5,205 research outputs found

    Apparel mass customization: perceptions of young Chinese consumers

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    The purpose of this study was to explore young Chinese consumers' attitudes towards mass customized apparel products and its applications, including both body scanning and co-design. At approximately 200 million people, the young generation of Chinese, aged 19-28, are a growing spending force. This group of consumers is more into fashion compared other age groups (Kalish, 2005), and, having been exposed to western values, their consumption patterns and values are also changing. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty-seven young Chinese consumers aged 18 to 25. Interviews lasted from one to two hours, and were audio-taped with participant consent. Interviews were conducted in Mandarin Chinese, and were then transcribed, translated, and interpreted thematically. Three concepts related to customization emerged and were used to structure the interpretation: Awareness, Perception, and Experience. Several themes surfaced to provide depth information within each conceptual area. Based on the interpretation, participants were divided into three different profiles according to their fashion leadership and interest level: Fashion leader/high interest in mass customization; non-fashion leader/high interest in mass customization; non-fashion leader /low interest in mass customization. The majority of participants was found to be non-fashion leader/ high interest type, and would be interested in mass customization of apparel if given the chance. Results of the study can help marketers better understand young Chinese consumers' perceptions of mass customization in order to successfully market mass customization in China. Avenues of further research are discussed in light of study limitations

    eBusiness in Apparel Retailing Industry - Critical Issues

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    The apparel industry has, like most other industries quickly started using the Internet to gain improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of operations and marketing. In this report we briefly overview the developments of electronic commerce in apparel industry. We try to develop a framework for choosing the right technology and development options based on the business model and business orientation chosen. We illustrate the framework by four case companies, which have adapted different basic strategies and business models. The cases include companies with traditional operations with also physical retail outlets, as well as companies operating only on the Internet. There are still a number of unresolved problems related both to consumer-oriented e-commerce in general and to apparel industry in particular. Nevertheless, consumers are increasingly using the Internet to do extensive amount of research on products and fashion trends before purchasing through any media, also making more and more online purchase

    Towards an Inclusive Virtual Dressing Room for Wheelchair-Bound Customers

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    If I customize it, I will keep it longer? Segmenting mass customization consumers through the sustainability lens

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    2021 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Mass customization (MC) refers to the manufacture of customized products on a mass basis at prices similar to mass-produced (MP) goods (Davis, 1996). Mass customized apparel (MCA) products can better address consumer needs through the consumer-centric process (Yang, Kincade & Chen-Yu, 2015). Additionally, MCA has been heralded for its ability to reduce waste throughout the supply chain, most notably through the elimination of deadstock (e.g., Boër, Redaelli, Boër, & Gatti, 2018), and is suggested to offer the potential for more sustainable consumer behavior through an emotional bond formed with the customized product (Mugge, Schoormans, & Schifferstein, 2009) that may lead to increased product longevity. The purpose of this thesis was to explore the current MCA consumer market and investigate potential connections among MCA consumer segments regarding sustainability related variables. Specifically, this study utilized actual MCA consumers' purchase patterns (i.e. frequency of MCA purchase, amount of MCA purchase, and duration of MCA purchase behavior) to identify consumer segments and profile this emerging market to better understand their MCA-specific motivations for MCA purchase and satisfaction with the MCA product and customization experience as well as demographic variables (i.e., income, education, and body mass index (BMI)). Additionally, this study aimed to uncover to what extent they may display sustainability-related variables (i.e., emotional product attachment and environmental attitudes) and behaviors (i.e., sustainable apparel behaviors and general sustainable behavior). To address this purpose, an online consumer survey was distributed in Spring 2019, and 318 usable responses were analyzed using the segmentation framework. Two clusters were identified who differed mainly on the duration of their MCA purchase behaviors; new customizers (n = 243) had an average of 2 years of experience as MCA consumers, while experienced customizers (n =75) had on average 9 years of experience purchasing MCA. T-test comparison, multiple regression, and correlation analyses were conducted to explore the characteristics of the clusters. Findings showed a general trend among experienced customizers for stronger motivations and satisfaction, as well as increased environmental attitudes, and more sustainable apparel behaviors and general sustainable behaviors. Interestingly, regression analysis revealed participants' who were interested in making sustainable pre-purchase apparel decisions, such as purchasing apparel made of organic materials were likely to be less satisfied with the MCA products and experience. Both new and experienced customizers reported intentions of keeping MCA products longer than MP apparel, and a significant difference between clusters found experienced customizers intended to keep their MCA product a year longer than new customizers; suggesting MCA maybe a sustainable alternative for consumers. This thesis concludes with a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications as well as suggestions for future research for this promising topic

    Fashion Industry

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    Fashion is a lot more than providing an answer to primary needs. It is a way of communication, of distinction, of proclaiming a unique taste and expressing the belonging to a group. Sometimes to an exclusive group. Currently, the fashion industry is moving towards hyperspace, to a multidimensional world that is springing from the integration of smart textiles and wearable technologies. It is far beyond aesthetics. New properties of smart textiles let designers experiment with astonishing forms and expressions. There are also surprising contrasts and challenges: a new life for natural fibers, sustainable fabrics and dyeing techniques, rediscovered by eco-fashion, and "artificial apparel," made of wearable electronic components. How is this revolution affecting the strategies of the fashion industry

