, reuse of traditional textiles on commodities targeted at the tourism market, and loss of knowledge embedded in textile production. ``Weaving Communities of Practice'' was a pilot project that aimed to create a knowledge base of Andean weaving designed to contribute to curatorial practice and heritage policy. The research team gathered data on the chain of activities, instruments, resources, peoples, places and knowledge involved in the production of textiles, relating to over 700 textile samples. A major part of the project has been the modelling and representation of the knowledge of domain experts and information about the textile objects themselves in the form of an OWL ontology, and the development of a suite of search facilities to be supported by the ontology. This paper describes the research challenges faced in developing the ontology and search facilities, the methodology adopted, the design and implementation of the system, and the design and outcomes of a user evaluation of the system undertaken with a group of domain experts


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    ME450 Capstone Design and Manufacturing Experience: Winter 2021The Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living (AACIL), an organization led by people with disabilities to empower the lives of people with disabilities, wants an electronic input/output device that gives a unique sensory experience for their members. The device must map user inputs to outputs, enabling users with varying levels of ability to interact with the device and giving them autonomy in the final output of the device. This need was identified by our three primary stakeholders: Sean Ahlquist (A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Professor), Claire Moore (AACIL’s Visual Arts teacher), and an AACIL Visual Arts participant. Through an ideation phase, screening using requirements and specifications, and evaluation using a Pugh chart, we selected our final design: an input/output device that manipulates a textile to alter the projections of lights shining through the textile. Based on a theoretical model of the system, experiments to characterize the interaction between lights and textiles, and preliminary electrical analysis, we created a detailed CAD model. We then moved into manufacturing, ordering purchased components, and assembly. We conducted extensive user testing and verification of our requirements and specifications. The team verified 8 of our 10 requirements, including our user engagement and accessibility requirements. Some of our requirements were not met due to time and budget limitations, including durability and safety labeling. Overall, the device achieved its purpose of providing an accessible, interactive, engaging input/output device for self-expression.Sean Ahlquist; Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living: UM Architecturehttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/167649/1/Team_34-SensorIO.pd


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    The development of a system is informed from design factors in order to success- fully support the intended usability from the perceived affordances [1]. The theory of ‘Human Centered Design’ champions that these factors be derived from the user itself. It is based on exploiting these affordances that the boundary of technology is pushed to sometimes invent new methods or sometimes approach a problem from newer perspectives. This thesis is an example where we inform our design rationales from children in order to develop a gender neutral modular robotic toy kit

    NASA Wearable Technology CLUSTER 2013-2014 Report

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    Wearable technology has the potential to revolutionize the way humans interact with one another, with information, and with the electronic systems that surround them. This change can already be seen in the dramatic increase in the availability and use of wearable health and activity monitors. These devices continuously monitor the wearer using on-body sensors and wireless communication. They provide feedback that can be used to improve physical health and performance. Smart watches and head mounted displays are also receiving a great deal of commercial attention, providing immediate access to information via graphical displays, as well as additional sensing features. For the purposes of the Wearable Technology CLUSTER, wearable technology is broadly defined as any electronic sensing, human interfaces, computing, or communication that is mounted on the body. Current commercially available wearable devices primarily house electronics in rigid packaging to provide protection from flexing, moisture, and other contaminants. NASA mentors are interested in this approach, but are also interested in direct integration of electronics into clothing to enable more comfortable systems. For human spaceflight, wearable technology holds a great deal of promise for significantly improving safety, efficiency, autonomy, and research capacity for the crew in space and support personnel on the ground. Specific capabilities of interest include: Continuous biomedical monitoring for research and detection of health problems. Environmental monitoring for individual exposure assessments and alarms. Activity monitoring for responsive robotics and environments. Multi-modal caution and warning using tactile, auditory, and visual alarms. Wireless, hands-free, on-demand voice communication. Mobile, on-demand access to space vehicle and robotic displays and controls. Many technical challenges must be overcome to realize these wearable technology applications. For example, to make a wearable device that is both functional and comfortable for long duration wear, developers must strive to reduce electronic mass and volume while also addressing constraints imposed by the body attachment method. Depending on the application, the device must be placed in a location that the user can see and reach, and that provides the appropriate access to air and the wearer's skin. Limited power is available from body-worn batteries and heat must be managed to prevent discomfort. If the clothing is to be washed, there are additional durability and washability hurdles that traditional electronics are not designed to address. Finally, each specific capability has unique technical challenges that will likely require unique solutions. In addition to the technical challenges, development of wearable devices is made more difficult by the diversity of skills required and the historic lack of collaboration across domains. Wearable technology development requires expertise in textiles engineering, apparel design, software and computer engineering, electronic design and manufacturing, human factors engineering, and application-specific fields such as acoustics, medical devices, and sensing. Knowledge from each of these domains must be integrated to create functional and comfortable devices. For this reason, the diversity of knowledge and experience represented in the Wearable Technology is critical to overcoming the fundamental challenges in the field

