2,066 research outputs found

    Derivation of Context-free Stochastic L-Grammar Rules for Promoter Sequence Modeling Using Support Vector Machine

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    Formal grammars can used for describing complex repeatable structures such as DNA sequences. In this paper, we describe the structural composition of DNA sequences using a context-free stochastic L-grammar. L-grammars are a special class of parallel grammars that can model the growth of living organisms, e.g. plant development, and model the morphology of a variety of organisms. We believe that parallel grammars also can be used for modeling genetic mechanisms and sequences such as promoters. Promoters are short regulatory DNA sequences located upstream of a gene. Detection of promoters in DNA sequences is important for successful gene prediction. Promoters can be recognized by certain patterns that are conserved within a species, but there are many exceptions which makes the promoter recognition a complex problem. We replace the problem of promoter recognition by induction of context-free stochastic L-grammar rules, which are later used for the structural analysis of promoter sequences. L-grammar rules are derived automatically from the drosophila and vertebrate promoter datasets using a genetic programming technique and their fitness is evaluated using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The artificial promoter sequences generated using the derived L- grammar rules are analyzed and compared with natural promoter sequences

    Regulatory motif discovery using a population clustering evolutionary algorithm

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    This paper describes a novel evolutionary algorithm for regulatory motif discovery in DNA promoter sequences. The algorithm uses data clustering to logically distribute the evolving population across the search space. Mating then takes place within local regions of the population, promoting overall solution diversity and encouraging discovery of multiple solutions. Experiments using synthetic data sets have demonstrated the algorithm's capacity to find position frequency matrix models of known regulatory motifs in relatively long promoter sequences. These experiments have also shown the algorithm's ability to maintain diversity during search and discover multiple motifs within a single population. The utility of the algorithm for discovering motifs in real biological data is demonstrated by its ability to find meaningful motifs within muscle-specific regulatory sequences

    High Sensitivity TSS Prediction: Estimates of Locations Where TSS Cannot Occur

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    Although transcription in mammalian genomes can initiate from various genomic positions (e.g., 3′UTR, coding exons, etc.), most locations on genomes are not prone to transcription initiation. It is of practical and theoretical interest to be able to estimate such collections of non-TSS locations (NTLs). The identification of large portions of NTLs can contribute to better focusing the search for TSS locations and thus contribute to promoter and gene finding. It can help in the assessment of 5′ completeness of expressed sequences, contribute to more successful experimental designs, as well as more accurate gene annotation.Using comprehensive collections of Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) and other transcript data from mouse and human genomes, we developed a methodology that allows us, by performing computational TSS prediction with very high sensitivity, to annotate, with a high accuracy in a strand specific manner, locations of mammalian genomes that are highly unlikely to harbor transcription start sites (TSSs). The properties of the immediate genomic neighborhood of 98,682 accurately determined mouse and 113,814 human TSSs are used to determine features that distinguish genomic transcription initiation locations from those that are not likely to initiate transcription. In our algorithm we utilize various constraining properties of features identified in the upstream and downstream regions around TSSs, as well as statistical analyses of these surrounding regions.

    Human Promoter Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis

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    This thesis presents an innovative human promoter recognition model HPR-PCA. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on context feature selection DNA sequences and the prediction network is built with the artificial neural network (ANN). A thorough literature review of all the relevant topics in the promoter prediction field is also provided. As the main technique of HPR-PCA, the application of PCA on feature selection is firstly developed. In order to find informative and discriminative features for effective classification, PCA is applied on the different n-mer promoter and exon combined frequency matrices, and principal components (PCs) of each matrix are generated to construct the new feature space. ANN built classifiers are used to test the discriminability of each feature space. Finally, the 3 and 5-mer feature matrix is selected as the context feature in this model. Two proposed schemes of HPR-PCA model are discussed and the implementations of sub-modules in each scheme are introduced. The context features selected by PCA are III used to build three promoter and non-promoter classifiers. CpG-island modules are embedded into models in different ways. In the comparison, Scheme I obtains better prediction results on two test sets so it is adopted as the model for HPR-PCA for further evaluation. Three existing promoter prediction systems are used to compare to HPR-PCA on three test sets including the chromosome 22 sequence. The performance of HPR-PCA is outstanding compared to the other four systems

    Particle Swarm Optimization with Reinforcement Learning for the Prediction of CpG Islands in the Human Genome