    Technology enablers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 to traditional manufacturing sectors: A review

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    The traditional manufacturing sectors (footwear, textiles and clothing, furniture and toys, among others) are based on small and medium enterprises with limited capacity on investing in modern production technologies. Although these sectors rely heavily on product customization and short manufacturing cycles, they are still not able to take full advantage of the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 surfaced to address the current challenges of shorter product life-cycles, highly customized products and stiff global competition. The new manufacturing paradigm supports the development of modular factory structures within a computerized Internet of Things environment. With Industry 4.0, rigid planning and production processes can be revolutionized. However, the computerization of manufacturing has a high degree of complexity and its implementation tends to be expensive, which goes against the reality of SMEs that power the traditional sectors. This paper reviews the main scientific-technological advances that have been developed in recent years in traditional sectors with the aim of facilitating the transition to the new industry standard.This research was supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the project CloudDriver4Industry TIN2017-89266-R

    Sports Retailinf in India: Opportunities, Constraints and Way Forward

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    Sports retail is a small but fast growing segment of modern retail in India. Recently, thecountry has been hosting many international sports and this has given a boost to thissector. Many foreign and domestic corporate retailers have entered sports retail. Sportsgoods manufacturing is a focus area in the Foreign Trade Policy (2009-2014) and thegovernment is taking a fresh look at the current foreign direct investment policy inretail.In the above context, this paper provides an overview of the sports retail sector in India.Specifically, it presents the different retail formats, consumer profile, retailers’ supplychain and sourcing. It also examines the retail and sports policies and their implicationsfor this segment of retail, analyses the barriers faced by this sector and suggests policyreforms.The study found that the policy of allowing 51 per cent FDI in the single-brand formathas not benefited this sector. The FDI ban on multi-brand retail is not an entry barriersince foreign retailers can establish their presence in India through other routes. Thestudy found that since this is a niche segment of retail, FDI would not have an adverseimpact on traditional retailers. It concludes that government should allow 51 per centFDI in multi-brand sports retail. This will increase sourcing from India, lead todiffusion of technology, proliferation of brands, investment in sports and sportspromotion, among others.Retail, Sports, Government Policy, Trade, Consumer Survey

    NiceShirt.org-Helping Communities in Need through the Creation of a Supportive Fundraising Platform

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    Presents a business plan for the Nice Shirt company. The Nice Shirt company specializes in creating apparel for fundraising campaigns. The business plan outlines: the apparel industry, the company, concept and products, market for the company\u27s goods, economics, marketing plan, operations and development plan and management team and financials

    Enhancing Fashion Sustainability Through a Data Systemic Approach

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    Today everyday life is characterized by the interaction with an ever-increasing flow of digital data. The research aims to analyze the fashion industry as a data-driven enterprise in which the correlation of data characterized by greater information power and higher quality gives the chance to make a more informed decision making that lead to undertaking better and more sustainable actions in all the value chain. Data, in this focus, could have the power of increasing the efficiency of the system and reducing its impact at the same time, creating a new model that is not only able to improve environmental, economic and social sustainability but also communicative, enabling a more human-centered products and services designing. This research highlights the importance of giving an integrated and holistic perspective through a data systemic approach to deal with a complex and fragmented sustainable problem, proposing an information flow strategy that makes accessible information improving transparency and traceability. This paper presents several case studies that show how data-oriented projects can contribute some benefits to a fashion system that has environmental sustainability as its priority, but also that the lack of correlation of all these strategies is not yet able to generate and lead to a systemic change

    The influence of Chinese cultural values on consumer perceptions and behavioral intention towards an apparel mass customization website

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    Mass customization may deliver superior value to consumers compared to mass production because it provides personalized products with prices close to mass produced products. This assertion was made under the conditions and assumptions in Western societies where individual needs, rights, and interests are greatly valued. It is not known whether mass customization will deliver similar value to consumers in other societies, where different value systems exist. The purpose of the present study was to examine Chinese consumers\u27 responses toward mass customization and the influence of Chinese cultural values on these responses.;This study focused on web-based apparel mass customization and investigated (a) the effects of product price and customization level on consumers\u27 perceived value and (b) the effects of perceived value on consumers\u27 behavioral intention. Additionally, this research examined the moderating roles of Chinese cultural values on the relationships between the marketing attributes (price and customization level) and perceived value and between perceived value and behavioral intention.;The study used a between-subject experimental design involving manipulations of price and customization level. Four different treatments of a t-shirt website, resulting from the combination of two price levels and two customization levels, were used as the stimuli. A total of 344 participants from China participated in the study. Each respondent browsed one of the four randomly assigned treatments and completed an online questionnaire. Structural equation models were used to test the hypotheses.;Results showed that higher price significantly reduced Chinese consumers\u27 perception of economic value and efficiency, as hypothesized. Mass customization significantly enhanced consumers\u27 perceptions of product quality, enjoyment, and escapism, as hypothesized. However, respondents did not perceive enhanced economic value from the mass customization treatments. As hypothesized, perceived value explained behavioral intention. The study also found that two Chinese cultural values, relational orientation and man-nature orientation, significantly moderated the relationships between marketing attributes and perceived value and between perceive value and behavioral intention. These findings provide information needed for decision-making about marketing strategies for companies that would like to implement mass customization in China
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