    Physical sketching tools and techniques for customized sensate surfaces

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    Sensate surfaces are a promising avenue for enhancing human interaction with digital systems due to their inherent intuitiveness and natural user interface. Recent technological advancements have enabled sensate surfaces to surpass the constraints of conventional touchscreens by integrating them into everyday objects, creating interactive interfaces that can detect various inputs such as touch, pressure, and gestures. This allows for more natural and intuitive control of digital systems. However, prototyping interactive surfaces that are customized to users' requirements using conventional techniques remains technically challenging due to limitations in accommodating complex geometric shapes and varying sizes. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the context in which customized surfaces are utilized, as relocating them to fabrication labs may lead to the loss of their original design context. Additionally, prototyping high-resolution sensate surfaces presents challenges due to the complex signal processing requirements involved. This thesis investigates the design and fabrication of customized sensate surfaces that meet the diverse requirements of different users and contexts. The research aims to develop novel tools and techniques that overcome the technical limitations of current methods and enable the creation of sensate surfaces that enhance human interaction with digital systems.Sensorische OberflĂ€chen sind aufgrund ihrer inhĂ€renten IntuitivitĂ€t und natĂŒrlichen BenutzeroberflĂ€che ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um die menschliche Interaktionmit digitalen Systemen zu verbessern. Die jĂŒngsten technologischen Fortschritte haben es ermöglicht, dass sensorische OberflĂ€chen die BeschrĂ€nkungen herkömmlicher Touchscreens ĂŒberwinden, indem sie in AlltagsgegenstĂ€nde integriert werden und interaktive Schnittstellen schaffen, die diverse Eingaben wie BerĂŒhrung, Druck, oder Gesten erkennen können. Dies ermöglicht eine natĂŒrlichere und intuitivere Steuerung von digitalen Systemen. Das Prototyping interaktiver OberflĂ€chen, die mit herkömmlichen Techniken an die BedĂŒrfnisse der Nutzer angepasst werden, bleibt jedoch eine technische Herausforderung, da komplexe geometrische Formen und variierende GrĂ¶ĂŸen nur begrenzt berĂŒcksichtigt werden können. DarĂŒber hinaus ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, den Kontext, in dem diese individuell angepassten OberflĂ€chen verwendet werden, zu berĂŒcksichtigen, da eine Verlagerung in Fabrikations-Laboratorien zum Verlust ihres ursprĂŒnglichen Designkontextes fĂŒhren kann. Zudem stellt das Prototyping hochauflösender sensorischer OberflĂ€chen aufgrund der komplexen Anforderungen an die Signalverarbeitung eine Herausforderung dar. Diese Arbeit erforscht dasDesign und die Fabrikation individuell angepasster sensorischer OberflĂ€chen, die den diversen Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Nutzer und Kontexte gerecht werden. Die Forschung zielt darauf ab, neuartigeWerkzeuge und Techniken zu entwickeln, die die technischen BeschrĂ€nkungen derzeitigerMethoden ĂŒberwinden und die Erstellung von sensorischen OberflĂ€chen ermöglichen, die die menschliche Interaktion mit digitalen Systemen verbessern