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    BACKGROUND: Regions with abundant GC nucleotides, a high CpG number, and a length greater than 200 bp in a genome are often referred to as CpG islands. These islands are usually located in the 5' end of genes. Recently, several algorithms for the prediction of CpG islands have been proposed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We propose here a new method called CPSORL to predict CpG islands, which consists of a complement particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with reinforcement learning to predict CpG islands more reliably. Several CpG island prediction tools equipped with the sliding window technique have been developed previously. However, the quality of the results seems to rely too much on the choices that are made for the window sizes, and thus these methods leave room for improvement. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Experimental results indicate that CPSORL provides results of a higher sensitivity and a higher correlation coefficient in all selected experimental contigs than the other methods it was compared to (CpGIS, CpGcluster, CpGProd and CpGPlot). A higher number of CpG islands were identified in chromosomes 21 and 22 of the human genome than with the other methods from the literature. CPSORL also achieved the highest coverage rate (3.4%). CPSORL is an application for identifying promoter and TSS regions associated with CpG islands in entire human genomic. When compared to CpGcluster, the islands predicted by CPSORL covered a larger region in the TSS (12.2%) and promoter (26.1%) region. If Alu sequences are considered, the islands predicted by CPSORL (Alu) covered a larger TSS (40.5%) and promoter (67.8%) region than CpGIS. Furthermore, CPSORL was used to verify that the average methylation density was 5.33% for CpG islands in the entire human genome

    Human Promoter Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis

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    This thesis presents an innovative human promoter recognition model HPR-PCA. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on context feature selection DNA sequences and the prediction network is built with the artificial neural network (ANN). A thorough literature review of all the relevant topics in the promoter prediction field is also provided. As the main technique of HPR-PCA, the application of PCA on feature selection is firstly developed. In order to find informative and discriminative features for effective classification, PCA is applied on the different n-mer promoter and exon combined frequency matrices, and principal components (PCs) of each matrix are generated to construct the new feature space. ANN built classifiers are used to test the discriminability of each feature space. Finally, the 3 and 5-mer feature matrix is selected as the context feature in this model. Two proposed schemes of HPR-PCA model are discussed and the implementations of sub-modules in each scheme are introduced. The context features selected by PCA are III used to build three promoter and non-promoter classifiers. CpG-island modules are embedded into models in different ways. In the comparison, Scheme I obtains better prediction results on two test sets so it is adopted as the model for HPR-PCA for further evaluation. Three existing promoter prediction systems are used to compare to HPR-PCA on three test sets including the chromosome 22 sequence. The performance of HPR-PCA is outstanding compared to the other four systems

    ARGO: a web system for the detection of degenerate motifs and large-scale recognition of eukaryotic promoters

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    Reliable recognition of the promoters in eukaryotic genomes remains an open issue. This is largely owing to the poor understanding of the features of the structural–functional organization of the eukaryotic promoters essential for their function and recognition. However, it was demonstrated that detection of ensembles of regulatory signals characteristic of specific promoter groups increases the accuracy of promoter recognition and prediction of specific expression features of the queried genes. The ARGO_Motifs package was developed for the detection of sets of region-specific degenerate oligonucleotide motifs in the regulatory regions of the eukaryotic genes. The ARGO_Viewer package was developed for the recognition of tissue-specific gene promoters based on the presence and distribution of oligonucleotide motifs obtained by the ARGO_Motifs program. Analysis and recognition of tissue-specific promoters in five gene samples demonstrated high quality of promoter recognition. The public version of the ARGO system is available at and

    IN-AIS-MACA: Integrated Artificial Immune System based Multiple Attractor Cellular Automata For Human Protein Coding and Promoter Prediction of 252bp Length DNA Sequence

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    Gene prediction involves protein coding and promoter predictions. There is a need of integrated algorithms which can predict both these regions at a faster rate. Till date, we have individual algorithms for addressing these problems. We have developed a novel classifier IN-AIS-MACA, which can predict both these regions in genomic DNA sequences of length 252bp with 93.5% accuracy and total prediction time of 1031ms. This classifier will certainly create intuition to develop more classifiers like this

    PromoterPlot: a graphical display of promoter similarities by pattern recognition

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    PromoterPlot () is a web-based tool for simplifying the display and processing of transcription factor searches using either the commercial or free TransFac distributions. The input sequence is a TransFac search (public version) or FASTA/Affymetrix IDs (local install). It uses an intuitive pattern recognition algorithm for finding similarities between groups of promoters by dividing transcription factor predictions into conserved triplet models. To minimize the number of false-positive models, it can optionally exclude factors that are known to be unexpressed or inactive in the cells being studied based on microarray or proteomic expression data. The program will also estimate the likelihood of finding a pattern by chance based on the frequency observed in a control set of mammalian promoters we obtained from Genomatix. The results are stored as an interactive SVG web page on our server